Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Moment of Weakness ❯ Awakenings ( Chapter 2 )
Here it is, the long awaited second chapter (yeah, right.). It would have been up sooner but I had phone problems. Sorry for the long wait.
A/N: This symbol, _______, indicates a dream sequence.
Warning: This is the completely unedited version. The end of this chapter contains a lemon scene between Youko and Botan. If such things offend you, check out the edited version over at ff. net under the pen name JD Fielding.
Chapter 2- Awakenings
Lorodon walked with small, measured steps through the darkened woods, wincing with every move that he made. The nauseating pain of having his manhood smashed by the deity’s knee had diminished enough for him to go out searching for his brother. But in the fifteen minutes he’d been up and moving, no sign of Moritai had been found. Growing impatient, the red skinned youkai started to hurry his steps along, a snarl escaping his twisted lips when a fresh stab of pain pierced the entirety of his groin. Coming to a stop, he leaned against the thick trunk of an imposing maple and cupped himself, cursing Botan as he waited for the throbbing to subside. That bitch is going to regret this! His pain began to slowly dull as he contemplated what he was going to do to Botan once she was back in his possession.
The demon smiled , his mind aflame with an image of the deity beneath him, aroused at the thought of her screaming as he violated her over and over again. And then, when he was through using her body, he’d tear her apart. Slowly. Piece by piece. And to add insult to injury, he’d send the bloody parts to Kurama.
A evil chuckle emitted from his throat as he imagined the look of horror that would surely form on the kitsune’s face upon seeing his woman’s ruined body cut up into pieces. Serves that human lover right for being too weak to protect his female. Amused by this idea, Lorodon released himself and pushed off the trunk, walking slowly forward once again.
High above, within the protected branches of a nearby tree, Youko watched the youkai as he retreated deeper into the woods. It had been fairly easy to him down. The scents between the demon he killed and the new prey he was following were similar enough to identify them as siblings. This, coupled with the recognizable scent of Botan, pegged the red hued apparition walking away as the second perpetrator of the deity’s assault.
The fox spirit’s features darkened, rage filling him once again at the thought of such a filthy creature tainting something so pure and innocent as the ferry girl. A woman that was under Shuichi’s protection. And mine as well.
Youko frowned, confused once again by the possessiveness now controlling his heart and mind. He was a thief by nature, obsessed with stealing priceless treasures and claiming them as his own. Is that what was happening to him now? Was this some kind of internal game he was waging against himself. True, the deity was like a priceless treasure, well worth the risk of claiming and protecting. But was she really his to worry about when it was his human half who knew her and loved her? Yes. He answered a few seconds later. Shuichi may have known her longer and loved her first, but it was Youko who was watching after her now. He would protect Botan with all that he was. No one would ever hurt her again. And those who had harmed her would be dealt with accordingly.
Starting with Lorodon.
The demon would be punished for his transgression, daring to touch the deity when no man, aside from Shuichi or perhaps even Youkoi, had the right to do so. The kitsune smiled evilly at the idea that formed inside his mind as he watched the doomed youkai disappear into the forest. You hunted her like an animal. Now I will return the favor. With that the fox spirit sprang quickly down the branches and onto the ground, continuing his stalking of the demon once more.
She was dreaming of him again. Of the hidden emotion and strength beneath his placid emerald eyes. The warmth of his smile and the courage of his heart. The many battles he had fought in the tournament and won against all odds. There was so much to admire and yet so much more she had yet to learn. But despite this, she loved him with a passion that could not be tamed, even within the darkness of sleep.
“Kurama.” Botan whispered as she snuggled deeper within the organic blanket wrapped around her. A smile formed upon her lips as the images in her dream shifted, becoming softer, more intimate. She saw him standing before her, his hands cupping her face, desire mixed with love reflected within his emerald pools as he slowly lowered his head. Botan held her breath, her heart beating soundly as she watched his lips come closer to hers. Oh how she had wanted this. How she wanted to give herself to him. The only man she had ever truly loved.
They got within a hare’s breath of a lip lock when a pair of slender yet masculine hands suddenly wrapped around Kurama’s neck, tugging him violently backward and into the darkness away from her.
“Kurama!” She cried, rushing into the darkness only to be thrown back by the sudden explosion that rocked the inky blackness. She landed upon the ground with a thud, wincing at the pain that flared along her back. But it was nothing compared to the pain of hearing the kitsune’s cries as the explosions kept going off, lighting the blackness and exposing the form of the assailant who turned and walked towards her into the light.
His hair hung down in straight strips along the entirety of his back, tinted in a shade of black to match the clothing adorning his lanky frame. Cold amethyst eyes stared down at the deity, his lips hidden beneath a strange mask he wore over the lower half of his face.
Botan gasped in recognition, frightened beyond belief at the sight that met her gaze.
It was the demon, Karasu. A member of Toguro’s team.
She had overheard the spectators of the tournament gleefully commenting on how sadistic and creepy the crow demon was. And how they looked forward to seeing Karasu take on Team Urameshi so he could blow them up just like he had done to previous opponents. But that was supposed to be in the ring. Not here. Not now.
As if sensing her fear, Karasu advanced slowly upon her, dragging the darkness along with him. “So Kurama chose you for his lover, did he? I must say you are indeed beautiful.” He spoke with a husky whisper that matched the lustful gleam within his crazed purple orbs. “Pity I killed him so quickly. I would have liked him to see me destroy what was most precious to him.”
Botan scooted away from the approaching man, fear welling in her chest as she realized what he wanted to do. She watched, frozen in terror as the crow demon reached out to touch her only to widen her eyes when Karasu’s body suddenly split in half, the blood erupting in a gushing wave that splattered the ground before the startled deity’s feet.
A look of complete shock registered on the dark haired demon’s face as his torso slid off in one direction while his legs collapsed backwards. Blood gurgled out of Karasu’s open mouth, his chest shaking as he quickly bled to death. “You .. You ..” He stammered between failing breaths, his hate filled orbs twisting towards the one who had attacked him.
Botan followed his gaze, her breath catching in her throat at the sight that met her eyes.
There stood Kurama, his body a mess of missing tissue and blood, a rose whip grasped within his right hand as he stared hatefully down at the dying crow demon. “Stay .. away .. from her.. ” He said between labored breaths.
Karasu’s chest shuddered, his last breath escaping in a long hiss before his eyes closed and his body grew still.
Botan studied the crow demon briefly to make sure he was dead before looked away from the grotesque scene back towards Kurama who collapsed.
“Kurama!” She cried, rising to her feet. She ran straight towards him, ignoring the sticky mess of blood underneath her shoes as she fell to her knees and lifted the kitsune into her lap. “Kurama?” She whispered, fear in her voice when he didn’t respond. “Kurama, please answer me.” She reached up and brushed away the strands of red plastered against his face, frowning at how cold his skin felt. “Please answer me, Kurama. Please.” She pleaded, tears forming in her eyes as she felt his spirit leave him. Botan cradled the fox spirit’s head against her chest, her chin resting upon his fiery crown as she began to rock his prone form back and forth. “No. No .. ”
“No!” Botan screamed, bolting upright, the organic blanket falling off her shoulders as she awoke. She clutched her forehead, rubbing her throbbing temples as she tried to calm herself. It was just a dream. Nothing more than a nightmare. But it felt so real. What was going on with her. Why did Karasu show up in her dream. Had her concern for Kurama’s safety tomorrow spilled over into her dream state? The kitsune would have to face one of the Toguro team members. Karasu could very likely be that opponent. Botan paled at the thought. There was something strange about Karasu. Something very unhealthy and obsessive that the deity couldn’t quite place her finger on. Not that she wanted to know. All she cared about right now was Kurama.
