Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bring Me To Life ❯ Bring Me To Life ( One-Shot )
TITLE: Bring Me To Life
AUTHOR: Dark Elf
WARNINGS: bloodshed, yaoi (Yami/Yuugi, suggested Kuwabara/Yuusuke), mentioned Hiei/Botan (o.O where did that come from? I almost always pair Hiei with Kurama O.o), mentioned Yuusuke/Keiko
PLOT BUNNY: Requested by SilverLily. AU, xover with YuuYuu Hakushou. Um, I don't think there is a plot bunny.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own YuGiOu, if I did you would be seeing this on the tube, not on the comp, nor do I own Evanesence's "Bring Me To Life". I only own the fic, nothing more so don't sue.
ELF'S FORWARD NOTES: SilverLily requested I do a Yami/Yuugi fic so I thought this up. It's quite original I think and I have always seen Bakura/Ryou fics using this song but never Yami/Yuugi fics. I had to do some major changes to the story line of the series for this to come about so I hope it works. And I have no idea how it came to be a crossover with YuuYuu Hakushou. Bai-bai and don't forget to review :)
Dark Elf ~ Yuri Queen
//How can you see into my eyes like open doors
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home//
He swiped the blood from his knife, tongue rolling over the metal blade almost sadistically, feeling a little "ting" as his tongue ring connected with it. They had been......rather pathetic really, much like the other street punks he'd come across. Yuugi Mutou sheathed the dagger inside a combat boot, brushing a damp blonde bang away from his eyes that looked coldly down at his former attackers before turning to glance at their leader who was still sitting propped up to a wall, his eyes wide with horror. The wild-haired teen walked over and knelt, smiling cruelly as the leader of the punks scrambled back against the wall as far as he could go. He watched nervously as a finger trailed down his cheek almost gently, the cruel smile growing on the younger's lips when his fingers gripped at the punk's jaw painfully, the inhuman cry music to his ears. Yuugi stood, jerking the other teen up with him as he went. Having achieved his growth spurt of six foot three made it easier to deal with these demons.
Yes, that was what they were. Demons in human guises.
And any organization of demons had to have a smarter leader than this punk.
"I'll ask you one more time," Yuugi purred sweetly, his other index finger trailing down the demon's throat before squeezing his grip on the jaw, making it cry out in pain. "Where is he." It wasn't even a question.
The demon struggled to answer - it was tricky with fingers pressed hard to your jaw. "I......I don't know who y......" He screamed, an inhuman howl echoing in the darkness as the demon hunter dropped the Netherlands he'd ripped off, licking blood and semen off his gloved hand. "It's should be quite easy," the human purr-hissed, a dagger flicking up from its recesses inside the arm of his trenchcoat. "I want the location of your leader, the one who murdered my friends and family. Or you'll loose more than just your balls."
"H-he's got a..." The demon coughed, bringing up blood that splattered on Yuugi's cold face. "...A shield around the base. Y-you couldn't find it in the clearest weather." Claws punctured the skin around his jaw, the blood-tinted amethyst orbs of his lord's enemy flaring before he calmly dropped the demon onto his back and placing a booted foot on his chest which began slowly travelling to his neck.
"Don't test my patience," the human growled as the claws retracted and he licked the blood off his fingers. "Where. Is. The. Base." The demon didn't answer and Yuugi hissed, boot crushing the lungs of the demon as blood poured everywhere. He scowled, kicking the body to wipe the blood off the bottom of his combat boot. More useless information, that was all the demons seemed to be full of lately.
"I'll find you one of these days, Yami," he growled out, teeth gritted in frustration. "And then I'll kill you for betraying my trust, for killing my friends and grandfather I'll make you suffer in the worst way. Koenma may think I'm doing this to save the world from your reign but I'm not here to play "superhero" like I was back then." With that, the demon hunter turned and left for headquarters, jacket billowing out like a cape.
