Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Anime ❯ Sora's Adventure: From the Darkness ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Goku laid down in a meadow far from anyone. He had spent most of the day training, but he did remember that Master Roshi had always said that a body needs rest just as much as it needed training. He was holding off on going home. His wife Chi Chi was no doubt waiting to yell at him at home. He sighed, "Guess I better go face the music." He stood up and floated up, "I hope she at least lets me eat before she yells at me." As he flew toward home he stopped. His eyes went skyward. "A power level! A big one." A object shot from the sky and slammed into the ground nearby. Goku flew over it, it was a Sayain Space pod. It laid in the huge crater it had made. Goku floated down and ran to it, "Hey! Are you alright in there?" The door of the pod opened, a man walked out of it. He looked like a teenager. He wore Saiyan Battle armor, a tail, and had a green Scouter on the left side of his head. The thing that caught Goku's attention was his gold hair, green eyes, and a big wound in his right side. The Sayain walked toward Goku.

He looked into Goku's face, "Help!" He then proceed to fall face first into the ground. Goku picked him up and used his Instant Transmition to get him to help.

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Vegeta stood with Goku outside of the Saiyan's room. Goku had brought the Saiyan to Capsule Corp. and Bulma had gotten a doctor. The doctor had left and told them all he needed was rest. Vegeta starred at the Saiyan through the door's window. He was still in his Super Saiyan form. Vegeta punched the wall, but managed to do it lightly enough only to crake it, "This is ridiculous. There is no way that boy could be a Saiyan."

Goku scratched his head, "But Vegeta, Bulma ran test. He is a full blooded Saiyan."

"Its a trick, Kakarot! Their is no way he can be a full blooded Saiyan. I might by that he is half or less, but not full."

"Would you stop yelling!" Vegeta shut his mouth as his wife Bulma walked up, "Are you trying to wake him up? If he doesn't get rest he won't be able to answer any questions you might have." She walked into the room to check on the slumbering Saiyan. Vegeta just cross his arms and leaned against the wall and said nothing. Goku smiled. A crash and Bulma's scream called the two of them into the room. The Saiyan had woken up and shove Bulma away from him.

"Get out of my way, woman! I must leave." He tried to get out of the bed, but the sharp pain from his side stopped him.

Bulma shook her head, "Fine, do what you want." She turned on her heels and walked out.

Vegeta rolled his shoulders, "Who are you? What are you?"

The Saiyan's eyes widen, " Prince Vegeta, I have found you."

Vegeta looked to Goku, but all he did was shrug. Vegeta turned back to the Saiyan, "What are you talking about?"

"Sorry my liege. My name is Jiece. I was sent by Lord Reavel to find you. Our people needs you badly."

"Imposable. The Saiyan people are dead. And Lord Reavel was killed when the planet was destroyed."

Jiece shook his head, "No he wasn't. Your father had sent him away with as many Saiyan children as he could. He knew what Frieza was planning, so he sent Lord Reavel to try and save the Saiyan people. Your father some how knew that most of the Saiyans would not believe that Frieza would kill them all."

"So what happened?"

"Lord Reavel managed to get forty children to a planet far from Planet Vegeta. He raised them and we prospered. I am from the second generation. Unfortunately, Lord Reavel died a few weeks ago. His last request was for someone to leave the planet and find you."


"Our people had lost their leader. With out him, the planet has drifted into chaos. Wars have sprung up all over the planet. This wound I have was inflicted by another Saiyan, who didn't want me to find you. We need you."

Vegeta stepped back, "And your a Super Saiyan?"

"Yes. Lord Reavel learned how to ascended to this form. While not everyone can achieve this level, many have."

Vegeta stepped back, "I will go and see for myself."

Jiece smiled, "I will come with you." He tried to stand, but fell back down into the bed.

Vegeta shook his head, "You stay. I will need you at your best later."

Jiece nodded, "Yes sir. The coordinates of the New Vegeta are in my pod and there is something under the pilot chair for you. I was told to give it to you."

