Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ 50 Things To Do Before We Perish ❯ 3. Destory The Evil Fuzzle Bunnies in 'The Closet' ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: 3. Destroy the Evil Fuzzle Bunnies in `The Closet'
Sapphire: :pouts: Not many reviews….grr, you meanies. I gave you a 24-page chapter and I get like, 8 reviews!? You hate me, don't you!? :cries:
Inuyasha: :sweatdrops: She's thankful you reviewed, but expected a tiny bit more.
Hiei: No, they hate her.
Inuyasha: Why are you rude to her?
Hiei: She's ignorant to me.
Inuyasha: Oh, and your precious, right?
Hiei: Exactly.
Sapphire: :sniff, sniff: Sapphire belongs to me (sapphire-glass); Ruby belongs to Ruby (one owner of griffen-gal); InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi; Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. Thanks :coughrobascough:
Inuyasha: Oh, and she pulled an all-nightter with Ruby, coming up with 16 fanfiction ideas. Look for them! One of them is posted……rather embarrassing…..
Griffen-gal: You're so lucky I'm a nice and diluted person and that I let you on my computer for the purposes of your own and the sanity of me because I need you to review, Shimatta!!!!!! *shifty eyes* Yes, I updated. *whispers* unlike some people. Lol, j/k……..or am I??? *more shifty eyes* Yes, there were 64 curses…….lol. Sayonara!
Kahlel: I know. Hiei? Well, that reason will remain to myself. But he is short and its fun to down the little people although you gotta love the little diluted freaks. Lol!!!! I'm trying! Damn projects! Ugh!!!!!!
Aaya: Lol. Thanks so much! I try to be. Ruby says I am `The All-Knowing Funny'.
Kaegoe: Lol! I got that joke. That's hilarious! Yusuke's a pansy. Down right and full throttle pansy. Aww, I feel bad. Lol. Poor girl; somewhat resembling Yusuke. Well, Yusuke is too much of an idiot to USE the Spirit Gun. That's a funny idea, but I have these all planned out. I have an entire list. That's why I don't get writer's block for this story………okay, no that's a lie, but it prevents a lot of writer's block.
DeathLady: Glad you liked it!! Yay, you're so spiffyful!!! K, I did.
Drof Tceferp: I don't find him attractive is all. I did at one point in time for about a day, but then I didn't anyways. Lol. Um…who's `Kara-chan'? You mean `Kura-chan'? As in Kurama?
inuyasha-lovers: ^_^ I'm very happy you liked it!!
inuyasha-lovers: Yay! Two reviews from you! I love you! *huggles I.L to death* Glad you liked it and I hope you enjoy this chapter as well! Pointless funny is awesome!
((Actually you know, all in all, 8 reviews are really good! But I had that whole thing written out when I had only 2 reviews after like, a week and it was funnyish so I don't want to change it so NEH!.))
Sapphire: I need new people! You're all mean!
Hiei: Psh. I don't want to be here.
Inuyasha: Mesuinu….
Sapphire: 0.0 KUTABARE!
Hiei and Inuyasha: 0.0
Kurama magically appears
Kurama: Don't use that language!
Sapphire: Oh great, HE'S the new author's note guy?
Well, now that the retards decided `wouldn't it be smart if we got OFF of the ice so we don't slip and fall on our asses!?', they were all upstairs either in the living room or in the kitchen.
Kurama, being the only one with enough brain cells to calculate NOT to go and fall on his ass, was in the kitchen preparing 4 large ice packs. Herbert was snickering to himself in penguinese down in the iced basement.
Ruby started to see purple dots wherever she looked; she looked at Sapphire.
“Holy hell! You've got moles or something! AH! A MOLE PERSON!!!!!” she screamed in shock, pointing at her.
The morons are still facing aftershock of the collision, take note.
Sapphire's eye began to twitch.
“Well, at least I didn't turn into Bob the Builder in a matter of minutes!!!” she screamed, and rubbed her head from the delusions the crash had caused.
“Oh no! I'm Bob! The! Builder!? I build shit!? NO!!!!!!!” she screamed and fell on the floor.
“Stop screaming you noodles!!! Ohhh, ramen!” Inuyasha screamed happily and jumped up from his couch.