At the thought of the red head, Botan lowered her hand and rose to her feet, gasping in shock as she suddenly felt the cold air brushing against her exposed skin. She looked down, shock deepening not only at the fact she was half dressed but also by the dried blood smeared across her breast, shoulder and stomach.
Memory returned to her, her features tightening as she remembered what had happened. While searching for Kurama she had been attacked, blacking out after the demon Moritai had pierced her with his tongue. Reflexively, she reached up, probing the area she had been attacked, surprised when no pain met her fingers. The wound was gone. But how?
Her gaze traveled back down to the ground, eyes widening as she studied the meshed blanket of leaves near her feet. Gasping, she crouched down, dragging it towards her for a better view. Sure enough, they were leaves. Bound so tightly together, no air could get through. A tender smile lit up her face. There was only one man she knew who could manipulate plants with such skill. Kurama. She thought as she rose to her feet. He must have sensed her weakening ki and had come to her rescue, bringing her to the safety of .. She paused, studying her surroundings in confusion. Why was she under a tree? Why hadn’t he taken her back to the hotel?
Dropping the blanket, she walked to the boughs sweeping the to the side blinking in surprise at the undulating wall of green that met her view. A plant barrier? She wondered. It was definitely Kurama’s work. She reached out experimentally, attempting to push against the wall only to find it non responsive to her touch. She pushed harder, trying to see if it would budge only to be thrust back into the open space under the boughs. So much for getting through that. The deity thought with a sigh, eyeing the barrier for a few more seconds before turning and walking back into the darkened sanctity of the pine. She’d have to wait for Kurama to return.
A sudden chill caressed her exposed skin, reminding her that she was shirtless. Botan shivered, embracing herself as she tried to regain some warmth. Reality set in, causing the deity to blush a dark shade of red. In the process of healing her, Kurama would have had to remove her shirt. Which meant he had seen her in her bra. Oh dear. Other thoughts entertained her briefly, causing the deity’s blush to deepen even further but she quickly pushed the impure images from her mind. Naughty Botan! She chided herself. Mustn’t think such things. And yet she couldn’t help it. Not when it came to Kurama. Still she very well couldn’t greet his return half dressed.
Looking down, the deity’s eyes shifted between the bloodied sweat shirt and the leaf blanket. Which one should she choose. The shirt would cover her well enough but it was stained with blood while the blanket though warm couldn’t be worn back to the hotel. Botan bit her lip. Either one was a difficult choice. But I must choose. Deciding at last, she crouched down and grabbed the organic blanket, sweeping it around her shoulders before sitting down. Tucking her legs up, Botan tightened the organic material around her lithe frame while her eyes remained fixed on the barrier waiting for some sign of the kitsune’s return. I only hope he’s all right, where ever he is.
Lorodon walked with an almost normal gait, the once constant and flaring pain within his groin had diminished to the point of non existence now that his healing ability was in effect. This did little to ease the rage still festering within the youkai’s soul. He’d been searching for Moritai for a long time now, and still no sign of him or that wretched ferry girl. No sense of ki, no trail to follow, nothing that would lead him to his brother or the woman. Dammit, Moritai! Where the hell are you?!
The scent of freshly spilled blood wafted under Lorodon’s sensitive nostrils, a look of surprise lighting up his face when he recognized the scent as belonging to Moritai. Worried about what had become of his brother, the youkai began to run forward, led through the woods by his nose until at last he pushed through a thick row of brush and into an open field.
Using his heightened vision, Lorodon scanned the area slowly, eyes narrowing when no trace of his brother was in sight. The scent of blood had led him to this place, that meant Moritai had at the very least been injured severely. So where was he? He broke into a cautious run, senses on alert for any sign of an ambush as he moved through the tall grass. His eyes darted about, visually searching for Moritai only to suddenly have his legs swept out from under him when his feet hit something slippery.
He landed on his back, wincing at the pain that erupted upon impact. He rolled to the side, frowning at the moisture he felt penetrating through his clothing. He focused his gaze downward, shock filling him as his eyes confirmed what his nose was telling him. Blood. He was covered in blood.
“Shit!” Lorodon cried. Scrambling to his feet, the youkai peered about wildly, horrified at what he saw. There, below his feet, was a pool of blood that stretched out for several yards in a splatter pattern, staining the once green grass a horrid shade of brownish red. Bits of flesh hung from the grass surrounding the youkai, the red tint unmistakable as belonging to his brother. Fear took hold of his senses as he pondered who or what had torn Moritai apart. Whatever it was, it was big and vicious. And hungry.
A rustling sound met Lorodon’s ears, causing the demon to jump reflexively. He whirled around, his eyes darting about in search of the maker of the noise. His pulse roared in his ears, the hair standing up on the back of his neck as he felt an unbearable weight press down upon him. Someone was watching him. Stalking him. Wanting to kill him. He could feel it. His throat went dry as an icy wave of terror filled him, panic flowing through his veins as he finally snapped. I’ve got to get out of here now!
Survival mode set in and the youkai took off, racing towards the supposed safety of the forest surrounding him. He continued to run as fast as his legs could carry him, far away from the scene of his brother’s massacre. Sometime later, he came to a stop, leaning heavily against the trunk of a rather large maple. His breath came out in labored bursts, wincing at the burning sensation in his lungs and sides from the stress of running non stop. He tried to rest, his thoughts filled with what had happened out in the field. Moritai was dead, that was certain. Someone of immense power and cruelty had done the deed. The girl was no where to be found and the blood he smelled from her had been minimal compared to his brother. Which meant that whoever had attacked Moritai had taken the girl.
Lorodon’s brow furrowed. There was another scent mingled with the other two. One that at first had been over powered by the stench of blood but was now coming back to him. The more he thought about it, the more familiar the scent became. Hadn’t the woman had the same faint scent upon her clothing earlier? Which meant .. The youkai paled. But it can’t be him. It can’t be!
The demon jumped, startled by the sudden noise within the quiet darkness that surrounded him. “Who’s there?!” He cried, a cold fist closing over his heart as another sound met his ears this time to his left. Lorodon jerked sideways, eyes searching frantically for the maker of noise. But nothing came into view. No sense of ki was detected. He couldn’t even smell anything out of place.
The rustling of fabric was heard from somewhere above causing Lorodon to snap his head back. He studied the tree intently, his body trembling when the leaves began to shake on their own accord, as if to mock him for being afraid. He let out a strangled cry and pushed off the trunk, backing away in apprehension, too fixated on the tree to see a large, green vine creep slowly down behind him. The vine lashed out, wrapping tightly around the surprised demon’s neck before yanking him violently off the ground.
Lorodon struggled to break free, choking sounds escaping past his lips as the vine cut off his air supply. He thrashed about, frantically clawing at the plant around his neck while his legs jerked spasmodically beneath him. Using all his energy, the youkai managed to tear through the organic noose around his neck. Freeing himself, Lorodon dropped like dead weight upon the ground, wincing in pain as his body slammed into the forest floor. He rose upon wobbly feet, gulping air in greedily as he fought to regain his breath.
The same rustling sound disrupted the night air, spooking Lorodon so badly he tore off, blindly crashing through the woods. The youkai continued to run, not daring to chance a glance behind him. He tripped, fell down and got back up, too panicked to realize he was going around in circles. His fear grew as the branches of trees came to life, snapping downward like whips, the air cracking from the force of the attack. Lorodon evaded as best he could but in vain. A branch struck his left side, sending him rocketing sideways into the trunk of a nearby tree. He gasped, his vision blurring from the impact. The youkai blinked, a scowl of pain taking hold of his features as he struggled to right himself.
