Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ Unlucky for Some ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 13: Unlucky For Some

Yusuke watched Hiei and Youko Kurama as they spoke; the fox had annoyed him with that wink. All he wanted to do at the moment was to go over there and rip the other's throat out. Hiei wasn't Youko Kurama's, he was… Yusuke dropped the thought like a hot potato. Hiei was his own self; he didn't own him, although he couldn't suppress the thought screaming 'yet' in the back of his mind. He wanted to know what was so important that it couldn't be said in front of him. When Hiei left the fox, Yusuke walked over there. He had some questions to ask him too. "What did he want?" He asked the older, much older, demon.

"He asked me something in private. I'm not prepared to divulge that to you. So apart from prying into your lover's affairs, what can I do for you?" He asked the Toushin, his cold, golden, eyes watched the Toushin.

"Advice, however I would like to converse with your other self. I have a feeling that you would tell me something that I wouldn't be comfortable hearing." Youko Kurama pouted before changing his into his other form who smiled at the Toushin. "Kurama, we need to talk. I need some advice concerning…"

"Hiei and Keiko?" Kurama asked, and with Yusuke's nod, he chuckled. "I wondered when this subject would be brought up." He leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. "Please continue, Yusuke."

"Well I have to choose between Hiei and Keiko. I was only wondering…" Yusuke said before Kurama interrupted him again.

"You were wondering what I'd do and who I'd choose." Kurama finished. "Well considering that I like other guys… namely Kuronue," He smiled sadistically at the protesting growl from Youko Kurama, "I'm not exactly the best one to ask, however I can give you this advice. Listen to your heart and not your head. This is the one area that you need to know that you have made the right choice in. Only your heart can give you the right answer. The one you choose could possibly close the door to the other, and if you choose wrong, it could be disastrous to your happiness." Kurama started to change again, leaving the silver haired Youko in his place. "Personally I think that you should grab Hiei and throw him over the nearest thing at waist height, naked of course, and show him who's the more dominant male."

The comment had its desired effect on Yusuke, making him blush bright red. This made Youko bark with laughter. It was this laugh that caught Hiei's attention. Facing the pair he saw his Yusuke bright red and he started to feel a pang of jealousy. Especially as those thoughts were concerning Youko Kurama taking the one that he desired to mate to, taking his Toushin. He wouldn't allow that, he desired Yusuke too much to let another have him. He would kill anyone, friend or foe, if they thought about having his Yusuke. Starting to storm over there with the intent to drag Yusuke away, he remembered what made Yusuke so angry before. With a growl Hiei forced himself to leave the room. He wanted to blast everything in his path until he felt better.

Three hours later and the door opened to the room where Kuronue and Hisoka were in. Kuronue was the first to leave, heading straight to the waiting arms of his Youko, a deep rumble resounding in his chest as Youko Kurama held him close. Shortly after Kuronue had left the room, Hisoka followed suit, however the moment that he stepped out of the room his mind was overpowered by the thoughts of the others. However, looking at blocked out all the others, setting his eyes on Tsuzuki, he wished that he hadn't. 'I'm hungry and I need food. Oh, Hisoka is out… I wonder what food would taste like on Hisoka.' Was what the younger Shinigami heard, and blushing he looked at Hiei. Bad mistake, the fire demon had thoughts about food and a certain Toushin.

'Oh my lovely sweet snow. There's Yusuke, I wonder if he would like sweet snow all over him?' Hiei thought as his eyes followed the young man in question. 'That would be a delightful sight.'

"Shut up! Both of you shut up! I don't want, nor need to hear about your sick food fantasies!" Hisoka shouted, fitting each with an angry glare, his outburst caught Yusuke's attention and the Toushin touched Hisoka's shoulder.

'The pair never spoke, I'm sure about that. I would have remembered them speak of food fantasies. What is Hisoka referring to?' He kept a hold on the other's shoulder as the smaller Shinigami thought about what he should tell him.

"I have high empathy levels and some telepathy. However they are going haywire ever since the curse was removed. Everything has got stronger. Before I could control it, now I can only guide where it goes." Hisoka's eyes clouded over. "I'm worse now than ever before and I don't know who could help.

"Maybe you should ask Master Genkai. I'm sure that she could help. The least you could do is ask her for help." Yusuke said. Hisoka nodded and left in search of the old master, while Yusuke laughed. "Sick food fantasies, Hiei? You should be ashamed, however I think that I can live with that." He winked at the already embarrassed demon. "As long as the flavour isn't too bad, nor alcoholic. We both know what happens when you get a hold of alcohol. However chocolate could be nice."

"H… how did you know?" Hiei asked. Hisoka had never mentioned what he was thinking of.

"Simple deduction, Hiei. Who could you be having food fantasies about, apart from me. Couple that with your favourite food, which we all know is sweet snow. That would put most people off." That was true with Tsuzuki, who had tried to close his ears since the first mention of Hiei's fantasy. "Anyway I'm going to see Keiko tomorrow and I would be honoured by your company, should you decide to some along." Hiei took a sharp intake of breath as a surge of pride welled up inside him. "I haven't decided yet, but I think that if I see you both together it would help." Hiei nodded at the request.

