Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Said Love Dies? ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Who Said Love Dies?


AN: Hello! Here is chapter 2! Hope you all like it! Why didn't any of you review, don't you guys like it? Please tell me and REVIEW!!!!! Thank you!

Disclaimer: Nope, do not own IY or YYH


~#~#~Last Time~#~#

"K." With that Kagome's mother drove away. Kagome walked into the large building and set off toward JC Penny's. Kagome looked up, from looking at PS2's for Souta, when she heard a loud slap and a girl's angry voice saying, "Yusuke, you jerk!" and a body impacting the floor.

~#~#This Time~#~#

"You're an idiot, you know that Urameshi?" Kagome heard a guy with a deep voice say. Kagome grabbed a PS2 off the shelf and walked to where all the commotion was. She raised an eyebrow at the scene before her, a young woman, about her age, standing over a young man, also about her age. The woman had short brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a pink sundress and was looking like she was going to kill the man on the ground. The man on the ground was cowering and trying to inch away.

There were three other men there; one had beautiful green eyes and long red hair. He was wearing a red school uniform, the shortest of the group had black hair that was sticking up and he wore all black. The last of the group, Kagome recognized him as her cousin, Kazuma Kuwabara.

Kuwabara chose, at that moment, to look up at her and smile. "Hey Kagome, what are you doing here?"

"Shopping for Souta's birthday present, which is today." Kagome replied, giving him a hug.

"It is? Your mom must have forgotten to tell me."

"Kazuma, you're forgetting to introduce me to your friends."

"Oh sorry. This is Keiko and the punk on the floor is Yusuke." He said, pointing to them both. "The red head is Kurama and shorty over there is Hiei."

Kagome smiled at them and said, "Hi, my name's Kagome."

"That is a beautiful name, Kagome." The one called Kurama said.

Kagome blushed and was about to say something when something furry brushed against her leg, looking down she saw it was the most adorable white 6-tailed fox. "Awww aren't you cute." She cooed, leaning down to pick the fox up.

Kurama gasped. "Setsuna, how did you get out?"

"You know her, how?"

"Yes, I saved her and her brothers and sisters a while ago."

"She's adorable."

"She seems to have taken a liking to you, would you be willing to take care of her?"



"Thanks, Kurama. I have to go, Kazuma call me later!"


"Thanks!" And with that Kagome rushed off with the kit in her arms. After paying for the PS2, Kagome went outside and called her mom.

25 minutes later

Kagome ran upstairs and quickly wrapped Souta's present and hid it in her closet. Setsuna sat on her bed waiting patiently to be petted. Kagome picked up Setsuna and cuddled her before turning on her computer and signed on to her IM name. A name she didn't recognized was on her screen.

IM Screen

ShrineMaiden: Who is this?

SilverFoxDemon:* chuckles* 25 minutes and you've already forgotten me.

ShrineMaiden: Kurama? How did you get my IM address?

SilverFoxDemon: Easy. Kuwabara gave it to me. So how is Kya doing?

ShrineMaiden: She's sleeping on my lap right now.* happy smile* She's so cute!!

SilverFoxDemon: And so are you.

ShrineMaiden:* blush* you think I'm cute? I mean we just met not even half an hour ago.

SilverFoxDemon: Well it's true, you are.

ShrineMaiden:* smiles* Oh your so sweet, Kurama.

SilverFoxDemon: chuckles

ShrineMaiden: I'll be right back, I hear my mom calling me.

SilverFoxDemon: Okay, I'll wait.

ShrineMaiden: Arigato.

Kagome smiled at the screen before getting up, much to the annoyance of Setsuna. "Sorry Setsuna."

Setsuna growled a reply and jumped on Kagome's bed, ready for a nap. Kagome ran down stairs. "Momma, you wanted me?"

"Yes, go get Souta and Jii-chan. Souta's friends should be here any minute." Kagome nodded and ran to the base of the stairs. "SOUTA!!! JII-CHAN!!! GET DOWN STAIRS SOUTA YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALMOST HERE!!" Kagome yelled on the top of her lungs. Jii-Chan was down in a matter of minutes but Souta was another story.

"TELL ME WHEN THEY ARE HERE!!" Was the reply.

"No, I want you down here right NOW!!!"

"Why should I?"

"If you don't I'll NEVER give you your present, you've been begging momma to get it for months!"

"A PS2?"


Souta was out of his room in no time and while her mother was busy giving cake to everyone, Kagome ran up to her room to get Souta's present, she got it and was about to leave when she felt a breeze on her back. "That's weird; I don't remember the window being open." She looked at Setsuna, who was up and growling at the window.

Kagome sat down and comforted the growling fox cub, "It's okay, Setsuna. Nothing's there. I'll see you later." She got up, shut the window, and rushed back down stairs with the present in tow.

As soon as the door shut, the window slid open and two demons climbed in, one was a kitsune pup and the other was an inu hanyou. Setsuna looked up at the intruders and growled.

The hanyou spoke first, "Why is she growling, what's she saying?"

The kitsune listened for a moment before answering, "She's asking why we are here. What should I say back to her?"

