Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kyuketsuki Shishi ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

‘Thinking or thoughts’

Chapter 8

“Can we go to the hotel now? I’m hungry!” Goku said completely forgetting what had just happened. The others face fell anime style at Goku words.

“You little brat! How can you be hungry!” said Ryoga grabbing Goku by his collar.

“But I’m so hungry!” whined Goku.

“Goku didn’t you have enough at breakfast?” Kazuma asked; sweat dropping at his teammate’s unrelieved hunger.

“With that bottomless pit for a stomach I’m surprised he not stuffing his face right now.” said Meilin crossing her arms over her chest.

“Ah, Mei Mei your so mean.” said Goku.

“What did you call me!” Meilin snatch Goku out of Ryoga hands, her face tinted pink at Goku little nickname for her.

“What? Don’t you like the nickname?” He asked.

“Yes…no! I mean...” Meilin released Goku and turned away trying to hide her blushing face.

Makoto laugh at this while Ryoga and Kazuma watch on with confusion all over their faces at the actions of the two eighteen year olds.

“Come on, I’m sure Yomiko has some food ready for us to eat.” said the brunette.

Goku gave off a Yahoo and raced off toward the hotel with Meilin right behind him till the shape-shifter to slow down.

“Since when did Meilin start getting along with Goku?” asked Ryoga watching them.

“Oh, for a while now.” answered Makoto, following two teens.

“Eh!” Kazuma and Ryoga said in union.

Neither of them knew why Meilin was getting along with Goku. To them it always seemed that Shape-shifter annoyed the magic girl for fun and in return she hit or threatened him. It reminded Kazuma of Keiko and Yusuke relationship. Thinking about his old friends brought back the painful memories of Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, Yukina and Shizuru. He wondered for a moment what Keiko thought about him since she wasn’t there. She didn’t seem to hate him or like him, so Kazuma wasn’t sure how she felt.

‘If Urameshi hates me then maybe Keiko does too.’ Kazuma shook his head. Once this was over he would face Yusuke and the others and tell them that he wanted to quit the team. At the moment he didn’t care if Koenma threw a fit about it. He was quitting and perhaps he would ask Kiron if he could move into the town. He already knew about the rules of supernatural world and what a human could and couldn’t do. And as long as he held the tattoo that marked him as a free person he could not be taken as a salve ever again.

Suddenly the memory of the day he had got the freedom tattoo came back to him. It was the day after Sensui was defeated; he had thought it was a good time to get the tattoo that would represent his freedom. He had been lucky that no one from the supernatural world had taken him as a salve again. Perhaps it had to do with him meeting Urameshi and seeing him die and then having him back to life. Then meeting with the demons Kurama and Hiei and giving them the job of being spirit detectives had take his mind off the supernatural. But the day Sensui was beaten he had free time and found himself wondering about his past.

Knowing that to keep his freedom he needed that marking. Searching for some time he final found a tattoo store that was run by an old male nekomata. He had got the tattoo, but unfortunately Kurama, Hiei and Yusuke had walk into the tattoo store just as he was leaving. The argument between them lased for ten minutes, but that wasn’t compared to his fight with Shizuru. Of course Hiei was more then happy to sit back and watch the two Kuwabara siblings fight it out. But no matter how much yelling, screaming, or hitting the older Kuwabara did the younger one refused to remove it.

“Kazuma?” Meilin’s voice cut thought his thoughts.

“Hai?” Kazuma said looking down at Meilin, her ruby eyes looked into his shining with an inner fire that was much stronger then Hiei’s.

“You space out.” said Meilin, Kazuma blink and stared around the room. He realized that he had completely space out on his way back to hotel. Now everyone was watching him including Mina with a worried look in her eyes.

“It’s nothing. I was just thinking.” said Kazuma giving all of them his goofy grin. Mina calmly walked over to him and placed her hand in his. Kazuma smiled at her, Mina had become a very important person to him though he was most likely not to tell anyone that. Especially not after Yukina. He didn’t want to risk getting hurt again. But now his thoughts of her were changing thanks to one special night.



Kazuma’s eyes snapped open in time to catch a flash of lighting then he heard thunder sound off. Groaning he got up and closed the blindfolds over the window. He couldn’t fall back to sleep with the lighting brightening up his room. He was turning to go back to his warm comfortable bed when his bedroom door opened. Kazuma froze waiting to see who was entering into his room. It was Mina. She carried an old oil lamp and wore a night shirt that was to big for her. Her hair was no longer held in her red ribbon but flowed over her shoulders like a golden waterfall. Her ears were flat against her head and her tail was strait up. The thunder sounded and it caused Mina to jump.

“Mina?” Mina’s head snapped toward Kazuma’s voice. She frowned; she had hoped that she would find him asleep. Realizing that he was waiting for her answer, so she came up with a story.

“Um, Kazuma, can I sleep with you tonight?” She saw his face turn red thanks to her cat eyes at her words.

“That not what I mean. It’s just…I’m scared of thunderstorms and...and...” she trailed off.

“And you need someone to sleep with to get though it, right?” asked Kazuma.

Mina nodded, “Yes, so...is...it okay?”

Kazuma frowned a little ‘Why would she come to me? Why not ask one of the girls? Heck why not ask Artemise?’ Mina saw him looking doubtful so she quickly caught his gaze with her sad puppy eyes and knew that he couldn’t resist helping a scared girl. And she was right.

