Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ Love Trancends everything... Doesn't it? ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 10: Love Trancends Everything... Doesn't it?

Yusuke held Hiei close as they entered the temple, constantly feeling Hiei's nuzzling and caresses. It was actually enjoyable, making Yusuke feel wonderfully secure. They walked into the sitting room and sat down, Hiei motioned for Yusuke to lay his head on his lap, which Yusuke did. Just resting his head on Hiei made Yusuke relax, their auras mixing, flowing together. It felt as though they were one and the same, and as Yusuke relaxes, Hiei followed suit. So relaxed were they that they never noticed Tsuzuki and Hisoka enter the room. "Aw, 'soka, aren't they cute?" Tsuzuki said with a laugh, his eyes sparkling in mirth. "Aren't you both a little overdressed? Yusuke, shouldn't you be facing the other way?" Hiei's eyes snapped open, as did Yusuke's, both blushing bright red. Then Hiei's eyen narrowed when he saw that it was Tsuzuki, He then set about calming Yusuke's nerves, trying to ease both their fears. Eventually Yusuke relaxes once again, his eyes slowly closing. Then Hisoka sat beside them.

So how long have you been boyfriend and boyfriend? Who started it? Does Keiko know?" The questions made Yusuke uncomfortable and therefore angered Hiei.

"For your information, since this morning, it was mutual and she doesn't need to know as it isn't exactly… well…" Hiei said finally lost for words.

"We don't know how serious this is yet." Yusuke said quietly. "Please no more questions. Neither of us is comfortable with what you are asking." Hiei couldn't agree more. It made him uncomfortable, especially as Yusuke was still so unsure about their budding relationship. When the pair grew bored and left, Hiei changed his position to lie on the floor, Yusuke moving with him. Once he realised how similar their current position was to the one when Hiei saved him from Muraki's knives, he decided that he would mimic that position. Hiei suddenly felt hotter than normal, and his trousers were tighter. Yusuke gently pressed back and realised how good it felt.

Hiei thrust up against his ass. "What did I tell you about teasing, Yusuke?" Hiei asked in a growling hiss before he twisted so Yusuke was below him. "You aren't ready for what you're asking for." Pushing away from Yusuke, the fire demon sighed. The hanyou didn't understand anything. His desire for Yusuke was unrivalled and the passion was soul consuming. He had to get away, to ease his lustful thoughts and the more obvious result of his lustful desire in his trousers. "I'm not entirely sure that you know what you want either. I'll be back soon" With that Hiei left, leaving a shocked Yusuke lying on the ground.

Angry at the way that Hiei had acted, Yusuke wandered through the temple until a moan caught his attention. Curiosity piqued, he followed the sounds to Hisoka and Tsuzuki's bedroom, where he opened the door and peeked inside, his eyes widening in shock at the view that he beheld. He could see Hisoka on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. He was naked, that was clearly obvious and also what the two Shinigami were doing. Yusuke blushed bright red as he said a quick apology and ran from the room. Tsuzuki and Hisoka, once dressed, following close behind.

Hiei, dressing himself from his impromptu bath, opened his Jagan Eye to check on his beloved, and found Yusuke with some ease. His love was at the beach and was deeply embarrassed about something. Worried for Yusuke, Hiei followed the trail to the beach and saw Hisoka and Tsuzuki there too. Moving closer he could hear Tsuzuki speaking. "It wasn't what you thought, well it was, but…"

"What wasn't what he thought?" Hiei asked walking to stand between Yusuke and the Shinigami. He looked between both of them. "Well, what in the name of Meikai were you talking about?" He began to glare at them.

