Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ A Day in the Woods ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 7: A day in the Woods

The next day, as planned, Kurama left early. He knew that the sooner he could collect everything, the sooner he could return and help both his beloved Kuronue and Hisoka, both victims of Muraki's curses. Leaving his love behind was hard, but the right thing to do. Kuronue would only slow him down.

Back at the temple, everyone was splitting up into groups and heading off for the day. First to leave were Hisoka and Tsuzuki, then Kuwabara left with the love of his life, Yukina. This made Hiei, Yukina's not-so-identical twin, angry. Yusuke came up with an idea to calm the demon down and dragged him in the opposite direction to Kuwabara and Yukina, hoping that he could keep Hiei occupied by training with him. He never realised that there was more than just training on the other's mind.

As the pair faced off, their auras flared up. Their eyes showed the power that they still held up inside. If the full extent of their power was released, who knew what would happen. Hiei and Yusuke rushed at each other, trading blows. Some hit and others missed. The fight was having undesired effects on Hiei, the fire demon felt the effects even more when Yusuke's shirt was caught on a branch, ripping it off the toned body. Entranced by the movements of his desired partner, Hiei forced himself to end the training early, and ran to the nearby lake.

Stripping off his clothing, Hiei slipped into the cool water. Making sure that he was hidden from Yusuke's view, Hiei moaned as the water soothed his enflamed flesh. He moved to deeper waters, allowing himself to feel his hands, although he imagined his small hands to be the larger hands of his secret love. His hands slipped down his chest, under the water to brush against his hard-on. Closing his hand around his erection he moaned loudly as he stroked his hand along the length. He arched from the pent up desire he felt, knowing that his only release was by his thoughts and by his own hand. He quickened the pace of the strokes, answering his body's desire for release, the ache of knowing his desired partner was so near, yet totally oblivious to his intentions. Yusuke's mouth, his lips, made the demon whimper. He wanted those lips around his length, to feel Yusuke's throat swallow around him, enjoying everything. The thoughts pushed Hiei over the edge, Whimpering Yusuke's name. Allowing the water to support him, he panted to catch his breath and to regain his composure before having to face Yusuke once more. He knew that the loud moan would have probably caught Yusuke's attention if he were close enough. Wading back to the shore, he raised his body temperature, drying himself off before dressing.

Walking back to where the fight occurred, Hiei looked for his Toushin. Yusuke had seemingly disappeared from the world. Calling for Yusuke, Hiei was worried that something had happened. All the time a shadow watched the antics of the demon from the branch that he was perched on. Feeling sorry for the franticly searching apparition Yusuke shouted "Hiei, I'm up here!" A moment later a relieved looking Hiei was beside him, before the same demon wriggled onto Yusuke's lap, looking content. He then rested his head on Yusuke's shoulder. "Erm, Hiei?" Yusuke said gently, getting a slight grunt from the snuggling demon. "Is it possible for you to move?" Getting one of Hiei's death glares, Yusuke gulped. "Ok, maybe its safer if you stayed there." Hiei smiled slightly against Yusuke's chest. He felt Yusuke move slightly as the young man fetched an apple hanging from the branch that they were sitting on. "Hiei, where were you earlier?" Yusuke asked looking down at the other.

"I had a problem to take care of. It was rather press... urgent." He said. "It wasn't anything that you needed to worry about or I'd have told you." The fingers of Hiei's left hand trailed over Yusuke's smooth chest, as gentle as the kiss of a butterfly. "How is Keiko taking you being here?" The girl's name was spat out with venom. He hated the young woman and always had. She held his Toushin when he needed to be held. She rubbed Hiei's nose in it every time that he saw them together, even though he was sure that she didn't know about his desire. However he had no doubt that if she knew that she would turn the hanyou against him. He whimpered with the thought, certain that the whimper would draw Yusuke's attention. He was correct.

