Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Wild Insane Chaotic Party ❯ The Chaotic Insane Wild Party ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimers: I own nothing except graphic novels.
Note: In this fic Kurama, Yoko, Yami, Yugi, Ryo, and Bakura are separate people.
Other Note: Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei will be referred to as "the gang" because Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei takes way to long to type.
Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei where sitting in Koenma's office. Kurama was staring off into space Hiei was making faces at Kuwabara and Kuwabara was making faces at Hiei. Finally Koenma came in. Koenma: Sorry to keep you waiting guys the ogre found my stash of skittles and went on a rampage again. Hiei: What are skittles? Yusuke: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HIEI DOSNT KNOW THE JOYS OF SUGER! *Yusuke pulls pixie sticks out of pocket and shoves them all down Hiei's throat * Kurama: NO YUSKUE DON'T!!!!!! Hiei: I CAN FLY! * Hiei jumps out window * Kurama: Don't worry he will be back in a few minutes that happens you give him sugar…. In the meantime why did you call us hear Koenma? Koenma: Oh yeah listen a bunch of crazy mysterious evil demons are going to be at a party and I need you to go there and see what they're up to. Yusuke: ALL RIGHT I'M GOIN TO A WILD PARTY!! WITHOUT KAKO!! BREAK OUT THE BEER!! * Yuskue jumps up and starts dancing around the room * Every one: O_O * Later that afternoon * The gang is standing in front of a big house * Kurama: Alright guys this is a very important mission. Be prepared for a battle at any time. * Yusuke breaks the door down* Yusuke: WHAT THE F%&#!
(I know they didn't meet anyone yet that will be in the next chapter. I'm sorry this chapter is short and badly written it was typed at about 1:00 in the morning and its my first fic. I promise the next chapter will be better!)
YokoSeshomaru: Alright that's the first chapter If you liked it please review!!! If you hated it please review!!! (No flames though just tell me why you didn't like it!)