“AGH!!!!!!!! A MUTANT CAREBEAR!!!!” they screamed, pointing and huddling together in fear. They then jumped up and started up the 8 flights of stairs again.
“HUNGRY INU!” Inuyasha growled and pulled out an anonymously placed pair of chopsticks.
“I'm surrounded by Bob the Builder who turns into a noodle, a moled person who turns into a noodle, and a mutant carebear!?” Hiei asked confused as hell.
“Apparently so, Hiei.” Kurama said with a weak smile and handed Hiei an ice pack.
For a moment, Hiei went cross-eyed and SWORE he saw Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.
“Holy hell!” he screamed and grabbed for his katana but it wasn't there.
“Kuso! You took it!” he yelled and went running for the stairs. And, as if some magical person was planning this all out from the desk and keyboard of her computer, Hiei ran into a wall. Kurama sweatdropped.
A news reporter stood with the microphone at her mouth. She started speaking:
“Hello, this Is Judy Patooty and here's today's news. In a conveniently close jail/community service center, there was a disturbance. A young male with overly gelled hair and a boy with an orange dead animal on his head ---oh, wait, what's that? It's his HAIR? Ok…… And a boy with orange “”hair”” were found on the highest branch of a tree in the community service arena.
“Apparently they had been hiding up there from gay cross-dressing cellmates; however guards say it's because they are pansy BEEPed BEEPwipes. As far as we know, these guys are being bailed out soon enough by a little baby named Koenma. Stay tuned for further information.” with that Judy ended her broadcast and the camera closed up on Yusuke and Kuwabara cowering and crying up in the tree………heh, morons.
Kurama had since turned into his fox form only to have the girls scream that he was `a rabist raccoon. He then had chased the `noodled Bob the Builder and noodled Mole Person' downstairs also transforming back, and tieing them in a chair together. He then had to turn Youko to get Inuyasha, or better know to the `noodles' as `the mutated Carebear'. Then back to his normal….or somewhat normal self, dragging Hiei over to the couch by his foot.
So now the girls were tied together in a chair struggling to get away from either a Mole Person or Bob the Builder. Inuyasha was strapped down by leather belts in a corner trying to desperately eat the noodles. Hiei was just gaining consciousness stuffed in between pillows on the couch so he couldn't move.
If you are ever in Hiei's position, I truly feel bad for you. It's not always easy getting out of those damned things.
“So, are we going to calm DOWN now?” Kurama asked the four, placing a tray with 5 steaming cups of green tea down on the living room table.
“Sure Tails.” Ruby said happily. Hiei had since also informed them all that Kurama was Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog; the girls had informed them that Kurama was a rabist racoon.
Kurama groaned and handed a cup of tea to each of them.
“I would have thought that at least Hiei wouldn't have been disoriented by this act of stupidity.” Kurama said with a sigh, taking a sip of his own tea.
“Oh yeah!? WELL YOUR MONKEY'S A WALRUS! ((That line is from Dreamchasereternity's story))” Inuyasha yelled.
“AND YOUR PICKLE'S A CUCOMBER!” Sapphire chorused in.
“Enough!” Kurama yelled, his eyes twirling from all the nonsense comebacks. Here is what his eyes obviously looked like: @_@
“You're a flower!” Hiei yelled suddenly with a blank expression.
“Alright, little guy, where's your dad?” the police officer asked a little midget who had a pacifier in his mouth.
“I AM NOT A `LITTLE GUY'!!!!!!!” Koenma yelled, his pacifier coming out of his mouth.
“Sure, whatever kid. You can't bail them losers out unless an adult is present.” the police officer said with an icky smile.
Koenma threw down his doll…I mean his “action figure” he was holding and glared at the police officer.
“I AM NO CHILD! I'M A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON IN MAKAI AND REKAI!!!!” Koenma yelled, his face turning red from anger and embarrassment.
“Sure, sure. Here's your little dolly.” the police officer said with a laugh, handing Koenma the “action figure”.
“IT'S AN ACTION FIGURE!!!!!!!” Koenma yelled in frustration.
“Since when was Malibu Barbie an action figure?” The officer asked holding back a laugh and raising an eyebrow.
“SHE'S A COLLECTORS ITEM!” he wailed and stomped out of the office mumbling.
