Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Final Fan-tas-y is an R-P-G! ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Are we done here?" asked Kuwabara. He was beginning to grow impatient.

"Silence!" shouted Ducky. "You are disturbing my incredibly powerful thingies! They will not come if you speak!"

"Just what leads you to believe that you are a summoner like Yuna from Final Fantasy X?" asked Genkai, also losing her patience.

"Hey guys, what's Final Fantasy?" asked Yugi.

"Who is this Yoona?" Ducky replied. "I am no Yuno! I am Ducky! Better than any Yenu!"



"Someone's had too many video games," Yusuke murmered.

"Video games are bad for your eyes!" exclaimed Tea.

"Shut up!" cried Ducky. "Never heard of this Yoony! I am not her! I am Ducky the summoner!"

"Hey, Ducky," said Muriko as she walked by playing her PS3.

"Yo Muri-chan," Ducky said with a grin.

"Who the heck was that?" asked Kurama. "And why is she so attractive? Wait... I didn't mean to say that!" Everyone stared as Kurama clapped his hands over his mouth and Muriko giggled with glee at her little writing trick, thinking about how freakin' awesome she was.

"Never mind that," said Kuwabara. "Though it was really weird." He looked over his shoulder, then averted his gaze to the others. "Ducky, I don't know what you're trying to do, but we need to get down this hallway and through that door!"

"Forget about it!" exclaimed Ducky. "You're not getting through me! Fira!" Suddenly Kuwabara's hair burst into flames.

"OH MY GOD!!" he screamed, running in circles. Hiei smiled. "PUT IT OUT, PUT IT OUT!!"

"That's nothing," said Ducky. "I haven't even gotten around to my summoning."

"Yusuke, play this by me one more time," said Genkai. "What's the most dangerous aeon Yuna could summon in Final Fantasy X?"

"Err..." Yusuke began. "Eh, the Magus Sisters would be a pretty good kick in the butt." Everyone looked at each other.

"Mommy, help me," cried Kuwabara as he curled up on the floor.

"I'll save that for later," said Ducky. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Instead..." They all tensed up again. "SHIVA, USE DIAMOND DUST!!" Shiva appeared and pwn'd everyone but Yusuke with Diamond Dust. Dangerously high numbers appeared above all their heads and they collapsed.

"What the..." said Yusuke. "Wow. Good thing I keep this handy." Yusuke pulled the Dagger of Time out of his pocket. "Rewind!"

"Mommy, help me," cried Kuwabara as he curled up on the floor.

"I'll save that for later," said Ducky. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Instead..." They all tensed up again. "SHI-" Yusuke tackled Ducky.

"Everyone, run!" he shouted. "I can take her!"

"Hey, GET OFF!!" shouted Ducky. "FIRAGA!!" Yusuke burst into flame and met his demise.

"...Hey, that wasn't supposed to happen," said Muriko, still lingering in the doorway to watch.

"Good thing I keep one of these handy," said Hiei. He pulled a Pheonix Down out of his pocket and revived Yusuke.

"Hey, you keep those in your pocket?" asked Genkai. "How the heck did you get one?" Hiei stared at her.

"You know too much!" he shouted. He tried to run away, but he smacked into the wall and passed out.

"I'm tired of your lame 'look at me I'm struggling through the stupid game' moves!" exclaimed Yusuke. He pulled out Yuna's gun from X-2. "Trigger Happy!" Everyone covered their eyes as Ducky met the ultimate pwnage. "Haha, the old Cat Nip cheat. 9999 damage every time."

"Wow," said Kurama. "She was a robot."

"Wha?" Yusuke mumbled. He looked down at the mangled Ducky. She was all... not fleshy like. "Wow. Well, I guess this just proves that there's no one in the world who's that psychotic!"

"Must be," said Kuwabara. "Yeah, no one in their right minds would run around pretending to be a Final Fantasy character!"

"Hey lookit me, I'm Quistis!" shouted Muriko as she sprinted down the hallway playing with a chain whip. She took out a smoke pellet, disappeared behind a wall of smoke, and when it all cleared she was gone. And believe me, you will never be able to picture the look upon the faces of each of our heros.