Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Night Without You ❯ A Night Without You ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 15: A Night Without You
Koenma ran through the stacks of papers on his desk until he came to a certain one that had been misfiled. He stared at the paper for a long time before a knock came at his door. The door opened and Genkai walked in quietly, her body light, but her mind filled with sorrow. She arrived at Koenma's desk and sat down.
“You asked to see me?” Genkai questioned the prince of the spirit world. Koenma nodded and handed her the paper. She looked back at the boy prince with surprise. “What do you want me to do?” She asked. Koenma smiled and called for George to bring it in.
- - - - - - - - - - - 3 Years Later - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hiei wandered within the Makai forests, following Makuro's orders to track a group of bandits. He sat in a tree above head their camp, not impressed with the trespassers. Slowly he nodded off, falling more into sleep.
Her eyes burnt into his, with their fiery magenta color. Blood pooling under her as she sacrificed herself to death. Long black arms grabbed her and pulled her back, no matter how much he ran; how fast, he couldn't keep up. She disappeared, her smile and her mystery. In one small night she was gone.
Hiei opened his eyes to the early Makai sunrise. It over took him, spreading colors into the sky. A burnt orange mixed with dazzling blood red. Purple hues criss-crossed the clouds and joined the light blue sky. Hiei watched for a few minutes while the sun rose, over-coming its powerful shades of magenta. It made him long to see her. Long to know she was near. He pulled his sword closer, trying to feel the last essence her blood had left on his sword. It was soft, but still there. Hiei fiddled with the edge of his sword, thinking more about her soft complexion, her tendency to get screwed over, even her angry temper. Slowly the Jaganshi rose to his feet, looking down at the sleeping camp of trespassers. He didn't have time to sit and wait for the trespassers to make their move; he wanted to see her now. The Jaganshi flitted off to the nearest Makai portal, he was going to go back to where she lay for the first time since that night.
- - - - - FLASH BACK - - - - - - -
Kuwabara and Kurama dug a proper grave a ways away from the temple. Yusuke had begged Genkai to let Sayuri be buried at the Temple so he could come and see her. The old lady didn't seem to care too much, only insisting that she be given a coffin to rest in. Yukina and Keiko had made the arrangements and picked out something appropriate. Yusuke and Kurama gently lowered the coffin into the ground, staring down into the pit.
“Yusuke, Hiei, would you like to say something?” Kurama asked the two boys who stood around the pit. Yusuke nodded, choking back tears. Hiei didn't make a sound, or move. Kurama was beginning to worry about the Jaganshi. He had refused to clean the blood off of his clothes, refused to change, refused to do anything to help him. Kurama walked over to Hiei and put his hand on the boy's shoulder.
“Sayuri, thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't do more, sorry I never did more. But thanks. Thanks for being in my life. And teaching me things that I'm sure I would have never learned otherwise. Thank you. I'll visit you. I miss you.” Yusuke picked a daffodil out of the brush near by the grave and let it fall down onto the coffin. Kuwabara tried his hardest not to cry, but was failing. Yukina held Kuwabara's hand and felt her tears roll down her cheeks and onto the moist grass. Yusuke looked at Keiko and hugged her tightly. Keiko's cheeks and eyes were red from her silent crying.
“Hiei?” Genkai looked at the boy, whose face was emotionless. Hiei didn't look up, didn't change emotion. Simply the Jaganshi walked away. He kept walking till he was out of sight, till no one could try and stop him. He didn't want to see the pity in everyone's eyes, the hugs that they would give him, the hands on the shoulders. He couldn't take it anymore. That was when he vowed never to return to the Ningenkai.
- - - - - - - - - - END FLASH BACK - - - - - - - - - -
Hiei stepped out of the forest by the girl's grave. It wasn't over run with weeds like he expected it to be; rather it was neatly tended and covered with pretty flowers. He walked over to the front of the grave, a path installed to make it easier to get to. The trees swayed lightly in the night breeze, rustling the leaves in the trees. Hiei ran his fingers over the head stone, trying to feel something other than sadness and emptiness.
“You're back.” A voice called behind him. It was worried and happy, filled with concern for well being and health. Hiei turned to face his sister, her eyes scanning him for any injury. When she found none she smiled and hugged him tightly.