Suddenly, a series of thorny vines wrapped around his body, holding him in place, preventing him from fleeing as he so desperately wanted to do. He tried to wiggle out of his prison but the vines only tightened, blood spurting out as the thorns pressed into his flesh. Lorodon clenched his eyes shut, snarling in agony as the thorns imbedded themselves, only to snap them open when a masculine voice spoke.
“How does it feel to be the one pursued, pathetic vermin?”
Lorodon stared in shock, thunderstruck at the sight before him.
There, slowly advancing upon him, appeared the form of a kitsune. One that Lorodon, unlike Moritai, recognized at once.
“Youko .. Kurama... “
The fox spirit stared at the demon coldly, a superior smile tugging at his lips as he nodded. “I see you’ve heard of me.” He replied in dark amusement.
Lorodon frowned, confused at the situation. Having missed the semifinals, the demon had no idea that the fox spirit and the human called Shuichi were one and the same. “But.. How is that possible? You ..died sixteen years ago!”
“As you can see, I’m very much alive.” Youko answered with a wave of his hand, his voice turning hard as he added, “But I’m afraid your time has run out.”
Panicked, the survival imperative took hold of Lorodon. “Please .. show mercy!” He cried, eyes widening when Youko countered sharply,
“Like the mercy you showed the ferry girl when you attacked her and sent your brother to rape her?” The kitsune raised his hand and made a clenching motion, silently commanding the vines to tighten their hold. “Is that the kind of mercy you want?”
Lorodon clenched his eyes, screaming as the vines cut deeper into his flesh. “We .. We didn’t know she was your woman.” He answered in between sharp intakes of breath.
Youko leaned forward, his voice cold and deadly as he whispered. “I can smell when you are lying.”
Lorodon gulped but continued with his false defense. “We would have left her alone . I swear .. AAHHH!!!”
Blood shot out in all directions as the vines ripped through his entire body, spraying all over the kitsune who made no move to escape the crimson bath. Body parts dropped to the pool of blood at the base of the tree, landing at odd angles and piles, causing the red fluid to splatter out onto the grass several yards beyond the tree trunk.
Youko turned and walked away, satisfied at the outcome of his little hunt. Botan’s attackers were now dead, the threat to her was over. Now to return to her side so I can explain what happened. The kitsune stopped, crinkling his nose at the smell of blood that covered him. He looked down, frowning at his appearance. I can’t see her like this. He wanted to talk to her, not frighten her to death. Twitching his ears, Youko sought out the sound of a stream or river, a smile lighting his features when he detected a bubbling sound not too far away. Without hesitation, the fox spirit tore off to clean up, hoping Botan would begrudge him the delay.
What is taking him so long?
Botan paced back and forth, expectantly eyeing the drooping boughs surrounding her. She had sat still for as long as she could, waiting for Kurama to return so she could head back to the hotel. But in the time since she had been awake, the kitsune had remained missing. And that worried her. Overcome with anxiety, the deity had risen to her feet, pacing as a way to occupy her frustrated mind. But no peace came to her, nor any rest for the fear swelling within her heart.
The red haired spirit detective was alone, somewhere beyond the barrier that held her prisoner. Was he in some kind of trouble? Was that what was delaying his return? Or could it possibly be that he had taken it upon himself to find the two demons who had assaulted her and exact some sort of punishment?
Botan stopped her pacing briefly, seriously contemplating the last question that had run through her mind. That must be it. What other reason would he have to leave her protected like this rather than take her back to the hotel? The deity frowned. But if that was the case, shouldn’t he have been back by now? She began to pace again, worry filling her entire being once more. Kurama where are you?
Youko stood outside the barrier he had created, his gaze tilted downward as he did a last minute inspection of his appearance. Though he still felt damp, the fast moving current of the river he had discovered had washed the blood completely from his clothing and body. Much to his satisfaction. Noticing his belt was a little to loose, Youko reached down and quickly tightened it. The fox spirit frowned at his actions, suddenly feeling very foolish. What did it matter how he looked? Botan would either accept him or not.
And yet he couldn’t deny the nervousness he now felt. He scowled at this, irritated at the emotions he was feeling. Never before had one so great as him been nervous. Especially when meeting a female. So what was so different about this woman? Why should he care what she thought of him?
Because I want to get to know her better. He answered. And because Shuichi’s heart seemed set on her. If Kurama were to ever form a serious relationship with the ferry girl, she had a right to know the truth of who he really was. She deserved no less. And I will show her I’m not the monster the Makai legends proclaimed me to be. Straightening his back, Youko lifted his right arm and made a slow swiping motion with his hand, silently commanding the barrier to part.
The living mass of plants obeyed his order, splitting into a wide opening to allow the kitsune entrance.
Drawing then exhaling a deep breath, Youko lowered his arm and walked slowly inside.
Botan stopped pacing, her senses detecting a strange yet familiar presence outside the barrier. Kurama? She wondered as she trained her eyes anxiously upon the boughs a short distance to her left. She frowned, trying to make sense of what she was feeling. The kitsune’s ki was different somehow, stronger and more youkai in nature than it usually was. The deity shook her head, clearing her mind of the questions lingering within. It didn’t matter what she was sensing. He’s here now. That’s all I care about.
She watched the boughs part and walked forward, a smile of greeting upon her lips as she began to speak, “Kurama I’m so glad to see ..” She froze, her voice trailing off when her shocked gaze fell upon the form of Youko.
Sensing her trepidation and surprise, the kitsune held still, his posture and tone non- threatening as he spoke. “It is all right, Botan. I mean you no harm.”
The deity’s eyes widened in recognition. She knew that voice, deep though it may be. “Kurama?” Botan whispered as she crept cautiously towards him.
“More or less.” The kitsune replied gamely, his golden orbs twinkling with mild amusement at the look of confusion upon the ferry girl’s face. “Though I’m usually referred to as Youko.”
“Youko?” Botan repeated the name, sounding it out as she came to a stop before him. The name had jotted something in her memory. During her first job as Yusuke’s assistant, the detective had mentioned that name. That Kurama had confessed to him about once being a fox demon named Youko who escaped into the human world when his physical body died. Was that was who before her now? Was this Kurama’s demon form? Yes. She answered herself. Not only did she believe the story now, the ki she sensed from him was still the kitsune’s, just more powerful than before.
The fear left her then, replaced by a overwhelming sense of joy. Forgetting herself, Botan closed the distance between them and reached out, wrapping her arms around the fox spirit’s waist. The blanket around her shoulders dropped to the ground, forgotten as the deity held him close. “It is you, Kurama! I’m so glad you’re all right! I was so worried about you!”
Youko stared down at the woman holding him in surprise. She was worried about me? He thought, a strange feeling of elation coming over him. Did she really care that much for him? Or was it Shuichi she was referring too. He frowned, consumed by a sudden sense of doubt. Of course it would be the red head human she was talking about. Not Youko. And yet she had come to him anyway, undeterred by the fact he was in his Youkai form. He was confused by this and by her actions.
Never before had anyone hugged him with such unconditional love and concern. He was unsure what to do, how to react. He couldn’t yell at her or push her away. Nor did he want to. The sudden warmth of her body against his was a welcome change from the wet clothing that still clung to him. He could feel her supple form pressed against him, stirring a feeling of desire which he was finding harder to suppress. Despite his better judgement, Youko wrapped his arms around Botan’s back and held her close.
Botan gasped at the feel of the kitsune’s arms around her, his bare skin touching hers, awakening her to the fact she had dropped the blanket. “Oh ..”
Realizing he had his arms around her, Youko let go, almost as surprised as the deity. Had he done something wrong? Was his hold too tight? Concern shifted to amusement when he realized the reason for Botan’s gasp.
