Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Abnormal Friends ❯ Tower of Souls ( Chapter 5 )
On the roof of the club.
Sky: OK tell me why there after you.
Girl: My name is Lora, and they wanted to get to me before I change.
Sky: What do you mean?
Jorge: She's part wolf, She's hiding her ears under that hat.
Lora: How did you know?
Jorge: I can sense it.
Donald with Ranko on his back jumped onto the roof.
Donald: We're way out numbered.
Ranko: What is that?
Lora: This what they want to feed me to.
A huge eye ball monster with tentacles was coming down the street.
Mars: We can take that.
Lora: No you can't, it's too strong.
The moon starts to come out and Lora starts to scream
Sky: What's happening to her.
Jorge: She is going full wolf.
Lora: R…r..run before I can't control it.
Jorge: Fight it, take control.
Donald: We'll take care of big eye.
Back on the ground.
Rob: Ice Age Rain!
Rob froze the demons.
Rob: Now Karen.
Karen: Right. Thunder Dragon!
A seven headed dragon came out of Karen's bow and blasted the living hell out of the frozen demons. Karen falls on the ground.
Karen: I need a recharge.
Anna: Lit 1!
Anna recharge Karen
Karen: Thanks.
Big Eye Ball: Give me the girl.
Steve: Earth Tower Crash!
Steve's attack didn't even slow it down
Pixy: What is it doing?
The monster starts to make a pitch noise.
On the roof.
Ranko: What is that sound?
Mars: The monster is making it.
Donald: My ears are killing me.
Ranko: You ok.
Donald: I will be when you kill that mother fucker.
Jorge: Come on Lora.
Lora: I can feel the power.
Jorge: That a girl.
Venus: The monster is all most here.
Mercury: I have an idea.
Sky: What is it?
Mercury: Well we are going to need everyone's help.
Five minutes later
Rob: Ready.
Rick: Yep.
Karen: Let's put a shock to there system.
Rob and Rick stair
Karen: What?
Rick: Let's just kill this thing.
Rob: Right.
Rick, Rob, and Karen come out of the building to attack
Rick: Aqua Storm!
Rick made a high power stream of water right into the monster's eye.
Karen: Thunder Clap!
Karen shocks the already wet monster.
Rob: Blizzard Blast!
Rob Froze over the monster
Rob: Now!
Venus, Kurama, and Pixy were on a roof next to the monster.
Pixy: Now!
Kurama: Rose Whip!
Pixy: Lighting Whip!
Venus: Venus Love Me Chain!
All three tied down the frozen monster.
On the roof of the club
Steve: My turn.
Steve jumped off the roof.
Steve: Shock Wave!
The force of Steve hitting the ground and his attack made a hole around the monster
Back on the roof
Lora: I can control it!
Jorge: Good job. Now for the monster.
Ranko: Now! Hiryuu Kourindan!
Jupiter: Sparkling Wide Pressure!
Mars: Burning Mandala!
Donald: Blitz! Aura bolt!
All four attacks blasted the monster into the hole
Sky was now over top of the hole
Sky: Hurricane Strike!
Sky dive bombed the monster.
Sky: What the?
A tentacle shot out of the hole, Sky barely dodged it
Mercury: That should have worked.
Lora: Let me take care of it. Monster!
You want me! Try to take me!
Jorge: Use my sword.
Lora: Thank you.
Lora gives Jorge a kiss
The monster was now climbing the club
Lora: Die!
Lora jumps off the roof
Lora: Wolf Meteor Slash!
Lora turned into a big wolf spirit and slashed through the monster.
Donald: Damn dude, You just got a girlfriend and she can kick your ass.
Ranko: So do you.
Donald: I know.
Jorge: So you're coming with us.
Lora: For now, my Dad lives in Philly anyway.
Rob: Well can we get something to eat first.
Lora: While I was running I saw a Quick stop.
Rick: Let's go.
At the Quick Stop
Man: Lunchbox, look at that dude with the cat ears, I must be high.
In the store
Donald: Was that? Nawww.
After everyone ate
Rei: Were did Rick go.
A RV pulls up
Rick: Going to Philly anyone.
Ami: How did you get that?
Steve: Ami, You might not want to know.
Usagi: Rick! You're driving on the wrong side of the road.
Rick: No I'm not Usagi. Stop distracting me or I will be.
The Car stops on a woodland
Mina: What happened?
Rick: We ran out of gas.
Kurama: Well we should stay here for the night and get gas in the morning.