Everyone had since become less hyper. The four had stopped being delusional and were all functioning normally; Hiei was `Hn'ing to himself for no apparent reason and was planning the deaths of Yusuke and Kuwabara.
Inuyasha was eating ramen; Ruby was obsessing over a chibi Kurama picture ((Rubes, you know what pic I'm talking about!! Readers, if you want the picture, email me!)). Kurama had never been hallucinating; Sapphire was busy cursing off a random GameBoy game.
“KUTABARE, YU- BAKA KYOUGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sapphire screamed at the game and threw it against the wall. Before it fell to the floor she summoned a dark energy orb from her finger and shot it at the GameBoy; needless to say, there WAS no more GameBoy.
“Nice.” Ruby said with a smirk, and put her Youko Chibi picture away.
Hiei was trying hard not to laugh, but it showed he wanted to. Inuyasha was cracking up slightly with a smirk; Kurama looked something like this: 0.0
Kurama remained like that: 0.0 while everybody else cracked up (OMFG! The end of the world is here! I told you! But you all denied it! Its proof! HIEI is laughing!) at Kurama's wide-eyed expression; everybody except Sapphire who was crossing her arms and glaring at them.
“*LAUGH* Heh, anyways *LAUGH* why don't we move onto the next thing on the list?” Ruby said through her hand which was desperately trying to hide her laughter because Sapphire was death glaring HER specifically for some reason. The reason? Maybe she just likes to scare the shit out of Ruby and knows she could easily hurt her? Hmm…yeah, that's it.
“Sure.” Hiei said simply, stopping his own laughter and pulling the list out of a random couch.
Sapphire's gaze went blank and she went into her own thoughts, ignoring the annoying bakas.
“Holy hell! How'd you DO that?” Ruby asked astonished, seeing the list was no longer in her pocket.
“I have ways.” he said, trying frantically to ignore her and read off the list. “4. Destroy the Evil Fuzzle Bunnies in the Closet????” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“That can't work.” Sapphire said out of nowhere. She looked up from her thoughts to see everyone eyeing her. Either like this: 0.o, this: o.o, or still like this: 0.0 depending who it was.
“Well, Ruby's closet is full of clothes and random stuffed animals, and fuzzle bunnies HATE stuffed animals. My closet is packed together, so the fuzzle bunnies would have died or not have been able to get inside in the first place. Inuyasha and Hiei HAVE no closets because they live basically in trees. Finally, Kurama is too much of a neat-freak to have fuzzle bunnies and he's stuck in that wide-eyed position so he can't help anyways.” she explained matter-of-factly.
Hiei, Inuyasha, and Ruby exchanged glances, and then nodded knowingly. Kurama was still in his wide-eyed expression.
“I know a way to get him out of that trance.” Sapphire said with an evil smirk. She showed everybody the heel of her boots; very sharp.
Ruby's eyes bugged out. She stood protectively infront of Kurama.
“No way, not uh! You can't do that to him unless he deserves it!” she yelled defensively and clomped onto Kurama.
“Fine. We'll go the `lovey dovey morons' way.” Sapphire said with a sigh.
Inuyasha and Hiei had gotten popcorn and were watching the presentation.
“Hey, what IS the `lovey dovey morons' way anyway?” Inuyasha asked. He knew he'd been told before; let's just say nobody in this story besides Hiei or Kurama has a good memory. -.-U
“You'll see.” Hiei said and they watched as Sapphire nodded at Ruby. Ruby squealed with happiness and kissed Kurama on the cheek. He instantly blushed and snapped out of his daze.
“Does she know how to fix EVERTHING?” Hiei asked Inuyasha, referring to Sapphire.
“Just about.” he said with a shrug and he threw the popcorn at Kurama. Kurama glared.
“That was for?” he asked annoyed.
“I felt like throwing something.” Inuyasha said with a smirk; Hiei and Sapphire smirked as well. Ruby narrowed her eyes. She picked up a piece of popcorn and summoned a small fire pistol on her finger. She lit the popcorn on fire and pegged it at Inuyasha.
“HOLY HELL!” he screamed and was about to jump out of the way but the flamed popcorn stopped infront of his face with a black circle surrounding it. Good ol' Sapph-chan to the rescue.
