Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Caught ❯ Caught ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Buffybot76
Hiei was livid. The one saving grace for the girl was that her - whatever it was - had at least reversed his transformation, and he was back to his old self. But no one, NO ONE captured him into a tiny little ball and lived.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Pokemon, nor either anime’s characters. I'm only borrowing them for my amusement, as well as yours.

‘Hn. This place is not one of Enma’s better ideas,’ the half-fire half-ice apparition thought to himself as he scanned the forest with his jagan eye.

The Indigo Islands were part of an experimental environment that was cut off from both the Ningenkai and the Makai. The islands were a home to both low range C class demons and ningens. The whole purpose of Enma’s experiment was to see if there was a possibility that the two could live in peace.
Hiei wrinkled his nose in disgust at the thought. The two species were so vastly different, that no matter what environment they were placed in, one species would inevitably assert dominance over the other.

That had been the whole reason for the barrier in the first place.

And from what Hiei could tell so far, the youkai of this realm were the subordinate ones.

His jagan eye finally picked up his quarry, and as Hiei jumped from tree top to tree top in pursuit, he cursed Koenma under his breath.

Apparently this so-called protected environment wasn’t so cut off from the Makai as they would have liked, and a B class demon had managed to make his way here. Normally, the Reikai prince would have sent the detective and the baka on an assignment like this, but since the escaped youkai was known to have strong mental capabilities, Hiei had been volunteered.

By Kurama.

The baka fox definitely had a death wish for volunteering him to go on this mission, simply because his mate was expecting their first litter soon. Keiko was not only pregnant, she was very pregnant.

But to Hiei, that was not a good reason at all. Baka hentai kitsune should have kept it in his pants in the first place - that way he wouldn't have to be here right now.

His crimson eyes narrowed as the youkai he was pursuing came into view. ‘Hn. Disappointing,’ he thought as he examined the low-level mononoke. The creature was about twice the size of him, with orange fur, four arms, and had one very large eye that was positioned right above the gaping maw that was his mouth. There were several projections from the creature’s face that Hiei could only assume served to process his sense of smell and his hearing. Over all the youkai was not even worth his time, let alone his skill. He sighed, and jumped down from the tree.

The youkai roared in response to Hiei’s sudden appearance, and his one eye changed color from a muted brown to a bright pink. With a snarl, the demon rushed at him. Hiei jumped nimbly out of the way, but not before the demon managed to rip his tunic with his claws. Snarling, Hiei removed the ruined garment and let it fall to the ground, as he withdrew his katana. Before he was able to retaliate with his own attack, Hiei felt a successful nudge against his mental barrier as the creature triggered something in his mind.

To his mixed shock and horror, the demon managed to trigger his transformation. His skin turned green as eyes began to open all over his body. Hiei narrowed all of them in anger. His original orders were to subdue the creature and call for a portal, but now? Now the creature was going to die. The youkai may have gotten a lucky hit off of him, but he was not very fast and was not able to avoid Hiei’s katana when it came flying at him, slicing him in seventeen different locations.

He didn’t even turn his head to witness the youkai’s death. Instead, he started walking away as he tried to focus on reversing his transformation.

Hiei was absolutely seething when he found out he could not.


Misty Waterflower looked around the area she was currently in, hoping that she would succeed in finding a pokemon in this part of the forest. Since her travels with Ash Ketchum had ended, Misty had gone on to become a pretty powerful pokemon trainer, just as she’d always wanted to be. After getting word that there were some pretty rare and strong pokemon populated this area, she had gathered supplies for a hiking trip in hopes of capturing a couple to add to the others she had collected for the past few months.

A sound up ahead caught her attention and her heart sped up as the adrenaline began to flow, an occurrence that had began to happen more and more often as of late. Crouching down once she’d neared a row of chest high bushes, Misty crept forward and proceeded to peek through the dense foliage and was quite pleased with what she saw.

A figure stood in the midst of a clearing. At first she thought it was a boy, but upon second inspection, blinked in surprise when she realized that the figure’s skin was GREEN. Not to mention the multiple eyes that were scattered over the bare upper portion of the being’s body. The eyes purple hue was a striking contrast to the green skin and the creature’s hair was pointing up in an imitation of demon horns while the normally placed eyes positively glowed a deep crimson red. Her first thought was: pokemon. But she had never before seen anything like this one before. It seemed like the rumors had been true about rare pokemon in this vicinity. A smile gradually grew on her lips and reaching into her bag; Misty withdrew one of her ultra balls and poised to throw it once an opportunity presented itself.

