Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Magic ❯ Winter Magic: Angels ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, welcome to my new stories! It's just a bunch of one-shots, though, and all of them will be based around Kagome and her friends. Most likely all of them will be fluffy, cute, and/or romantic, and it is a crossover with InuYasha and YuYu Hakusho. Hm… Well, if you want, you can vote at the bottom. If I don't have a choice for the pairing you want, then that pairing is already in action.
Please read and review. Enjoy!
Crossover: InuYasha and YuYu Hakusho crossover
Pairing: Yusuke and Kagome pairing!
Setting: After everything is over, Christmas.
Dedication: ShadowStar09: Thank you for being so patient; this is a Yus-kun and Kag-chan pairing fic, just for you!
The clock on her bedside table flashed midnight in bright, red numbers. Sighing, the girl rolled over off her back and onto her stomach, suffocating her head in the fluffy pillow. After a few minutes, though, and the flashing lights did not stop, she had no choice but to uncover her face and roll out of bed. Her feet hit the floor, and she automatically shivered as the coldness of the wooden floors surged up through her feet and throughout her body.
There was no point in trying to sleep, she just couldn't. Not tonight, at least. Kagome had not had a decent night's sleep in more than a month, her mind was so troubled with a jumble of random thoughts. Slowly she walked across the cold floor, her thin nightgown flowing around her feet as the air from the open window blew across the bedroom, sweeping in a small flurry of snow.
Snow. Kagome smiled a small, weak smile. Even if there was no hope for her to be happy tonight, the snow increased her attitude, if only a small bit. The small flurry landed on the floor just beside the window. It would surely melt, and ruin the floors. Oh well, too bad. It was tomorrow's problem.
She pulled a pair of thick, black jeans on under her thin nightgown, which she pulled off and replaced with an off-white, cable-knit turtleneck sweater. A pair of fluffy socks now adorned her feet, as were her grey and black snow boots quickly pulled on after that. A puffy, thick black coat was pulled on and zipped up, while a black and red striped beanie was placed on her head. Finally, the outfit was complete when Kagome put a pair of thick red mittens on her hands.
Just because she didn't mind sleeping in the cold did not mean that it was the same as when she went outside. Inside, Kagome was warm with her four layers of thick blankets, and the body heat of her small cat, Kirara. Speaking of which, the two-tailed demon cat was currently curled up on the second pillow on Kagome's bed.
"I'll be back soon." Kagome whispered into the darkness, well aware that since she was asleep, Kirara could not hear her. She pulled open the door and stepped out into the night, quickly closing it after her. Walking away from the small apartment, Kagome disappeared into the night, heading towards the park.
Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Yusuke closed his eyes and turned his head towards the dark night sky. A small sigh escaped his lips as he looked back down in front of him, watching where he was walking. Vaguely, the former Spirit Detective remembered that this was the way towards the park.
It did not matter any more. Here he was, walking through the one-foot drifts of snow, at one after midnight, Christmas day. Well, more technically, Christmas morning, but like it was said before, it did not matter. Yusuke's thoughts turned over from where he was, to why he was where he was. His friends, his ex-girlfriend, his ex-boss, everything.
'Friends… Keiko…' his mind wandered onto is girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend, that is…
She, being the person she was, was most likely sleeping in a soft, warm bed, her mind unaware of the thoughts on herself. Probably lying next to that guy she found, Hobo, his name was or something. Or maybe she was not sleeping at all, but instead—no. He did not want to go over that right now. It was Christmas.
No matter how hard he tried, Yusuke could not summon the ultimate power to conjure bad feelings against Keiko, or that Hobo guy, for that matter. It wasn't her fault that they had drifted apart; he had spent too much time with his job, while she had spent too much time with her new friends from another high school, who had introduced her to Hobo.
'I'm sorry Yusuke, but it was either me or the job.' Keiko's words stuck in his mind, as did the tears that had fallen down both their faces. More on Keiko's, but just barely, you could see some on his.
'But Keiko, that's not fare! You know I can't choose between you and the job!' Had been his retort. She had then put a soft hand on his shoulder, reaching up to reach it. He had grown taller than her. The movement had left a burning sensation in the spot, which was still there now. Though, it wasn't the good kind that he had felt when she had touched him at first, this time it hurt. It hurt a lot worse than it normally would.
