Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Rivalry and Thieves ❯ explanation ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4
*****************************yuyu hakusho**************************************
The yuyu gang was walking on the sidewalk(excluding Hiei).
“ Hey you guys do you feel any source of reiki yet?” asked Yusuke.
“ Are we there yet?” asked Kuwabara.
“ No, we're not now quit asking that annoying question.” Said Yusuke.
“ Well, I think the sunset shrine is just up a head,” said Kurama.
“ Well, I hope they have some food over there,” said Yusuke.
“Yeah, man I am starving,” said Kuwabara.
“Hn,” said Hiei.
“ Well, let's go,” said Kurama.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$at the sunset shrine$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Then Kagome burst through the doors then closed it.
“Kagome what is wrong. I smell fear all over you,” said Akumi.
“Everyone go to the back………
She wasn't able to finish her sentence because Inuyasha bursted through through the doors.
“You got some explaining to do after this Kags,” said Akumi.
Then Akumi appeared behind Inuyasha, and touched a specific spot on around his neck than he fell unconscious.
“Now you start explaining yourself right after I put the hanyou at the sofa, and Souta I'm sorry, but I remembered that I had some business to take care of on that day,” said Akumi.
“Hey it's alright Akumi It's not like, wait up did you say that you can't make it? Oh man what am I suppose to say Oh man oh man,” cryed Souta.
“ Just tell them that I can't make it, and that I'll come next time,” said Akumi.
“ Yeah I'll just tell them that you can't make it, and that you'll come next time just what I was about to say,” said Souta.
Akumi just rolled her eyes at how slow and dense he is.
“Okay Souta go and play while I talk with Akumi,” said Kagome.
“ Alright,” exclaimed Souta.
“ Okay start explaining,” said Akumi.
“ Well, I was going home then
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kagome was trying to go back to her time than all of a sudden she heard swords clashing together. She followed the noise until she came to the cause of it. She saw Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha fighting each other. Sesshoumaru knocked Inuyasha's sword/tetsaiga out of his hands. Then the wind kicked in. It surrounded Inuyasha. That was when Sesshoumaru left and I was the only one left he attacked me. I ran and ran until I got to the well. I jumped in and landed on the other side. I climbed up the ladder as fast as I can. When I got out of the well I sensed Inuyasha in the well. I ran, ran into the shrine
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!end flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“ and that is the story,” said Kagome.
“ Well, it seems that dog breath here is responsible for that cut on your neck,” said Akumi.
“ Yes, he is,” said Kagome.
“ Well, hey I sense two youkais and two ningens with a lot of reiki,” said Akumi.
“ Well, what are we waiting for,” said Kagome.
“No, if they see you ex-boyfriend here we're in trouble and when you ask then what they want they are just gonna lie. So you try and find a spot where dog breath there can hide. I'll hide mine and your reiki. I'll also be the one to talk to them. When you find a hiding spot for that hanyou you can go outside and I'll be out there too so move out,” said Akumi.
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Well, what ya think. I hope you guys like it so far and for all Souta fans out there, if there is any, I'm sorry for making Souta a bit slow and dense. Well, I'll try and update as soon as possible.