Ukyo: Well then…
Ten min later
All the guys were out side the RV.
Sky: Damn it! It's cold out here.
Steve: We should make a camp.
Rob: Where did Don go.
Jorge: That asshole off all the times he decides to change
Kurama: What do you mean change.
Rob: Once Pixy or Karen sees him they will throw him out.
Ranko: Hey there's a kitten in here.
Ranko picks up the kitten.
Ranko: Look what I found.
Akane: Cute.
Ukyo: Yea.
Pixy: Let me see the cat.
Ranko hands the cat to Pixy
Pixy: Just as I thought. Why don't you guys get changed while I watch the cat.
Ranko: Ok.
The girls walk into the back room.
Pixy: Donald What in the hell are you trying to pull?
Donald: It's cold outside, and I can't change back until tomorrow.
Pixy: Well If you do any thing hentai your out and if the other girls start to any like putting bows or anything on you I'm not helping you nor is Karen.
Donald: Ok just put me down your nails are digging into my back.
Pixy drops Donald.
Steve: Well the tents are up.
Rick: Looks like Don's staying in there.
Sky: Lucky bastard.
Donald was on top of a shelf and the girls were talking
Donald: (Man, do they ever stop?)
Karen: Let's play truth or dare.
Donald: (I don't like were this is going. Only Karen would think of this.)
Makoto: How do you play.
Pixy: You play by…. {For the people that don't play this game; look it up.}… and that's how you play.
Makoto: Ok then I go first. Ranko Truth or dare?
Ranko: Truth.
Makoto: On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you love Don and why?
Donald: (Holy hell!)
Ranko: Well 10.
Donald is now hanging off the shelf.
Donald: (This isn't good.)
Donald falls off and right on to Ranko's lap.
Ranko: Did you fall kitty.
Ranko gives Don a death hold hug and Don passes out. Pixy falls over laughing
Well to sum up the night a lot of secrets came out and some girls kissed and one case of streaking…
Sky: Was that just Anna naked?!
Rob: You wish.
Jorge: Are you sure there isn't a Jersey Devil.
Steve: No.
Jorge hears growling and sees red glowing eyes.
Jorge: Sky that better not be you or else!
Sky: I'm right here.
Jorge: Then if you're here then who is right over there?
Girls hear all the guys scream
Ranko: What was that.
Pixy: It might not be important.
The next day
Everyone was asleep when Donald woke up
Donald: Better get changed.
Donald tried to get out of Ranko's arms
Ranko: Donald where are you going?
Donald: How did you know it was me?
Ranko: It's not hard to tell. Your ears have the still the same color fur.
Donald: Sorry but If I don't go cat once every other week I'll be stuck as a cat for a whole week.
Ranko: Well go get human before someone wakes up.
Donald: Thanks.
Donald: Why do I have to get the gas?
Rick: Because you slept in the RV.
Sky: Now go!
Steve: And get some food too.
Jorge: And a first aid kit.
Donald: Why a first aid kit, and Where is the gas can.
Jorge: The Jersey devil exists …..
Rick: The gas is in the back.
Donald walks in the RV and gets the can
Ranko: Don where are you going?
Donald: To get gas and a first aid kit.
Ranko: Why a first aid kit?
Donald: For some reason the jersey devil exists.
Ranko: Oh…..Can I come?
Donald: Ok.
Ranko and Donald go to get gas and kit.
Sky: So what are we going to do?
Steve pulls out a deck of cards
Steve: Go fish.
On the road
Donald: So Ranko, You like USA.
Ranko: It's nice here and isn't as crowded.
Donald: So you know where the gas station is?
Ranko: No clue.
Doanld: Great.
Back in the RV
Mina: I still can't believe Ami and Makoto Kissed.
Makoto: It was a dare!
Pixy: But why did you look so happy doing it.
Makoto: No I didn't!
Pixy: Right….
Makoto: Well at least I didn't have to go streaking in front of the boys.
Anna: Lezbo.
Makoto: You little…And Pixy you made out with Ranko!
Pixy: I know.
Ami: Akane, I could teach you how to swim.
Akane: That could be nice.
At the gas station
Man: We don't sell gas to kids.
Donald: Come on.
Ranko: Don I got an Idea.
Donald: Ok try it.
Donald goes and sits on a bench and watches
Man: Umm ok here free of charge.
Ranko: Thank you sweetie.
Donald: How in the hell did you get the gas?
Ranko: Akane told me Ranma did that all the time.