That was because he had known, at that point, what had been coming to him. Those large, light brown eyes had said it all. They had said goodbye.
'I know, Yusuke…' She had said, her eyes soft and pleading. Pleading for what? Praying that he wouldn't go into a deep rage, one that he would not have been able to snap out of? Hoping that he would not hurt her dear Hobo, whom Yusuke had later discovered had been hiding behind a tree for Keiko?
'And that's why… I'm not giving you a choice…' Keiko's words stung, like a dagger dipped in poison and then struck into his chest, aiming for his heart. Those words could mean two things: that she was just up and leaving him, or that she was making him leave his job.
But he couldn't do that. No, Yusuke had a duty to protect the modern world from demon attacks against humans. He had to protect the world, along with his friends, from a whole massacre. So leaving his job was not a choice, at a time like this. Which only left one option for what Keiko meant, the one thing he had been dreading.
'I have to go… Hojo and I have a date at the movies, and he always shows up.' Hojo. That was his name. Not Hobo. Oh well, personally, Yusuke liked the term 'Hobo' much better.
She could have said it in nicer words. And she didn't have to add that last part, about showing up on time. So what if he had missed a few dates? Was it such a big problem that he had to go save the world just a few times, which meant he couldn't come to the movies that night? No it shouldn't have been. Not for her, at least. It wasn't fare though, that she had hooked up while he had thought they had still been going out. So she was a controller and a cheater.
The former Spirit Detective was snapped out of his deep thoughts when he tripped over a thick pile of snow. There was no time to take his hands out of his pockets, and so he landed face first, at the entrance of the park. The large iron gates looked menacing, a Victorian style, but it was just a park. Grunting, Yusuke pushed himself to his feet, and continues on and into the park.
Keeping on the path that led throughout the park, his thoughts traveled to his job. The job which he cared for so much, but had led to so many problems through his life. The loss of friends, Keiko, and any chance of a normal life that he had once had. Hah. Having experienced the things he once had, would he really want a normal life back now? A boring, plain, every-day-is-the-same kind of life? That was what Keiko wanted. And he did not have that to offer to her.
Soon after the break-up, Yusuke had quit the job, saying it was too much trouble. They had demanded that he stay, threatening even. When demanding and threatening did not work after a while, they tried to plead their way into making him stay with the job.
One even hugged his leg, saying that he would not get off until Yusuke accepted the job again. A decent kick in the place-that-shall-not-be-named brought a solution to that problem. He had walked away from the job of a lifetime, just because it brought so much misery to everyone surrounding him. He would have to lie and cheat his way through the world now, only because he had nothing else to do.
His friends came to mind after that. Kuwabara. The big oaf had begged and pleaded that he should stay with the strange job, with no avail. Even if Yusuke did not openly admit it, Kuwabara was his best friend, and would always be. They enjoyed the fights they had, even if they got hurt every once and a while. He and his sister had invited Yusuke to their house for Christmas and Christmas Eve, but he had declined the offer, unusually polite.
Kurama. Well, that was what they called him now. He was nineteen now, one year older than himself and Kuwabara. Sadly, he had now fully merged into one person with only one soul. Now he was a half demon. Every new moon he turned into a regular human, and whenever he was facing a very strong demon, he turned into his full demon form, which was Youko's form. Everyday, though, he just looked like plain old Kurama, or how he usually did. He too had invited Yusuke for Christmas.
Hiei. Even if the demon did not fully accept Yusuke as a friend out in the open, they both knew it deep down. Heck, he had almost gotten a hug from the short apparition once. So what, it actually turned out into a punch in the stomach, but it was almost a hug… Or as close as they would get to one. The demon was no doubt spending Christmas with Kurama and his family, or maybe with Yukina.
There was so much he could be doing at a time like this, but wasn't. He could be at Kuwabara's house, sleeping on the couch, ready to wake and enjoy a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and eggs, then go out and enjoy the Christmas spirit; together. He could be sleeping in his own apartment, which he owned alone, ready to wake and go over to Kurama's house. He could be at Genkai's. But he wasn't.
All of his friends had been supportive and helpful throughout the whole time, and for that Yusuke was grateful. They had all hung out together, even though it wasn't required because he was not a part of the team. Yet they still hung out, walking around, goofing off and just talking. Doing what friends do. They helped him after the break-up, heck, Kuwabara even offered to set him up with his cousin.