So she’s self conscious of her body is she? He thought with a smirk as he watched her crouch down and quickly swipe up the blanket then wrap it around her once more. I’ll have to cure her of that.
“I’m sorry, Kurama I ..” Botan started then stopped, her voice trailing off. The joy of his return had overpowered her visual senses. But now that he was with her and safe, she found herself drawn in by his appearance. Her gaze traveled slowly upwards, a sense of awe as she studied him closely. He was taller than his human form, the muscles larger, more defined. Fascination filled her when her eyes reached his face. He was breathtaking to look at, his chiseled features, golden eyes and long silvery hair causing her heart to skip a beat. And his ears! They were adorable! She fought the urge to reach out and touch them, unsure how he would react to her attention.
Youko noticed the way in which she was studying him and smirked. “Like what you see, Botan?” He whispered.
Botan blushed, embarrassed at being caught staring so blatantly at him. “I’m sorry.” She whispered as she lowered her eyes. “It’s just that you’re quite beautiful in this form.”
Youko quirked an eyebrow. He had been called many things throughout his lifetime as a thief. Beautiful wasn’t one of them. “I’m so glad you approve.” He replied dryly, surprised at how comfortable he felt around her.
Botan smiled at the light tone in his voice, her gaze returning to his. Curiosity took hold of her mind as she asked, “So how did you ..uh ..get like this?”
I should have known she would ask that. Youko quipped mentally, taking a few seconds to gather his thoughts before he spoke. “Shuichi took a fruit of the past lives potion in an effort to transform into his demon form.” He explained, pausing for effect. “As you can see it worked.”
“Was it painful?” She asked. “Turning into a demon?”
Youko cocked his head. “I suppose it was for Shuichi.” He answered.
“You mean there are two of you inside Kurama?” She asked in shock.
“More like two personalities with different physical manifestations.” Youko countered. “I’m just the one in control at the moment.”
Botan was troubled. Though she liked Kurama’s new and quite frankly, amazing form, she was worried about him. The fruit of the past lives was something that grew exclusively in Reikai. The side effects were said to sometimes be permanent and detrimental to the user’s mental state. Therefore they had been labeled a forbidden fruit. Not to be used under penalty of imprisonment. So what had made Kurama desperate enough to risk using it?
As if reading her thoughts, Youko said, “Shuichi drank the potion because he will need my strength if he ever hopes to defeat Karasu tomorrow.”
The deity paled at the mention of the crow demon. “Karasu?” She whispered, suddenly feeling very sick to her stomach.
Youko frowned. Sensing her fear and revulsion, he asked, “What’s wrong? Did he bother you in some way?”
Botan flinched, startled by the anger she could hear laced within his words. She looked up into his eyes surprised to find a look of genuine concern glowing within his golden orbs. Did he really care that much for her? Had his humanity tamed his youkai nature or had Youko become attached to her in some way? Did he like her? Despite the trepidation brewing within her, she couldn’t deny the fact that she was attracted to Youko just as much as she was to Shuichi. Oh dear. She thought with a blush. I’m turning into a simpering school girl with a crush. “No.” She replied with a whisper as she lowered her head and turned away from him. “It’s just a strange dream I had, nothing more.”
A dream? Youko wondered as he watched her turn around, troubled by her sudden silence. Or a nightmare? It bothered him greatly to think that Karasu had somehow gotten to the ferry girl. It’s not enough that the bastard has designs on Shuichi, now he may just have his eye set on Botan as well.
Youko clenched his fists, allowing a rare wave of anger to course through him as he imagined what the crow demon would do to the deity if he managed to get to her. I swear if he so much as looks at her the wrong way, I’ll tear him from limb to limb, tournament rules or no. “You don’t have to fear him.” He whispered, drawing the deity’s attention back to him.
“What do you mean?” Botan replied in an equal whisper as she turned to face the kitsune.
“You don’t have to fear him.” Youko repeated, making a step towards her. “Karasu won’t live long enough to do anything to you, I promise.”
The deity blushed at both the promise and the concern she could hear within his voice. “You’d protect me from him?” She asked, frowning at the realization she had spoken her thoughts aloud. “Why?”
Youko cocked his head, as if contemplating the reasons why. “Because Shuichi cares deeply for you.” He answered. “As do I.” He added, his voice failing him as he realized what he had just said. Dammit! He snarled, angry at himself for admitting feelings he wasn’t sure Botan shared. There was something about the woman in front of him that made Youko want to scoop her into his arms and hold onto her forever. Was he bewitched? Or was her beauty and innocence simply too alluring for someone like him, a thief, to ignore? He frowned, bothered once again by the strange emotions he was feeling. Lust coupled with love.
Love. Youko thought with a frown. Was that what he was feeling? Did he truly love Botan as Shuichi did? Or was his human side to blame for bringing to life emotions the kitsune had long since buried in order to survive. No. He answered. It wasn’t Shuichi influencing him. It was his youkai heart that had been ensnared by the beautiful creature standing before him. He did care for her. And just as he had reasoned during the stalking of Lorodon, it was his job to keep her safe.
Botan studied Youko with softened eyes, surprised yet delighted by his vow of protection. He really does care for me.
Youko caught her staring at him and returned the stare.
Gold met Amethyst and held.
A sudden silence lingered between them, the air growing heavy as they gazed upon each other.
Botan blushed a deep shade of red, flattered yet self conscious of the unabashed way Youko was looking at her.
The kitsune’s lips tugged into a small smile, watching her reaction to his gaze with mild amusement.
Feeling the need to break the silence, Botan spoke. “I wanted to thank you.” She began, hoping a change of subject would calm the butterfly’s flittering around in her stomach.
Youko gave an inward sigh of disappointment at her change of mood but kept it to himself. “For what?”
“For saving me from those demons.” She answered. “And for healing me as well.”
The kitsune gave her a nod, his eyes following her movement as she began to walk away from him.
The deity cast an idle glance around the open space at the base of the pine. “Will we be heading back to the hotel soon?” She asked, her gaze drifting over to Youko who answered softly,
“Once Shuichi is in control again, he’ll escort you back.”
“Why not now?”
Youko studied her with a seriousness that belied the teasing tone of his voice. “Are you that eager to return?”
Botan smiled shyly. “Not really.” She admitted in a whisper. “But if I don’t return soon, Koenma will send out a search party. You know how he gets when I’m not there at his beck and call.” She added with a giggle only to flash him an apologetic look when she remembered who she was talking too. “I mean .. Not that you personally know that but ..”
Youko said nothing, allowing her to ramble off an apology. He knew exactly who Koenma was and how he acted whenever he the deity or anyone he wanted to talk to, wasn’t around. After all, Shuichi’s memories were his own. Just as Youko’s memories were the human’s. Though his ningen side held the spirit lord in high esteem, his youkai self found the godling barely tolerable and certainly not worth squandering what little time he had left to talk with the ferry girl. “It’s okay, Botan. I understand what you meant.” He replied once the deity had finished her speech. “And as I said before, Shuichi will escort you back the moment he takes over. Until then, why don’t we get you cleaned up.” He added, the disappointment he felt at the eventual return to his weaker human form hidden from his voice as he waited for the deity to reply.
Botan nodded, remembering the blood still covering her. “I suppose I could do with a bath.” She said, tossing a glance down at her concealed form.
“There’s a river nearby.” Youko said, his voice turning business like as he turned away from her and walked towards the boughs. “I’ll take you there after you get dressed.”
Botan watched him go before lowering the blanket to the ground. Bending over, she swept the bloodied shirt into her hands and quickly stuffed it over her head before following him outside.
Youko stood waiting for her, no emotion reflected upon his handsome countenance as he watched the deity approach. “Are you ready?”