"Tell her we're here to see Kagome."

Shippo growled the question and Setsuna growled back. "She says to go get lost."

Inuyasha glared at the female 6-tailed fox. "Tell her not until we see Kagome."

"She said `screw you, hanyou!'"

"Fuck off!"

Setsuna looked highly offended before yelping when Inuyasha grabbed her tails and yanked, hard. "Take us to Kagome, now!" Setsuna made an angry sound and growled at Shippo.

"Inuyasha! She says to let her go so she can transform into her human form." Inuyasha dropped her and she scrambled up quickly and began to chant a spell in her mind. A bright white light surrounded her little fox form for a moment before her front paws became arms and hands, her back feet changed into fox paws (just like Shippo). Her body became curvier and shapelier. Her hair, blue with silver streaks, grew out to her mid-back, though her fox ears and tail stayed as they were. As soon as the light came it left, leaving a pissed off hanyou and two kitsune cubs.

"You're only a bratty kid!!!" Inuyasha smirked, pointing at her.

Setsuna's golden eyes flashed dangerously, "I maybe a kid, but at least I'm no asshole!"


"You know, I know your older brother, Sesshomaru. We're best friends. He'd kill you if he knew you were harming me!"

"Wait, how do you know him?"

Setsuna smirked, "My parents were the Lady and Lord of the Northern Lands. Both Our Father's were great friends. And since my parents died I'm the new Lady of the Northern Lands so show some respect!!"

Inuyasha growled and glared at Setsuna.

"Get out of here Inuyasha, one yell and Kagome will be here in a second." Setsuna's smirk widened as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Ah, she's almost here, better get going. Shippo you can stay, I really need someone who can speak my language to talk to."

"Hai." Shippo stayed behind as Inuyasha left to go back to Feudal Japan all alone.

Both kitsune's sat on the bed when the doorknob turned and Kagome came though the threshold but stopped when she saw an unfamiliar kitsune and Shippo sitting on her bed. "Setsuna?" She asked.

Setsuna nodded. "Yep, I have two forms, same with my other family members."

Kagome went straight to her computer and was thankful to see that Kurama was still waiting for her to return.

ShrineMaiden: KURAMA!!!

SilverFoxDemon: Yes Kagome, what is it?

ShrineMaiden: Why didn't you tell me that Kya had TWO forms?! *annoyed*

SilverFoxDemon: I guess I forgot about that, what happened?

ShrineMaiden: I was coming upstairs from my brother's birthday party, I opened my door and there sat was Kya and my son, Shippo.

SilverFoxDemon: You have a son…?

ShrineMaiden: Well… adopted…even though I haven't officially adopted him in the Feudal E…

SilverFoxDemon: The Feudal Era?


ShrineMaiden: *nervous nod* Yes. I'm a Miko so I knew that both you and Hiei are demons. You have the soul of Yoko Kurama living inside you and Hiei is a fire apparition.


SilverFoxDemon: Yep. And you should hear the things he's saying.


ShrineMaiden: I think not.


SilverFoxDemon: I swear if I hear Yoko sing the Barney song one more time…he's gonna regret it.


ShrineMaiden: *laughs softly* I think Setsuna has died from laughing so hard.

Setsuna: *pouts* Have not!


SilverFoxDemon: Now he's dancing…*swirly eyed*


ShrineMaiden: ^_^; *snickers*


SilverFoxDemon: Oh shut up…*annoyed growl*


ShrineMaiden: *giggles* Kurama, I'll be right back.


SilverFoxDemon: Alright.


Kagome looked away from the screen and playfully glares at Shippo and Setsuna, who were running around the room singing `Kagome and Kurama sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.' Kagome smirked and got up from her chair and grabbed two pillows and pummeled the two kits with the pillows. But soon enough the kits grabbed the pillows and tackled her to the floor.


"We win! We win!" They shouted happily.

Kagome got up and sat back down on her chair, sticking out her tongue at them before turning around to talk to Kurama some more.


ShrineMaiden: I'm back


SilverFoxDemon: What took you so long?


ShrineMaiden: Shippo and Setsuna started singing, had to stop them.


SilverFoxDemon: What were they singing?


ShrineMaiden: *blush* something annoying…very annoying


SilverFoxDemon: Like?


ShrineMaiden: the little monsters were singing, `Kagome and Kurama sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.' Enough said. *blush*


SilverFoxDemon: Interesting…


ShrineMaiden: *yawn* I need to go to sleep so I'll talk to you later, right?


SilverFoxDemon: Right. Goodnight Kagome.


ShrineMaiden: Night Kurama.


ShrineMaiden signed off at 9:55 P.M.


Kagome yawned as she turned off her computer, she looked at her pups, both were watching her, blinking their sleepy eyes. "Alright bed. Now."


Both kits nodded and Setsuna transformed back into her fox form. Kagome got under the covers with Shippo while Setsuna was curled up by Kagome's head.



The Next Morning


Kagome was woken by the sound of childish laughter. She sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She looked at the floor where Shippo was doing his best Inuyasha impressions and Setsuna was laughing like mad.


