Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Kuwabara Love Story ❯ Who ARE You?! ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Kuwabara love story-Chapter 2
Written by: Jesscheaux
DISCLAIMER: I did not invent, nor do I own Yu Yu Hakusho, or any of the characters, except for those I may create.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thank you so much for all the reviews, I really feel loved! Thank you thank you, for giving this fic a chance! Thanks to:
kaoru, Who gave me the first review.
Almighty Kade Jaganshi, especially for plugging this story!
Waterflash, love ya chica!
Gojita the Saiyan Princess, thanks so much!
bit-Blackmage, ^_^ YOU'RE THE BEST!
Catgirl-13, You rock Colleen!
asian princess 61, bells will be ringing, lol!
Keeper of the Apocolypse, Thanks for putting me on the list and yes, it's a nice Kuwa fic, I LOVE HIM!
Dragon of the Rose: You owe me a million dollars! Hey, you said you'd bet anything it was me and it's not so pay up! *EVIL LAUGHTER*
Thiny: Nope, not me! But I hope you like who it does turn out to be. Love and Peace!
silver swan1: Glad you like it!
Pewter Kaze-san: *grins* Thank you for the compliment! *bows* Yes, they are similar in some ways and yet..so different!
Riye Link/ Reue: Thanks for reading, yes I have lots more planned!
Demon Ashika: Thanks! Enjoy the chapter!
Midnight Wolf Angel Reborn: Hey Angel, what's up ^_^
Urameshi no Koibito: You liked how I did that? Thanks! That means alot to me!
Jenny Jaganshi: *GLOMPS* Chica!!! Thank you SO much for reading, What can I say, I love cliffies too! *gives her a Hiei plushie*
A.S.: Thanks for the Kuwabara plushie! Glad you liked the first chap!
And now without further to do...
There is a strange person running towards Kuwabara, weapon extended, what could they possibly want from him?! FIND OUT NOW!
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"HIIIIIIYAAAA!!!!" was the battle cry as the stranger approached Kazuma Kuwabara at an alarming speed.
"YIKE!" the boy yelled as he barely dodged the sword that was aimed at his chest.
He whipped around hurriedly and found himself face to face with......A GIRL?!!!!!
She took a deep breath and rushed at him again, sword extended. She seemed to move in slow motion as Kuwabara guessed her next move correctly and stepped to the side again.
(I can't believe this...who does she think she is?) he thought worriedly. His code of honor would never allow him to fight with a girl!
"Are you going to fight me or not?" she yelled as her second shot missed and her feet once again hit the ground. "I know you have it in you, Kazuma."
"WHA?!" Kuwabara was stunned, she knew his name...and his first name no less. He took that moment to study her:
She was taller than most girls at their school and about a head shorter than himself. She had long dark brown hair, long bangs covering one of her dark green eyes. There was a braid adorning the other side of her face and she held her sword out.
She was wearing the traditional garb of a samurai; Baggy green pants, and a cream-colored top that wrapped around her body and had flowing sleeves. Something about her seemed so familiar...
The girl narrowed her eyes as she saw the perplexed look on his face. "Like what you see? Well, I'll be glad to give you a CLOSE UP!" she yelled as she aimed for his arm with her sword. SLASH! Kuwabara shuddered as part of his uniform ripped open and a small cut appeared on his arm.
"Hm, next time you won't be so lucky."
"There isn't going to be a next time, girl! I'm not going to fight you." he retorted and frowned at her.
"Afraid to get beat by a girl? I see..."
"No! It isn't like that!" Kuwabara defended as he held up one of his hands. "Its against my code to fight girls, Guys should never hit girls, its just wrong."
"Well, well, well, aren't we chivalrous. I'm afraid, Kazuma, that I do not feel the same WAY!" she charged at him again and for a moment seemed to disappear, only to appear directly in front of him, sword held high. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME THIS TIME!!!" it started to come down on him, but to her surprise her attack was blocked.
"SPIRIT SWORD!!!!" a moment later the fiery yellow sword made of Kuwabara's pure spirit energy blocked the stranger's last attack. Kuwabara cringed, wondering if he should've done that. What if he had hit her?! His mind didn't even think of the fact that he had revealed his secret power to her as a bad thing. In truth, he was just shocked that she attacked him like that.
