Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Special Person ❯ The Bowling Ally ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Nikki: Hey everyone I’m back.
Hiei: Let me guess I am in this chapter to.
Nikki: Unfortunately you are but hey we are going to have fun.
Hiei: Whatever.
Kurama: Well this is going to be intrusting.
Nikki: So I don’t own YYH ok so read on.
Last time: “Well are we off to the bowling ally or are we just going to stand around?”
“Sure let’s go” said Kurama
“Alright who wants to ride with me” you asked (Kurama wanted to ride with you but he had to drive), So Yuske, Crystal and Joey road with you while Kuwabara and Hiei road with Kurama. Then you all headed to the bowling ally.
Chapter 5 The Bowling Ally
About 30 minutes later you all arrived at the bowling ally. You all walked in and the cool think about this bowling ally is that its half bowling ally and half arcade. You all got shoes and two lanes, well everyone except Hiei.
“Hey Hiei why aren’t you going to bowl?” you asked he just looked at you and said ‘hn’ then Kurama said “Don’t mind him he doesn’t talk much or do anything, he also doesn’t like anybody” then you all went to the lanes. You, Kurama then Crystal was on one lane and Yuske and Kuwabara was on the other lane cause they wanted to see who is better. After half way through the game,
“Hey did anybody eat before they came?” you asked, they all said no “Why don’t we eat lunch here then, ok what does everybody want?” “Are you paying for everybody?” Yuske asked, “Well yeah why not I asked everybody here didn’t I “ you said “But …” Kurama tried to protest “No its ok really so what does everybody want?” you asked again.
“I want two double cheese burgers some fries and a large coke” said Yuske “Boy you like to eat don’t you, hold on let me right it down or I will forget” You got a pencil and wrote on the back of the sheet that you bowl with (the one with the lanes and shoes). “Ok who’s next?” “I want the same thing” Kuwabara said “Ok then Kurama what do you want?” “Um how about a cheese burger some fries and a medium shake” “Ok I’ll have the same thing” “I also want the same thing” said Crystal “Ok now Joey your turn” “Well I want the same thing but with a coke instead of a shake” “Ok and what about you Hiei?” “I’m not hungry” he said “Oh come on you have to be hungry on a count that your stomach just made a noise” “Oh fine I only want fries” “Ok then be back soon and Kurama you can bowl for me while I am gone oh yeah do you all want vanilla shakes?” they all agreed then you left to order food.
***At the counter****
“How may I help you” said the lady
“Um ok I would like 4 double cheese burgers, 4 cheese burgers, 2 Large cokes, 3 medium vanilla shakes,(By now the lady is looking at you crazy) 1 medium coke, 2 large fries, and 5 medium fries” any looked at the total.
“Wow that’s a lot of food your total will be 400 yen (I don’t really know the amount in yen but its like 40 dollars).
“Yeah well I have a lot of hungry people” you both laughed and gave her the money. You then waited about 5 minutes.
***Back to the lanes****
“Hey you cheated how did you do that,” Kuwabara said.
“Ha that’s none of your business hehe,” he said back.
“Do they always fight like this?” Crystal asked.
“Yeah pretty much we just learn to deal with it” Kurama said.
“Oh ok then you think one of us should go help Yuri cause that is lot of food?” your friend said.
“Yeah I think you are right I will go and help her” Kurama then said.
***Back to you****
The lady called your number and you went to get the food. Then you saw Kurama come over, “I am glad you came I don’t know how I would be able to carry all this food” cause there were like 3 trays “Oh no problem” then you both walked back to the allies you saw that Kurama was winning and you were in second. Yuske and Kuwabara were fighting, Hiei was off to the side not interested and Joey was bowling while you saw Crystal head to the bathroom. When Yuske saw the food he immediately stopped fighting and rushed to get his food. We all sat down and ate our food then continued to bowl, when the game was over Yuske did beat Kuwabara and Kurama won on our side. You came in second. “Hey you’re a pretty good bowler Kurama” you say to him “Why thank you, you weren’t that bad either” you both laughed. “After I pay for the games how about we go to the arcade” you suggested “Alright lets go” said Yuske “I will wait for you” said Kurama “Ok then” and everybody left. You paid for the games and started to walk towards the arcade. “Hey want to play air hockey I bet I can beat you?” you ask him “Oh yeah well see about that” so once you guys got there you saw the air hockey tables, you also saw everybody else racing each other even Hiei but he looked stuck. Joey looked like he was winning with Yuske close behind and Kuwabara almost dead last. You put the money in the game and started playing, after awhile the game was over and like you said you had won. “Ha see I told you I would beat you” “Yeah I guess you did” then you asked the guys “So who won the race?” “Yuske won but if I hadn’t hit the wall on the last turn I would of won” said Joey. “So what know were should we go?” you asked “Lets just hang out at your house them at night lets go see a movie a scary one” said Crystal “Ok sounds like a good plan to me” you said so you all got in your car or Kurama’s car and drove off back to your house.