Botan nodded, noting with some disappointment how calm and detached he now seemed. Why is he like this now? She wondered. When a few minutes ago he seemed concerned and even playful with her?
The fox spirit walked towards her, ending the deity’s internal speculation as he reached out and swept her off her feet. “Hold on tight.” He whispered then shot off, heading towards the river, unaware of the pair of angered purple orbs that watched him go.
Kurama raced through the forest, his movements graceful and precise as he wove in and out of the path of trees that surrounded him. Botan lay cradled against his chest, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and her face nuzzled against his shoulder. He had noticed the confusion upon Botan’s face the second she exited from underneath the pine and out into the open. He could hardly fault her for feeling hurt by his sudden change of attitude. But time was pressing. And I don’t know if Botan will remain safe once I’m gone. Though Shuichi was powerful in his own right, Youko wasn’t sure the red haired human could handle the number of demons he could sense within the woods. And he didn’t want anything to happen to Botan. Especially now that he had claimed her as his to protect.
Mine to protect. Youko repeated, his golden orbs softening slightly as he threw a glance down towards the woman in his arms. Mine to love. He added, a tender smile upon his lips even as he returned his eyes back in front of him when his ears picked up the sounds of rushing water.
Botan did not see Kurama study her. Eyes closed, she remained nestled against the kitsune’s chest. The deity had been surprised when Youko had swept her off the feet, the action counter to the rather detached way he had been acting when she met him outside the barrier. Not that I don’t mind being in his arms. She quipped inwardly. True, she wasn’t as familiar with Kurama’s demon form as his human one but that didn’t mean she didn’t like him any less. If anything, his dual nature only added to his attractiveness. Botan blushed at her thoughts, burrowing her face deeper into the kitsune’s shoulder. I really shouldn’t be thinking such things. She chided herself. But it was hard. So very hard. Especially when she was in love with the man holding her. But would he love her back? Should she tell Kurama how she felt when he was Youko or wait until Shuichi returned? Her thoughts were interrupted when Youko slowed to a stop.
Curious, Botan opened her eyes and tilted her head to the side, the sound of rushing water confirming what she now saw. There, no more than a few feet away, lay a massive flowing river. Rocks made up it’s banks while a thick line of trees stood guard just beyond, blocking the view of the ocean that was nearby. “Looks like we’re here.” She murmured, sighing softly as Youko relaxed his hold, allowing her to stand on her feet again.
“Yes.” Youko answered, his voice distant. His swept his gaze slowly in front of him, looking for any sign of trouble or danger. Neither were present in his view. Nor did his senses pick up anything threatening. Satisfied, the kitsune backed a few feet away from Botan and walked over to a tree. Leaning on his left shoulder, Youko crossed his arms and turned his attention over to the deity. “Are you ready?”
Botan studied the river for a few seconds before turning to face him. “Can you turn around please?”
Youko arched his eyebrows. “Why? Are you planning on going out into the water au naturel?”
Botan’s gaped at him, the hope in his voice unmistakable, causing her to turn a bright shade of red. “No ..” She replied with a choking sound. “Just my shirt. But still ... “
The kitsune shook his head. “You have nothing to be ashamed of, Botan. Your body is perfect.” He replied, giving her a long, appraising look before turning around and complying with her request.
Botan studied him in shock. Did I just see what I think I did? She hesitated, unsure whether he was really going to stay turned around. When he kept his back turned, the deity crouched down and quickly untied her shoes and removed them followed by her socks. Standing up, she reached down and grabbed the bottom of her bloodied sweatshirt, pulling it up and over her head. Brushing the strands of hair away from her face, the deity kept hold of her shirt and gingerly stepped forward, wincing at the cold feel of the rocks beneath her feet. Stopping on the edge of the bank, she lifted her right foot and gave the dark water an experimental dip.
The water was cool but tolerable. Tossing one last glance over to Kurama, the deity entered the water, walking slowly forward until she was waist deep and began to clean off the blood on her skin.
Splashing sounds met Youko’s ears, alerting him to the fact that Botan was now in the water. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the images of water trickling down the deity’s exposed skin that flared to life within his mind. It was pure torture to be denied a glimpse of such beauty. And the impulse to not look was becoming harder and harder to control. Perhaps a little peek won’t hurt. He convinced himself. Giving in to his desire to see the deity, Youko tilted his head to the side, tossing a sneaky glance over his shoulder, his eyes widening in appreciation of what he saw.
The water was indeed trickling down the deity’s body, hugging her every curve, nestling within the fabric of her bra causing her nipples to become erect from the exposure to the elements. Youko’s hands flexed at the sight, his fingers inching to touch, his lips eager to taste. He felt his groin twitch, alerting him to his arousal. Realizing he was being less than gentlemanly, Youko turned away and calmed himself. It wouldn’t do to be caught staring. But he couldn’t deny he wanted her. Or that he loved her. But what could he do? How should he act? And would Botan even welcome my advances?
As much as he wanted her in that moment, he didn’t want to force her into anything. So he stood still and relaxed, his lustful emotions subsiding to the point of control once more.
Unaware Youko had seen her in the water, Botan finished rinsing off her body. She took the sweatshirt in her hand and began to dunk it into the water, bringing it up and twisting and ringing the material out before dipping it back in again, repeating the process until she was certain it was clean. She started back towards the shore only to jump and scream when something brushed up against her legs.
At the sound of her scream, Youko whirled around. He took an offensive stance, ready to tear into whatever was threatening the ferry girl only to widen his eyes as Botan came rocketing towards him, a frightened look upon her face. Before he knew what was happening, the female spirit guide latched onto him, her grip surprising strong around his waist. He reacted instinctively, wrapping his arms around her back. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked in concern, pulling her closer to him.
“Something brushed up against me in the water!” Botan cried, her words coming out in quick succession as she buried her face into the kitsune’s torso.
Youko frowned. Concentrating his senses, the fox spirit’s ears began to twitch as he homed in on what was happening beneath the surface. An answer came to him a few seconds later. “It’s alright, Botan. It was just a fish.” He replied, his golden orbs returning back to the deity who lifted her head to look up at him.
“Really?” She whispered, her features twisting into a look of embarrassment when she remembered she didn’t have her shirt on. Quickly letting go, Botan backed away and turned around, covering herself in the process. A frustrated groan escaped her lips, drawing Youko to ask,
“What’s wrong?”
“Stupid me lost my damn shirt when I ran out of the river!”
Youko smirked. “And this is a bad thing?”
“Kurama!” Botan cried in irritation, surprised at witnessing this side of him. Then again this was Youko, not Shuichi. It seems you’re much more teasing in this form, aren’t you, Kurama?
Youko chuckled, amused at her reaction to his statement. It was true he lived to tease. And teasing someone he liked was quite fun to do. “Relax, Botan. I have your shirt right here.” He replied. Walking forward, the kitsune rested it upon the deity’s shoulder and backed away. “You dropped it when you hugged me.”
Botan twisted her gaze to the right, her eyes falling upon the sweatshirt now draped upon her shoulder. “Thank you.” She whispered, reaching over to pull it off before sliding it on. Though wet, it was nevertheless clean. Satisfied she was covered, the ferry girl turned around to face Youko who stood waiting for her. “So,” She began, trying to lighten the sudden heaviness that seemed to press down upon them. “What do we do now?”
I can think of a few things we could do to pass the time. He thought naughtily but kept it to himself. “Now we wait.”
Botan frowned. “Wait for what?”
Youko looked away from her into the distance to his right. “For Shuichi to take control.”
Botan regarded him skeptically. “I think you just like being around me.” She said in a teasing voice.