- elsewhere -
//(Wake me up) Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up) Wake me up inside
(Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark//
"My lord, our eastern city team of demons were killed by the hunter," a female reported tentatively, head bowed in respect as the demon lord disregarded her presence and looked out of the window, a hand raised to his chin in thought. 'My, my little one, you really have grown up, haven't you?' Yami's mind purred silkily, blood-ridden orbs glinting maliciously. In his mind's eye he could picture his former host beneath him, crying out in pain while the demon lord had his way. Apparently the little one had caused the death of thousands upon thousands of demons, liberating some of their human prison camps in the process. But he knew the small one only wanted one thing and that was revenge for the deaths of those he cared about.
"I've raised you so well," Yami purr-hissed, one finger gently following a splash of water as it trailed down the glass of the window. It was raining, typical weather. "And yet you do not know it. That I was the one who had your parents killed in the first place. I wanted to raise you as my own close up but I wasn't counting on you having relatives. So I waited and bided my time, playing the part of your puzzle's spirit, a benevolent Pharaoh. You do not know how much I longed to be so much more to you......"
"My lord...?" The female screamed as she exploded, her cries echoing throughout the demon castle. 'And quite soon, my little hunter, you will be mine. My servant, my toy, my lover, my human hunter.'
- Hunter Headquarters, gym -
//(Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up) Before I come undone
(Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become//
"Seven hundred demons in one night and not a single word from any of them on his god damned location," Yuugi spat as his fist slammed into the hanging punching bag in the headquarters' gym. Koenma had just chewed him out so he wasn't in the mood to be dealing with a lot of stress, thus the reason for being in the gym. He swung his leg in a roundhouse kick, a ripping noise filling the air before the bag tore apart, stuffing falling to the ground. Yuugi glared at it, but said nothing. It wasn't anything new, he'd done this before. He ran a hand through his sweaty but still spiked hair, bringing a water bottle up to his mouth and taking a long drink before pouring some over his head, sighing somewhat as it trickled down and opening his eyes.
'I've ruled out the southern and eastern sector of the city, which probably means his base is somewhere in the northern and western areas. And with Kurama on bloody fuckin' vacation it's not like I can sense those bastards before they attack.' Kurama was a fox demon and his partner ever since it all started. Koenma knew how much he hated demons but paired him with one anyway, since there were those few of their kind who wanted actual peace amongst them and the humans but there were those among them, like Hiei, who were serving time by helping the hunters gain control back over their city.
"Been out hunting again, ne?" He turned, cold eyes catching the form of Urameshii Yuusuke seated backward on a nearby chair. Though the teen was a former law-breaking street fighter, Yuusuke was putting his abilities to good use and one of their boss's favourites. Yuugi glared, placing the white towel around his shoulders. "I don't need advice from you, Urameshii, and besides, Koenma would kill you if he saw you smoking in here(1)."
The black-haired elder chuckled a little, shaking his head as he took it away from his lips. "Still the bastard you were when I met you, I see. I thought you might want some information though, Mutou." The sentence got his attention but he only looked at Yuusuke sideways. "I'm listening, Urameshii, it better be good information too."
//Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life//
Yuusuke rubbed his temples with the hand holding his cigarette, a slight smile on his face. "Botan managed to swipe some data off the mainframe while Koenma wasn't looking." Botan was the grim reaper, although not as grim as she was supposed to be, she was also one of the headquarters' top-notch computer geniuses. "Seems the toddler's been holding back on you. They have the exact location of the demon lord you're looking for." Yuugi's face became a scowl and he punched a wall, leaving a hole in it. He ignored his bleeding knuckles and looked back at Yuusuke. "Where is she now?"
"In her quarters like the rest of them. We're just two night-goers, ne?" The teen's question went unanswered as the other stormed out of the room, the door slamming behind him making Yuusuke cringe a little.
Hell hath no fury than a hunter scorned. Koenma was in deeeeeeeeeeep shit, be he child-god or not. Yuusuke was just glad it wasn't him.
