Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Christmas Fic ❯ Chapter ! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Christmas Fic

The Info!


HEY YA'LL!!!! This is K38 here….sorry, I never finished my other fic…..I just really had no interest in finishing that one.>< sorry. Anyway, this fic is one that popped in my head during choir…..while we were doing Christmas songs. So, I started to write this as soon as I got home. ^^ I love this fic more than the one I started! Any who!!! This fic involves my best friend and me, we like to mess around and we love to get into trouble and just like be different, but we love to talk so, check my info and stuff, IM me, we love to screw around in chat rooms! How fun!


In the story here…the character is tellin' the story she has brown hair that is cut to about right below the ears, she is 5 foot 5 and a quarter. She hates everything mostly and really hates the holidays, until this strange man asks her to go to dinner with him and changes everything…..and her best friend has a little secret of her own. (how dare she.) Well, read and find out all about Neko-the main character- and her best friend Desi or Kit. Oh, and uh…please review pretty, pretty, pretty please. ^^ SEE YA'LL LATER!!!!