"Yusuke, well, he just walked in on us." Tsuzuki said. He was rather shocked by Hiei's angry presence. He was sure that Yusuke wasn't upset by what he had witnessed. Just a little embarrassed was all that was wrong with the kid. "I was giving Hisoka a…"

"I don't need details, you should have been more aware of what could happen." He felt Yusuke press against him from behind, a rather noticeable bulge pressing against his back. The feeling almost made Hiei in need. "Just get lost, and if I see another instance of you causing Yusuke embarrassment in such a way again, I won't be so lenient." The Shinigami gulped, not liking the look in Hiei's eyes and quickly left. Hiei turned in Yusuke's arms. "As for you, don't go sniffing around moans, groans and whimpers, okay?" Yusuke nodded, feeling as though he was a gazelle and Hiei a lion.

"Hiei, does it feel good?" Yusuke asked after some time. "I mean oral pleasures, do they feel good?" Hiei chuckled to himself. "Aw, c'mon Hiei, tell me." Yusuke said putting as much hurt in his voice as possible. Hiei laid his head on Yusuke's chest.

"Maybe I should show you and let you decide for yourself." Hiei rubbed a knee against Yusuke's groin. "However I doubt that I would be as good as Koenma. I'm sure that having a pacifier helps with the sucking." The comment made Yusuke laugh. "If you still want to know how it feels, meet me in your room, and lock the door. I don't want to real with intruders into my… our private affairs." Hiei then headed back to the temple, Yusuke following at a slower pace.

Stumbling through the door, Yusuke locked it as requested, before looking around. He noticed Hiei beside the bed, half naked, the sight reminding him why he was there. "Obviously you still haven't changed your mind." The fire youkai said as he approached Yusuke, helping him undress. "If you lean against the headboard you have the choice to watch or not." Taking Hiei's advice, Yusuke leaned against the headboard. "I'm surprised that Keiko has never offered you…"

"She doesn't want sex, of any kind, outside marriage." Yusuke said watching Hiei move around the bed. He knew that Hiei was taking his time, as though savouring the experience, not to mention that he was grinning like that Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"So, I'm your first. Interesting development I must say." He purred as he settled on the bed, smirking. "What an honour, detective." He crawled up Yusuke's body, making sure to make contact with as much of Yusuke's skin as possible. "I guess that I better be nice, eh Detective?" He purred lightly into Yusuke's ear. "If you want me to stop, tell me." He then proceeded to kiss a path down Yusuke's body, making sure to kiss and lick the bare skin before worrying the other's nipples, enjoying the sounds of Yusuke's moans. Leaving the chest, he dragged his fangs over the toned abdomen, cutting through the skin and into the muscle, making Yusuke scream in pleasure, however there was a knock at the door. Hiei sighed, licking the two wounds. "I'll be right back." He covered Yusuke with a sheet, although it didn't truly hide anything, before answering the door, it was Kuronue. "Yes, what can I do for you?" Hiei asked the nervous bat demon.

"Is everything okay? I heard a scream as I was passing." He looked over Hiei; a feat nine out of ten demons could perform. He saw Yusuke panting on the bed; two parallel red streaks could be seen through the white sheet. "Are you okay, Yusuke?" He asked concerned that Yusuke was being forced into something that he didn't want to do. The spirit detective blushed before nodding, explaining that Hiei wasn't doing anything he didn't want the Koorime half-breed to do. Satisfied, Kuronue apologised for the disturbance. Hiei locked the door once more, then returned to Yusuke.

"Now where were we?" He asked playfully, pulling the sheet off of Yusuke's body, licking his lips. If anything the interruption aroused Yusuke even more, surprising Hiei. "Maybe I should relieve the pressure, hmm?" He asked, using the tip of his tongue to tease the other. He wanted Yusuke to beg for him. He felt Yusuke's hands entwine in his hair, and unable to control himself any longer Hiei sucked on the tip, licking the underside, making Yusuke whimper and moan, keeping the poor hanyou pleading for more. Slowly he took every inch, slipping it down his throat, savouring the feeling of Yusuke being in his throat and moaned around the length. The vibrations made Yusuke whimper happily, the sensations were wonderful and made him realise why Hisoka had looked so happy.