//(Wake me up) Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up) Wake me up inside
(Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark//
- Hunter Headquarters, Koenma's office -
//(Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
(Wake me up) Before I come undone
(Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
Frozen inside without your touch
Without your love, darling, only you are the life among the dead//
Koenma looked up from the mountains of paperwork on his desk when gloved hands slammed down onto the wood, meeting the furious face of Mutou Yuugi. Something had gotten the hunter's blood boiling by the looks of it and for some reason he was going to face his wrath.
He just hoped it wouldn't be worse than the smacks his father gave him.
"How long have you known, Koenma?" was the cold hiss as papers were moved aside without even a backward glance to where they went. "I used to think that putting up with your shit was worth it, but you really don't care about anybody but yourself do you, you bastard?"
"What are you talking about?" the child-god answered calmly, a little panic in his voice. He had seen the result of demons destroyed by this one hunter and in some ways it chilled him to the bone how Yuugi worked. 'To think that when we discovered him he was a frightened teenager.'
"You know what the bloody hell I'm talking about, Koenma! Yami! You knew the asshole's location the whole time I was here and instead you used me for your own purposes!" Koenma looked startled before shaking his head. "That information was strictly confidential. Who told you?" Yuugi leaned off the desk and crossed his arms over his chest. "Two little birdies with black hair and blue hair. Do whatever the fuck you want with them because I'm out of here. I have nothing holding me back now."
"But the rest of the world.......!"
"SCREW THE GODDAMNED WORLD!!" His yell echoed around the large office, making the child-god squirm in his seat. "I told you once I'll tell you again; I'm not here to play fuckin' superhero, that's Urameshii's job. The only thing I want is revenge for the deaths of those close to me." He turned around and walked towards the door, pausing in opening it. "You know, Koenma, I was thinking about coming back when I finally got my revenge but you blew it keeping that information from me."
With that, Mutou Yuugi left the Hunter's Headquarters. Permanently.
//All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything//
- elsewhere, half hour later -
//Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life//
He was calm when he heard the screams, he was calm when the report came to him that the little hunter was inside his dwelling, he was calm when his guards were destroyed. And now he was calm with the small one standing before him, covered in blood and gore and breathing heavily. The look in his eyes would kill a human and bury them six feet under but neither of them were human in the slightest. A snarl curled the other's lips, hands gripping the blood-soaked daggers.
"It's time for you to die, Yami," Mutou Yuugi hissed, placing his feet apart in a battle stance. "For all the humans you killed, for killing Grandfather, Jounouchi, Honda, Bakura, Mai, Shizuka, Otogi, Marik and Anzu, for making me what I am. You're going to die." The silky laugh startled the hunter somewhat and his narrowed eyes widened slightly. "What are you laughing about, bastard?! Do you welcome death that much?!?"
Yami shook his head, crimson eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's all rather interesting really, how things have come full-circle," he purred, flexing out a hand, a watch showing under the elaborate dressage. Suddenly, the shy, scared teenager that had been his past self surfaced in the other. "Wh-what do you mean?"
"While you were still inside your birthing chamber, I inserted a little device in your brain to ensure myself that you would be mine in the end. It rewrites your brain patterns that will arrive at the last memory you had good of me." Walking forward, the demon lord began circling around the hunter like a shark circling its prey - a pretty accurate description. "You have always been a part of me, my little tenshi," Yami purred, stopping to lift the chin of the other with a finger. "I dreamt of you for five thousand years so surely I must have dreamt you to life. Whether you like it or not we are joined and have always been."
Amethyst bloodstones glared sharply at him, jerking his head out of his reach. "Just get it over with, bastard." A dark laugh escaped Yami's lips as a smirk curled. "So eager to start your new life as my lover, are you, little hunter? It doesn't have to be this way, you know, you could always be willing."