****At your house****
When we got back, you opened the door and let everybody in Kurama was the first you were the last. As you came in you closed the door all of a sudden you hear barking. Now your thinking Oh crap, so you run into the den and find your dog on Kurama growling at him. (Your dog is actually a half wolf half dog demon, he's your guardian angel sorta speak. You two are very close, and since he's a demon he can switch back and forth from human to dog like you can change from a human to demon. You two have been together since you could remember. Your mom said when you were about 3 years old living in the Makai, there was so much danger for the daughter of the head leader, so she found him and told him to protect you.) You run over to him quickly and try to get him off but he wouldn't budge so you said "That’s enough" and just forcefully pull him off of Kurama. Then Akira (your big dog) starts to squirm in your arms to be set free. You look at him then say "If I let you go you better go upstairs understand?" then he just looks at you so you say "Do you understand?" this time a little more firm, then he whines and barks to let you know he understood. So you put him down and he stood there looking at you. You point to the stairs and say "GO" he looks at the stairs then back at you, you starting to get frustrated say "Akira now" then he runs up stairs and out of the way. You walk over to Kurama and ask "Are you right, he didn't hurt you did he?" he said back "No I'm ok thanks" then you mom had came down stairs apologizing for letting the dog out cause she didn’t’ know you were coming home. You told her it was alright and she went back up stairs. "Ok then what shall we do, oh I know you guys want to go swimming?" you ask. "That would be fun but there's a problem" Yuske said "And what's that?" you say "Well we don’t have swimsuits" he said then you said "That’s ok we have some spare ones come and follow me."
You went up stairs and gave everybody a room, Kurama was in a room 2 doors down from your room. When you went into your room you found Akira on your bed, so you closed your door and sat on your bed and petted him. "Why did you do that those are my guest and that's not acceptable" you ask him. "There's something strange about that boy he's not human" he said then he transformed into his human form (he's really hot if you were wondering) "Why did you do that?" you say "Cause I wanted to, do you know how long I've been a dog today?" he said "Well no, oh fine" then you got up and went to the bathroom to change into your 2 piece bathing suit it was _color_ with a red flower designed on it. Then you came out with a cover up wrapped around your waist, it matches the bathing suit. "So what do you think" you ask, and then he said you looked beautiful. All while you've been talking, Kurama was done and heard you talking. Being curious, he was listening to you talking to someone about being a dog or something. Then you said Opening your door (he had transformed back already) "Why don’t you come" he like that. Kurama quickly got away from the door. You turned and saw Kurama a little ways by your door “Ready to go?" you ask him "Yeah I'm ready, what about the others?" "I don’t know let's go find out." you closed your door and walked down the hall.
Nikki: So I hope you guys liked the chapter this was a very long one I think. Well I guess that’s all for now I am soo tired R&R please.
Hiei: Let me guess I am in this chapter to.
Nikki: Unfortunately you are but hey we are going to have fun.
Hiei: Whatever.
Kurama: Well this is going to be intrusting.
Nikki: So I don’t own YYH ok so read on.
Last time: “Well are we off to the bowling ally or are we just going to stand around?”
“Sure let’s go” said Kurama
“Alright who wants to ride with me” you asked (Kurama wanted to ride with you but he had to drive), So Yuske, Crystal and Joey road with you while Kuwabara and Hiei road with Kurama. Then you all headed to the bowling ally.
Chapter 5 The Bowling Ally
About 30 minutes later you all arrived at the bowling ally. You all walked in and the cool think about this bowling ally is that its half bowling ally and half arcade. You all got shoes and two lanes, well everyone except Hiei.
“Hey Hiei why aren’t you going to bowl?” you asked he just looked at you and said ‘hn’ then Kurama said “Don’t mind him he doesn’t talk much or do anything, he also doesn’t like anybody” then you all went to the lanes. You, Kurama then Crystal was on one lane and Yuske and Kuwabara was on the other lane cause they wanted to see who is better. After half way through the game,
“Hey did anybody eat before they came?” you asked, they all said no “Why don’t we eat lunch here then, ok what does everybody want?” “Are you paying for everybody?” Yuske asked, “Well yeah why not I asked everybody here didn’t I “ you said “But …” Kurama tried to protest “No its ok really so what does everybody want?” you asked again.
“I want two double cheese burgers some fries and a large coke” said Yuske “Boy you like to eat don’t you, hold on let me right it down or I will forget” You got a pencil and wrote on the back of the sheet that you bowl with (the one with the lanes and shoes). “Ok who’s next?” “I want the same thing” Kuwabara said “Ok then Kurama what do you want?” “Um how about a cheese burger some fries and a medium shake” “Ok I’ll have the same thing” “I also want the same thing” said Crystal “Ok now Joey your turn” “Well I want the same thing but with a coke instead of a shake” “Ok and what about you Hiei?” “I’m not hungry” he said “Oh come on you have to be hungry on a count that your stomach just made a noise” “Oh fine I only want fries” “Ok then be back soon and Kurama you can bowl for me while I am gone oh yeah do you all want vanilla shakes?” they all agreed then you left to order food.
***At the counter****
“How may I help you” said the lady
“Um ok I would like 4 double cheese burgers, 4 cheese burgers, 2 Large cokes, 3 medium vanilla shakes,(By now the lady is looking at you crazy) 1 medium coke, 2 large fries, and 5 medium fries” any looked at the total.