The kitsune brought his gaze back upon her, a seductive smile forming on his lips as he studied her intently. “And if I do?”
The deity held his gaze, shocked at the way he was looking at her. “Kurama .. ” She whispered, the tone a mixture of surprise and desire as she continued to stare at him.
Now that he had her full attention, there was something Youko needed to discuss with her. Something that had been troubling the youkai ever since he had first sensed the deity’s ki. “Tell me, Botan,” He began, “Whatever possessed you to come into this forest alone and unprotected?”
Botan flinched, startled by his question. “What do you mean?”
“I know you were searching for Shuichi,” He continued, undeterred by the confusion evident in the ferry girl’s voice and body language as he slowly walked towards her. “The demons I killed told me as much. What I want to know is why you were looking for him.”
“I ..” Botan started then stopped. She frowned, puzzled at why she was unable to answer him. After all, this was Kurama she was talking too, right? He’d understand. Even if he was in his demon form, the kitsune would still listen to her. Wouldn’t he? Despite the doubt creeping into her heart, she said, “I wanted to see him.”
“Why?” Youko asked in a gentle tone as he approached, his curiosity drawing him ever closer to her. “Why did you want to see him?”
Botan’s heart fluttered at the tone in his voice, the gentleness disarming her defenses as she watch him come to a stop in front of her. Still, she wasn’t sure she could talk to him without sounding foolish to his more reserved nature. She bit her lip, lowering her head in an attempt to hide the pain that certainly was upon her features.
The fox spirit stood still and waited. Sensing her hesitation and her sadness, Youko reached out and crooked his right index finger under the deity’s chin. With gentle force, the kitsune lifted Botan’s face upward until their eyes met and held. In his life as a thief, Youko had never encountered any woman who could hold his attention for longer than a handful of time. Nor one who made his heart break like a tender reed with a mere look. And that was what Botan was doing to him now. The pain he saw reflected within her amethyst pools destroyed the last remaining barrier between his emotion and the outside world. And awakened within him a need. A need to comfort and heal. He wanted to help her. To make whatever was hurting her go away.
“What happened, Botan?” He whispered, his features softened and his motions tender as he withdrew his finger from under the deity’s chin. And to the surprise of both, reached up and caressed the left side of her face. “Tell me.”
Botan’s stared at him in shock, a shiver of delight racing throughout her body at his touch and his words. Her eyelids fell closed, her heart pounding against her breast as she became lost to his simple yet delightful attention.
Seeing the effect he had on her made Youko smile. Truth be told, he was enjoying it as much as she was. And if time weren’t so pressing, he’d show her just how much she was affecting him. But I don’t know how much longer I’ll stay like this. With great reluctance, he withdrew his hand but kept little space between them as he repeated his question. “Tell me what happened Botan.”
The deity’s eyelids fluttered open, the disappointment at the loss of contact evident in the slight pouty look she threw his way.
Youko stifled a laugh, finding her expression surprisingly endearing. Especially since she wasn’t aware of what she was doing. “What happened?”
Botan drew in a breath and let it out slowly, her features becoming pained as she relived the memory. “I had to escort Genkai to spirit world today.” She answered, her voice a mere whisper above the wind that suddenly swirled around them.
Of course. Youko thought. The old human psychic. The kitsune knew of her. Both before and after his supposed death. Shuichi held the woman in high esteem. So did Youko. Any person who could take out as many demons as she did throughout her life deserved respect. His human self had sensed the life force fade from Genkai, his mind comprehending that she was indeed gone. Killed at the hands of Toguro. It saddened him. And this sadness had carried over to Youko who studied the deity in open sympathy, surprised that Botan had delivered Genkai’s spirit to Reikai. “Did Koenma order you to take her?”
Botan shook her head. “I wanted to be the one to do it.” She answered, the strain in her voice not lost on Youko who asked,
The deity fidgeted, trying to quell the rising sob that was sure to escape if she kept talking to him. But she had to let go. Had to talk to someone. And Kurama was a good listener. In either form. “I was her friend. I didn’t want a stranger taking her to Reikai.”
Youko nodded, understanding her reasoning. “But it hurt you. Is that correct?”
Botan nodded, tears forming in her eyes as she spoke in a cracked voice. “She didn’t have .. to .. die .. Why? .. Why did ..she ...” Her words trailed off, a sob escaping from her lips as she broke down.
“Botan?” Youko murmured, concern filling him as the deity collapsed onto her knees. Without thought, Kurama crouched down and pulled her to him. Lowering himself to a sitting position, he sat the ferry girl into his lap and held her.
The ferry girl clung to him, her face buried in his chest, muffling the sobs that freely left her lips.
He continued to hold her, giving her reassuring strokes along her back, letting her know by touch that everything was all right. That he was there for her.
Eventually the sobs died out, replaced by sniffling sounds that Youko took as a sign she was finished crying. He felt her shift in his arms and he loosened his hold, looking down to find Botan staring up at him. Flashing her a tender smile, he reached up and wiped away the remaining tears that soaked her pretty face.
Botan stared up at the kitsune, the pain fading from her heart with each touch he made upon her face. This man, the great thief of Makai, rumored to be merciless and cruel, was actually showing concern for her. Just like Kurama would. Botan’s brow furrowed. She’d been with him all along but up until now she had kept a sort of distance between them. Unsure how to react around the youkai side of his nature. But the way he had treated her just now, put an end to her doubt. Kurama does care about me. She thought with a smile. Just like I care about him.
Youko lowered his hands away from the deity’s face, studying he with softened eyes. “All better?”
Botan nodded, her gaze candid as she continued to stare into the eyes of the man she was in love with. A new impulse took control. Without thought, she rose up and gently pressed her lips upon Youko’s.
The kitsune’s eyes widened in surprise at her action. The kiss was brief, the deity breaking it off almost as soon as she had started, and the message behind it was confusing to him. Was this merely a kiss of thanks or something more?
The deity settled back down into his lap, her look of surprise nearly equal to the fox spirit who stared at her in askance. She lowered her face, hoping to hide the blush that was certainly upon her face. “Sorry,” She began. “I don’t know what came over me. I ..” She started then stopped, her voice trailing off when she felt Youko’s finger under her chin.
The youkai tilted her face upward until their gazes met and held. He searched her features, a roguish smile tugging at his lips when he saw the look of desire reflected in the deity’s eyes. Leaning down, Youko tilted his head slightly to the side and pressed his lips against hers.
A bolt of electricity ripped along the entirety of the deity’s spine as the kitsune began to kiss her, slowly and gently, like she were a fragile child. She closed her eyes, a moan of pleasure escaping her throat as she surrendered to the feelings the kiss was creating within her.
Youko smirked inwardly at the sounds she was making, a lustful haze igniting within his body when she wrapped her arms around him and pressed closer. But before they went any further he needed to know if she really wanted him as badly as he wanted her. “Botan?” He whispered upon pulling away from her lips.
The deity’s eyelids fluttered open, frustration evident upon her features. Why did he stop? “Kurama. What’s wrong?”
He looked down at her. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He whispered, his features growing troubled as he studied her.
Botan shook her head and reached up to cup his face. “You would never hurt me, Kurama.” She replied as she began to caress the sides of his face.
Youko’s eye grew half closed, her innocent touches prompting him to respond in kind. “How .. Can you be so sure of that?”
Botan smiled tenderly, her gaze focused intently upon his face. “Because I love you.”
The fox spirit looked at her in surprise then his eyes narrowed. “You mean Shuichi don’t you.”
The deity shook her head. “Not just him. I love you, too.” She paused, her right hand dropping to caress the side of Youko’s neck. “Both of you.” She added in a husky whisper that sent a wave of heat sweeping into the kitsune’s belly.