Yuugi froze as hands clamped his arms to his sides and lips pressed against his hungrily. While his mind was screaming "What the fuck do ya think ya doin'?!" he found himself slowly succumbing to that same passionate hunger, a hunger he hadn't felt since he'd woken up a mutant(2). His arms were twitching, wanting to wrap his arms around the demon's neck and lean in. He was allowed to do so, but he never heard the low-key beeping noise.........
//(Wake me up) Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up) Wake me up inside
(Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark//
Yuusuke growled at the guard as he was shoved down roughly onto his knees, faintly noticing Kuwabara on his left and Keiko on his right. The attack on the headquarters had been so swift and accurate that they'd had no chance to fight back. He'd heard that Koenma had been killed in his office and somehow Hiei and Botan had escaped, although running away wasn't exactly in Hiei's vocabulary, he guessed it was Botan's work. He tried to sit up on his haunches but was shoved back down by the guard behind him.
"It's amazing how weak humans really are."
The voice caught Yuusuke by surprise as boots met his line of vision. It was a voice he had come to trust and loathe, that damn harsh, cold, icy tone of voice that left humans filled with cold dread. He raised his coal-black eyes, licking his dry lips.
Mutou Yuugi smirked icily back down at him, hands on leathered hips almost haughtily and the Shadow Sword hanging from his left in its sheathe. The sword had been stolen six months ago from a vault in the headquarters and was said to hold to power to turn mortals into demons. A forked tail lashed behind him, speaking of irritation. "Well now, just who have I caught in my little web?" the human hunter purred, raising a hand to his chin while resting his elbow on his other palm. "Urameshii Yuusuke, Kazanaka Kuwabara and little Keiko(3). Three powerless, disgusting humans. Exactly what I wanted." He laughed coldly, amusement glittering in bloodied amethysts. "Too bad for Koenma you weren't there, his cries of pain were so enjoyable and the taste of his blood was delicious."
"Asshole," Kuwabara spat, receiving a kick in the head for it. The snarl on Yuugi's lips faded into a cruel smile. "Actually, I do believe it's 'master' now, Kazanaka, as you all belong to me, or rather will."
"An excellent choice of humans you made, ore no akutenshi," a new voice purred from the shadows as arms wrapped around Yuugi from behind in a warm embrace. For the first time in his life, Yuusuke got a good look at the demon lord Yuugi had been hunting for nearly two years ago now and was shocked at the resemblance between them. "Of course," Yuugi husked silkily, index finger twining around a blonde lock. "I do know their best hunters after all." Yami laughed, kissing the human hunter's neck. "Yes. And with their downfall this world has become ours at last."
"Never, you bastard," Keiko spat, surprising the two human boys. "You may have captured us but others will rise against you!" Yuugi laughed long and loud, breaking away from Yami's embrace and unsheathing the Shadow Sword. "Little Keiko, do you know what this glorious sword is capable of?" he purred, a hand running along the cruelly gleaming blade. Keiko's sudden sprout of bravado disappeared and she screamed as it slashed across her forehead, drawing blood. Yuusuke's eyes glowed furiously. "Keiko! Get away from her, asshole!"
Yuugi shook his head, sheathing the black blade with a cold smile. "Ah, but the effect of the Shadow Sword is already taking place, Urameshii." He gestured down to Keiko's forehead where a third eye was beginning to open. "In mere moments she will be a low level demon under my control." The black-haired human lost all self-control. He lunged forward, knocking the demon to the ground only to be flipped over and kicked away by a booted foot. Yuugi leapt to his feet, snarling.
"Yuugi?" Yami asked cautiously.
"Urameshii, don't be a baka!" Kuwabara shouted, struggling with his bonds and glancing at the brunette girl. "Keiko needs you now, don't mess up!"
Long black claws extended from the human hunter's fingernails with a sickening sound, tail swinging behind him viciously as he stalked toward where Yuusuke had landed and was getting up in long strides, a cruel snarl on his lips. "I want to kill this human myself," Yuugi hissed out, bloodstones flashing golden, a clawed hand shooting out and pinning Yuusuke to the wall, raising his other hand to rip out the human's heart.
