Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Hidden Life ❯ Identities Revealed ( Chapter 5 )
~Standard Disclaimer Applies~
Chapter 5: Identities revealed
Ayame was walking back to her den when she felt a familiar youki back by the portal that she had traveled through; in fact she felt two familiar ones. Shit, I have to get away before they sense me. But wait, why are they her? She wondered but then realized the answer. He found out. Ayame became angry. This isn't where he belongs anymore, this isn't his problem, it's mine. And with that thought she went to have a little chat with Kurama.
When Kurama and Hiei arrived in the Makai, Kurama immediately changed into his Youko form.
"Let's get this over with." Hiei growled.
Kurama looked at him. "You're the one that wanted to come remember?"
Hiei just looked away.
"So does that mean you didn't want to come?"
But then Kurama was distracted when he looked around and saw Aya coming towards them.
"Why are you here? You're supposed to be resting." Hiei said.
"Like I said before: no one is the boss of me; I can do whatever I want." She paused for a moment.
"Why are you here?" Ayame asked. Even though Hiei could tell she already knew the answer.
"We're actually here to help some friends and family of mine." Kurama stated.
Ayame looked at Kurama and finally realized that he was in his Youko form.
"You don't have any family left." Ayame stated coldly.
Kurama looked hurt but quickly replaced it with anger. "And how would you know something like that?"
"Hiei?" She said turning to look at Hiei.
"Hn. She `has her ways of finding things out.'"
"Hn." Kurama said sounding like the youkai standing right next to him. "Actually, I do have family."
Ayame glared and tilted her head at that, daring the Youko to continue.
He dared. "I have a sister." Even though she's probably dead, but I feel that I need to prove myself to this girl. But why? She's just getting in the way.
"A sister huh? And where is she?"
Hiei felt a little uncomfortable. Would Yukina feel this way towards me if I never told her the truth? I hope not.
Kurama looked a little guilty. "I don't know." He said with his head down.
"Hn. Some brother you are."
Kurama looked at her through extremely sad eyes.
Ayame felt a little guilty. I have no right to treat him this way. He might after all have a good reason.
"But I do have a reason for not knowing." Kurama stated trying to regain some dignity and respect, while Ayame did a double take mentally. "You see, I-"
But Kurama was cut off. "Yare yare, looks like we've found another Youko to harass." A raspy voice said from behind.
Kurama quickly turned around and got in a fighting stance, along with Hiei, and noticed a number of youkai standing alongside a toad-like youkai ready to charge.
"What do you want?" Kurama demanded.
"It's nothing personal, we just have a little favor to do for some friends of ours." The toad-like youkai answered. "And if you behave no one will get hurt."
Hiei growled. "The only people that will end up getting hurt are yourselves."
The youkai just ignored Hiei and continued to ask Kurama a question, "Where is Ayame, Youko?"
Ayame, who was standing a little behind Hiei and Kurama was, yet again surprised at how well her youki was masked in her human form. But before she could say anything, Kurama spoke up.
"What are you talking about?"
Ayame was getting nervous. Uh oh. He's going to tell Kurama about me. Shoot. What should I do? What to do, what to do!
"Don't play dumb with us Youko! Tell us where she is!"
Kurama was getting angry; these demons didn't who they were messing with, and they were about to be really sorry about it.
Hiei, sensing Kurama's anger, put his hand on his arm. "Calm down, Fox."
Seeing this, the toad demon realized that the Youko really didn't know what he was talking about, so he decided to fill him in. "Ayame is the one who negotiated with the Alligator Faction and came up with the peace treaty. But she broke her promise and now she must pay with her life."
Ayame? It can't be my sister. She wouldn't do something like that, it would've been too dangerous. Kurama then chuckled. Actually, that would be just like her wouldn't it? I've been away so long I've forgotten so many things. *sigh* What kind of brother am I? "What did she do in order to break the treaty?" Kurama asked.
"She killed-" But it was now the toad's turn to be interrupted.
"Youko Kurama?!"
Well at least someone recognizes me. Kurama thought and looked at the person that called his name.
It was the leader of the Faction, along with even more Alligator demons and even stronger allies.
"What a pleasant surprise." Shengo said madly.
"Somehow I don't quite believe that." Kurama said.
"Well, you are supposed to be dead." Shengo stated a little insanely.
"And how would you know that?" Kurama inquired.
"Because I helped in plotting your death!"
NANI!?!? That lying bastard! Ayame was so filled with such hatred and rage she didn't realize that she was transforming into her Youko form.
"You liar!!"
Everyone tried to find the source of the voice, but all they could see, if they could even see it, was a silver blur charging toward Shengo.
Before anyone realized it. Ayame had pulled the two leaves from her hair, turned them into swords, and had them pointing threateningly at Shengo's neck in a matter of seconds.
"You lied." She said again, but more calmly. "We had a deal; I became your ally, protected, and didn't harm your Faction, and you wouldn't fight my kin."
Shengo just looked at her getting nervous.
"He died after we made that deal. And you broke it. And for that, I will kill you."
Ayame was ready to thrust her swords into Shengo's neck and torso, when he spoke.
"You did, too." He said
"What are you talking about?" She snapped back.
"You broke your promise too. You killed Hiroke."
Ayame had forgotten about that. "Well, I guess it wouldn't be fair for me to take your life then, would it?" She slowly turned her swords into leaves and placed them back in her hair. Shengo looked relieved. "But that doesn't mean someone else can't."
Shengo then looked around him and noticed everyone staring at him menacingly.
"How are we supposed to know you won't go back on our deals, huh!?" One youkai yelled out.
"Uh, um… well you see…" Shengo stuttered. Even his followers were closing in on him.
Ayame waved. "Ja."
Ayume: I know this fic isn't the best. One day I had the best idea for this story and I wrote like three chapters of it in like an hour. But then I stopped thinking about it, because of school and all, and I lost track of what I was planning on doing.
Hiei: [opens mouth to say something but then thinks better of it] Hn.
Ayume: [smirks]
Yusuke: I think he was going to say something along the lines of `You sound pathetic, stop feeling sorry for yourself and making excuses for why your story sucks.'
Hiei: [smirks]
Ayume: [blinks at Yusuke] Where did that come from?
Yusuke: [shrugs] You didn't put me in this chapter.
Ayume: [sweetly] and for that I don't think I'll put you in the next one either.
Kurama: [sensing a fight coming on] Now children calm down will you?
[Ayume and Yusuke glare at him]
Kurama: [nervously] Um… [turns to readers] please review? [turns to Ayume for approval]
[Ayume is unconscious on the ground with Yusuke next to her sporting a few more bruises than before]
Kurama: [sweat-drops] What just happened?
Hiei: Who cares [flits away]
Kurama: [sighs]