Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Moment Alone ❯ One-Shot
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Yu Yu Hakusho. I hate disclaimers.
Warnings: Ummm… shounen-ai, mpreg, pointless fluff
“So,” muttered Kurama, one hand on his slightly swollen belly, “What should we name them?”
Yuusuke turned his head to look at the Kitsune, with a slight smile. He laid his own hand on his mate's stomach. “Well, how many boys and how many girls are there?”
Kurama smirked slightly. “Well, I'm not sure, exactly. There are three altogether. So we should probably pick three boy's names and three girl's names, just to be safe.”
Yuusuke grinned at him. “Well, we could name one of the girls Haruko. There's also Moriko. For a boy, there's always Minoru.”
Kurama had to laugh slightly. “Yuusuke, they're not just mine, you know. How about Tsuyosa? Or Chikara? Yuuki's good, too. So's Isamu.”
Yuusuke grinned. “Okay, then, how about Katsu or Katsuo?
“Maybe.” There was silence for a few moments, and Yuusuke propped himself up on his elbows to look at Kurama. The Kitsune's long, red hair fanned out around his face, and his green eyes shone with happiness and contentment. No doubt about it. He definitely had “the glow”. Yuusuke's eyes trailed from his mate's face to his abdomen. It was amazing, to think that in a few months, they would be parents.
While Yuusuke was observing Kurama, Kurama was observing Yuusuke. He smiled gently when Yuusuke's eyes trailed to his stomach. He felt even more amazement than Yuusuke, not only that they would be parents, but that there was something growing inside of him, something very different from the plants he had felt on occasion before. This was… impossible to describe.
Yuusuke reached out slowly, touching Kurama's stomach. He reached out with his Sense, feeling the small balls of undeveloped energy in his mate's abdomen. He was fairly certain that there were three. “One set of identical twins…,” he whispered, feeling their energy. “I think one's gonna be stronger than the other, though.”
“Wouldn't surprise me,” Kurama answered just as softly. “A lot of identical twins have one twin a little stronger than the other. It sort of determines which one is birthed first.”
“Heh. That seems a long way off…”
“Mmmm. Still, it'll happen sooner than we think.”
“Yeah,” said Yuusuke, as if he was about to drift off. “I can't believe we're really going to be parents. I mean, I don't know how to be a dad….”
“If it helps, I never actually pictured myself being a mother.” A soft chuckle followed his statement.
“No, I can't imagine you would… But we'll need to be going back to the palace soon. Everyone'll be worried…”
“They're always worried about me now. I know you can take care of me, Yuusuke. Please, let's just stay out here for another minute… It may be the last chance our dear friends give us to be alone…”
“Well…I guess…I mean, it couldn't hurt, right?”
“Aishiteru, Yuusuke.”
“Aishiteru, Kurama.”
^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^_~_^ _~_^
Haruko- (f) spring child
Minoru- (m) seed
Moriko- (f) forest child
Tsuyosa- (m) strong
Chikara- (f) power
Yuuki- (m/f) courage
Isamu- (m/f) bravery
Katsu- (m) victory
Katsuo- (m) victorious child
A/N: Yes, yes, I know, it's stupid and kinda weird, and I have no explanation for why Kurama is pregnant, but I love this couple, I love mpreg, and I love pointless fluff. So please review, even if it is to say how stupid it is.