Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Capture the runaways! ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hikari: my first fanfic!!! *smile really wide*

Valgaav: why am I your boyfriend in this fic?

Hikari: cuz you're my favorite! *GLOMP*

Valgaav: @.@ c..ant…. brea…the….!!

Hikari: *lets go* oops….anyways.. on with the new fic



~*~*~*~setting or time change~*~*~*~

(interruptions by the annoying authoress)

Disclaimers: I don't own anyone in this fic except for Hikari and Yumiko. They're my own characters.

~*~*~*~*~*~Somewhere in Makai~*~*~*~*~*~ Regular POV

Two girls ran through the forest running away… "Why wont Beastmaster just give up?" said on of the girls. "I know," said the other girl," she'll never catch us anyways…"

"This is getting ridiculous… let's just kill them now, Hikari."

"Sorry, Yumiko… but I promised someone…" she said as Yumiko stares at her.

Hikari makes a portal into Ningenkai. "Let's go…" "Ok… I guess…" Yumiko says as she jumps in with Hikari following.

~*~*~*~*~Koenma's office~*~*~*~*~*~

"Where in the world is Yusuke?!" the prince of the Spirit world ranted.

"Oh don't mind Yusuke Koenma-sama… he's probably gotten into another fight again…" Botan, the ferry girl to the spirit world, bubbly replied.

Seemingly right on cue, Yusuke jumps into the room panting and breathing heavily." Sorry I'm late! *pant*I got into*pant* a fight…*pant*" "Alright then…"Kurama suddenly spoke," why did you call us here?" Koenma's eyes started narrowing… (Hikari: as if they can get any narrower! *starts laughing* Valgaav: -.- um… most people want to read fanfiction…. not you rolling on the floor laughing… Hikari: yea yea….) "Well to start it off… there is a youkai on the run." "So what?" Yusuke remarked, " We can take him!" "By the way... she's a girl, Yusuke…"interrupted Botan. "Whatever... we can still take her on!" "But… there's also another one on the run with her but the other girl is not demon…" Koenma said as he began to pale. "I'll show you a picture of what they can do." He took out his slide n showed a picture of a huge crater. (Hikari: dragon slave ring a bell anyone?) "That used to be a prosperous city of many mercenaries. But don't get me wrong, all the mercenaries there were after those two girls since the reward was quite high. One day when the girls went to the city, the whole city suddenly exploded!"

"They must be quite strong if the can make a crater that large…" Kurama stated. "Hn.." Hiei suddenly said, "they'll be more of a fight than that buffoon over there" while he looks over at Kuwabara. "HEY!!! WHATS WITH THE COMPARING SHRIMP?!" "Oh nothing.. just simply telling the truth…" "O yea?!" Kuwabara exclaimed as they begun fighting. Kurama and Yusuke sigh, "They'll never change…" Hiei suddenly stated, "Do we even know what these two girls look like?" as everyone froze. "Here…"Koenma said as he let them see a picture of two girls. "This one is Yumiko, she's half fire and half fox demon," while pointing to the girl w/ the shoulder length black with red highlighted hair.

"Yumiko has a build of a 17/18-year-old human and has green eyes. She usually wears a red oriental Chinese outfit and she uses the katana. This other girl, her name is Hikari and her hair (Hikari: I have this strange obsession with hair…) is ebony colored but others claim its pure red. She usually wears black leather pants and a t-shirt. People say she uses magic to fight but my agents have said that she kills with a strange looking sword that emanates spiritual power from the blade. What she is, is still a mystery to us…" Koenma states simply while everyone in the room stares at him. "What? I've been researching!"

"Right…"Yusuke coughs, "anyways… lets get on with the mission already!"


~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Hikari: so…. What do you think? R&r plz! I'll update ASAP. There might be pairings later on…

Next Chapter: how the slayers gang gets involved with this mess…