“OH come ON Sapphire! He threw popcorn at Kurama! It's only fair.” Ruby said with a frown, stomping her foot once.
“I don't care if he threw Kuwabara at Kurama. You do not touch my Inu. Only I can. And before you start snickering pervs, I don't mean THAT way.” Sapphire said with a glare and chucked 5 kernels at Inuyasha; direct hit.
“ITAI! WHAT THE HELL!?” he yelled and rubbed his eye. Sapphire shrugged him off and took the list from Hiei.
“There's a restaurant called `The Closet', isn't there?” she asked, turning to face them all and looked up from the list.
“Um…….oh! Yeah! We went there when they had the Kurama cookies in-stock and…………………” Ruby said and blushed as everybody looked at her like this: 0.o
“Um, never mind.” she said quickly and looked away.
“Riiiiiiiiiiight.” Inuyasha said and looked up, rolling his eyes.
“Ok, well, most likely, we'll have to go to `The Closet' and defeat whatever fuzzle bunnies are there.” Kurama said, resting his chin on his knuckle.
“Off to `The Closet'!” Ruby shouted. Everybody stood up.
“Alright, lead the way.” Hiei said to Sapphire and Ruby. They stopped and looked at each other then at the guys.
“Aren't we leaving?” Inuyasha asked impatiently.
“Uh, yes?” Ruby asked, playing dumb. (Not very hard for her to do though. ^_^ Aww, Rubes, ya know I wove ya!)
“Well then let's get moving.” Kurama said, looking serious.
“Um, what if we said we didn't know how to get there?” Sapphire asked while she and Ruby sweatdropped. Everybody else fell over anime style.
“WHAT!?” Inuyasha yelled.
“Well, we haven't BEEN there for a while…..” Ruby said with another sweatdrop.
“Baka ningens…” Hiei growled.
“Hey, we are NOT humans!!” Sapphire and Ruby yelled.
“Oh well. You are psychotic and idiotic.” he said with an `Hn'.
“Oh, we love you too Hiei.” Sapphire said sarcastically.
“But it might be wise for you guys to transform into your human forms?” Kurama suggested.
“What!? Why?!” Ruby and Sapphire screamed in unison.
“Ningens….” Hiei muttered.
“That hasn't stopped them before.” Inuyasha reminded him.
“Just do it. And put a concealment spell on Inuyasha.” Kurama insisted and with groans they did.
Sapphire cast a dark spell so Inuyasha's ears disappeared until the curse was broken.
Sapphire's ears, tail, and hair changed. Her tail and ears disappeared. She grew ningen ears, long blue hair, and her eyes changed from silver to just Forest Green.
Ruby's ears, tail, and hair changed as well. Her ears and tail disappeared; she grew ningen ears and her hair went from short and red to long and red. Her eyes went from brick red to brown.
“Good.” Kurama said, and with that, they all left the house in a random attempt to find `The Closet'.
Koenma was now in his teenaged form. He had been beyond pissed when he left that first police officers office of hellish doom. But there was a different shift now. And holy hell, Kuwabara has a TWIN!! Shield your eyes people!!
A really stupid looking police officer sat at his desk with a goofy expression on his face and had his finger up his nose.
“Hello. I understand that you wouldn't let my son come in to bail out his friends?” Koenma asked, glaring.
“Uh…………………… …………………………̷ 0;…….” The officer said and spit started to come out of the corner of his mouth.
Koenma snapped his fingers in the officer's face and he snapped out of it, and knocked himself unconscious with a nearby empty bottle of Whisky.
Koenma sweatdropped and took the keys out of the retards pocket. Koenma walked down the aisles until he came to one cell that was cell # `W3AR31D10T5' and he stopped.
“Got any tractors?” Kuwabara asked.
“OH I GIVE UP!!!” Yusuke yelled and threw his cards on the floor. Even HE had enough common intelligence to know that there were no tractors in `Go Fish'.
“Having fun?” Koenma asked with a smile. ((What a cornball! Who smiles at THOSE freaks?))
“Thank kami!” Yusuke screamed and ran over to the cell door waiting to be let out.
“URAMESHI! I SAID DO YOU HAVE ANY TRACTORS!?” Kuwabara shouted at him, still involved with the nonexistent game of `Go Fish.'