Vegeta and Goku walked out of the room. Vegeta glanced back at Goku, "Would you come with me, Kakarot?"

Goku was shocked, "Why?"

"This is our people. And besides, I want you to come along just incase this is a trap or something."

Goku smiled, "Sure I'll come."

Vegeta and Goku walked into Bulma's lab. Bulma had the pod moved into her lab. She was working at her desk with Jiece's battle armor and Scouter. She looked up from her desk, "From what I can tell, these are all of Saiyan design." Vegeta nodded and walked into the pod. He ripped out the pilot seat and starred at what he found in amazement.

Goku ran up, "What is it?"

Vegeta held up a white set of Saiyan armor. A crest was on the right chest part, "It a copy of my father's armor." As Vegeta looked over the armor, all thoughts of doubt in his mind quickly vanished.

______________________________________________________________ __________

The next day Vegeta and Goku had managed to wrangle up their sons to go with them on the trip. Gohan wanted to go, but Trunks and Goten had to be dragged. They both sighed as they walked to the space ship. It was basically the same type as ship that Goku had used to find the black star dragon balls. "Do we have to wear these?" Goten and Trunks groaned. Vegeta had made everyone wear Saiyan battle armor.

Vegeta glared at them, "Yes you do! We need to blend in as much as possible."

Bulma, Chi Chi, and Bra waved bye as they entered the ship and took off.

It was a three day trip, so Vegeta used the time to teach the others about their Saiyan heritage. Every one, but Gohan were asleep about ten minutes into the lesson.

________________________________________________________________ ________

Three days latter at Capsule Corp., Jiece was growing impatient. He got out of bed and put on the Saiyan outfit, Vegeta had left for him. The injury in his side still hurt, but not enough to slow him down. As he walked out of the room, he came face to face with Bulma. "Out of my way, woman! I have to get to my pod."

Bulma gave him a stare that would make even Vegeta cringe, "Look you! I am Vegeta's wife, so that makes me the queen of all Saiyans. So I am ordering you to get back into bed and treat me with respect."

Jiece shook off the shock of what just happen and slow nodded his head, "Yes my lady."

Bulma smiled as Jiece turned around and walked back into the room. As she walked back to her lab, she ran into her daughter, Bra. "What happened Mom?"

Bulma sighed, "Jiece tried to leave again. I swear he is almost as bad as Vegeta."

Bra thought for a moment, "He is bored. He needs to get out a little more."

"Any ideas?"

Bra nodded and smiled, "Yeah. Me, Pan, and Marron are going shopping. We could take him with us."

Bulma nodded, "Thats a great idea. He will get out of here for awhile and out of my hair. Just be careful with him. His injury may have healed a lot, but he still needs to take it easy."

"Don't worry mom. We won't kill him."

__________________________________________________________________ ______

The ship landed on a bright red planet in the middle of a solar system that matched the Earth's system. The door of the ship opened and Vegeta lead them out onto the world. The area they landed in was nothing more than a huge red desert. "Now what?" Goten groaned.

Vegeta looked to the east, "I sense power levels a few miles that way. Lets go!" Vegeta rose into the air and took off. Goku and the others followed him.

They flew for about an hour until the top of several skyscrapers rose over the horizon. Vegeta smiled as he flew over the city. He could see several Saiyans walking and flying around. 'My legacy is finally being realized.' Goku looked around in amazement. Vegeta spied what looked just like the capitol building back on Planet Vegeta. He flew to it and landed on the entrance balcony. He was followed by Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks as he approached the thrown room. Gohan wondered why there were no guards. Someone was sitting on the throne in the very back of the room in the shadows. Vegeta walked to the middle of the grand hall, "I am Prince Vegeta, son of King Vegeta. I have come to claim my throne."

The guy rose from the throne and walked forward, "By all means, Prince Vegeta. Come and claim it."

Everyone stepped back in shock as the man walked into view, "CELL!"

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