“Wow that’s a lot of food your total will be 400 yen (I don’t really know the amount in yen but its like 40 dollars).
“Yeah well I have a lot of hungry people” you both laughed and gave her the money. You then waited about 5 minutes.
***Back to the lanes****
“Hey you cheated how did you do that,” Kuwabara said.
“Ha that’s none of your business hehe,” he said back.
“Do they always fight like this?” Crystal asked.
“Yeah pretty much we just learn to deal with it” Kurama said.
“Oh ok then you think one of us should go help Yuri cause that is lot of food?” your friend said.
“Yeah I think you are right I will go and help her” Kurama then said.
***Back to you****
The lady called your number and you went to get the food. Then you saw Kurama come over, “I am glad you came I don’t know how I would be able to carry all this food” cause there were like 3 trays “Oh no problem” then you both walked back to the allies you saw that Kurama was winning and you were in second. Yuske and Kuwabara were fighting, Hiei was off to the side not interested and Joey was bowling while you saw Crystal head to the bathroom. When Yuske saw the food he immediately stopped fighting and rushed to get his food. We all sat down and ate our food then continued to bowl, when the game was over Yuske did beat Kuwabara and Kurama won on our side. You came in second. “Hey you’re a pretty good bowler Kurama” you say to him “Why thank you, you weren’t that bad either” you both laughed. “After I pay for the games how about we go to the arcade” you suggested “Alright lets go” said Yuske “I will wait for you” said Kurama “Ok then” and everybody left. You paid for the games and started to walk towards the arcade. “Hey want to play air hockey I bet I can beat you?” you ask him “Oh yeah well see about that” so once you guys got there you saw the air hockey tables, you also saw everybody else racing each other even Hiei but he looked stuck. Joey looked like he was winning with Yuske close behind and Kuwabara almost dead last. You put the money in the game and started playing, after awhile the game was over and like you said you had won. “Ha see I told you I would beat you” “Yeah I guess you did” then you asked the guys “So who won the race?” “Yuske won but if I hadn’t hit the wall on the last turn I would of won” said Joey. “So what know were should we go?” you asked “Lets just hang out at your house them at night lets go see a movie a scary one” said Crystal “Ok sounds like a good plan to me” you said so you all got in your car or Kurama’s car and drove off back to your house.
****At your house****
When we got back, you opened the door and let everybody in Kurama was the first you were the last. As you came in you closed the door all of a sudden you hear barking. Now your thinking Oh crap, so you run into the den and find your dog on Kurama growling at him. (Your dog is actually a half wolf half dog demon, he's your guardian angel sorta speak. You two are very close, and since he's a demon he can switch back and forth from human to dog like you can change from a human to demon. You two have been together since you could remember. Your mom said when you were about 3 years old living in the Makai, there was so much danger for the daughter of the head leader, so she found him and told him to protect you.) You run over to him quickly and try to get him off but he wouldn't budge so you said "That’s enough" and just forcefully pull him off of Kurama. Then Akira (your big dog) starts to squirm in your arms to be set free. You look at him then say "If I let you go you better go upstairs understand?" then he just looks at you so you say "Do you understand?" this time a little more firm, then he whines and barks to let you know he understood. So you put him down and he stood there looking at you. You point to the stairs and say "GO" he looks at the stairs then back at you, you starting to get frustrated say "Akira now" then he runs up stairs and out of the way. You walk over to Kurama and ask "Are you right, he didn't hurt you did he?" he said back "No I'm ok thanks" then you mom had came down stairs apologizing for letting the dog out cause she didn’t’ know you were coming home. You told her it was alright and she went back up stairs. "Ok then what shall we do, oh I know you guys want to go swimming?" you ask. "That would be fun but there's a problem" Yuske said "And what's that?" you say "Well we don’t have swimsuits" he said then you said "That’s ok we have some spare ones come and follow me."
You went up stairs and gave everybody a room, Kurama was in a room 2 doors down from your room. When you went into your room you found Akira on your bed, so you closed your door and sat on your bed and petted him. "Why did you do that those are my guest and that's not acceptable" you ask him. "There's something strange about that boy he's not human" he said then he transformed into his human form (he's really hot if you were wondering) "Why did you do that?" you say "Cause I wanted to, do you know how long I've been a dog today?" he said "Well no, oh fine" then you got up and went to the bathroom to change into your 2 piece bathing suit it was _color_ with a red flower designed on it. Then you came out with a cover up wrapped around your waist, it matches the bathing suit. "So what do you think" you ask, and then he said you looked beautiful. All while you've been talking, Kurama was done and heard you talking. Being curious, he was listening to you talking to someone about being a dog or something. Then you said Opening your door (he had transformed back already) "Why don’t you come" he like that. Kurama quickly got away from the door. You turned and saw Kurama a little ways by your door “Ready to go?" you ask him "Yeah I'm ready, what about the others?" "I don’t know let's go find out." you closed your door and walked down the hall.
Nikki: So I hope you guys liked the chapter this was a very long one I think. Well I guess that’s all for now I am soo tired R&R please.