“We're leaving you idiot!” Yusuke growled and Kuwabara joined him. They started bouncing up and down infront of the door.
I wonder if they need to use the lavatory, Koenma thought, searching to find the correct key. He finally found it and unlocked the door.
“You should know better. Next time, I will not bail you out.” Koenma said to them with a frown.
“Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever!” They cried in excitement. Koenma let them out and they walked away from the prison/jail/community service centery thingy.
“So, where are we going?” Yusuke asked.
“We left?” Kuwabara asked. Koenma and Yusuke sweatdropped then decided to ignore him.
“We are going to the park on Thinklethorpe Ave.” Koenma informed, looking straight ahead.
“Why?” Yusuke asked.
“HAHA! THAT'S A FUNNY NAME!” Kuwabara shouted and started to laugh.
“ANYWAY,” Koenma said, sighing at Kuwabara, “If my calculations are correct, Sapphire, Kurama, and the rest of the gang are in that park deciding where to go to get to `The Closet'.”
Yusuke and Kuwabara went wide-eyed and stopped.
“Is there a problem?” Koenma asked, turning to face them.
“Hell yeah!” Yusuke shouted, waving his hands in the air.
“And that would be…?” Koenma asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Sapphire is there! Hello! She's evil!!!!!!” They shouted in fear and in unison.
“Well, she is the element of Darkness………” Koenma stated.
“Yeah, AND, Ruby's her little tag-team partner! They have issues!” They both chorused in yet again.
“Oh, well, you have no choice.” Koenma stated, and Botan appeared with her oar.
“Hello everyone!” she said cheerfully.
“Who died?” Kuwabara asked suddenly.
“Nobody, Kuwabaka. Ooops! I'm sorry! I mean Kuwabara; that one slipped! I'm here to take you to the park! Come on!” she stated and they transported elsewhere.
((I forget how that works. -.-UU Sorry if it's incorrect of how she “transports” peoples…..))
Alright, you see the divider. Let me explain who was doing what……or maybe I won't…….Ahh, I'll take up space and explain.
Kurama was moping on the grass. Hiei and Inuyasha were torturing the bug. Ruby was banging her head against a tree, and Sapphire was the culprit that was walking around in circles……..all of them, surprisingly even the girls, were thinking of where to go next.
“Anything?” Kurama asked Sapphire as she fell on her butt from walking around in circles too long; causing her to get dizzy.
“Besides the fact that my ass now hurts and I'm dizzy as hell, no.” Sapphire stated coldly.
Kurama looked to Ruby.
“Ow, head hurts much.” she whined and little birdies flew around her head.
“Pretty birds. Yes you are, yes you are!” Sapphire said sarcastically and flopped down from her butt to her back. Inuyasha turned around and Sapphire looked at him from upside down.
She smiled and got an `obsessive fangirl' smile on her face. “AWW! SO KAWAII EVEN FROM UPSIDE DOWN!!!” she squealed then stopped herself and closed her eyes. Way too like Ruby.
Inuyasha blushed and glared at Hiei who was smirking and then flopped down next to Sapphire.
“Hey.” he said.
“Hey.” she replied.
“Hello.” a familiar and unwanted voice rang out.
“No…..frickin'…..way……” Sapphire and Ruby said in shock at the same time, looking at each other like this: 0.0.
“Oh yes frickin' way.” Inuyasha groaned and stood up as well as the others.
“Well, I'll be leaving.” Botan said nervously, rubbing the back of her head as 5 death glares came her way. She instantly disappeared.
“Why are you here? I want to know, and I want to know now.” Sapphire growled, shooting daggers at Yusuke and Kuwabara.
“Lovely to see you too, kitty cat.” Yusuke said, trying to sound “cool”.
“Kitty cat needs a new scratching post, Yusuke.” Sapphire said with a smirk and evil look in her eyes and showed her sharp claws.
“Heheh! Hey, you guys look human…..” Yusuke said, laughing nervously and taking 3 large steps away from the panther demon.
“Well, it wasn't our choice.” Ruby mumbled, and pointed her thumb behind her, over her shoulder at Kurama. He shrugged and walked over to greet the newcomers.
“I can somewhat stand that idiot. But did Botan HAVE to bring Kuwabara!?” Inuyasha groaned and flopped back down on the ground Indian style.