"I can only imagine how hard it is for you, Yusuke. I wouldn't relish being in your position." Hiei said as he stretched. "It's late and I'm tired. I'll see you in the morning." Yusuke caught his arm as he moved to pass.

"Please, Hiei, I'd like you to stay. There is supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight and I don't like thunder." Hiei saw fear in his eyes and laughed. "What is so funny?"

"You're a Toushin and lived in Makai for two years, living through your ancestral father's grumbling stomach every mealtime for a year. You did well in the Makai Tournament, defeating many fighters that had more experience in fighting than you." Hiei leaned against Yusuke. "However after all that a little thunder scares you. We need to wean that out of you." Yusuke didn't like the sound of that. "There is a desert on one of the middle levels, it is known as the Desert of Eternal Thunder. A night there and you'd be glad to be in a human thunderstorm." Hiei felt Yusuke's whimper as he wrapped Yusuke's arm around himself. He then wrapped his arms around Yusuke. "Do you really think that I'd let you go through it alone do you?" He made Yusuke look at him. "It's all about association. If you associate thunder with something that you find pleasurable you will enjoy, or possibly desire, thunderstorms." Yusuke stared at the half Koorime.

"Hiei, are you coming onto me?" Yusuke asked as the first rumble sounded through the air. Hiei smiled drawing his fingers down Yusuke's chest.

"Do you want me to? That comment could be taken many ways." Yusuke turned Hiei's face up and lowered his, brushing his lips against Hiei's. The gentle kiss made both their blood boil in desire. Hiei wanted Yusuke more than ever.

"Hiei, I want you." Yusuke's hands squeezed Hiei's ass, making the other moan. "Please, I need you to hold me, to be with me." It was then that Hiei forced himself to make the hardest decision of his life. He didn't want sex to be the reason that Yusuke chose him.

"Yusuke, I can't. I don't want sex to be the only reason that you're with me." The fire demon said, making Yusuke blush. Hiei had misheard what Yusuke had tried to say.

"I meant in my life. No matter what happens tomorrow I need you in my life, Hiei" Only then did he realise where his wayward hands lay and mumbled an apology. No wonder he got the wrong idea. "I'm going to bed, good night everyone."

Waiting some time after Yusuke departed, Hiei followed him, having decided that he wanted to take Yusuke up on his offer of a bed. Quietly entering the room he saw Yusuke face down on the bed, and Hiei moved over to him, hearing Yusuke saying something. "How pathetic am I? I can't even make a simple decision without taking forever. I hate being so pathetic and I'm sure that Hiei is wondering what he ever saw in me.." Only then did Hiei make his presence known. He sat next to Yusuke, rubbing a shoulder, wanting to show Yusuke that he wasn't alone. Yusuke looked at Hiei before wrapping his arms around the fire demon, placing his head on Hiei's chest.. Without hesitation Hiei wrapped his arms around Yusuke. The Toushin was so quiet in his arms.

"What's the matter, Yusuke?" He asked "I don't like seeing you like this, it depresses me." He stroked Yusuke's hair. It was silky soft when it wasn't held by gel. "You should stop putting gel in your hair. I prefer seeing it frame your face." Hiei lay his head on Yusuke's, knowing that for the moment Yusuke was his. "Yusuke, I can and will wait however long you want. I want you to be sure." He felt Yusuke nod. "I remember the first time we met. You were so sure of yourself, even after Gouki pasted you over the ground. I thought that Gouki would remove you as a threat, but I was wrong. I saw you and Kurama with the Forlorn Hope and secretly wanted both of you to pay, but you were both allowed to live and I knew that I would have to face you myself and see what you were like. I knew that you were either resourceful or lucky and it turned out to be the latter." Hiei guided Yusuke to look up at him. "You're a team player, relying on others, while I'm a lone fighter. If I did cut you with that sword it wouldn't have had any effect on you, not that any of us knew that at the time. When we gave ourselves up to Spirit World, or forced in my case, Koenma fitted us both with the same punishment either to help you, or be more fully punished. He knew that we would both accept the former. Kurama owed you his life, and I only wanted to become strong enough to defeat you. I never guessed that I would fall in love with you." He kissed Yusuke's forehead. "I'm sorry, we should get some rest if we're going to look for Keiko tomorrow." Hiei leaned back, and Yusuke followed.

Slowly Hiei's eyes closed, Yusuke's scent easing him to sleep. As though waiting for that moment, Yusuke nuzzled Hiei below the chin, baring the demon's neck. Making the neck vulnerable, he could have killed Hiei right then. However the fact that Hiei allowed himself to be put into that situation spoke louder than words. A demon's natural instinct, unless comfortable with the situation, was to push away the offender, or even kill them. Hiei had done neither, meaning that the other half-breed trusted him. He knew that Keiko didn't trust him nearly as much as Hiei did with that simple gesture. He knew that he had made up his mind. He would tell Hiei tomorrow when the time was right, after all he deserved to know before everyone else.