The girl stood back with a satisfied smirk. "So it is true." she sheathed her sword.
Kuwabara opened his eyes just then, "Huh? You're not going to keep fighting me?"
She shook her head, "No, I found out what I wanted to know."
"WHEW! That's a big relief! I hate fighting girls." he breathed as the spirit sword dissipated.
"Shut up, you imbecile, are you one of those sexist pigs that believes that women should all be sweet and obedient to all of you men who think you're so much better? And all that we're good for is cooking and cleaning?! I swear, something is wrong with society." she shook her head.
"N-no!" he protested, "It's not like that, really.."
"Liar, I can see it in your eyes. You're a waste of talent Kazuma, how will you ever fight opponents with this stupid chivalry holding you back. What about the demon girl?"
His eyes became the size of saucers just then, "YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" he took two steps back, clutching at his chest, "Th-theres no way... who are you!"
"Who am I, indeed." she brushed the hair away from her face momentarily, only to have it fall back into its regular position. She seated herself indian style on the ground just then and bent her head. "I'm nobody that you'd want to know."
Well that tore it, Kuwabara was intrigued, "Oh no you don't, you're somebody alright and you're going to tell me or---"
"Or what, you'll hit me? Ha!" a sarcastic snort escaped from her just then. "Go away Kazuma, train for your stupid tournament."
"YAGH!" Kuwabara bit the dust as he fell over from hearing her words. "You know about that too?"
"Yes, and with the power you have now, you'll never be able to win. You're as good as dead if you ask me."
"WHAT?! What gives you the right to say that, witch!" he cried as he stood once more, "You don't know me OR my power!" he lifted his chin high in the air with disgust.
"Hm. So much potential yet so foolish. Talent is wasted on people like you, Kazuma."
"Will you stop calling me that! That's what my sister calls me, if you know so much about me, then you'd know that I go by Kuwabara, ThankYouVeryMuch!" He folded his arms and scrutinized this girl who was setting off some flags of recognition in his head, yet nothing would come to him. She was a spitfire, that's for sure, but something about her made him want to know more.
"Are you still standing there KU-WA-BA-RA?" she said slowly, following with a silent chuckle.
He glared at her, "Yes, as a matter of fact, and I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers."
"I don't have the answers you seek, boy."
"Like hell you don't! I want to know who you are, and how you know so much about me..."
"That really isn't any of your concern, now is it? You're beginning to bother me, now go away." she flicked her hand in the opposite direction.
"No." Kuwabara plainly stated and sat down directly in front of her.
A heavy sigh escaped from her lips. "Fine, but I'm only doing this so you'll leave me alone."
She began her tale: "I am Sayo Azuke, and I attend the same school as you. I'm not that hard to spot in a crowd since I never wear the school uniforms. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me sooner. And like you, Kuwabara, I can sense spirit energy, use spirit energy..."
He was stunned almost speechless as he sputtered out, "But h-how?"
"The same way as you do, I imagine. I've always felt it inside of me, trying to find its way out."
"What's so special about your clothes? And what's with the sword?" his inquiring mind just had to know.
"Ah yes... well my great great great great grandfather was a samurai; one of a dying breed. We are almost extinct now you know. I heard the tales of his great and noble fighting and deeds from my grandfather and my father. It's difficult to be a samurai in this modern world, but somehow I want to bring it back. Carrying this sword has brought me many threats but I will persist. No one is going to make me give up my way of life."
Kuwabara couldn't think of anything to say at that moment.
"Does that answer your question?"
He nodded slowly but then looked up into her eyes, "Well, there is one more thing. How do you know about me? About what happened? And why did you attack me like that!" He mumbled to himself after the last bit about how she scared the hell out of him.
Sayo let out a heavy sigh, "Seems as though you are never satisfied, Kazuma. Very well, I'll tell you. But only if you go away!"
"Sure sure, get on with it." he folded his arms and leaned back slightly. (I can't wait to hear this.) he thought.