Hiei sighed heavily. Everybody knew he was more than willing to slice BOTH of them in half. Unfortunately, the authoress needs the bakas to torture them and make the fic more humorous, so he willst not doith the deedith!
“So, what are you guys doing?” Yusuke asked.
“Yeah.” Kuwabara agreed. Agreed…..? Agreed with WHAT?
“Okay, who's doing the recap?” Kurama asked, facing the original gang consisting of Inuyasha, Sapphire, and Ruby.
They all pointed at Hiei.
“I wasn't here for the first activity.” He said blankly.
Then they looked at each other, and then pointed randomly. Sapphire pointed at Kurama, Inuyasha pointed at Sapphire, and Ruby pointed at Inuyasha.
Kurama sweatdropped. “Still isn't helping………” he said, shaking his head with his hand on his forehead.
Then the three pointed at Yusuke.
“What the hell!? I asked YOU what happened!!” he yelled.
Ruby looked around at stood up. She pointed at a person in a pink fish outfit with green spiky hair.
“You!” Sapphire and Ruby yelled; Sapphire had stood up since.
“Blub!” the “fish” yelled, and started wiggling away.
“Let's get `im!” Ruby yelled.
“Sappubi style!!!” Sapphire yelled, and the elemental sisters gave each other a high-five.
((pronounced: sapph-oo-bee))
And as fast as their human form legs would carry them, they caught up with the fish guy and beat him up. Then they quickly wrote index cards and made him read what happened.
“Blub. Fine, blub. Ok, blub. Well, blub…” the guy started off.
Inuyasha threw a rock at the fish guy's head. The fish guy glared.
“You ain't a fish, so talk normal!” he growled.
The fish hmmph'd and continued. “Well, after the bakas went to jail from their own purposes, the two girls and two boys went to a park. A crazed hobo came up to them and told them that they would soon perish. And oddly enough after he ran away, the four found a list of 51 things to do before they did indeed perish. They found a disturbing one, so they shortened it to only 50 things.
The first mission was to rob an armed hair salon. It took them a while, but they found one after running away from Sapphire shooting a guy in the eye with a rock. Anyway, they spent a few hours battling with the women, coughsluttyprepscough at the hair salon, `A La Prep'. They won the battle, obviously, and went to Sapphire's house.
The second mission, not too long ago, Hiei joined the gang. They went to San Diego to steal a baby penguin and they ended up naming him Herbert. Well, they did that after the girls almost clawed each others eyes out. And now they are trying to find their way to `The Closet' to destroy the evil fuzzle bunnies.” he finished and looked at the girls.
They nodded and he jumped into a nearby, randomly place lake and tried swimming away. No such luck; he sunk to the bottom.
The group of now 7 stared at the lake, bubbles coming up then stopping.
“OkKkk then…………….” Ruby trailed off and looked at Kurama. He shrugged. Then Kurama looked at Hiei. He raised an eyebrow. Hiei looked at Sapphire. Sapphire put her fingers on the right side of her forehead and coming out, she turned her hand (that's the sign fro `don't know'…duh, sign language. -.-U I'm bad at explaining). Sapphire looked at Inuyasha. He looked up and then turned to Yusuke. Yusuke shrugged and shook his head. Then he looked at Kuwabara. Nobody cares what Kuwabara did…..but then he looked at Sapphire.
“OW! OW MY BLEEPING EYES! THEY BURN! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed, pointing one finger at Kuwabara then covering her watering eyes with her other hand.
(Sapphire: What the hell? Why'd you bleep me out?!
Sapphire the authoress: Because it be a bad word, Mon.)
Kurama, Ruby, and Inuyasha rushed over to Sapphire to help her eyes. Hiei sweatdropped. Yusuke pointed and laughed at Kuwabara.
“It's not funny………how would you like looking like me!?” Kuwabara said in near tears.
“I WOULDN'T!! YOU'RE TOO UGLY!!” Yusuke screamed laughing, and started rolling on the floor.
“Damn you Kuwabara and your ugliness.” Inuyasha growled and picked Sapphire up bridal style, whom had bandages on her eyes.
“Kutabare! Baka kisama! Chihead! Kuso yu-!!!!!!!!” Sapphire screamed. Kurama had heard it once before, so he didn't go wide-eyed but he quickly lectured on to not use those words.
