Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kyuketsuki Shishi ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

`Thoughts or Thinking'
In a small town unknown to the outside world, stood a peculiar house. It had been built in the 1800's but it was in perfect condition, as if time hadn't passed for it. However, the house gave off no feeling of a loving family living inside its walls. Instead there was a cold clam aura that kept the house in ominous silence. Dark colored curtains were placed at each window, letting in no sunlight. Most of the rooms were very old-fashioned and were lit with candles rather then light bulbs. Only a few trinkets showed a hint of the present.
The owner of the place looked like a handsome, but ordinary young man in his late twenties, with sea-blue eyes and long brown hair held in a low ponytail. His name, or at least the name he wanted to be called, was Kiron. He had been born in England and had moved with the last survivors of his family to Japan in the middle of 1800's.
The owner of the house was known thought out the house as the town that he was not human.
The townsfolk in the area were used to the supernatural. Non-human creatures that came and went at will, taking whatever they wanted without caring whom it belonged. The humans and demons who worked in the mysterious house were said to be nothing more than slaves to the master of the house, somehow forced to obey his will.
As the slaves went about their work, cleaning and cooking for the live household, all of them ignored a young twelve-year-old boy who sat just outside his master's study's door. His long, wavy, orange hair fell over his face, hiding his cold, emotionless blue eyes.
He was barefoot and wore age-old clothes. His right arm brushed away his long, orange bangs form his face, while his left one was occupied carrying a cast. Having long hair was the mark of the slaves. It was the cheapest way of distinguishing those who were to be treated like an object rather than a person. His old master, called Alberich if his memory served him right, had broken his left arm when he had found his little slave boy trying to cut off his hair. After that, he was thrown back into the slave trade. His old master had got sick of him resisting his orders and fighting all the time. No amount of beating or starving had managed to break the boy's will.
To make a long story short, Kiron had found and bought the boy for some unfathomable reason. And now, after six months of hard work, his master was calling him into the study room. He sat quietly but fearfully, wondering what his new master was going to do with him. At that moment the dark door of red wood opened.
"Come in," was all his master said.
The young boy stood up and walked in. His eyes fell on Kiron, who sat at his desk looking over some papers. The elegant young man didn't bother to look up as his servant walked in.
"You wished to speak with me... master?" The orange-haired boy forced out the word master, which earning him a side glance from Kiron.
"Yes, I do. How long have you been a slave?" asked Kiron.
The boy eyed him suspiciously before answering. "Eleven years, sir. I was... taken as a salve at age two."
Kiron nodded. "And you've been nothing but a menial labour slave, yes?"
"Do you have any family left?"
The boy hesitated, but finally decided that lying would get him in trouble. "Yes," he answered truthfully.
"My sister."
"Ah, good."
The boy's eyes widened with fear. Was his master going to capture his sister and make her his new slave? Condemn her to a life where you were nothing but a object? A toy to vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, witches, and who knew what other creatures?
"Don't worry. I guarantee that she won't be brought into this kind of life."
The boy sighed in relief, but couldn't help but ask, "Why?"
"I have my reasons." Kiron stood up and moved away from the desk. His strides were full of grace. No sound was heard as he proceeded to bring out a bag and give it to the boy.
"Here, take it."
Kiron watched in amusement as the boy once more eyed him and the bag suspiciously. The boy knew a vampire could only be trusted so far. Cold, emotionless, blue eyes stared warily and questionably into sea-blue ones.
"You're a free person, boy. I do hope you know what that means," said Kiron, dropping the bag at the boy's feet.
"I do... but..." the boy stopped.
"But what?"
"Why? Why are you giving me my freedom back?"
"Unlike most converted vampires, I don't forsake my roots, for I was once a human too. Now go, boy, before I change my mind. "
The orange-headed boy wasted no time in taking the bag and turning to leave, but then Kiron's voice called out. The boy cursed, sure that his master had just change his mind.
"Before you go... I want you to promise me something," said Kiron.
"What?" He winced at his harsh tone towards Kiron. Just because he was free now, it didn't mean that would stop Kiron form beating him. Although Kiron had never beaten him since he entered his service.
"I want you to promise that you'll come back here, to this very place, when I call for you. It could be tomorrow, it could be in ten years form now; but you are to come back and do as I say without questions. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand and I promise to come back to do what you say without questions."
"Good, be sure to get the freedom marking now you may leave... Kazuma."
Kazuma stared at his now former master before leaving. Never in all his time of being a slave to the supernatural world had any of his masters bothered to learn his name, so why did Kiron bother to learn it? That was a question that wouldn't be forgotten till the very day Kiron called him back.