"Oh, Hiei…" He said whimpering his lover's name as Hiei continued his ministrations, swallowing now and then. Looking up at Yusuke, he could see him opening his eyes and looking down, their eyes met. The sight of Hiei 'devouring' his hard member was too much. Hiei felt Yusuke tense and increased the suction, encouraging Yusuke to give all he had to give, he drank all that was offered, and only a slight drip ran down the side of his mouth, which was quickly brought back to the awaiting mouth.

Leaving Yusuke to regain his wits and breath, Hiei looked him over. His lover looked gorgeous in the dimmed light of the room, he had a slight blush on his cheeks, making him seem younger and more innocent than he truly was. Hiei couldn't help but undress himself, determined to attain some satisfaction apart from a 'full' stomach. Yusuke couldn't help but watch the other; captivated by the sight of the lightly built demon pleasuring himself before him, and Hiei, knowing that Yusuke was watching made him explode inside and out. Yusuke pulled the, rather sticky, demon into his arms, wincing slightly at the pain that Hiei's fangs caused earlier. He noticed how well he fitted. Curious as to how Hiei's semen tasted, Yusuke rubbed a finger through a particularly large puddle, raising the coated digit to his mouth, and licked it clean, savouring the taste. It was similar to cinnamon; it had a very similar flavour to what he loved so much. Slipping out from under Hiei, Yusuke set about cleaning the mess by lapping it up.

"Careful, detective, you might get more than you expect." Hiei said as he watched Yusuke licking and sucking at the covered skin. "The slightest thing could awaken my desire for you."

"If it does, then we'll just have to deal with it." Yusuke said looking up at Hiei. "However this time was the second time in such a small space of time, I'm sure that you're tired." Yusuke said as he went back to holding Hiei. It didn't take long for both to fall asleep.

When they awoke, the sun had begun to set. Invigorated by the rest, not to mention feeling hungry, the pair went off in search of food, raiding Genkai's cupboards before running into the forest with the spoils. "How about we eat first, then we can spar." Yusuke said as he leaned against a tree, splitting the food between them both. "Remember, a fighting demon should never be allowed to get fat." Hiei chuckled as he took his share and leaned against the same tree.

"If that's what you want to do." Hiei said, "Anyway, lets eat. I'm starving." Both ate in relative silence, glorifying in the presence of the other. Once they finished, Yusuke took up a fighting stance as did Hiei, and the spar began. Kicks and punches were thrown and blocked, until one of Hiei's punches caught Yusuke in the abdomen, sending the taller fighter crashing into a tree. Hiei ran over as Yusuke was starting to get up and opened his Jagan Eye to check for injuries, he saw a few bruises, and a cracked rib thanks to the impact with the tree. "That's it. Spar over." Hiei said with a growl as he searched his 'coat' for one of the vials that Kurama had given had given him before he left. "Strip so I can use this."

"Hiei, stop all this fussing." Yusuke said, angry at the spar being interrupted for such a small problem, yet doing what Hiei asked.

"I hurt you, Yusuke." Hiei said sounding worried. "I never want to hurt you." That time he sounded scared of something.

"You've hurt me worse in the past, Hell you've given me cracked ribs on more than one occasion." He said glaring at the fire demon. "You've never batted an eyelid before." Now it was Hiei's turn to glare.

"That was… different. We were not in a relationship then, Yusuke." Hiei said. "Now that we are, things are different. Well at least for me they are. You're mine, Yusuke Urameshi, and I always protect what belongs to me. Even if they don't know it." Yusuke's eyes narrowed.

"So I'm yours am I?" He snarled. "I belong to nobody but myself. I'm my own person." With that Yusuke stormed off. Hiei dropped his head into his hands. Why didn't he keep that little piece of information to himself, or at least have phrased it correctly? Had his callous words lost him his love forever?

you know as soon as I have made up my mind. If I do choose you, I will need you to back me up when I go to tell Keiko. I'm sure that she will kill me when she finds out."