"It's kind of hard to explain, but I found myself having strange dreams. Dreams about spirits, ghosts, demons, and I could feel disturbances after awhile. Then, there was some kind of connection to you..I saw you fight, saw your spirit sword. It was like some accursed gift I had no idea what to do with. I couldn't stop the images, as much as I would try. They continued to haunt me and I had to come and find you to see if it was real. It appears that it was."
"Whoa...heavy stuff there. So you say you saw what I was doing?"
"Yes and I haven't been able to forget any of it. What is going on here Kazuma? Is this really real?"
"Oh it's real...a little too real..."
* * *
"Interesting." the 700 year old Koenma said to himself as he stroked his chin while looking at his screen that showed him anything and everything; mainly the whereabouts and doings of the Spirit Team.
"What is it sir?" the right-hand Ogre asked his master.
"Well, George, it appears we have another Spirit fighter on our hands. She can sense things and it looks like she's witnessed all of our team's battles. I don't know how this could've possibly happened! As far as I knew the only humans were Yusuke and Kuwabara with powerful enough spirit energy."
"Sir, you're forgetting GenKai."
"Gah! She doesn't count!" he screamed around his pacifier, "Stupid old hag...well at least Yusuke learned something from her."
"Indeed, Master. He's very hard to teach."
"Yes...but what of this girl? I need to figure out what to do. Send Botan in, I'd like to speak with her." he suddenly
blushed and transformed into his teenage form. "There, much better. I hate it when Botan sees me as a little toddler although I'm 100 years her senior! Disrespectful, all of them, hmmph."
Just then the bubbly aqua-haired beauty entered Koenma's office. "You wanted to see me, Koenma?" her eyes widened slightly
as she saw him in his teenage form. (Did he transform for me? No..it must be my imagination, he's been using this form alot
lately, probably because he's tired of being treated like a kid.)
"Botan...stop staring at me will you, we have important business to attend to!"
With a squeak, Botan blushed slightly and nodded quickly, "Yes...so about that?"
"We have a situation on our hands..."
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All comments are welcome. Tell me what you think of Sayo. :) I also felt the need for Koenma to have a grudge against GenKai. I don't know why, it just seemed appropriate :D
Be kind, Review ^-^
Written by: Jesscheaux
DISCLAIMER: I did not invent, nor do I own Yu Yu Hakusho, or any of the characters, except for those I may create.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thank you so much for all the reviews, I really feel loved! Thank you thank you, for giving this fic a chance! Thanks to:
kaoru, Who gave me the first review.
Almighty Kade Jaganshi, especially for plugging this story!
Waterflash, love ya chica!
Gojita the Saiyan Princess, thanks so much!
bit-Blackmage, ^_^ YOU'RE THE BEST!
Catgirl-13, You rock Colleen!
asian princess 61, bells will be ringing, lol!
Keeper of the Apocolypse, Thanks for putting me on the list and yes, it's a nice Kuwa fic, I LOVE HIM!
Dragon of the Rose: You owe me a million dollars! Hey, you said you'd bet anything it was me and it's not so pay up! *EVIL LAUGHTER*
Thiny: Nope, not me! But I hope you like who it does turn out to be. Love and Peace!
silver swan1: Glad you like it!
Pewter Kaze-san: *grins* Thank you for the compliment! *bows* Yes, they are similar in some ways and yet..so different!
Riye Link/ Reue: Thanks for reading, yes I have lots more planned!
Demon Ashika: Thanks! Enjoy the chapter!
Midnight Wolf Angel Reborn: Hey Angel, what's up ^_^
Urameshi no Koibito: You liked how I did that? Thanks! That means alot to me!
Jenny Jaganshi: *GLOMPS* Chica!!! Thank you SO much for reading, What can I say, I love cliffies too! *gives her a Hiei plushie*
A.S.: Thanks for the Kuwabara plushie! Glad you liked the first chap!
And now without further to do...
There is a strange person running towards Kuwabara, weapon extended, what could they possibly want from him?! FIND OUT NOW!
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"HIIIIIIYAAAA!!!!" was the battle cry as the stranger approached Kazuma Kuwabara at an alarming speed.
"YIKE!" the boy yelled as he barely dodged the sword that was aimed at his chest.
