Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Something Funny ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Hey Urameshi, didn't we have some kind of mission we had to go do or something?" asked Kuwabara.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that," said Yusuke. "Hey Kaiba the aunt killer dude!"

"Just call me Seto!" called out Kaiba.

"Right, Seto, you wanna go kick some demon butt or something?" asked Yusuke.

"Do I!" exclaimed Kaiba with glee. He ended his reign over Aunt World with a quick stomp, threw away his gun, and stood next to Yusuke, jumping from one foot to another like a giddy school girl.

"What was that mission again?" Yusuke asked Kuwabara.

"It was something about wannabe demon slayers that we've gotta stop or something," said Kuwabara. "They mistake humans for demons and burn 'em at the steak."

"Sounds like fun," murmered Yusuke.

"What?" asked Kuwabara.

"Nothing, nothing," said Yusuke. "C'mon, pansies." He grabbed Kaiba's sleeve and directed him to a random car with the keys still in the socket. Only in America. "Can you drive?"

"No," said Kaiba.

"Good! You're driving!" exclaimed Yusuke. "I get to sit in the back!" Yusuke claimed his seat in the back, Kuwabara took the front, and Kaiba pulled the car out of the parking lot, leaving Yugi and Genkai behind.

"Wait!" shouted Genkai. "Don't just leave me here to die! The crows will feed off of my flesh and I'll get run over a few times and no one will ever notice I'm here!" Only in America. "Don't le-heave me!"

"Well Genkai, it looks like we'll just have to await our deaths," said Yugi. "But at least we're spending the last moments of our lives together." Genkai looked at him with her eyes open wide.

"Oh look! It's a miracle! I'm going to live!" she exclaimed as she got to her knees, and then to her feet. "See ya in hell, Yugi!" She ran for her life, ignoring the searing pain in her stomach and the blood pouring from her body.

"Okay, see you there! I hope it's warm!" he called back.

"As warm as you'll ever be, Yugi!" she called one last time, and continued to run.

"Sounds nice!" he shouted. "Bye! Oh, and could you get help?" There was no answer. "Please!"


"Why... aren't... I... dead yet...?"


"So Genkai escaped a near-death experience thanks to some biker and the convenience of having a hospital only a few seconds away, and we're all alive and ready to take on these demon slayers," said Yusuke. "Who wants a soda? I'm headin' for the vending machine downstairs." He began to step out the door.

"Anything diet!" called Genkai.

"I'll have a Mountain Dew!" said Kuwabara.

"Is that it?" Yusuke asked. "No one else?" Everyone was silent. "Okay, I'll be right back! Don't have too much fun without me!"

"Who wants to play Monopoly?" asked Kurama.

"Hell no," said Kuwabara.

"Pictionary?" asked Genkai.

"Nah," said everyone at once.

"Twister?" asked Kuwabara.

"You're kidding, right?" asked Genkai as she stretched out, her bones emmiting a loud cracking sound from the extreme stress of laying out on a hospital bed for five hours straight.

"How about Guess Who Jr.?" asked Hiei.

"What do you think we are? A bunch of kids?" asked Kuwabara.

"Well, not including Genkai... Yeah," said Hiei. "So we're a bunch of kids and an old lady that makes funny sounds when she moves."

"I'll never sound the same," said Genkai. "Hey, Mr. Murderer is being pretty quiet over there." She gestured to Kaiba. "What's up with you?" He didn't answer.

"I said: What's up?" Again he didn't answer. "Yeah, whatever. Who wants to play Cool Boarders on the PS2?" Everyone raised their hands.