Back out side the RV
Sky: Ha Kurama's wining.
Kurama: But your losing.
Sky: Yea but so is Steve.
Steve: Sky do you have any 2's.
Sky: Damn it.
Rick: I just had a bad thought.
Rob: And what is that?
Rick: The girls outnumber us right.
Jorge: Yea.
Rick: What if they all had PMS at the same time.
Sky: Don't even joke about that, remember last time you joked about that, Pixy almost killed you.
Rick: Still it's a scary thought.
Pixy comes out
Pixy: What is a scary thought?
Rick: Umm… What Jorge's legs look like. (Yea now that was a close on.)
Donald: We got the gas and the kit!
Back on the Road.
Usagi: O my god! I forgot to feed Luna!
Rick: Usagi.
Usagi: Yea.
Rick: Do have a thing about yelling in my ear when I'm driving?
Ukyo: We are going to crash.
2 hours later
Donald: Holy hell!
Down town was covered with monsters
Usagi: Girls.
The Five girls transformed.
Sky: I'll fly up to see what we're up against.
Sky flies up.
Akane: They're coming.
Sky: Yo some people are being attacked!
Ukyo: Let's go help them.
Boy: Cat Blade!
Donald: That's my brother! Ranko Grab my shirt.
Ranko: Ok.
Ranko grabbed his shirt and took off.
Pixy: Some of you come with me and the rest stay here.
Over in the clearing where the fight was.
Donald: Ryan!
Ryan: Donald!
Donald saw his little brother Ryan, another girl and boy.
Donald: Angle!
Angle: About time you got here.
Angle had a pair of white wings on her back and a Gold knuckles on her hands
Boy: No time to talk we got monsters to kill.
Ryan: Donald who is the girl with Red hair?
Donald: I'll tell you later.
Ryan: Ok.
A big lizard monster came out of the ground.
Monster: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Jupiter: Supreme Thunder!
A little lighting rod came out of Jupiter's tiara and shot out lighting at the monster
Ryan: Not another one of these.
Ranko: Well then how do you kill it?
Boy: Like this.
The boy pull's out a dragon charm
Boy: Shadgon!
The charm turned into a great sword
Boy: Dragonic Slash!
The boys sword glowed bright red and slashed right through the monster
Pixy: Cool a dragon boy.
Lora: There's still a lot more.
Kurama: If we kill the leader demon the monsters should fall.
Sky: Then where is the head demon.
Anna slaps Sky
Sky: What I do?
Anna: You grabbed my butt!
Sky: No I didn't. It was that thing.
A little Demon was hugging Anna's butt.
Anna: You little.
Anna smacks it with her staff and it tries to jump to Ranko but Donald stopped it.
Demon: The hottest and the most dark girl of all.
It jumps to Pixy
Pixy: Come here my little sex toy.
The demon stop's in midflight.
Demon: you want to do me?
Pixy: Maybe.
Kurama: O hell no, This girl has been torturing me for about a week and I like her and your not taking her from me.
Kurama starts to glow.
Ryan: Donald what Pixy do to this guy?
Donald: I don't know, but I guess he liked it.
Kurama turned into Yoko Kurama
Pixy: Kurama got hotter!
Yoko Kurama: You die now! Rose Whip!
Kurama's whip cut the demon into tiny pieces.
Angel: Damn.
Boy: Holy.
Donald: Shit.
Jupiter: …..
Kurama grabs Pixy and takes her to the RV and drives off a half a block
Venus: All the monsters died.
Ryan: I'm Hungry!
Donald: We got food over at the house.
Angle: Well lets get out of here before more monsters come.
At Donald's house everyone was in the living room.
Pixy and Kurama walk in.
Rei: You do know you both switched clothes.
Ami: And both your hair is messed up.
Steve: Please tell me you both have you own underwear on.
Sky: I don't think so, that's right Kurama, dig that wedgey out.
Pixy hits Sky hard.
Sky: I.. Think …I'm going to... die.
Sky passes out.
Donald: Food's ready.
Mina: What's that?
Rob: Pizza.
Ukyo: This tastes good.
Donald: I never asked you name kid.
The boy had a slice of pizza in his mouth
Boy: Dmmdfbdfjabdjfbdjan.
Rei: Swallow your pizza your worst than Usagi
Boy swallows the pizza
Boy: Dan
Donald: Ok Dan welcome to the….
Steve: La resistance.
After they ate.
Rob: We need to find the demon with Ranma's mind.