That time came when the creature, who looked a bit distracted and sort of upset turned its back in her direction. Taking her shot, Misty leapt from the bushes and with a shout, exclaimed, “Ultra ball, go!” as she let fly the round object in her hand, hurling it in the “pokemon’s” direction.

‘What the fuck?’ Hiei thought as a crazy ningen female threw a strange red and white ball in his direction. He had noticed that she had been hiding amongst the bushes, but had considered her as about as much of a threat as a common house fly. Not that he was in the habit of acknowledging insignificant ningens in the first place.

But if the baka onna was going to try to attack him, it was her funeral, insignificant or not. He jumped nimbly out of the balls way, enjoying the look of shock that came across the girl’s face. She was quite cute for a ningen, perhaps eighteen or nineteen years old with big blue eyes, long orange hair and ample curves. Too bad she was about to die.

He snarled at her and bared his fangs, as he landed deftly in front of her.

Misty panicked momentarily when the pokemon moved out of the way of the ultra ball and landed in front of her. Taking a step back, she managed to withdraw a master ball from her pouch this time and in a desperate attempt to stave off the angry looking pokemon, hurled it at him.

Hiei withdrew his katana. Just as he was about to sever the onna’s head from her neck, the second red and white ball she had thrown opened and pulled him into it like a vacuum. He fought against its pull viciously, but to no avail, and when the ball closed around him, Hiei knew no more.

Misty sighed heavily in relief. She had almost screamed when her pokemon had drawn a weapon that looked suspiciously like a sword, but luckily her master ball had done the trick and now… Now, she was the happy and proud owner of a brand new pokemon, one that she had never seen nor heard of before. She wondered what its attack would be like. Walking over, she retrieved the sphere lying harmlessly on the ground and looked at it briefly.

‘Well, there’s no time like the present.’ She thought, and prepared to toss the ball a few feet away, only hesitating a moment to come up with a name. She didn’t know what sort of pokemon this was, after all.

“Multi-eyes, Go!”

Hiei was livid. The one saving grace for the girl was that her - whatever it was - had at least reversed his transformation, and he was back to his old self. But no one, NO ONE captures him into a tiny little ball.

As fast as lightening, he had his katana out and against the girl’s neck, as he slammed her up against a tree.

"Give me one reason why I should not kill you where you stand, onna," he said, his voice dripping with venom. Her eyes widened in fear, and he increased the pressure of his katana against her pale neck just enough to draw blood, but not enough to do any real damage. Yet.

The pressure of the blade against her neck, not to mention the pain it was inflicting caused Misty to become terrified. In a last ditch effort, she attempted to choke out an order desperately hoping that he would heed it.

“B…ba…back off!”

When the young woman issued her command, Hiei felt an overwhelming need to step back. He tried to fight against it, but the compulsion was too strong, and despite his efforts he released his hold on the girl and moved a foot away from her.

It was similar to the type of control he could wield with his jagan eye, and the thought of this ningen being able to control him was driving his already heightened fury to dangerous and homicidal heights.

“Onna, you will undo what you have done to me. Now,” he seethed, wondering if he could just kill her and be done with it. But the thought came to him that if she had any sort of control over him, he probably would not be successful. That, and he didn’t want to tip his hand and show her what he was capable of just yet. He first needed to find out what exactly her little red and white ball did to him.

Letting out a ragged breath, Misty brought a hand up absently to rub at her abused throat, wincing when her fingers touched the ragged cut. A light trickle of blood ran down the column of her neck and down the front of her blouse. ‘He… he cut me…’ Her mind pondered over this disturbing news as she looked up at the creature standing not too far away. ‘Wait a minute! Where’d all the eyes and green skin go? Okay… Something weird is going on here and I really don’t think this guy’s a pokemon. He doesn’t even look the same anymore, he’s… actually kinda cute.’ She shook that thought immediately away. ‘Ugh! That’s not the point! Hmm… maybe I should just ask him to tell me who… or what… he is.’

Her mind made up, Misty made sure to meet the dark haired being’s gaze, prepared to ask her question, only to be cut off as he snarled one of his own.

‘Whew. It’s good that he can talk… Wow… he speaks even better than Meowth. That’s gotta mean something.’ She thought before his actual words penetrated her confused mind.

“Wha? I-I don’t know what you mean.”

Hiei narrowed his eyes at her response. “Hn. Don’t play the baka with me, ningen. The spell. Take it off or die.”

Feeling a tad more confident now that she knew the master ball had done its job, Misty pushed away from the tree in order to confront -- whoever this was. “I’m serious. I don’t know what you mean. I don’t know exactly how the pokeballs work, but I’m sure there’s no spells involved.” Misty explained.