Of course, Yusuke declined that offer as well.
Focusing back on the snow in front of him, Yusuke realized he was in the middle of the park, where it was all open and wide, only a few trees winding in between. A strange noise reached his ears, far off to the side. He veered left, determined to figure who else was up at this time of night besides himself.
Kagome walked until she reached the center of the park. It was wide and open, only a few trees standing around oddly, watching her. It was strange, to have naked trees watching you, that is. They had lost all of their hair, and clothing; their leaves were all gone. Stopping at one specific spot, she lay back into the perfect snow.
Tonight, or, she should say, morning was deserted. The streets were empty, even though it was only a few minutes after midnight, Christmas morning. The only people walking the streets right now were homeless folk and those kind of women. Bed warmers, you could say. What a great Christmas gift.
In the morning you wake up, and say, 'hello!' to someone you don't know. But then, the memory hits you, and you say, 'oh yes! I remember now, I picked you up off the streets last night! Let's go open presents!'. There was nothing wrong with that, besides the fact that they didn't know each other. Kagome just thought it would be strange.
'But hey,' She thought, 'I guess even prostitutes deserve a Christmas gift…' Again, here was the normal Kagome we know, kind words for all, even the sinful ones.
The whole city of Tokyo was in lights, of course, but that did not mean anyone was out there. No, everyone had rushed back to their homes or apartments, eager to go to sleep and then awake in the morning, ready to celebrate Christmas with all their friends and family.
Lucky, that's what they were. Kagome was all alone, just like she had been for the past four years. Though, the other times, she hadn't really been alone. It was called being alone with friends, alone in a group. Now she was really alone, though, with only Kirara to keep her company. And she was too busy sleeping right now.
Her thoughts drifted onto the past years. The past… There was times when Kagome wished she could just jump back down the well one day, and have InuYasha yell at her for being late, have Shippou cry that the half demon had been mean, or that familiar greeting from her brother and sister. Not in reality, of course, they were just friends. But they were the closest to family she had ever felt.
Maybe that was why it had hurt so much when they had died, leaving this world, leaving her. It seemed fate had some kind of grudge against her, because everything bad or different always happened to her. This time, fate had made sure that every single person she cared for left her, in the exact opposite order that she had met them in.
That meant the first to die was Sango. While fighting her brother in the final battle with Naraku, the tricky bastard had decided that fare game was not the way to play, and had struck down the demon slayer while her back was turned. Before she died, though, she had fulfilled her wish and professed her love to Miroku, and avenged her younger brother's soul by taking him down with her.
Miroku fell soon after his love had fallen. His death may have been painful, but he was gone soon after the attack. He too confessed his love for Sango, and that he really wished that Sango had been there earlier to bear his child. How much Kagome wished that they could both be alive, even if it meant that she would have to leave her brother and sister one day.
The miko regretted leaving Shippou at the village with Keade. Of course Naraku had attacked the village, setting fire to the buildings and killing every single thing that was there, and the one to find the ruins was Kagome. That meant Shippou was dead. Her son. And so was Keade, her sort-of grandmother.
InuYasha was the last to leave. Kagome had never had the chance to confess her undying love for him, and so he was sucked to hell with her. With Kikyo. InuYasha's eyes did not hold hate towards her, though, and they did not hold anything against her. All they showed when looking at her was pity. Pity that she had been left behind, only with Kirara.
Kagome still remembered the look on Kikyo's face as she sucked InuYasha to hell with her. The undead miko had wrapped her arms around the half demon, while the ground collapsed around them into hell. As she looked over InuYasha's shoulder to Kagome, Kikyo had smirked. A true, sincere, smirk. Her eyes held malice towards the younger girl. The nineteen year old girl could see Kikyo in hell with InuYasha, just chanting, 'first come, first serve.'
Sighing, Kagome concentrated more on the snow that was swirling through the air in twisting flurries. She lay down on her back, and began to move her arms and legs back and forth, or side to side in one case. She retired back to her thoughts then, still making the strange movements. A voice broke into her thoughts.
"What are you doing?" It drawled, obviously male. It stood above her, too far out of her view for her to see its face without lifting her head. Waving her arms for just another moment, she stopped and looked up at the waiting figure.