“Okay, you can stay. I’ll sleep on the floor.” said Kazuma preparing to lye down.

“Eh! No, we can share. There is enough room for the two of us.” Mina said quickly.

“I don’t think...it right. What if-“

“No one’s going to know; besides it’s just for tonight...please?”

Kazuma mentally sighed, he could never say no to a woman especially one like Mina.

“Alright just for tonight.”

Mina smile happy and jump onto the bed and slid under the covers. Kazuma lay down not bothering to cover himself till Mina placed the sheets over him

“Don’t want you to catch a cold now.” Mina said smiling.

She then settled back down next to him and lay against him. Kazuma gulped and moved onto his back. Sleep was coming to him, taking him into a dreamless sleep.

“Kazuma?” Mina’s voice rang out stopping him from falling asleep.


“Do…do you like being here more then you do back home?”

Kazuma’s eyes snap open, “Why do you ask that?”

“Oh, um well...I overheard Kiron telling Yomiko how happy you were here then at home...and...and...”


Mina moved closer to him wrapping her arms around him and laying her head on his chest, “Your family and friend don’t treat you kindly after all you been though.”

“That because they don’t know. I don’t want to brother them with my past.” Kazuma feeling something wet on his chest. “Mina, your not crying are you?” He asked.

“I’m not crying. I just thought maybe you would tell your sister, but I think...she wouldn’t care.”

“What my sister did to me is in the past and as for what she would have thought, who knows? She maybe has been a little nicer to me but I doubt it.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Well, after my parents were killed and I was kidnapped Shizuru must have turned her heart to stone so she wouldn’t have to deal with the pain of being alone.”

Mina pulled back, “But she should have warmed up to you! You’re her brother, she should be happy to have you.”

Kazuma started puzzled by Mina actions. Why would Mina care about the way Shizuru treated him? Or about him when his sister, friends and old lover didn’t?

“Why do you care so much?” Kazuma couldn’t help but ask.

“Do I need a reason? I just like you for who you are. Your very kind, loyal, caring and the list go on. You truly have a pure heart.”

“My heart is not as pure as you think.”

Mina glace up, “Why’s that?”

“Because I feel envy, jealously, anger and hatred, I can’t be the pure heart that you think I am.” said Kazuma looking into Mina’s eyes.

“You miss understand me. What I mean, your a very honorable, a good hearted person who cares for others. That why I lo...like you, Kazuma.”

“You like me?”

“You don’t believe me?” Mina said sounding sad.

“No, I believe you.”

Mina opened her mouth to speak but close it quickly. What she was about to say would have him questioning her instead.

“Don’t you have someone who loves you back home? I thought you would.” said Mina

Kazuma was quite for a moment then said, “There was one girl I loved...I thought she love me too.”

If Kazuma know her secret then she wouldn’t need to ask who the girl was and why she had broken his heart.

“What her name?” Mina asked though she all ready knew.

“Yukina...but it over between us.” Mina ear picked up on this.

“Really? Why?”

“She rather married the kitsune.”

Mina didn’t push the matter anymore instead she tightened her hold on him while moving her head a little to kiss his cheek.

“Remember Kazuma-kun, I like you.” said Mina resting her head on his chest now falling a sleep. but catching Kazuma next word even as he whisper.

“Thanks, Mina.”

End of Flashback

“You met team Takemoto. Nice man isn’t he?” said Artmise

“Yeah, real nice fella.” said Kazuma sarcastically

Artmise chuckled a little, “Be careful Kazuma. Limbo is a powerful warlock and he won’t take it easy on you.”

Kazuma nodded, “I’ll be careful.”

Artmise then turned to Meilin who sat on the window balcony watching the sky.

“Meilin, this team is really going to test you. Anyone with magical powers like yours will have trouble throughout the rest of the tournament.” said Artmise

“Why? I haven’t done anything wrong.” said Meilin focusing her ruby eyes on the cat.

“Ah, but you did. You team up with a vampire and without your clan’s approval.”

“Who? Ryoga? He doesn’t even act like a real vampire.”

Artmise just shook his head, “But he is a vampire never the less.”

“Wait a sec, Mast Flec said because I don’t fall in with my family magic he wasn’t sure which class I belong in. So they can’t do anything to me!” said Meilin.

“Mei Mei, your aura feels like that of magic person. Light and warm just like a fire. You bring comfort to those around you.” said Goku though a mouth full of dumpling.

“Goku sallow your food before you talk.” said Meilin

“And that is the reason why team Takemoto will want to fight you the most.” said Artmise

“Great, Meilin has all the attention.” said Shampoo sitting down on the floor.

“I’m not worried. We’ll beat them.” said Meilin crossing her arms over her chest.

“Let hope so.” said Ryoga seeming doubtful.

“Your faith in us is really inspiring.” said Meilin sarcastically.

“Your welcome.”

“I was being sarcastic.”


Makoto and Shampoo shook their head, while Kazuma and Goku sweat dropped at Ryoga and Meilin childish act. It was then Kazuma felt his hand being squeezed.

“Hai, Mina?”

“Why don’t we go looking for a bit? We have nothing else to do.”

Kazuma thought about it and figured Mina was right and she was a fun person to hang out with. Goku was already eating all the food and annoying Meilin, which there would to a fight between the two and he really didn’t want a headache before the match tomorrow.

He turn to her smiling, “Let’s go.”