Hiei's crimson eyes narrowed even further as he slowly approached the ningen female. She watched him warily, and opened her mouth to say something -- probably to issue another degrading command, when Hiei suddenly stopped. Slowly, so not to alarm the girl, his hand rose up toward his forehead. When his hand finally reached the white bandana, he pushed it up into his hairline, exposing the slowly reddening jagan eye.

With a small amount of his youki, Hiei directed the Jagan to probe the mind of his captor, seeking information about these pokeballs she mentioned. What he found both alarmed and disgusted him. Apparantly the ningens of this so-called integrated environment had invented a device that essentially enslaves youkai, binding them to do their bidding.

The worst part about it was that not only were the youkai enslaved, they were also kept in a state of non-awareness when they were not ‘in use’. The scientists of this place had found a way to store their respective DNA’s inside of these little ‘pokeballs’ and their computer systems, and only brought them out to do battle against each other.

All for the glory of the ningens involved.

Normally, he wouldn’t care. The majority of the youkai here were C class, after all, and barely more intelligent than your average animal. But the fact that they had created one of these balls powerful enough to trap an S class demon like himself was inconceivable.

Hiei decided that he, along with his katana, would have a long talk with Koenma about this when he got back. Such a device could not be allowed to exist. He shuddered almost imperceptibly as he thought of someone like Sensui having the ability to trap and use S class demons to do his bidding at will.

He turned his attention back to the girl, who was still studying him warily. He tried to probe her mind even further to find out exactly how to break the hold of the pokeball, but she winced from the increase in the amount of youki to the jagan.

Misty winced as slight pain accompanied a foreign pressure to her head, as if something were gently probing at her brain. Eyes widening, Misty came to the realization that whatever this being was, he had some sort of psychic powers and was possibly using it on her. “S-stop that. Whatever you’re doing, stop it right now!” She ordered, not sure if the mental probing was meant to harm her, but she wasn’t taking any chances.

And just like that, his jagan was shut down. Hiei’s options were growing increasingly limited. He may have to --horrors of horrors- negotiate with the woman who had him so completely submissive to her will. A low growl rumbled in his throat at the thought, as he looked his captor over more thoroughly. She was very well formed, and he made a mental note to teach her a little lesson about dominance and submission as soon as he was freed.

But first…

“Onna. Release me.”

“Release you?” Misty’s eyes narrowed, “For what? So you can go after me again with your sword? No thank you!”

Hiei gritted his teeth in aggravation as he thought up a response that he knew would offend her apparently selective sense of morals.

“Hn. So you intend to keep me as your slave? Your pet? Like you do the other youkai in your possession? What would you like me to do first, mistress? Or would you prefer to put me back in the ball until such time as you have… use… for me,” he spat sarcastically, awaiting her response.

His words taking her by surprise, Misty’s narrowed eyes went wide with first shock, then confusion. Youkai? Was he referring to the pokemon? She had honestly never thought of the little creatures in such a way before, only as strange yet amusing animals. Never had the term demon crossed her mind. His use of the word ‘mistress’ in reference to her also caused a reaction. She blushed. “N-n-no -- I won’t put you in the pokeball. Just… don’t try to harm me again.”

Well. It was not like he could harm her, now that she had so explicitly ordered him not to. Still, it seemed that perhaps her capture of him was a misunderstanding on her part. She probably saw him in his demon form and thought he was one of the C class demons that populated this place.

He felt a little indignant that anyone would think him so weak, but a little voice in the back of his head firmly reminded him that she had managed to capture him, after all.

He was starting to calm down slightly, as he slowly realized that his threats were disturbingly ineffective against this young woman. Her scent slightly spiked, and her face flushed, most probably due to his not so subtle reference to her current dominance over him. He smirked. Perhaps he could use that to his favor.

Hiei’s crimson eyes slowly and appreciatively trailed over her form in such a way that could not be misunderstood. When he finally looked upon her face again, she was blushing so hard that her cheeks nearly matched the color of her hair.

“Hn. What is your name, onna?” he asked, his tone somewhat husky, and much softer than his normal one.

"M-Misty." She sighed in relief when she managed to at least state her name despite how flustered she was at the moment.

“Hn,” Hiei responded as he slowly approached her, heated crimson eyes locked on her blue ones. “Hiei,” his whispered when he was near inches from her face, his hot breath caressing her ear. He then pulled back a bit and smirked to himself when her scent spiked even more. Normally this was the fox’s game, but he’d learned a few things in his association with the red-head, and a part of him surged with masculine pride knowing that he could have the same effect on females as well when he put his mind to it.