Angle: There is a tower down town that just showed up three days a go.
Ami: Donald do you have a map?
Donald: Somewhere.
Donald opens the closet and a lot of stuff falls out. A DJ quack quack rolls out of the closet right to Jorge's feet
Jorge: aaaaaahhh DJ quack quack
Jorge runs for the front door but Lora grabs him
Donald: Here it is.
Ami: Thank you. Angle were down town is the tower.
Angle: Right next to city hall.
Akane: Ami do you have a plain?
Ami: Not right now but I might.
Donald: Well we all look tired so, we'll stay here to night and attack in the morning.
Pixy: Dan have all the people left the city.
Dan: No just the people who live down town, the monsters tend to stay there.
Usagi: Then we have nothing to worry about, let's watch "Sailor V".
Rei: Usagi you brought my dvd.
Usagi: Oh yeah it is yours.
Ukyo: Donald does your brother always sleep on people's laps?
Donald: Only the people he likes. What, is he too heavy for you?
Ukyo: A little.
Donald: Give him a min to change.
Ryan changes into a kitten
Usagi: Hey if Ryan changes into a cat what about you Donald.
Donald: Only when I what to. (O god I'm dead.)
Ranko: Then come here neko-Don.
Donald: (We'll we're not going until tomorrow.) Ok, Rob you know where the sleep stuff is.
Donald turned onto a cat.
Usagi: Cute.
Usagi tries to pick Donald up but trips and falls. Donald jumps into Ranko's arms.
Rob: Let's just watch the movie.
After the movie most of the teens were out cold.
Donald: Ranko you can sleep in my bed.
Ranko: Ok, what about you.
Donald: Just put me in the box next to my bed.
Ranko: No you can sleep with me. Don't worry your in cat form right now.
Donald: Ok.
They both went upstairs
Sky: So is the bet still on?
Anna smacks Sky on the head.
Sky: You weren't even there you that joke.
Anna: Where's is Pixy and Kurama?
Rob: They went to the RV…. Not twice in one day.
Rick: Not in the RV!
Anna: Look at Jorge and Lora a sleep in the corner.
Karen: Jorge finally found a girl that can put up with his DJ Quack Quack phobia.
Rob: We should get to sleep.
The next day.
Donald Woke up to the smell of food.
Donald: I should let Ranko sleep.
Donald went in to see were the smell is coming from.
Karen: Here is the pepper.
Ukyo: Thank you
Donald: Can I have some?
Ukyo Looks down
Ukyo: Here.
Ukyo gives Donald a piece of pancake.
Donald: This is good. I didn't think anything this good could be made with the stuff in this house.
Ukyo: Thank you.
Karen: Go wake up everyone.
Donald: Ok but you go and get Pixy.
Karen: Why me.
Donald: Because they're still doing it in the RV.
Ukyo: Is that even possible?
Karen: For Pixy it is.
Ukyo: Don why don't you change back?
Donald: Ok.
Donald changes back into him self
Ukyo: Now go wake everyone up.
Donald: Ok, just hand me that box on the top shelf.
Ukyo: Here.
Donald pulls out a fog horn.
Ukyo: You're not gonna.
Donald: Yep.
Donald walks into the middle of the living room
Fog Horn: (Beeerrrrnnngg!)
The Fog horn wake's everyone up.
Donald: Foods on!
Dan: 5 more minutes!
Donald walk's up to Dan's ear
Fog Horn: (Beeerrrrnnngg!)
Dan jumps into the ceiling.
Dan: I'm up… uh-o.
Dan's head was in the bathroom and Akane was using it.
Akane: You hentai!
Akane took out her hammer and smacked Dan back down stairs but right onto Angle
Angle: Pervert!
Angle hit Dan out the door and hit the RV and Pixy (Still in Kurama clothes) came out
Pixy: How dare you stop our No-no-cha-cha!
Donald: Can't she just say she was having sex.
Pixy round housed kicked Dan up into the air
20 min later, Dan walk's in to the house
Dan: Please tell me someone left me some food.
Ukyo: Here you go.
Dan's eyes starts to sparkle and halalua starts to play.
Down stairs
Usagi: So this is Mario.
Jorge: Yea.
Usagi: I still can't get passed level 3.
Makoto: Man I can't take this!
Sky: What's wrong?
Makoto: I can't sit here and watch you guys play video games with all those monsters down town.
Lora: We have to wait till Ami comes up with a plan, so chill until then.