Youko needed no further answer. Shifting Botan so that she straddled his hips, he leaned forward and captured her lips into another kiss.
Botan’s breath caught in her throat at the intensity of this kiss, the attention nearly bruising as he crushed her against him.
The kitsune broke off the kiss, smirking at the mewling sound of disappointment that escaped the deity’s throat. Thinking quickly, he reached into the back of his hair and withdrew a few seeds. He threw them around in a wide circle then fed them his power, a thick crop of plants surrounding their forms, protecting them from any prying eyes that might be around. Without a word, he shifted his attention back on her neck, his hands working their way down to the bottom of her top. Leaning back slightly, he clasped the fabric and pulled it slowly up then over her head. Tossing the shirt to the side, he studied Botan’s exposed skin, a predatory growl of desire escaping his lips as he took in her nubile body. “Beautiful.” He whispered before leaning forward and nuzzling the side of the ferry girl’s neck.
Botan bit her lip, gasping when she felt Youko’s lips then his tongue slide down her neck and across her clavicle. She wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning as he nipped the tender flesh of her shoulder with his fangs then nursed the wound with his tongue. “Kurama...” She groaned, pleasure pulsating through her with each touch he made.
Youko growled softly, his own blood boiling with desire as he continued to explore her body. With his right hand he reached up, cupping her covered left breast and gently caressed the nipple with his thumb.
The response was immediate.
Botan arched into his touch, her gasp making the kitsune smirk in satisfaction. Wanting to see and touch more of her, he took his free hand and reached up to unclasp the bra.
“Wait.” Botan whispered breathlessly, dropping her right hand to grab his arm.
Youko stared at her in askance but complied, releasing his hold of her breast then lowered his hands to the side.
The deity smiled shyly as she pushed the straps off her shoulder on at a time, the motion taunting the youkai’s rapidly fading self control. He licked his lips in anticipation, a sigh of appreciation escaping from his throat when Botan finally freed herself from the bra’s constraints, laying it on the ground beside her.
He stared hungrily at her breasts, a rush of liquid fire filling his groin at the sight of them. “Perfect.” He growled in appreciation, cupping her butt to pull her closer to him. Leaning down he began where he left off, trailing a series of kisses slowly down to the right breast while his right hand began to massage the deity’s left breast, his thumb teasing the nipple into a hardened peak.
Botan gasped at the feel of his breath against her right nipple, a peak forming from the contact of his lips and tongue while his hand continued to please her left one. She felt something hard pressing into the apex of her thighs and wiggled then pressed experimentally against it, clutching his shoulders and moaning when a delicious and intense wave shot up her body from the contact.
Now it was Youko’s turn to gasp. “Botan.” He groaned lustfully, his swelling manhood beginning to throb in response to her attention. Breaking away from her breasts, the youkai lifted his head and roughly pressed his lips against the ferry girl’s while his hands returned to her backside to crush her tightly against him.
Botan’s eyes widened, startled at the sudden change of pace.
Youko took advantage of her surprise, his tongue darting past his lips and then hers as he claimed her mouth.
The deity gasped and shivered, moaning into the youkai’s mouth at this new and intense kiss.
The kitsune kissed her with surprising slowness, his tongue traveling teasingly across the roof of the deity’s mouth before dropping to trace the center of her tongue.
Botan began to respond, her tongue pressing gently against his, her motions more subdued and shy, slowly building to the point she began to kiss him back.
They each fought for control, neither able to win.
The deity’s body began to take on a mind of it’s own as she ground herself against him, stoking the fire that was already burning below. She needed .. Something. Something only Kurama could give her.
Youko moaned at her movements, his groin nearly exploding when she rocked against him. God how he wanted her! But she wasn’t ready. Not yet anyway. Pulling apart, he greedily took in air, resting his forehead against Botan who tried to reestablish contact with his lips. “Impatient are we, love?” He whispered in a husky chuckle.
“It’s not fair.” She whispered back, nuzzling against his neck as he held her close.
“What’s not fair?” He asked, groaning when the deity’s hands fell from his shoulders to caress his chest then his arms.
“I want to touch you, too.” She replied, her hand traveling slowly down to his abdomen, resting on his belt for emphasis.
The kitsune swallowed the lump in his throat, shivering slightly at how dangerously close her hand was to his suffering arousal. “As you wish.” He whispered, reaching down to untie the fabric belt around his waist.
Botan watched, her breath catching in her throat as Youko leaned back and undid the belt holding his sleeveless tunic. He pulled the frustrating fabric quickly off and to the side revealing a toned and muscled chest and abdomen. The deity studied his form in open admiration. Eager to touch him, she reached out, her fingertips brushing against his skin, tracing the contours of his pectoral muscles then skipping across his nipples, surprise and delight filling her when he moaned at her attention. She stopped above his heart. Feeling the way it pounded underneath her fingers caused a feminine smile light up her face. Her fingers descended lower, tracing down the center of his hairless and smooth torso, lightly brushing along each side of his abdomen then back up again to his chest.
Youko closed his eyes briefly, relishing the teasing feel of her fingers on his flesh, each caress driving him close to the edge. If she kept it up, he wouldn’t last long enough to take her. Needing to reestablish control, Youko gently grabbed the deity’s wrists.
“Kurama?” Botan pouted, irritated at his action.
The kitsune smiled but said nothing. Releasing his hold, he took his left arm and wrapped it around the base of her back while his right hand took hold of her left thigh. He leaned forward, slowly and gently forcing Botan to lay on the ground.
Botan looked up at him, a mixture of frustration and longing upon her face as she waited for his next move.
Youko smiled down at her as he slowly, and with great care, rested his body on top of hers.
The deity gasped at the feel of his bare chest brushing against her breasts, the contact sending a pulsating wave through her, concentrating and swelling between her legs.
The fox spirit groaned, his excitement doubling at the contact of his bare flesh against Botan’s. He wanted her badly but he held back, needing to make sure she was completely ready for him. Leaning down he kissed her, stoking the fire that was building between them as he slowly departed from her lips. He kissed the center of her neck then continued downward, showering attention to each breast.
Botan arched up, her breath growing ragged, her body shivering as he kissed and teased her swollen breasts. She was getting close to something. She could feel it building but what exactly it was she couldn’t say. “Ku ..rama .. Please .. I need ...”
“Shhh ..” Youko whispered as he continued his path downward. “I know. I know.” He added reassuringly.
The deity felt his breath around her navel and she stiffened. What was he ..
Youko felt her tense and he stopped. He tilted his head up, his lust filled eyes meeting her equally lustful but confused ones. “It’s okay, Botan. Trust me.” He whispered, kissing her exposed skin tenderly. “Trust me.”
Botan bit her lip, eyes closing in pleasure from the touch of his lips upon her flesh.
Youko took that as his sign to continue. He rose up, his hand tracing the inside hem of Botan’s jeans, his fingertips brushing up against the warm skin underneath. He stopped at the front of her pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them before slowly pulling them down and off, revealing a set of black silk panties to match the bra she wore earlier. A smirk of masculine satisfaction teased the corners of his lips as a familiar husky smell invaded his olfactory nerves. Crooking his right index finger, Youko traced a line down the center of the deity’s sex, surprised at how wet she was. Perhaps she’s closer than I thought. He caressed her again, his member twitching as the deity moaned and pushed up against his hand. Youko looked up, his hungry eyes meeting the equally starved ones of Botan. Smiling lovingly, the kitsune gently removed her panties, tossing them to the side before leaning down to continue where he left off.
