Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds cross ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own YuYu Hakusho, or Weiss Kreuz.

Warning: This will be yaoi and AU

Makai: Demon world

Mekai: Nether world

Reikai: Spirit world

Ningenkai: Human world

Ningen: Human

Youkai: Demon

When worlds cross

By Yami Kitsune

Omi was typing away on his computer trying to get some information for their new mission. Omi glanced at the folder sitting next to him; there were a few pictures of dead teenage bodies. It seemed someone had been kidnapping teenagers 15-17 years of age and killing them. That was nothing; Omi had seen stuff like this before. What gave him the chills was that when the bodies were found they were intact. No cuts, no bruises, no poison, no drowning. They were just dead, like there heart had just stopped beating. No one had been able to figure out how this guy had done it, but the fact was that he was doing it and had to be stopped.

Omi sighed again leaning back in his chair. He had been trying to get some more information on this guy, but it was like he had never existed before and just came out of nowhere.

"Hey, Omittchi, how's it going?" Youji said as he came down the stairs. Omi shook his head.

"Not to good. I can't find anything on this guy. It's like he came out of thin air and started killing."

"Well keep trying, every one has a past somewhere." Youji said. Omi nodded and went back to work on his computer. He had to find something on this guy.


Yusuke was sitting on the roof to his school where he spent every lunch break. He was so glad today was the last day of school. He could spend the whole summer doing what he wanted to. That is if Koenma didn't have him go and track down another youkai that escaped form the Makai.

"Yusuke!" Yusuke groaned when he heard a voice he knew too well and wish he didn't. Looking up, he saw Boton standing there looking down at him.

"What do you want now Boton?"

"Koenma wants to see you immediately. Its an emergency."

"When isn't it an emergency?" Yusuke asked as he stood up and brushed off his pants. Boton took out her oar and hopped on.

"Get on, Kuwabara's waiting by the gate." She said and Yusuke got on the oar. Boton went down, picking up Kuwabara and going to Reiki.

When they got there, Kurama and Hiei were already waiting. Yusuke and Kuwabara walked into Koenma's office.

"What's the problem now? Lost your pacifier?" Yusuke joked. However Koenma didn't find this funny.

"A youkai has escaped to the Ningenkai."

"So what else is new?" Yusuke folded his arms across his chest. Koenma hit a button on his desk and his TV came down. A picture of the youkai appeared, half of his face was shadowed but the part that you could see, he had pale skin that looked almost white. His eyes looked like they were glowing gold and every now and then they would flash red really quick.

"His name is Kunisada, he is an S-class youkai. He has already killed 15 humans, all of them teenagers."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I, the mighty Kazuma Kuwabara, will kill him!"

"Hn, I feel so much safer now." Hiei said as he polished his sword in the corner of the room. This of course made Kuwabara want to start a fight with Hiei.

"Hey, shrimp, if you have something to say, come say it to my face!"

"I'd rather not waste my time." Yusuke and Kurama shook their heads at them. This happened every time they all got together. Kuwabara would say something, and Hiei would make a comment about how stupid he was and they could call each other names for hours on end.

"Come on Kuwabara, we should get back to school before Keiko finds out I'm missing." Yusuke said breaking up the fight before it could get bloody, because Hiei was looking very annoyed and that was never good, especially if he had his katana out.

"Hn." Was Hiei's only comment as Yusuke dragged Kuwabara out.


It was almost one in the morning when Aya came down into the kitchen to get a drink of water. He heard someone down in the mission room so he went down to see who it was. He stopped at the bottom of the steps when he saw Omi still sitting at his computer doing research for the mission. He wondered how long Omi had been sitting there. Manx had shown up shortly after they had finished lunch and after the mission briefing Omi had sat down at his computer and hadn't moved since.

Aya looked at the plate of cold food sitting next to Omi and sighed. Omi got like this whenever he got on his computer; he wouldn't eat until he was done. And with the way things were looking, he wasn't going to be done for a while.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Aya asked said as he stepped down the last step. Omi jumped and turned his chair around to look at Aya.

"Aya-kun, you scared me!" Omi said and sighed. "Anyway, I can't go to bed yet I still haven't found anything."

"Go to bed, Omi, you won't be any help if you falling asleep on your feet." Aya said. Omi nodded giving up. He knew he couldn't win a fight with Aya when he was this tired. He stood up and went to his room. Aya sighed as he watched him go, turning back to the computer to see what Omi had been looking at. It wasn't much, Youji had told him what Omi said earlier. And he was right it was starting to look like this guy came out of nowhere.

Aya sighed and went up stairs. He stopped outside of Omi's door; it was open just a little bit. He looked in and saw Omi pulling his shirt off getting ready for bed. He continued to watch until Omi moved to take his shorts off, Aya shook his head and backed away from the door, walking down to his room.

He couldn't believe he was just going to watch Omi undress. He knew he was starting to develop strong feeling for the youngest member of Weiss, but Omi was already going out with the Schwartz telepath. Aya set his drink on his bedside table and sat down. He couldn't figure out what Omi saw in that creepy redheaded Germen. But it was Omi's life; Aya just wished he was a bigger part of it. Aya drank his water and lied back down on his bed.


Kunisada looked out the window of the building he was staying at for the moment. He knew it was only a matter of time before Koenma sent the Urimeshi team after him. And he was ready for them; he had been taking energy form teenagers for the past few weeks.

He looked behind him when he heard the door open. He smiled when he saw his servant come in.

"I take it you got the next victim?" He asked as he walked over to him. His servant nodded and bowed as Kunisada left the room. He went into the basement where there was another teenage girl waiting, she was tied up in the corner. Her eyes widened when he came into the room. He smiled and he could smell the fear coming off of her.

"You don't have to be frightened in the last moments of your life." He smiled and his shadow covered her. The room was filled with a scream as he took her energy. He backed away from the lifeless body and smiled. He turned and left the room going down the hallway. He opened the door at the end of the hallway. There was a dark figure standing by the window.

"There is another body for you to get rid of..."

"Why do you make me do such things?"

"I brought you back to life, you owe me."

"And if I refuse to obey you any more?"

"Then I can easily take your life away again, Kuronue."

"Fine. I'll get rid of the body." Kuronue sighed and left the room. *why do I listen to him?* He wondered as he walked into the room with the dead girl. *Poor thing* he thought as he went over and picked her up. He knew he had to think of someway to stop Kunisada before he did this again. If only he could get in contact with this Urimeshi team and warn them. He knew he would think of something sooner or latter.

"Better get this done with." He walked out of the room with the body and left the building to find a place to dump the body.


Ok what did you think? This is my first x-over fanfic; let me know how you like it. Ja ne!