Upstairs, Ami was typing on the computer, Donald, Ranko, Anna, Mina and Steve were watching TV.
Ami: Donald could you come here.
Donald: Yea what's up?
Ami: Here is a pic of the tower.
Donald: OK, there is allot of monsters guarding it.
Ami: Have never seen monsters like that?
Donald: Give me a min, here is my Monster list. The Big thing with the sword is a Iron Giant.
Ami: Is it strong?
Donald: Not really, all you got to do is piece the armor.
Amp: Well what that?
Donald: Well I don't know the status of monster I just kill them, Knowing them is Karen's area of Specialties.
Ami: Well if I know the monster I could come up with a plan.
Donald: Where is Karen?
Ranko: She's outside.
Ami: Can you go get her?
Ranko: Ok.
Ryan: Blue Claw! Flame Thrower!
Ryan shot a stream of fire out of his hand.
Karen: Great you learned Volcano's special attack.
Ryan: Yea now I know seven attacks for my Blue Claw.
Rei: How did you do learn that?
Ryan: Well when I kill monster when it's using its full power, I learn it's special attack.
Rei: That's a great attack.
Ranko: Karen, Ami needs your help.
Karen: OK, I'll be come in in-a-minute.
Karen: What do you need Ami?
Ami: Well there is allot of different monsters outside the tower.
Karen: And you what me to tell you there status.
Ami: Yea, so we know what way is the easy way in.
Karen: OK.
Later on the roof
Akane was sitting when Rick came up
Rick: Hey Akane.
Akane: Hello.
Rick: Why are you up here alone?
Akane: Just I don't think I would be any help against the demons in the tower.
Rick: Then take this.
Akane: What is it, it doesn't look like the materia you had at the beach.
Rick: It's a type of materia. It's used for summoning monsters.
Akane: But I can't control monsters.
Rick: As long as you have this what ever you summon you can control.
Akane: Well what's inside?
Rick: I don't know. I can't use it, but you might.
Akane: Thank you.
Rick: No prob.
Ami was still on the computer typing away.
Mina: Ami you should come down stairs and get some sleep.
Ami: Yea you're right, but there is still one monster or cannon that is mounted on a top that could hit us on our way in.
Mina: Worry about it tomorrow.
Ami: OK.
Ami goes down stairs
Mina: Man, I hope we win.
That night, Seventeen White Fang, Four Aranea, and One Gemini were a block away from the house
Gemini: Monster's attack!
At the house
Donald: Man the bad thing about being part cat is that you have to go to the bathroom every 4 hour's. What's that noise?
Don looks out the window
Donald: Monsters are attacking!
Outside, The White Fang were using blizzard
Ranko: Hishoukyaku!
Donald: Dark star Claw!
Donald and Ranko hit the White Fang
Ami: What are they?
Karen: Scan!
Karen scanned the White Fang
Karen: There White Fang, a ice Lupine type, weak vs. fire.
Mars: Then take this. Fire Soul Bird!
A fire bird shot out of Mars hand killing three White Fang
Lora: Wolf Rain!
Four wolf spirits came out of Lora and bite the necks of the White Fangs
Sky: There is big craps coming.
Ryan: Blue Claw! Cry In The Night!
Meteor shot from the sky at the Aranea's
Ryan: That should of kill them.
Pixy: Well it didn't.
Dan: I'll take them. Dark No Mercy!
A dark ring appeared around the monsters and blasts of dark power shot out of the ground kill them all.
Dan: There.
Gemini: Parzing Crash!
A wave of energy froze everyone. The Gemini picks out Ranko and heads toward the tower.
Donald: Ranko!
Ranko: Donald!
Pixy: There is nothing we can do.
Anna: Only if I can grab my staff.
Donald: Ranko! I'll save you! I promise you I will!
Later, once the attack wore off
Donald: I am going to save her.
Pixy: Not by your self.
Donald: Ami you better get that plain of your's in gear.
Ami: I will.
At the tower
Master Demon: Now that I have the body and the mind I can have all the power in the world.
Ranko: You'll never win, Donald and his friends will save me.
Master Demon: Why don't I leave you with Ranma to talk before the ritual.
The demon puts a orb in the table and leaves
Ranko: Ranma is that you?
Ranma: You're in my body.
Ranko: I know.
Ranma: How?
Ranko: Well when the demon took you out of your body, my mind was born.
Ranma: OK, Who is Donald?
Ranko: He's my boyfriend and he's going to save us.