"Forget about Keiko." Yusuke said with a worried tone. "Are you okay, Hiei?" Yusuke didn't like that whimper, not at all. It sounded like a hurt puppy, like Hiei was in pain because of something. "Please tell me what's wrong, Hiei. Tell me what pains you so." Yusuke wrapped his arms around Hiei, trying to soothe the fire demon he held in his arms.

"I don't like Keiko. I don't see why you put up with that nasty little bitch. She seems to enjoy hurting you, and I don't like that." The youkai blinked back tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Either you really love her, or have a lot of insecurities. I can't speak for the former, but the latter is unfounded, you're a gorgeous young male that could be with anybody that he truly desired." Hiei had never really tolerated a woman beside him for long. They proved to be a slight distraction from his true wants, nothing more. He preferred other males, and that was no secret, but he would never trade his Toushin for all the males of Makai, Ningenkai and Reikai put together. Only Yusuke held his eye, and only Yusuke was he able to see himself mated to in a century, even a millennium or two.

Yusuke still didn't understand why Hiei was so upset, nor why he said the things he said. He hesitantly ran his fingers through Hiei's hair, and felt Hiei press against his hand. He knew that even Kurama never had the pleasure of being allowed to even hold Hiei the way he was doing, and it surprised Yusuke that Hiei was still allowing him to do so. "Keiko isn't that bad." He said looking at the apple with hunger in his eyes. "She's intelligent, and fun to be around. Anyway what has gotten into you, Hiei?" He asked, Hiei looked away as to not give himself up. It would be all too easy to tell Yusuke, to tell him that he was desired by him. However who would desire the Forbidden Child? Hiei sighed as he disentangled himself from Yusuke's arms, yet remained on Yusuke's lap. He had shown his affection to his desired one and it hadn't been returned as he had secretly hoped.

"Nothing, I guess." He said, Yusuke knew that it wasn't true, Hiei wasn't looking at him, and in fact Hiei allowed a single tear to fall. Unlike Yukina's Hiruseki stone, his contained a flame and where her stones were cold his was warm to the touch. He couldn't allow his heart to be hurt so much every time he tried to convince Yusuke of his love. He then felt Yusuke's hand rub his shoulder, and turned to look at the man. He then noticed a single droplet of apple juice making its way down Yusuke's chest, and over his abdomen. With no control over himself, Hiei moved off of Yusuke's lap and licked up the droplet, following the trail back to its source, his hands holding onto Yusuke's legs. Reaching Yusuke's neck, the licks changed into more sensual ones. Yusuke had begun to tremble. Why was Hiei acting so strange? Was it mating season for fire youkai? He didn't have too long to wait to see what Hiei was up to. Hiei knew that if he never felt Yusuke's lips again, he would know what they felt like now. descending on the lips, he kissed Yusuke gently, licking at the sweetness still remaining on them. It surprised him when the mouth opened slightly, and taking advantage over the new situation, Hiei's tongue slipped into Yusuke's mouth, marvelling at the apple after taste along with a unique flavour that was Yusuke's own. Coming around to his senses, Yusuke pushed Hiei off him, unbalancing both in the process and both fell off of the branch. However neither hit the hard ground as they expected, instead they were caught by Tsuzuki and Hisoka that were passing by when they fell.

"Now what were Yusuke and Hiei doing up a tree, Hisoka?" Tsuzuki said in a teasing tone.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Hisoka teased back, letting Hiei regain his balance. Once he had done so, Hiei ran off into the surrounding trees, partly embarrassed at being caught by the two Shinigami. Yusuke wasn't so lucky, the pair teased him all the way back to Genkai's. However he wasn't paying too much attention to them, his mind was on Hiei and what he had done in the apple tree. His mind was drawn back to the kiss, always the kiss. Keiko never kissed him like that, when Hiei kissed him he felt tingly. He felt that he wanted to hold Hiei and never let him go. He felt like that with Keiko at the start, but not for a while. Did this mean that he wanted Hiei and not Keiko, or was his mind playing tricks on him? He would have to think over this.