“You didn't have Thing 1 look at you!” Sapphire hissed and Kurama took a step back, laughing nervously.
“Can we please get on with finding `The Closet'?” Hiei asked with a groan.
“THIS IS A SERIOUS INJURY!!!!!” Sapphire and Ruby yelled at the same time. They looked at each other, either throw bandaged or no bandaged eyes, and laughed.
((Rubes, you know what THAT'S from!! Aww, R.I.P. POH!))
“Whatever.” Hiei sighed with an `Hn'.
“Alright……..hey……doesn't that sign say `The Closet'…right there?” Kurama asked, pointing down the street from the park.
“Yeah, it does! Finally!” Inuyasha said happily.
((Yes, he was bleeped out as well. He may never say things like that, but he is very mad, you see.))
“Well, how were we supposed to remember Sapphire lives right next to a park and there's a restaurant down from that!?” Ruby asked, holding her hands up in defence.
“Let's go already.” Sapphire yelled, and took off her bandage. Her tape (the tape line around your eyes) was now all red.
“Hey, we match! Well…..if I wasn't in my human form we would….” Ruby said.
“NOO! MY BEAUTIFULL FOREST GREEN BUT REALLY SILVER WITH A LITTLE HINT OF FOREST GREEN EYES! TEME! YOU DID THIS!” Sapphire yelled at Kuwabara after she saw her eyes in a mirror on the ground.
“And before his ugliness further blinds me, I'm looking away and leaving……” Sapphire trailed off and ran towards `The Closet'. The rest of them followed, except Kuwabara. Although his ugliness is the biggest defense against ANYTHING and ANYBODY, he is too fascinated and amazed that the `magical' bubbles disappeared. Moron.
Announcer Guy: And that's the end!
Authoress: NO IT ISN'T, KISAMA!
Authoress: *whacks announcer guy with candle holder*
Announcer Guy: X.X
Authoress: And now, back to our featured presentation!
So, the gang, not consisting of Kuwabara who will eventually have to join them at the end of the chapter for more bashing, continued walking in the direction of the restaurant.
Suddenly, *gasp*, a mutant war hamster ran them all over with a tractor from Kuwabara's version of `Go Fish'!!! It's so damn tragic! How could I do this to them!? Why? Why!?
*clears throat* Okay, sorry for that; had to get it out of my system. Here's what REALLY happened.
Suddenly, there was an explosion from the restaurant, and the right side of the roof blew up.
“Oh no! Men, we must get there in time.” Ruby said, her mouth moving out of place to the words; like it happens in the old, old movies.
“The restaurant is being attack-ed.” Sapphire said.
“Stop damn-ed person so we may talk regular!” Inuyasha said, in a false nice and out of placed voice.
“Now that's better!” Inuyasha growled, and they all ran demon speed to the restaurant…..but Kurama had to grab on to somebody random because at the moment, Youko was being a lazy bastard and didn't want to take over. And Yusuke was left walking.
They stopped infront of the restaurant as the owner came out, all scratched, bruised, and their clothes torn.
“Okay, now, Kurama, I understand you needed a ride here because Youko is lazy, and I'm okay with that, but now can you GET THE HELL OFF OF MY BACK!?” Sapphire yelled, making Kurama fall on the floor on his butt with his eyes like this: @.@
“Um, sorry.” Kurama said with a small blush and Ruby pointed and laughed at him.
“Ha, you got yelled at by the evil one!” she giggled and instantly had a mood swing and turned to the owner.
“Well, what are you waiting for? A ningen holiday? Tell us what we have to do.” Hiei said impatiently, tapping his foot on the ground. Aww, he's so womanly. ^_^U
“Gomen……that is right, right? I don't speak Japanese.” the owner asked, looking at all 5…..””Teens””. Since tec., Sapphire and Ruby are beyond teenage years. Inuyasha is tec. 500, and Rumiko Takahashi says he's meant to be 15 in the anime/manga…….And Youko side of Kurama is like, what, 300? And KURAMA is about 15, and I have no idea about Hiei…….so they actually aren't teens…….Well, Sapph and Ruby are in their teenaged human forms, so Alrighty then. But duh, they are all Japanese……well, except the girls, they are