Ranma: Listen, If I couldn't win how can this kid do it?
Ranko: He will I know it.
Back at the house
Ami: OK, everyone know what to do.
All: Yea!
Donald: Let's get Ranko and Ranma back.
They all go out side.
Akane: The tower is glowing.
Angle: It doesn't mater, will still win.
Outside the tower
Venus: The cannon is charging up.
Ryan: This is were I come in. Blue Claw! Mighty Guard!
A blue shield came around the everyone right when it fired.
Ryan: I can't keep it up. The cannon is too strong!
Sky: Side Winder!
Anna: Protect!
Angle: Heaven shield!
Three more barriers formed around the group
Rob: Here comes the monsters!
Mercury: Stay in the barrier and attack from long range.
Pixy: The door is locked it looks like it need energy to open.
Jupiter: Or this Sparkling Wide Pressure!
Jupiter shocked the door and three of the ten lights light up
Jupiter: We need more power.
Donald: The Iron Giant's are coming.
Rick: Our long range attack can't kill that!
Pixy: I got it! Dan in that bookbag do you have jumper cables?
Dan: I'll look, Here.
Pixy hock up the cable to the door and the other to….
Pixy: Karen give me a big charge!
Karen: Why…. Ouch!
Pixy clamped the other end of the jumper cable to Karen's nipples and a big jolt of energy and the door open
Donald: Were in.
Karen: My nipples hurt.
Sky: And they're hard.
Anna hits Sky
Sky: I probably deserved that.
Moon: At least we left all those monsters out there.
A big pink monster jumps down from the ceiling
Monster: I am the cottoncandy rex.
Pixy: Cotton.
Moon: Candy.
Rob: Rex.
Steve turns on his cd player, halalua starts to play.
Monster: O no.
At the top of the tower.
The master Demon was setting up the ritual
Master Demon: Mwahahahah.
Ranma: You know that laugh is getting really bad.
Ranko: Yea.
Master Demon: Yea, I'd either is laugh or sing.
Ranma and Ranko: Laugh!
Back at the front door
Donald: Help no… can eat any more.
Mars: I can't believe you guys ate it all.
Ukyo: Let's just go.
They start to go up the tower.
Donald: The door's locked.
Mercury: My computer say's that there is six lock's on this door. So we should spit up and find the off switch.
Donald: We should split in to seven groups of three.
Dan: Why?
Donald: Three of us should stay here.
Ryan: I will.
Akane: So will I.
Donald: I will to, so when this door is open I can get to Ranko faster.
Pixy: Well it look's I'll take this way. Kurama and Steve come with me.
Sky: Anna, Venus, you coming with me?
Anna: Sure.
Venus: Yea.
Rob: Angle, Ukyo come on.
Angle: Right.
Ukyo: Ok.
Jorge: Lora, Mars let's go.
Rick: Jupiter, and Moon let's hit it.
Dan: So that leaves us.
Mercury: I guess so.
Karen: Ok.
Pixy open's a door
Pixy: It's like walking in to a different world.
Rob: Lets go.
Door 1
Pixy: Looks like a forest in here.
Steve: Were is the button to shout off the lock.
Kurama: I don't know, but keep your guard up.
Pixy: Lets just stay on the path.
Voice: How dare you enter here.
Steve: Come out and fight!
Kurama: The trees are moving.
Vines shoot out and entangled the group
Voice: You went me? Here I am.
A set of eye's come out of the ground
Voice: They call me Ap Taoa. But you can call my your death.
Pixy: How bout I call you toasted.
Ap Taoa: Why?
Pixy: Cause your going to get burnt. Hell Fire!
Pillars of fire come shouting out of the ground burning the trees and vines
Steve: Now come out! Ox Kick!
Steve kicked Ap Taoa in the eye
Kurama: Rose Whip!
Kurama grabbed the monster.
Kurama: It's a big mole.
Pixy: A dead mole! Demon Sword!
Pixy's sword appeared in her hand
Pixy: Demon Slayer!
The monster was cut in half
Kurama: Steve dose she all ways get like that?
Steve: Yep, I hope you know what you're getting your self into.
Pixy: Found the button!
Kurama: She goes from kill to happy.
Steve: Yep.
Kurama: God help me.
Door 2
Venus: Great a mountain range.
Anna: It's cold.
Sky: I bet the button is on the top.
Venus: Yea.
Anna: What was that?
Sky: A swarm of Death Dauber's.
Venus: They look like wasps, but huge.