Misty's breathing hitched at the nearness of their bodies. So now she had a name to go with the fit body and handsome features. Okay, yes, she'd admitted to herself that he was a hottie. She would have to be blind not to see. But the slow trickle of wetness down her neck brought her back to her senses, reminding her that he'd been close to her before. Close enough to cut her. "What are you doing?" She asked warily. He couldn't disobey her order not to harm her... could he?

“I think you know,” he answered, as he extended one small hand upwards to trace the features of her face. She was slightly taller than him, but then again, most ningens were. It was something the demon in him found very appealing. Because of his size, he had always felt the instinctual need to assert his dominance over those that were taller than him.

The caress of his hand caused her to shudder involuntarily. Okay, this was getting out of hand. Waaaay out of hand. She should stop him. All it would take was a simple command from her. One word. But something in his eyes, in the way he spoke and the way he was touching her face was making it near impossible to deny him. As he continued to stroke her cheek, Misty’s eyes fluttered closed as her breathing increased to panting breathes.

Hiei’s smirk widened to a full out smile that if it were seen by anyone he knew, they would be completely dumbfounded. He leaned in to brush his lips against the delicate skin of her neck, and nearly purred with contentment as she let out a small gasp in response. “Release me, onna. I give you my word that I won’t harm you,” he whispered in between little nips against her pulse point.

Blue eyes snapped open at his words. ‘Why that sneaky little... He’s trying to trick me! Of all the nerve!’ Misty fumed at the conclusion that all of this was a pretense to gain his release. “Wait!” Misty exclaimed, ducking quickly out of the way to evade Hiei as he attempted to work lower down her neck. “I know what you’re up to buddy, and it’s not going to work so just stay right there!” She crossed her arms and gave a cross look at him. “Do you really think I’d take your word for it that you won’t try to kill me? I’m not stupid.”

But Hiei wasn’t listening to her anymore. Something was putting him on alert, and his eyes widened when he realized what it was.

“Kuso,” he swore as he reached for his katana, his irritation only increasing when his hand wouldn’t respond to his mental commands to draw the sword.
”Onna, release me or we are going to die,” he said, as he moved to stand in front of her.

Misty began to ask him what he meant by that, only to be cut off by a menacing growl from across the clearing.

Hiei growled in response, as the demon who had assumed dead burst through the brush and stood before them. The cyclops was bleeding heavily and thus more dangerous than before as his ‘fight or flight’ response had been triggered, and the demon obviously chose the former. The large, orange youkai first made a front on Misty; his gaping maw open wide, and the saliva dripping forth.

“Hummmmannn… dddieee,” the creature howled, while Hiei was desperately trying to fight off the effects of the pokeball so that he could fight back, but having no such luck.

Acting on instinct, Misty’s hand shot to her pouch, retrieving one of her ultra balls and tossing it in the general direction of the charging demon. “Staryu, GO!”

“Water Gun!” she shouted when the pokemon resembling a giant starfish appeared. Meanwhile, Hiei leveled a look that plainly said ‘you are an idiot’ in her direction.

The water gun had no effect on the orange demon, other than to thoroughly piss it off. Now it was a wet and enraged orange demon with a large gaping maw. The demon snarled loudly, and with one swipe of its massive claws, tore the Staryu to shreds. The other hand picked up the remains of the pokemon and shoved it into his mouth.

“Oh no, Staryu!” Misty cried as she watched in horror as her pokemon was devoured.

"Baka onna!” Hiei snarled to her right, gaining her attention. “I cannot attack it unless you release me!" He stated, his hand still hovering over the katana that he could not draw.

"Uh...." Misty looked indecisively toward Hiei, knowing she didn't have much of a choice, but wasn't sure if either one of her two prospects were any better than the other. Finally coming to a decision, Misty did the only thing she could do given the situation. “Hiei, I release you!” She shouted her command, releasing Hiei from his restrictions the instant the words passed her lips.

Hiei gave her a small nod before drawing his katana and launching himself at the demon that should have died. The demon took a swipe at him and attempted to probe his mind once more, but this time Hiei was on alert and was able to fend off both his physical and mental attacks. His movements were as fast as lightening as he viciously sliced the orange demon in several places; making sure this time that his hits were lethal. As he saw the demon’s eye change color, and his new wounds start to heal in response, he realized his previous error.

On his next pass, he embedded his katana straight into the demon’s eye, effectively cutting off his mental abilities and piercing his brain.

With an anguished howl, the creature fell backwards, towards Misty. Hiei noticed with a frown that the girl was completely paralyzed where she stood, screaming as the several hundred pound demon loomed closer to her.