He whipped around hurriedly and found himself face to face with......A GIRL?!!!!!
She took a deep breath and rushed at him again, sword extended. She seemed to move in slow motion as Kuwabara guessed her next move correctly and stepped to the side again.
(I can't believe this...who does she think she is?) he thought worriedly. His code of honor would never allow him to fight with a girl!
"Are you going to fight me or not?" she yelled as her second shot missed and her feet once again hit the ground. "I know you have it in you, Kazuma."
"WHA?!" Kuwabara was stunned, she knew his name...and his first name no less. He took that moment to study her:
She was taller than most girls at their school and about a head shorter than himself. She had long dark brown hair, long bangs covering one of her dark green eyes. There was a braid adorning the other side of her face and she held her sword out.
She was wearing the traditional garb of a samurai; Baggy green pants, and a cream-colored top that wrapped around her body and had flowing sleeves. Something about her seemed so familiar...
The girl narrowed her eyes as she saw the perplexed look on his face. "Like what you see? Well, I'll be glad to give you a CLOSE UP!" she yelled as she aimed for his arm with her sword. SLASH! Kuwabara shuddered as part of his uniform ripped open and a small cut appeared on his arm.
"Hm, next time you won't be so lucky."
"There isn't going to be a next time, girl! I'm not going to fight you." he retorted and frowned at her.
"Afraid to get beat by a girl? I see..."
"No! It isn't like that!" Kuwabara defended as he held up one of his hands. "Its against my code to fight girls, Guys should never hit girls, its just wrong."
"Well, well, well, aren't we chivalrous. I'm afraid, Kazuma, that I do not feel the same WAY!" she charged at him again and for a moment seemed to disappear, only to appear directly in front of him, sword held high. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME THIS TIME!!!" it started to come down on him, but to her surprise her attack was blocked.
"SPIRIT SWORD!!!!" a moment later the fiery yellow sword made of Kuwabara's pure spirit energy blocked the stranger's last attack. Kuwabara cringed, wondering if he should've done that. What if he had hit her?! His mind didn't even think of the fact that he had revealed his secret power to her as a bad thing. In truth, he was just shocked that she attacked him like that.
The girl stood back with a satisfied smirk. "So it is true." she sheathed her sword.
Kuwabara opened his eyes just then, "Huh? You're not going to keep fighting me?"
She shook her head, "No, I found out what I wanted to know."
"WHEW! That's a big relief! I hate fighting girls." he breathed as the spirit sword dissipated.
"Shut up, you imbecile, are you one of those sexist pigs that believes that women should all be sweet and obedient to all of you men who think you're so much better? And all that we're good for is cooking and cleaning?! I swear, something is wrong with society." she shook her head.
"N-no!" he protested, "It's not like that, really.."
"Liar, I can see it in your eyes. You're a waste of talent Kazuma, how will you ever fight opponents with this stupid chivalry holding you back. What about the demon girl?"
His eyes became the size of saucers just then, "YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" he took two steps back, clutching at his chest, "Th-theres no way... who are you!"
"Who am I, indeed." she brushed the hair away from her face momentarily, only to have it fall back into its regular position. She seated herself indian style on the ground just then and bent her head. "I'm nobody that you'd want to know."
Well that tore it, Kuwabara was intrigued, "Oh no you don't, you're somebody alright and you're going to tell me or---"
"Or what, you'll hit me? Ha!" a sarcastic snort escaped from her just then. "Go away Kazuma, train for your stupid tournament."
"YAGH!" Kuwabara bit the dust as he fell over from hearing her words. "You know about that too?"
"Yes, and with the power you have now, you'll never be able to win. You're as good as dead if you ask me."
"WHAT?! What gives you the right to say that, witch!" he cried as he stood once more, "You don't know me OR my power!" he lifted his chin high in the air with disgust.
"Hm. So much potential yet so foolish. Talent is wasted on people like you, Kazuma."
"Will you stop calling me that! That's what my sister calls me, if you know so much about me, then you'd know that I go by Kuwabara, ThankYouVeryMuch!" He folded his arms and scrutinized this girl who was setting off some flags of recognition in his head, yet nothing would come to him. She was a spitfire, that's for sure, but something about her made him want to know more.