Sky: They are but getting stung by them will kill you.
Anna: Here they come!
15 Death Dauber came right at the group.
Sky: Side Winder!
The monster bounced off the barrier.
Anna: Lit-1
A lighting bolt came down a killed 1 of them
Venus: Let me. Crescent Beam Shower!
A Shower came out of the sky and killed 10 off.
Sky: Talon Slash!
The last 4 died
Voice: Hehehe great job think you can take me!
Venus: Who's there.
A demon with red eyes a yellow hair that looked human but for the wing's on his back.
Demon: My name is Paragon Lord.
Sky: Wait a min you can control Paragons?
Anna: Are they strong?
Sky: Really strong.
Paragon Lord: Come my pretties.
Sky: O come on that's just corny.
Paragon Lord: You will all die.
Three Paragons burst out of the wall and Paragon Lord jumps onto of one of them.
Anna: Ice-1!
Anna's attack did nothing
Anna: Why didn't it work?
Sky: There weapon type monster so weak attack's won't work, and Paragon's are the strongest of them all.
Venus: So were dead.
Sky: No, Give me five min for an attack.
Anna: Ok.
Paragon Lord: Attack!
Venus: Venus Wink Sword!
Venus attack broke on the Paragon's armor
Paragon: Supernova!
A ball of energy the size of a bus shot out of the Paragon's mouth.
Sky: Now! Phoenix Mode!
Sky's body starts to exploding with fire and the Paragon's attack exploded without hurting anyone.
Anna: Sky! Are you ok?
Sky: Yea but he isn't going to be.
Sky jumped into the air
Sky: Tri Phoenix Sword Slash!
Each slash killed a Paragon.
Paragon Lord: You killed my presses. You will all die Supernova!
Sky: Tri Phoenix Sword Slash!
Sky cut's the attack in half and his head off.
Sky: I win, Anna go hit the button.
Anna: Ok.
Venus: Sky you should go cool down.
Door 3
Angle: Great were in a blizzard.
Ukyo: Not another Ice demon.
Rob: Most likely.
They kept walking until they found a frozen aeon.
Ukyo: What is that!?
Angle: It looks like the aeon Shiva, but she controls ice, why is she frozen.
Rob: That's Red ice, She has no power's against that.
Ukyo: Then what dose?
Rob: I Don't know.
Angle: But can break the ice. Angle Dive!
Angle jump in the air a fell and punched the ice.
Ukyo: It didn't work.
A blast came out of no were and froze everyone's feet.
Demon: hahahaha Remember me?
Rob: I already killed you.
Demon: The master brought me back with more power.
Angle: Bastard.
Ukyo: You jackass let us go!
Rob: That's it. You'll die just like last time.
Demon: Yea right, Evil Ice!
The Ice was now up to there arms.
Angle: Ha! I still got one arm free. Fist Of Light!
Angle's fist shot a beam of light at the ice melting it.
Rob: That better.
Ukyo: Yea.
Demon: No way the Ice was never melt.
No No No No No No No! I will not lose!
Ukyo: Face it your going to lose.
Demon: No I'll use the power of the red ice.
The Ice Shiva is in starts to glow.
Demon: Ice transform this aeon into my control. Come forth Heretic Shiva!
The ice starts to crack and Shiva comes out.
Demon: She is mine.
Shiva: ……
Rob: Ice Punch!
Rob Punch the demon in the back
Angle: Heaven's Blast!
A blast of energy came out of Angle's fist at the demon's head. The two attack's killed the Demon
Ukyo: We won.
Shiva: No you didn't.
Rob: Wait, He still has control of you.
Shiva: No. He dose not.
Ukyo: So please let us through.
Shiva: Only if you can take my attack.
Rob: Ukyo, Angle stay back. Shiva, attack me and only me.
Shiva: You have my word.
Rob: I am ready.
Shiva: Diamond Dust!
Shiva's attack froze Rob
Angle: Rob!
Ukyo: He's dead.
Shiva: He was not strong.
The Ice starts to crack
Angle: He's not dead.
Rob: Supreme Ice Storm!
The ice around Rob shattered.
Rob: Hahaha. I win.
Shiva: Yes you do.
Ukyo: There is the button.
Angle: Then lets go.
Rob: Thanks Shiva.
Shiva: Go Take out the Demon Lord.
Rob: Right.
Door 4
Lora: This place looks like a battle stadium.
Mars: Look there are 3 people.
Jorge: It's Slice.