It was no sooner done.
Kuwabara winced when Yuusuke's body slumped to the ground, leaving a bloody trail on the wall. Yami smirked when Yuugi turned, eyeing the heart stabbed upon his claws before his gaze shifted to the newly created demoness. Keiko's sickly yellow three-way gaze lifted upwards as the human organ was thrusted into her face upon the black claws of a predator cat. "Your first meal as a demon," her master hissed, claws retracting, allowing the bloodied heart to fall down to splat on the floor. "Eat it."
She did so greedily, very nearly swallowing it whole before licking at the blood on her hands with a forked snake-like tongue. The ginger-haired brute looked away, wincing again but at the slurping sounds she was making as she fed on her dead boyfriend's heart. His head was jerked to the front by bloodstained fingers, a cold, satisfied smile on the mutant's lips. "So, Kazanaka, what will it be? You have the choice of living the rest of your life as my demon slave or dying now and having your heart eaten by little Keiko, the choice is yours." Yuugi's hand drew back harshly, making the older human fall face-first to the ground.
The human race had surrendered to the demon's darkness.........
//(Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up) Before I come undone
(Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become//
- reader's P.O.V -
The human race had surrendered to the demons millions of years ago, including the peace-loving demons who wanted nothing more than for their two species to get along. It was an act which confused and chilled many of the humans who had never known the existence of the demons until the takeover shortly after the death of Kazanaka Kuwabara. The humans and free demons were confused - the demon hunters had been supposed to help them survive, not help enslave them. There were those few that had survived the hunter massacre but only a few, such as Jaganshi Hiei, Youkou Kurama and the grim reaper Botan who lead a rebellion against the iron-fisted rule of the demon lord Yami and his lover/general Mutou Yuugi, who soon after adopted the name of Neko Youkai. Each day there is bloodshed and the estimated remaining human population is one thousand, five hundred males and five hundred females, a lot of them just children. Keiko's fate remains unknown but it is suggested she is still a demoness amongst Neko's ranks.
This is a message to anyone freely out there in the world - survive, that's all we ask you to do. Survive, train and grow strong so that maybe one day we might be able to take on the demon army in a thousand generations after for a spiritual gene may come to your bloodline somewhere in the near future.
Good luck and Godspeed.
End of transmission
Dated 04.07.6587
From the private files of Youkou Kurama
//(Bring me to life)
I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside
(Bring me to life)//
I read in Rose Thorne's YYH fic "Suicide" that in the manga Yuusuke smoked :P
I'm on an X-Men hype, hence my reason for making Yuugi a mutant (kind of like Logan J )
I don't know Keiko's last name, which was why I didn't put it there but then again I hate the bitch
ELF'S NOTES: Hope you likey, SilverLily and other readers ^.^ Who knows, I might even do a sequel if I feel up to it. Reviews will be greatly appreciated and will depend on whether I do a sequel or not. You know I've never hit the 100 mark in any of my fics? I know it's asking a bit much but I would at least like to get fifty reviews, my highest score is twenty five (Prince of Death) and my second-highest is eighteen (Mysterious Night and How To Know You're Obsessed With YuGiOu *mm.org*). I'd also appreciate it if everyone checked out my first yuri fic ever, which can be found on adultfanfiction.net and mediaminer.org under the title Harpie Lady Sisters, and let me know if I'm doing well at it. Since adultfanfiction.net has been acting screwy for me, I have been unable to post chapter four as of yet but it is on mediaminer.org. Hope everyone enjoyed my first crackshot at a YuGiOu/YuuYuu Hakushou fic and ciao until if I continue.
Dark Elf ~ Yuri Queen
tachikawaichijoujicarmel@yahoo.com ~ for your comments on my yuri fic
carmelchaos@yahoo.com.au ~ for sending reviews for Bring Me To Life or just general comments on any of my fanfiction.net fanfics