"Are you still standing there KU-WA-BA-RA?" she said slowly, following with a silent chuckle.
He glared at her, "Yes, as a matter of fact, and I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers."
"I don't have the answers you seek, boy."
"Like hell you don't! I want to know who you are, and how you know so much about me..."
"That really isn't any of your concern, now is it? You're beginning to bother me, now go away." she flicked her hand in the opposite direction.
"No." Kuwabara plainly stated and sat down directly in front of her.
A heavy sigh escaped from her lips. "Fine, but I'm only doing this so you'll leave me alone."
She began her tale: "I am Sayo Azuke, and I attend the same school as you. I'm not that hard to spot in a crowd since I never wear the school uniforms. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me sooner. And like you, Kuwabara, I can sense spirit energy, use spirit energy..."
He was stunned almost speechless as he sputtered out, "But h-how?"
"The same way as you do, I imagine. I've always felt it inside of me, trying to find its way out."
"What's so special about your clothes? And what's with the sword?" his inquiring mind just had to know.
"Ah yes... well my great great great great grandfather was a samurai; one of a dying breed. We are almost extinct now you know. I heard the tales of his great and noble fighting and deeds from my grandfather and my father. It's difficult to be a samurai in this modern world, but somehow I want to bring it back. Carrying this sword has brought me many threats but I will persist. No one is going to make me give up my way of life."
Kuwabara couldn't think of anything to say at that moment.
"Does that answer your question?"
He nodded slowly but then looked up into her eyes, "Well, there is one more thing. How do you know about me? About what happened? And why did you attack me like that!" He mumbled to himself after the last bit about how she scared the hell out of him.
Sayo let out a heavy sigh, "Seems as though you are never satisfied, Kazuma. Very well, I'll tell you. But only if you go away!"
"Sure sure, get on with it." he folded his arms and leaned back slightly. (I can't wait to hear this.) he thought.
"It's kind of hard to explain, but I found myself having strange dreams. Dreams about spirits, ghosts, demons, and I could feel disturbances after awhile. Then, there was some kind of connection to you..I saw you fight, saw your spirit sword. It was like some accursed gift I had no idea what to do with. I couldn't stop the images, as much as I would try. They continued to haunt me and I had to come and find you to see if it was real. It appears that it was."
"Whoa...heavy stuff there. So you say you saw what I was doing?"
"Yes and I haven't been able to forget any of it. What is going on here Kazuma? Is this really real?"
"Oh it's real...a little too real..."
* * *
"Interesting." the 700 year old Koenma said to himself as he stroked his chin while looking at his screen that showed him anything and everything; mainly the whereabouts and doings of the Spirit Team.
"What is it sir?" the right-hand Ogre asked his master.
"Well, George, it appears we have another Spirit fighter on our hands. She can sense things and it looks like she's witnessed all of our team's battles. I don't know how this could've possibly happened! As far as I knew the only humans were Yusuke and Kuwabara with powerful enough spirit energy."
"Sir, you're forgetting GenKai."
"Gah! She doesn't count!" he screamed around his pacifier, "Stupid old hag...well at least Yusuke learned something from her."
"Indeed, Master. He's very hard to teach."
"Yes...but what of this girl? I need to figure out what to do. Send Botan in, I'd like to speak with her." he suddenly
blushed and transformed into his teenage form. "There, much better. I hate it when Botan sees me as a little toddler although I'm 100 years her senior! Disrespectful, all of them, hmmph."
Just then the bubbly aqua-haired beauty entered Koenma's office. "You wanted to see me, Koenma?" her eyes widened slightly
as she saw him in his teenage form. (Did he transform for me? No..it must be my imagination, he's been using this form alot
lately, probably because he's tired of being treated like a kid.)
"Botan...stop staring at me will you, we have important business to attend to!"
With a squeak, Botan blushed slightly and nodded quickly, "Yes...so about that?"
"We have a situation on our hands..."
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All comments are welcome. Tell me what you think of Sayo. :) I also felt the need for Koenma to have a grudge against GenKai. I don't know why, it just seemed appropriate :D
Be kind, Review ^-^