Botan gasped, her heart threatening to explode from her heaving chest when she felt his tongue begin to explore her most private parts. She didn’t fully understand what was happening to her. But with each touch the kitsune made, she began to burn inside. She wanted him. All of him. Now. “Kurama ..” She whispered repeatedly, arching then rocking her hips to meet every thrust the kitsune made with his tongue.
Youko took his time, savoring the taste of her, smirking at Botan’s reaction with each stroke he gave. That’s it, love. A little further. You can do it. Come on.
Botan continued to respond to Youko’s attention, the pressure building to a nearly unbearable level. She was close to something. The pain mixed with pleasure was driving her to the brink of some unknown plane. A place she needed to get to. Needed to be. She began to shake, her moans becoming louder, her body reacting faster, harder against Youko’s tongue until at last she crossed the precipice and released. “Kurama!” She cried, arching her back as a intensely hot explosion of pleasure filled her.
Youko held onto her, reveling as she convulsed around his tongue, delight pounding in him as she reached her first orgasm. He remained still, allowing the deity to come down a little from her euphoric high before pulling his head away and disengaging from her womanhood.
Botan sighed in rapture, her body shaking slightly from the after affects of Youko’s attention. “Kurama. That was .. I don’t know what to say .. How to describe...”
“Did you enjoy it?” He whispered the question huskily as he began a trail of kisses slowly up the deity’s body .
The deity closed her eyes, becoming aroused by his lips once more. “Yes ..” She whispered back in an equally lustful tone.
“I’ve only just begun.” He replied, his tone one of promise as he reached then nuzzled the cleavage of her breasts, tracing the right mound then the left one with his tongue.
Botan responded, her hands gently caressing the muscles of his back while her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, the action pulling him down towards her.
Youko let out a pleasurable growl, rewarding her for her boldness by grinding his hips against hers.
“Kurama!” Botan cried as the pressure began to build up in the pit of her stomach and between her legs again.
“Botan ..” Youko replied with a moan, bringing his lips down upon hers and kissing her with reckless abandon as he continued to grind against her until the pain in his groin could no longer be ignored. He needed to be inside her. Now.
Pulling out of their embrace, Youko reached down and tugged at his pants, pulling them down and off his legs within a matter of seconds. He tossed them carelessly aside, wanting nothing more than to make the deity his own.
Botan looked down at him, eyes widening at the sight of his erect member. Heat flooded her face, desire and trepidation filling her. Though she wanted this, she was uncertain just how he could fit that inside of her. Her thoughts soon vanished, replaced by an a wave of heat when Youko’s hands began to caress the inside then the outside of her thighs, slowly edging upward, his touch driving her to the brink once more.
With each caress, Youko’s body moved forward, edging closer and closer to where he needed to be until at last he was near the apex of her thighs. Clasping his member with his right hand, Youko found her center and entered. He groaned heavily, feeling the walls begin to stretch around him as he pushed forward with aching slowness.
Botan gasped then moaned, nearly losing herself to this entirely new and overwhelming sensation.
The kitsune released his hold and brought his arms to either side of the deity. Opening his hands, he rested his palms on the ground, supporting his weight as he continued forward, clearing the first set of interior muscles only to frown when the tip of his manhood hit her virginal wall.
The deity made a sound of frustration. Leaning up, she took Kurama’s lips with her own, kissing him feverishly, wiggling against him, trying to coax him to continue.
Youko let out a frustrated groan of his own, her movements making it hard to control himself. He didn’t want to hurt her. But I can’t avoid it. He countered. “Don’t ..” He whispered, his voice half plea and half command.
“Why not?” She murmured, her lips tracing a moist trail around his jaw line that drove the kitsune to the brink of thrusting into her right then and there.
“I don’t want to hurt you ..” He answered, his clawed hands digging into the dirt as he tried to contain the need to claim her.
“I need you .. Kurama ..” She whispered, her voice carrying the demand of satisfaction her body was seeking. “Please...” She added, her hand trailing down to his tail, giving the base a quick stroke that pushed Kurama over the edge.
Youko growled and pulled back, thrusting hard into Botan, his lips crushing against hers to muffle the painful cry as he broke through her barrier.
Fresh tears streamed down the deity’s face. She screamed, feeling as if her lower body had split into two.
Youko’s lips stayed pressed against the deity’s while his body remained perfectly still. It took all his will power to ignore the tight warmth that now surrounded his member. Wait! He ordered himself. Wait for her!
“I’m sorry.” The kitsune whispered a moment later, his lips breaking off from the deity’s, nuzzling against each side of her face to wipe away the tears that lingered there. “The pain will be gone in a moment. I promise, love.” He added. He began to kiss her softly, whispering seductive words, encouragements as he waited for a signal for her to continue.
Botan clung to him and closed her eyes, her tears eventually stopping as the pain abated. Her arousal returned slowly, Kurama’s words and touches bringing her back to a state of desire that needed to be filled.
Sensing she was feeling well enough, Youko began to move slowly, barely pulling back before thrusting into her again. The tightness around his manhood was mind blowing and it took everything he had not to take her quickly. I want her to enjoy this. He glanced down at the woman underneath him, excitement and pride filling him as he gazed upon her.
Eyes closed, lips parted, face flushed, body glistening with sweat, Botan moaned with each stroke the kitsune made. “Oh .. Kurama .. That feels so good ..”
“Mmm ...” Youko replied, his eyes still watching her, groaning as he continued to glide partially in and out of her. The friction was incredible. He never wanted it to end.
The pressure began to build, the pace Kurama set becoming too slow for the deity. She needed more of him. With low, lusty sounds, Botan began to meet each thrust, tightening her legs around him, hoping to encourage him to go deeper.
Youko smirked at her attempts to make him do what she wanted. Deciding to indulge her, he pulled back until only his tip remained inside before plunging hard into her.
“Ah, yes!” Botan cried and arched her back, the friction from his action so intense her whole body shook. Her nails raked across his back, delighting at every inch that he gave her.
Youko hissed as she scratched him, moaning loudly when he felt her walls clamp down around the entirety of his manhood. “Botan ..” He whispered, his words becoming guttural sounds as he began to pick up the pace, his thrusts growing faster, deeper as Botan cried out for more.
Botan met his thrusts with her hips, her cries carrying onto the night air as she clung to him, wave after wave of pleasure washing over her as he pounded continuously until at last her whole being shattered in complete ecstasy, Kurama’s name spilling loudly from her lips as the intensity of her orgasm overtook her body.
Youko growled hoarsely, thrusting into her a few more times, crying out the deity’s name when her walls clamped down hard and began to convulse around his member, a white hot explosion of pleasure igniting in his groin as the pulsing sensation intensified, taking his essence along with it.
Sated, the kitsune wrapped his arms around the deity and twisted onto his back, so that she rested above him. Their bodies still joined, he kissed her passionately, conveying his emotions through his lips.
The deity returned his kiss then smiled shyly at him when he broke the lip lock first.
Youko lifted his hand, gently brushing the strands of hair away from her face then caressed her chin with his thumb. Lowering his hand to the side, he reached out, his fingers clasped onto the tunic he had tossed carelessly aside prior to their lovemaking and pulled it towards him. The fox spirit threw it over Botan’s back, giving her a small measure of modesty as the snuggled against each other. The lovers closed their eyes in contentment as they answered to call for sleep, their forms protected by the barrier that surrounded them.
Well that’s it for chapter 2. I hope you all enjoyed it. Bear in mind this is the first time I’ve written a lemon scene. I’m not sure how good it is but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Next time: Shuichi wakes up and is none too pleased with what his youkai side’s done. And it seems Karasu has a slight change of plans regarding Kurama. Just what is that mad bomber is up to? And how is Botan involved? Find out in chapter 3- Shuichi’s Dilemma.