Shippo looked up at Kagome and said, "Momma, Inuyasha was here last night that's how I got here."


"I kind of figured that." Kagome smiled at her kit.


"And, that jerk called me a `bitch'." Setsuna said, frowning.


Kagome growled, "That bastard will pay, Setsuna, don't you worry."


Kagome looked at her clock; it was 5:59A.M. "Alright, you two I need to get ready for school." Kagome got up and got out her new school uniform and a note from her mother, it said:




Starting today you will be enrolled in another school, where you will not be asked if you are still `sick'. Jii-Chan has agreed to let me handle that department. Your new school starts at 7:30A.M. It also has a built in pre-school so your adorable children won't get bored here with me.


Love mom.


"Shippo, Setsuna, get ready your both coming with me." Kagome said a spell that hid their youkai features and made them look human. After getting their uniforms on, Kagome got dressed herself and was out the door, with the directions to the school, her bookbag, and the children.


Kagome got there at 7. 30 minutes until the bell. Kagome went to the principle's office so she could get her class schedule and find out where to drop her pups off. Kagome found the principle's office no problem. The secretary looked at her and smiled, "You must be Kagome Higurashi; the principle is ready to see you, right through the double doors."


Kagome went in the doors Setsuna and Shippo followed closely. The principle looked up from what she was reading and smiled at Kagome. "You must be Kagome, please sit down."


Kagome sat down and Setsuna and Shippo sat on her lap. "I have your schedule, right here. Oh yes, you may call me Mrs. K." Mrs. K handed Kagome her school schedule and a map of the school. "This room is the pre-school, any student that has a child has about thirty minutes with them and then they must get to class." Mrs. K explained, pointing to the room.


"Okay, I'll just get my helper down here so he can show you where your classes are." Kagome nodded. After about 5 minutes the door opened and shut. Setsuna looked behind her and giggled, "Kurama!!"


Kagome gasped audibly and stood up; there stood Kurama, smirking at her. The four of them left the office and Setsuna and Shippo burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter.


Kurama spoke first, "Let me see you schedule." Kagome handed him her schedule and he let out a slight chuckle and said, "We have the same exact classes."


Kagome's eyes widened. "We do?!"


Kurama nodded. "But first we need to take these two to the pre-school."


The walk to room 305 was a quiet one, Kurama was carrying Setsuna and Kagome was carrying Shippo. They reached the room in a matter of minutes. Kagome and Kurama sat down Shippo and Setsuna and said goodbye and to be good.


Two years have passed for Kagome and the Spirit Detectives. They were all out of high school. Kagome and Kurama became a couple a year in a half ago. Kagome thought it was time to go back to the feudal era and see all her friends she left behind…


"Come on! Will you hurry up?!" Kagome shouted at her cousin.


"I would go faster if some of you would kindly help!" Kuwabara grumbled, clearly annoyed. He was carrying all the bags.


Once at the well, they jumped in two at a time. Waiting until the first two weren't inside the well. "Ok ready everyone?"


Everyone replied yes and they began to walk to the village. Kagome had changed over the two years she was gone, Kurama had found away to turn her into a kitsune youkai, Setsuna was very happy with this, as was Shippo. Kagome had also adopted Setsuna and Shippo as her own. The rather small group stopped when Kagome heard the all too familiar sound a smack and `HENTAI!'


Kagome smiled, "SANGO!!!!!" She screamed, and ran to where she smelt her best friend. Kagome gave Sango a BIG hug. "I've missed you so much!"


"I know! Ever since Inuyasha came back without Shippo, he's been acting really weird lately."


"What do you mean?"


"Like, he's been refusing to speak to anyone, and we never see him anymore and when we do see him he's so thin. It's like he's starving himself."


Kagome gasped, "He's harming himself because I left?"


Sango nodded sadly.


Tears filled Kagome's eyes and she buried her head in Kurama's chest. Miroku popped out of nowhere and said, "Inuyasha's coming and by the sound of it someone's with him and he's pissed!"


Everyone grew quiet when they heard two pairs of footsteps and three voices.


"But you've got to eat Inuyasha!"


"Kikyo, I don't have to do nothing!" Inuyasha growled.


Then Myoga's voice piped up, "But Master Inuyasha! You've got to!"


"Yes, you do." Kikyo told him evenly.

"No!" Inuyasha yelled, stomping away to go kill something…maybe some humans…yes that would be good.


Kikyo, sensing what he was going to do, stepped in his path. "Don't you dare, Inuyasha. You've slaughtered enough people already, isn't that enough?"


Inuyasha growled angrily at Kikyo, who wasn't about to back down from the very angry hanyou. "Get. Out. Of. My. Way!" he ground out, lowering his head so she wouldn't she his eyes turning blood red or his claws and fangs grew longer and sharper. Kagome had though; she gasped and yelled, "Kikyo! Get away from him he's turned into a full demon!!"


Kikyo looked at Kagome and gasped and then looked back at Inuyasha, who was staring at her an evil smirk playing across his lips.





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