Slice: I told you I would return.
Jorge: You what a rematch.
Slice: Yes, and me my brotherin, Cut and Slash.
Cut: We will kill you.
Slash: You kill will we.
Mars: What the fuck is wrong with him.
Cut: He has a mental problem.
Lora: Well that's funny.
Slash: Funny not.
Jorge: So are we going to fight.
Slice: Yes.
A tiny demon appears
Demon: Let's get ready to rumble! Cut Vs Mars! Ready? Go!
Mars: Your going down!
Cut: Yea right. Cross Cut!
Mars dodges the first strike but got hit by the other.
Mars: Bastard. Take this. Fire Soul!
A burst of fire shot out of Mars's finger right at Cut and hit.
Cut: You Hot Bitch! You will pay for that!
Mars: I did not just here that! Burning Mandala!
Cut: Paper Cut Storm!
Cut through a lot of paper shaped like swords, but Mars' attack buried it.
Cut: Damn you.
Mars: Bye bye. Mars Snake Fire!
Mars's attack killed Cut in a great ball of fire.
Jorge: Damn. She's good.
Lora: My turn.
Demon: Lora Vs Slash. Go!
Lora starts to glow.
Slash: What is going go?
Jorge: That's what I what to know.
Lora: Summon! Swift!
A wolf spirit appeared and went over to Lora and she petted it.
Lora: Ready Swift!
Slash: Dogey!
Lora: Attack Swift!
Swift glows burst's in to blue fire and rushes Slash burning him.
Slash: Dog Damn. Slash Cross!
The attack went through the wolf
Slash: What!
Lora: Swift! Crescent Moon Bite!
Swift jumped up on Slash's back and bite his neck killing him in one shot
Jorge: Damn. I didn't know a wolf spirit could do that.
Slice: O well. Those two were weak. I well kill you all.
Jorge: No just you and me, one on one, Mano y Mano, the great…
Mars: Just fight the monkey fucker.
Jorge: Ok.
Demon: Lord Slice Vs Mut…
Jorge: Hey!
Demon: Ready?! Fight!
Slice: 1000 Sword Slash!
Slice came speeding with his sword slashing a lot.
Jorge: Got to think fast. Got it. Final Flame!
Jorge shot the ground and flames spread all around him
Slice: I can't see him.
Jorge was in the air.
Jorge: Good bye. Wolf Impact!
Slice: I won't go like this.
Slice stuck up his sword right when Jorge's sword was coming down, and the both stabbed each other, but Jorges attack make Slice burst apart.
Lora: Jorge!
Mars: Are you ok?
Jorge's pulls out the blade that was stuck in his side.
Lore: He's bleeding bad.
Mars: We have to get him to some one who can heal him. What are you doing?
Lora's body starts to glow again,
Lora: Please let this work. Wolf tear.
A single tear fell from Lora's eye right on Jorges wound and it was healed
Lora: That god.
Jorge: Thank you, here I don't think he will be needing this.
Jorge hands Lora Slice's sword, as soon as Lora touched the sword it changed
Lora: What happened?
Jorge: It's your's now. You should give it a name.
Swift jumps into the sword
Lora: Well that settles it I'll call it Swift.
Mars: There is the button.
Jorge: Good let get out of here.
Door 5
Rick: Hey a beach.
Rick starts to run into the water but Jupiter grabs him
Jupiter: We have to find the button to open the door.
Rick: Sorry. I just can't help my self around water.
Moon: That's a big clam.
Rick: I bet the button is in there.
Demon: You will not touch my clam.
Jupiter: That sounds so wrong.
Demon: Take this! Clam Chowder!
Rick: This battle is wrong right at the start. A-lance! Water Rush!
A stream of water shot out of the lance right at the attack of the clam demon
Jupiter: Thunder Dragon!
A dragon shot out of Jupiter's hand and killed the demon.
Jupiter: Well that was easy.
Voice: You killed my lover.
Moon: What was that?
Rick: O fuck no it's not the clam.
Clam: You killed him. Now I will eat you.
The clam comes at them chomping its front trying to eat them all they all run
Rick: What the fuck! Run!
Jupiter: I can't run anymore.
Jupiter falls and the clam eats her
Moon: Jupiter!
Rick: This is so wrong!
Moon: I'm not running any more.
Rick: Are you crazy? (Why I'm I asking.)
Moon: Moon Tiara Action!
Moon's attack cut the side of the clam and the clam spit out Jupiter