Hiei drew an almost painful breath at the girl’s… well… ‘girlishness’, and in a flash he had her in his arms and out of the way. He carried her out of the clearing and into the forest before he finally stopped. Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, holding on to him for dear life, while one of his own hands was supporting her back and the other was holding her under the bend of her knees. She was somewhat breathless and shivering, when she removed her head from where it had been nestled into the crook of his neck, and looked up to meet his eyes.

The look he gave her was predatory.

Finally released from the terror that had previously frozen her, Misty pushed back slightly, intending on thanking the demon that had essentially saved her life after she had mistaken him for a pokemon and practically enslaved him. Her words were stilled however when the intense look in his eyes stole her breath away. The crimson orbs seemed on fire, glowing with a hunger that she couldn't really place. Once again her breathing sped up, this time however it was due to the wicked smile that was slowly making its appearance on his lips.

"Hn. I think you owe me, onna," Hiei murmured, as he caught her lips in an almost brutal kiss. When she wouldn't open her mouth for him, he nipped on her bottom lip, forcing her to gasp, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth almost immediately afterwards. Taking advantage of the breach, he slid his tongue against her own teasingly, demanding her response.

His actions prompted a low moan which was swallowed up by his mouth on hers. Her senses became overwhelmed by his advances and her arms tightened around his neck, innocently urging him to proceed as her tongue answered the silent commands of his own. They sparring for dominance within the cavern of their fused mouths as Hiei’s hands began to wander the lush expanse of her body.

The girl in his arms was shivering, either from cold or desire or both, and Hiei instinctually raised his body temperature a couple of degrees as he slowly lowered her to the moss covered floor of the forest. He slipped one hand underneath the silky material of her blouse and gently drew patterns against the lean expanse of her torso, as he slipped his lips from hers and began to nibble once again at the pale column of flesh against her neck.

~So soft,~ he thought, mentally pushing the words forward into her mind as her hands wrapped around him and tentatively massaged the battle worn muscles of his back.

The mental compliment took Misty completely by surprise, making her lose herself to the gentleness he was displaying. The soothing motion his hand was making upon her body was wreaking havoc as she attempted to stave off the overwhelming desire that was building up within her. It was like a tidal wave, washing over her again and again in never ending ripples of pleasure. His lips gradually left hers; traveling down the graceful arch of her neck so that his tongue could trace the delicate curve of her clavicle. Immediately her hands shot up to bury in his dark hair, fingers tangling in thick, untamed locks that were a striking contrast to the ivory skin of her hands.
Her response to him was encouraging, and completely unlike that of a female youkai. With demons, these types of escapades usually began similarly - as a way to assert dominance over one or the other, most often following a fight. And more often than not the act itself was far more violent than the battle preceding it. But this ningen girl was responding with such delectable sounds, and such delicate and unsure touches that Hiei found himself responding much more gently than he even knew he was able to. An ache began in his chest when he realized that she actually wanted this, wanted him.

No one wanted him. Submitted to him, yes, but no one wanted the Forbidden Child.

His own hands were shaking somewhat as he as gently as possible used his claws to slice open the front of her blouse, baring more of her skin and the slight curves of her breasts to his half lidded eyes.


At the compliment, a blush blossomed across her body, spreading from her face down her neck and over the newly exposed flesh. She gasped as a cool breeze caressed her skin making the sensitive tips of her breasts tighten before his eyes.

His crimson eyes focused on the pale pink buds that hardened before him, and he trailed open mouth kisses down her collar bone and along the sides of her soft breasts until he caught one of the inviting nipples into the warm cavity of his mouth. He suckled against her gently, almost lovingly, and was careful not to graze the sensitive skin too much with his fangs. She made an incoherent sound in her throat, and her sweet scent of desire became almost overwhelming as it encompassed him and fogged his senses. Suddenly it was no longer a game to him; no longer a way to assert his dominance over this ningen girl who had entrapped him, and he wanted - no, needed her permission to continue.

~Onna. If you don’t want this, tell me now.~

Despite being caught in the moment, Misty still came to her senses enough to actually consider what she was about to do. Did she really want to give herself to this youkai? The tingling sensations he was eliciting within her was no deterrence to what she knew would happen if she assented. How had it gotten to this point anyway? Everything was going too far, too fast, but she still couldn’t bring herself to stop it. She hadn’t been touched like this for so long, not since she and Ash had-- but then, it had ended and they’d gone their separate ways. She was a woman now and a successful pokemon trainer. But now, this... demon, for she had no doubt that he was one, was throwing her completely for a loop. A part of her was scared at the idea of giving herself so completely to such a being, and yet he had been nothing but gentle since he rescued her. In the end, it all came down to this moment in time and what he was making her feel. She hadn’t felt this sexy… this desirable in a good while and she didn’t really want to give that up.