“Hnn.” Hiei snorted and turned back to the grave. Yukina looked at the Jaganshi and then at the temple. She figured that he would want some time alone, to look and remember. Softly she walked back to the temple to enlighten the others. Hiei kneeled at the edge of the grave, his heart breaking just thinking about Sayuri. The connection they had that drove almost insane. He remembered every emotion, the pain, the betrayal, the confusion. He remembered Yukio and her parents; he remembered her meeting everyone for the first time. She sparked something in him that he couldn't fight off. So much had changed since she was gone. So much was different.
“Hiei, is that really you?” A soft voice asked. The voice didn't place, didn't register. Hiei could feel his memories of her grow. He wanted to hold her again, wanted to feel that damn connection until it hurt. His heart had never killed so much before. Life just kept getting worse for the Jaganshi, and when he finally thought he found someone who would make the perfect partner… she died. Just vanished into thin air.
“Hnn.” Hiei replied. He stood up, prepared to face which ever idiot decided to interrupt him. He just wanted to be alone, just wanted her back.
“Look at me!” The voice grew angry as Hiei turned around. His eyes felt blurry from the tears, but he could clearly make out a head full of dark violet hair, and a pair of angry magenta eyes. His heart leaped, scared to see who it really was. If he was dreaming, he was content to not wake up.
“Get out of my way.” Hiei growled, he pushed who ever it was back. The figure fell to the ground with a thud and started to cry. Hiei turned back and saw that hair, those eyes. It was a horrible game. It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare! He wiped his eyes and looked at the figure. The gentle curves of her face, the smooth white skin. She had long violet hair and magenta colored eyes, angry and sad, but familiar. Too familiar.
“You stupid idiot! Sayuri!” Yusuke called as he ran up to the figure; kneeling beside her and checking her for any scars. It was too much, Hiei swirled and felt dizzy. The game they were playing was too cruel. He'd kill the detective for this. Kill him. Hiei grabbed the hilt of his sword but found a hand already on it.
“Open your eyes Hiei. It's her.” The fox whispered in his ear. Hiei would kill him too. If it meant he could escape from the nightmare. The figure on the ground stopped crying and stood up. She was beautiful. Her hair the same, her eyes the same, her smile so delicate and her frame so fragile. Hiei wanted to hold her, wanted to take her into his arms and never let her go. But then he'd lose the game. He'd lose and be lost.
“Hiei, please!” Sayuri-like-figure asked Hiei. She grabbed his hand and held it against her cheek. It was soft and warm, like the real thing. Hiei smiled through his tears as he felt himself giving in to the nightmare. Only now it was becoming a dream. A sweet for terrible dream. He closed his eyes and opened them again. Standing in front of him was Sayuri. She was standing in front of him. Her smile and her tears. Her face and her hand. Her smell and her essence. Hiei smiled as he looked at her.
“No dream?” Hiei mumbled. He pulled Sayuri's face close to his; he wanted to see her, wanted to make sure she was a human, she was real. Sayuri smiled and shook her head no.
“Promise.” Sayuri kissed Hiei lightly. The Jaganshi felt his body weaken.
{Koenma asked for a favor, for you Hiei.}
{Hnn. Thank him for me.}
{Of course.}
“Alright, enough already!” Kuwabara knocked the Jaganshi on the head, breaking the two apart. Hiei clung to Sayuri, holding her, smelling her scent on his clothes. She smiled at him. A positive smile. She wasn't holding anything back this life, she got her chance to start over. Hiei watched her laugh and be happy, watched her love him and need him.
“I'll still kill you, idiot.” Hiei glared at Kuwabara who laughed and hugged Yukina who was smiled at the boy. Yusuke winked at Hiei who glared at the detective for not coming to get him. Sayuri hugged Hiei and snuggled up to him when they all finally sat down in the living room. Hiei couldn't keep his eyes off of Sayuri, everything that he had missed, he had. He had her back. Sayuri looked at him the same, afraid to lose him again. She pressed her ear against his chest to hear his heart beating at the speed of light, to make sure that he was really alive and not dead.
“What took you so long?” She whispered to him. He grabbed her wrist and felt her hand. It was warm, inviting; just like her smile. Hiei laughed.
“Onna, you were dead.” Sayuri smiled and nodded. Hiei pulled her closer to him so that she was almost in his lap. Everyone in the group kept looking back at the two, not sure how to react to Hiei's affectionate side. Yusuke glared at Hiei's advances, but remembered to keep his place. He just felt more like a father, having helped to raise her again.
“I'm glad your back. Another night without you would be hard.” Sayuri said in the Jaganshi's ear. He smiled at her and hugged her tightly again..
“Hnn, this is a night to remember.”