Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ WHoAMg PaRTiAl CaPs R k00L!!!11 ( Chapter 31 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
         "So if you're a mother, why did you want to..." Genkai trailed off, her eyes darting around the room uncomfortably.

         "Want to what?" asked Yusuke.

         "Er... Marry my first child?" Everyone but Muriko fell over.

         "It's quite simple," she replied. "I'm a single mother." Everyone who had alread gotten up fell down again. "Speaking of mysteries... Kurama, you hold some very important information within that cranium of yours." Kurama looked a little startled, and everyone looked over to him. "You know Genkai's last name, and I plan to find out what it is."

         "No, no, I can't say anything or Genkai will maul me again!" he cried, leaning against the wall and covering his face with his arms protectively.

         "If you don't tell me I'll have to turn on you," Muriko hissed, unsheathing her nintaku, which she remembered she didn't leave at home after all, and would have stabbed Kuwabara right then if she hadn't been so busy intimidating Kurama.

         "Alright, alright!" he exclaimed, looking for a way to escape. Muriko was blocking the only door. "It's... it's..."

         "Don't tell her, Kurama!" shouted Genkai. "Don't say it! Some things are just too terrible to know!"

         "It's MASUMARI!" he cried, falling back and shielding his face from Genkai's rage. Every humanoid (and the demons too) except Shenkan fell to their rears with very heavy nosebleeds.

         "I don't get it," said Shenkan. "What's Masumari mean?" Muriko walked over to her, her nose bleeding heavily as well.

         "You are so lucky you don't speak Japanese," she replied, trying not to lose too many bodily fluids.

         The next fighter tried to squeeze through the door. He was a massive, muscular man with an enormous torso and arms.

         "WHo wILL FigHt Me?!" he shouted, causing the room to tremble slightly. File cabinets shuddered and envelopes fell from shelves.

         "Oh no, it's one of those guys who speaks partially in caps," Shenkan commented with a sigh. "Well, everyone is up against the walls trying to survive gangrene..." She gestured to her team, trying to keep their limbs attached to their bodies and moaning in agony. "So it looks like I'm the only one left to fight."

         "My NaME iS FReD!!" he shouted in response.

         "Hi FReD." Shenkan jumped up and down and waved to him, so he could possibly see her over his bulk. "My name is Shenkan. You wanna be best friends?" FReD's face suddenly lit up.

         "oF cOURse i Do!! I HaVEn'T hAd FRIENds iN YEARs!!"

         "Whoa, way to go, me niether!" FReD tried to give Shenkan a high five, but nearly broke her arm. "Okay... let's... not do that..." FRed smiled apologetically, and Shenkan smiled back. "Hey guys, meet FRed! He's cool!"


         "No, no, I mean it! He's really awesome!"


         "What? You all need a hospital?"


         "All of you... at once?"


         "Okie dokie." She shrugged. "FRed, you got a cellphone?" FRed reached behind his ear and pulled out an itty bitty cellphone, and then handed it to Shenkan. "Thanks FRed. Uber l337."

         Gang signs!