She didn’t want to give HIM up-- at least, not right now.

“Please,” She begged softly, shifting closer to him as she gave her final answer. “Don’t stop.”

For a moment he was afraid that she was going to deny him, in which case he would have let her be and walked away, no matter how much he wanted her. But when he heard her whispered plea to continue, a rush of warmth filled him and he met her amazing blue eyes with his own and offered her a genuine smile. He captured her lips again, this time more gently, and slowly caressed her tongue with his own. Hiei’s hands firmly caressed her sides and trailed lower, until they reached the waistband of her tight little shorts. He sat up on his haunches and tugged on them, quickly removing them and the flimsy silky garnment underneath them, baring the rest of her to his view.

Misty allowed him to look his fill, reveling in the lust that was so visible in his eyes. She found herself needing to see the rest of him, wondering if it looked as good as that finely chiseled chest of his. Gathering her courage, Misty reached out and caught the waist of his pants in her hands, her slim fingers working to release the belts, fumbling a bit with the second one before finally succeeding in the task. Pushing the material past his hips in order to feast her eyes upon the rest of his body, she found she was not disappointed.

Hiei smirked at the look of frank appreciation in her eyes, pleased that she was not unaffected by him either. ~Like what you see?~ he teased mentally, as he leaned forward and dipped his tongue into her navel. Meanwhile, one of his hands trailed downward to play with the light silky curls that seemed to be beckoning to him.

She was only able to nod in response as his fingers reached her core tearing a gasp from her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed and her hands clenched the soft moss beneath her as he proceeded to pleasure her with those talented digits alone.

Hiei glanced up at her from where his head rested against her lean stomach. Through the valley between her breasts, he could see that her head was tilted back and her mouth was open in an expression of extreme passion. She looked so vulnerable, so disheveled and wanton as he nimbly worked one of his fingers into the core of her body, that his own already aroused member hardened to an almost painful level. He made an inarticulate sound in his throat before trailing open mouthed kisses further down her body until he reached the hidden jewel between her legs. Her nectar was coating his fingers, making it easy for him to insert another digit, moving them in and out of her as he reveled in the little sounds she was making. Hiei carefully withdrew them and she whimpered in protest, but then gasped again when he used the fingers to open the folds of her sex and expose her nub to his hot mouth.

A moan was wrenched from Misty’s lips, her hips arching from the ground when his tongue snaked out to taste her. Her fingers laced through his hair, clenching occasionally as he continued to assault her orally, each stroke of his masterful tongue causing bolts of white hot pleasure spreading throughout her body. Her legs bent, thighs framing his head as he continued to feast upon her sweet essence, his hands clutching her hips in order to still them.

Hiei continued to feed off of her, delicately rolling her nub around in his mouth. She buried her hands in his hair and moaned, suddenly becoming very vocal as he once again delved two digits inside of her and curled them, while he still continued to pleasure her with his mouth. This was new to him, giving such pleasure to another, and he found he quite liked the results. Certainly, having her spread out for him, hot and panting and moaning his name was highly arousing. A little more pressure from his tongue send her cresting over the edge, and her body tightened almost painfully around his fingers. The thought of her contracting around his member in such a way had him near salivating in anticipation.

Misty could do no more than whimper as her climax overtook her, sending all coherent thought scattering into nothing but blissful fulfillment. She shuddered as Hiei removed his fingers and crawled up her body until their eyes met and locked, mesmerized by the sight of him licking his fingers clean of her juices.

Hiei couldn’t help but to smirk at the dazed look in her eyes. Her response to him was so authentic and so honest, and he felt no small amount of pride that he had essentially turned this beautiful woman into a whimpering puddle of goo with his fingers and his tongue. Slowly, he lowered his face to hers and kissed her passionately, letting her taste herself on his tongue. One hand slowly and sensually kneaded her breast, while the other went to position himself against her entrance. She was still very wet, and it took all of his control not to impale himself to the hilt when he started to enter her, inch by torturous inch. She was not a virgin, that was apparent, but nor was she very experienced, as evidenced by how very tight she was.

“You feel so good,” he rasped against her lips as he finally buried himself to the point where he could go no more, and stilled to give her a moment to get used to the intrusion.

Misty winced slightly due to the stretching of her body to accommodate Hiei’s size. It was a tight fit and she felt so full that just the smallest shift sent shockwaves through her. His assurance that he liked the feel of her made her giddy, further adding to the wonderful experience that she was experiencing. Once she’d grown use to the filling sensation, she wrapped her legs around his trim waist, anchoring him to her as she began to rock her hips, indicating she was ready.

