Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Who's Your Sensei? ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I was just kidding about that special move thing. It made you check back though, didn't it?

"You have insulted my master!" exclaimed Yusuke.

"Yeah, hi there," said Genkai, still only partially concious and recovering from the massive blood loss.

"And caused her internal bleeding and possible death," he said.

"The woman always lives!" she shouted weakly. "Black guy goes first! Then his friend! Then the guy with asthma!"

"You mean like the guy with asthma in IT?" he asked. "Now that was a scary movie. It kind of makes me laugh though. That may have been the only funny clown I've ever-"

"Urameshi, focus!" shouted Kuwabara. Yusuke shook his head and faced Kaiba again.

"Sorry," he said. "Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. The cool part where I say all my really flashy lines, and then we go all kung fu style. Hwaaaaah!" Yusuke danced around like a retarded ninja for a minute then resumed his normal stance.

"Hey Urameshi, where'd Kurama, Hiei, and Tea go?" asked Kuwabara. Yusuke turned around.

"I don't know, but I could have sworn- GEEZE!" he was cut off by a sudden blow to the back of the head. "Stoppit, you neanderthal! We're trying to talk here!"

"Sorry," said Kaiba. "I'll just sit down... Right here." He sat down and started writing his name in the dirt. "Heh, heh. I killed an ant."

"Right," said Yusuke as he watched Kaiba conquer Ant World. "Like I was saying: I could have sworn I saw them leave the airport with all their bags."

"So maybe they're at the hotel," said Kuwabara.

"I wonder what they're doing right now," said Yusuke. He began to ponder this.


"I told you a thousand times: We don't have a garden! We barely have any grass around here!" shouted the guy at the check in counter.

"Not even a window box?" asked Kurama. "You don't understand... I need plants. To live. To survive ."

"Don't we all, technically?" asked Tea. "Don't we all need plants to create oxygen for us to breathe? And we know we all need that to survive. That's why we should prevent forest fires and never, ever pollute! And smoking is bad too!"

"Do you happen to have an effective weapon of any sort, preferably one that'll do the job nice and quick?" he asked.

"Check the shed in back. Chainsaw," said the man at the counter.

"Bless you," Kurama almost whispered.