Stormy blue-grey eyes met chocolate brown, and instantly both were enraptured with the other. After a moment, though, Yusuke looked away towards the sky, and Kagome lay back down in the soft, cold snow, a thin line of blush on both of their faces. Kagome motioned to the empty spot of snow next to her with a red-mittened hand.
"Making angels. Join me." She said, and went back to her own angel in the snow. Yusuke rolled his eyes, but momentarily joined her nonetheless. He shivered the instant his back and legs hit the snow, finally regretting his decision to wear a thing coat and thin jeans.
Watching Kagome for a moment, he inquired, "And why are we making angels? In the cold snow, for that matter." He muttered the last part. Yusuke's words fell on deaf ears, though, and he got no answer as Kagome continued on with making the angel in the snow. Soon, Kagome poked him in the ribs with her red-mittened hand, telling him to get a move on making his own angel.
"Because angels take the pain away." Kagome stated simply after a while. Reluctantly, Yusuke waved his arms and legs in the same motions she had, making his angel.
Kagome sat up for a minute, just watching the boy as he made a fool of himself by waving his arms and legs around like a maniac, supposedly making an 'angel' next to her. It looked more like a blob, but he didn't need to know that. His chocolate brown eyes held pure bliss at the moment, but there was pain hidden deep down inside, and secrets.
After a few moments of being observed, Yusuke sat up too. "Tell me your secret." Kagome spoke quietly, and his eyes widened. Then, they looked down, ashamed, as his shoulders slumped as well.
"You wouldn't believe my secret if I told you." He said after a few moments, not meeting her large, blue-grey eyes. She smiled softly.
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. And don't leave anything out." She said, and he looked up. Seeing the innocence in the pure blue-grey eyes struck something in him, and automatically he began to tell his story. Everything about the job, Keiko, his friends, and even about the demons, he told her. She didn't flinch like she expected her to, and never looked at him like he was crazy.
When he was done, Kagome told him her own story, and hoped that he would accept it. It was so… well, comforting to know that someone else had gone through a similar experience. Sure, there were differences, but it all had to deal with demons, and that didn't happen everyday.
Yusuke and Kagome sat in silence for a moment, pondering everything and nothing at the same time. After a while, Yusuke took his hands out of his pockets and held them out.
"I can't feel my hands." He stated, and Kagome looked down at them. His hands were pale and light blue in color from the cold, a bad sign for hands. Kagome frowned, and took her own mittens off.
Rubbing his cold hands between her own mitten-warmed ones, she lightly blew on them with warm breath. "There." She said, seeing that they had regained their regular color. She released his hands and smiled a small smile at Yusuke, surprising him.
"What's your name? Mine's Urameshi Yusuke." He said.
"Kagome. Higurashi Kagome." She responded with a small smile.
They sat in silence for another few moments, watching as the flurries of snow twirled around them. Soon, Yusuke came up with a something better than the silence game.
"Hey Kagome…" He started, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "I can't feel my lips…" The smirk formed a full blown grin. A Small blush appeared on Kagome's face, but soon she laughed it off.
Their faces got closer and closer until Kagome could not stand the tension, and closed the gap of space between them, pressing her own soft lips against his. To say Yusuke was surprised would be like saying Shippou had thought Kagome as his replacement mother figure. An understatement.
They broke apart for air after a while. "Didn't your mother even tell you not to kiss strangers?" Yusuke asked, and Kagome smirked.
"You know Kuwabara Kazuma?" She asked, and continued when Yusuke nodded. "Well, he's my cousin." She said, and he gaped.
Kagome couldn't resist. With his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide like that, the former spirit detective absolutely adorable. She surprised him once again by pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss, and they both melted into it.
'Maybe I should reconsider taking my job back… After all, I have to protect Kagome from the demons that might come after her for the Shikon No Tama. What better way to protect her than to be close to her? I might as well be stationed at her house…' Yusuke thought, grinning into the kiss.
Yay! There it is, the first one-shot of Winter Magic.
(Sweat-drops) Heheh, it was just a little longer than I expected it to be. Like two and a half pages longer…
Oh well, I hope you liked it! This was for you, ShadowStar09!
Check back in a little bit for more fluffy one-shots!
Love and Eggnog,