When she started to move underneath him, Hiei growled, low and feral. His hands went immediately to her hips, as he fought not to just pound into her like an animal. The feel of her wet silk wrapped around his aching shaft was incredible. Slowly, he moved inside of her, his eyes lidded and filled with need as his body temperature raised another couple of degrees in response to his heightened arousal. "Kami," He whispered against the side of her neck as his thrusts increased in speed and frequency. ~Put your arms around me,~ He requested mentally, since he was rapidly losing the ability to speak coherently.

Misty complied to his mental urging, wrapping her arms around him and holding on tight as he continued to move within her. His hands tightened almost painfully on her hips as felt his peak nearing. Striving to bring her to climax first, Hiei released his hold on her hips with one hand so he could slip it between their joined bodies, his fingers quickly finding that sensitive bundle of nerves and giving it a small pinch in order to send her over the edge.

Her muscles started fluttered around him, squeezing him tightly as he buried himself so deep inside of her he was brushing up against her cervix. Her whole body shook with pleasure, and when she came, she clamped down on him so tightly that it triggered his own powerful release. Hiei moaned loudly as the white hot pleasure overcame him like a tsunami. He held Misty as close as possible, and sunk his fangs deep in the crevice between her neck and her shoulder as the pulsing of his member slowed to an erratic and uneven pace until it finally stilled, deep inside of her.

Gasping for air, Misty found she could not speak until her orgasm finally receded. Once it had, she began to feel the dull throbbing where Hiei had sank his fangs into her. Bringing a hand up to cover the spot, she gave him a confused look. “You bit me. Why?”

Hiei, for his part, was recovering from the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. Truthfully, he was not entirely sure why he had marked her; it really was more of an instinctual act. He had essentially claimed her as a potential mate, although the bond would not be completed unless she marked him as well. But the fact that he had marked her at all meant that his demon found her compatible in some way. It was definitely something for him to think about. He gave her a tender look as he placed a soft kiss on the place where he bit her.

“Hn. It’s a claim, onna. You train youkai - you should know what that means.”

“You claimed me?” Misty asked incredulously. “I can’t believe you did that. Why did you do that?”

Hiei narrowed his eyes and snorted. “Hn. I don’t recall you exactly protesting at the time, onna. Besides, it’s nothing to get excited about,” he said offhandedly, hoping that she would just drop it. He couldn’t even explain why he did it to himself, let alone her. After all, he’d been incoherent at the time and had marked her on instinct.

“Oh…” Misty seemed to calm down at that. After all, it wasn’t as if she wanted to be claimed by him, right? Right?

Hiei pulled back from her, feeling a strange sense of loss as he slipped out of her. He smirked at her briefly, before gathering their clothes. His eyes watched her dress as he put on his own pants, and he noticed with some amusement that she was blushing under his close scrutiny.

“Hn. It’s a little late to be modest.”

Misty huffed indignantly at the evident taunt. When she was finally dressed again, she turned to face Hiei. “Will I see you again?” She asked, as she put her backpack on.

Hiei looked at her, a flash of… some emotion she could not identify apparent in his crimson eyes.

He approached her slowly and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, as he slipped an arm around her stealthily and removed the master ball she had tucked into a compartment of her backpack. Once he had the master ball, he pulled back and offered a brief smirk before zipping away through the tree tops.

It just wasn’t a question he was prepared to answer. At least, not until he could collect his own thoughts on the matter.

Misty blinked when, just as quickly Hiei had come into her life, he was gone. In a streak of blurred blackness, he disappeared, leaving her with nothing but the pleasant thrum of her satiated body and the reddened mark on her neck. She stood there for a moment, uncertain of what had just happened and if she would ever see the dark haired demon again. He hadn’t said a word one way or the other, but for some reason, in her heart, Misty knew she would.


Hiei had the blue haired ferry girl portal him directly to Kurama’s house. He knew he should probably turn the master ball over to Koenma, but he had never trusted the demi-god. Hiei did, however, trust the human fox, which said much because trust was not something that came easy to the fire apparition.
Hiei stood under his friend’s window and frowned. The pheromones were overpowering, even at this range, and a part of him sympathized for Keiko. It appeared that even being nine months pregnant with three kits was not enough to spare her from the kitsune’s libido.

For a moment he thought about coming back at another time.

But then he thought about the master ball, and its possible ramifications.

With a heavy sigh, he mentally projected a thought to the fox.

~Fox. Get down here. Its urgent.~

When Hiei’s voice filled his head, Kurama faltered mid-thrust, leaving himself as well as his panting mate on the verge of impending climaxes. Annoyance vied with curiosity until finally, the kitsune sent back in a highly annoyed tone, ~What do you need, Hiei!~

Hiei smirked as he picked up on Kurama’s frustration and annoyance. No doubt he had interrupted him at a particularly bad time. Still, it really was urgent, and he really didn’t want to explain, so instead he pushed forth a highly edited series of images showing his experiences with the master ball, and hoped that the fox wasn’t going to call him on the stuff he left out.

~Do you know how annoying that is when you manage to completely kill the mood?~ Kurama growled in frustration. There was a pause in which Hiei assumed the fox was soothing things over with his mate, and then he continued, ~And now you've gotten my curiosity well and truly aroused. Not that I wanted it to be, you understand, still this requires inquiry. I assume there is more that you left out, however all relevant portions were there?~

~Hn. You saw for yourself, fox. The onna was able to enslave me with her little ball. A very bad contraption for a ningen to have.~
Hiei said, in an attempt to steer the conversation away from ‘anything he may have left out’.

~Yes, it is, however, what is the original intent of this device and why? Those are the questions we need answered. Do you have the owner of the device with you?~

Hiei hesitated for a moment before answering - something that in and of itself was very telling to Kurama.

~Leave her out of it, fox.~

Kurama raised his brows in a questioning manner. ~Hiei, I suggest you come in. There is much, much more than you are telling me, and something tells me that I need at least part of the story that you are hiding.~

Hiei frowned and wondered why the hell he came here in the first place. The fox was far too perceptive by half. While he definitely didn’t trust giving the master ball to Koenma - the Reikai prince having a way to control S class demons really didn’t really hold much appeal for Hiei - at least he would have been in and out of there. Whereas Kurama was determined to drag out every last detail, including the ones that he’d rather the fox not know.

He sent a mental ~Hn~ to Kurama, before jumping up and letting himself in Kurama’s now opened bedroom window.

Keiko was glaring at him while Kurama had a look of exasperated resignation on his face. The look of resignation quickly turned to one of surprise and then amusement, as the kitsune got a good whiff of the surly fire demon before him.

Kurama took another careful whiff of his friend standing in front of him and smiled. Not the smug smile that most would have assumed who knew the two's relationship, after all, Hiei had given Kurama absolute grief over falling for a ningen, but an honest smile that told the fire demon that he was thankful Hiei had found someone. They were not together, yet, but the preliminary step had been taken.

"Now, Hiei, I need to know what the original purpose of that thing was that you showed me. I won't pry, yet, anyway. But if you are going to interrupt my making love to my mate, I want it to be for something worthwhile, damn it!" This was said in such a cheerful voice that Hiei felt like wincing. Then Kurama's voice turned more sober, "I am no more anxious than you for this knowledge to fall into Koenma's hands, so it is best that we investigate on our own as much as possible."

Hiei brought Kurama up to date on Enma’s little “experiment”. He also told him how the ningen population use the devices in order to capture c class youkai and have them battle with each other for their own amusement, the venom in his voice telling Kurama exactly how he felt about that. And that how this particular ball, according to the information he had retrieved from Misty’s brain, was a prototype and very rare, but that the company intended to launch a full out production very soon.

Kurama was not terribly happy with this information and indeed, his hair did start bleeding into silver, but he finally brought himself under control with much effort and the soothing presence of his mate. He then looked at Hiei and told him, "I need to see this 'ball'."

Hiei nodded, and reached into the pocket of his pants where he retrieved the small red and white pokeball and handed it to Kurama. Then, he had a sudden and worried thought about the kitsune’s ire, and projected a mental picture to him of Misty.

~This one, leave alone, Fox.~

Kurama's brow lifted in amusement. The menace in Hiei's mental voice was definitely something to take note of. ~Now, Hiei, would I honestly do anything to your chosen?~

Hiei sent mentally, completely disregarding Kurama’s last comment. Hiei glanced over in Keiko’s direction. ~Your skills as a thief should come in handy, fox. We need to take care of this soon.~

Kurama nodded sharply. ~And before Koenma finds out about this neat little side effect. I need to meet this 'Misty' of yours and find out what the human's take on this situation is.~

Hiei nodded in agreement, and silently mused that he had an answer to Misty’s question after all. He briefly thought about her bright blue eyes, and soft skin, forgetting for the moment that the mental connection with Kurama was still open.

“Will I see you again?”


Kurama gave Hiei a soft smile at the unguarded thoughts. ~I shall definitely have to meet her. However, Keiko could give birth any day now, is it possible to bring her here?~

Hiei didn’t answer, but a slow mischievous grin started spreading across his face as he thought of kidnapping the spirited young girl, and bringing her here.

Perhaps it was her turn to be ‘caught’.
