Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Abherrant ❯ The Assignment ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Not much to say other than Kurama and Botan are perfect for each other!

Disclaimer: ::Sniff::, if only!

Summary: Once a thief, always a thief. But as Botan learns, things that were legends, usually turn out to be myths.

Rating: R or M

Category: Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho

Genre: Romance/General

Pairings: Yusuke/Keiko, Kuwabara/Yukina, Hiei/Shizuru, but mostly Youko or Kurama/Botan

By: CowgirlUSA
Chapter 1: The Assignment

“But, Koenma sir, its dangerous over there!” her shrill voice made his small ears hurt terribly, the small toddler sized ruler shrinking back into his office seat.

“I know Botan, but it must be done,” Koenma cringed mentally at the glare he was receiving from the hotheaded deity. “Besides, I will send some others to help you on your journey.”

“I don’t care! I will not go!” her voice echoed throughout the palace, papers flew everywhere in the next room where ogres rushed around grabbing as many as they could.

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“I can’t believe I’m going,” Botan glared viciously at the small man beside her, his smug features irritating her only further.

“Well, you are, so please try to make this as pleasant as can be,” the tiny pacifier bobbed up and down as the ruler talked nonstop.

Glaring hatefully at the double doors, the gold swirls gleaming beautifully from the above light, the green back contrasting wonderfully, the tall entrance opened hesitantly. Frowning, a small sound of frustration working it way up Botan’s slender throat, she watched the small frame of a female youkai walk into the large working office nervously.

Blinking, and then sighing, she watched with distaste as the fowl creature made it’s way toward her and the small prince. Shifting from foot to foot, she mentally cursed the ruler for his aberrant thinking. He knew well of her history with the creatures of that world, and he knew that she detested them with every fiber of her being. So why send her to a place that was clearly overrun with the filthy vermin?

The young female that walked her way was clearly a beautiful youkai that held great authority. She had shoulder length brown hair that fell in waves, like a soft waterfall. Her brown eyes the shade of dark oak bark, that gleamed with intelligence and pride. Her stride was that of noble blood, one who demanded respect from all. The clothing she chose to wear was normal for a creature of her realm; a traditional kimono fell nicely on her slim frame, the green and blue tones accommodating her flawless form. A blue fabric, with leaves and vines of the deepest and richest green found deep within the hidden heart of a jungle. And placed in her hair, was a lovely lilac, its petals a soft purple, almost a soft blue in some ways.

Bowing slightly, the young youkai looked at Botan with curiosity, her slightly pouty face made the blue haired deity sneer in response. Ignoring the small creature in front of her, and at her side, she grabbed the backpack that had been shoved aside without care. Stalling her motions, she looked once again at the female, herself feeling a bit pensive of what was to come.

Shrugging the strap of the pack onto her shoulder more soundly, making it more comfortable against her thin shoulder, she stared with a hatred towards the toddler sized prince. His innocent looking eyes stared up at her with question, almost as if he had no idea why she was upset. Turning her head, swiftly, Botan raised her shoulders in defiance, and took a long deep breath.

“Botan, I would like you to meet your escort, Keiko Urameshi,” his squeaky voice made her cringe, the high pitched noise grating on her nerves terribly.

“Its nice to meet you, Miss. Botan...?” Keiko drew off of the last, questioning the label of her last name.

Smiling, and deciding to make the absolute best of it she could, for now at least, Botan reached out and grasped the other woman’s small hand. “Yamamoto.”

“Yamamoto,” Keiko repeated, her slim finger going to her chin in a silent ponder. “I like it!”

Shaking her head in amusement, she scowled heavily once again at the three foot tall boy. His brown hair gleamed in the light, making Botan wish she could pull all of it out of his spiteful head. His eyes, brown as they were, gleamed with mischief at her angry expression. Pale complected as he was, she couldn’t help but picture him with reddish tinted skin, a pointed tail, two small wings, and a pair of small horns that protruded from his skull.

Seething, though not showing it openly, Botan followed the enchanting lady, swallowing nervously as she made her way out of the huge castle. Looking behind her one more time, a feeling of complete dread seeping in, she glanced forlornly one final time, before turning her head, and facing her future.

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“Look, upon the great horizon, you can see the Forest of Jacaranda, it mystical haven is what I call home,” the scowl on Botan’s face only made Keiko frown slightly. “It really is a wonderful place.”

“Sure,” her sarcastic voice made Keiko’s face fall, her brown eyes dulling slightly, and her eyebrows knitted together in frustration.

“How do you know it isn’t, if you do not live there?” her voice brought Botan from her haunting memories.

“I know, let’s leave it at that,” Botan strolled away, leaving Keiko in her wake, very confused indeed.

Walking ahead of the female youkai, the young deity looked painfully at the great forest on the horizon. Water forming in the corner of her sapphire eyes as memories of old, of her previous life, filtered through her vision. Images of a happy life, of a blue haired child, amongst the leaves and foliage, the array of colors beyond any rainbow.

Discarding the once fond thoughts, Botan looked upon the path ahead, the long, winding road treacherous to all who passed. Halting, her heart pounding, a haunting nightmare flowed through her, destroying any hopes of a clean slate. Head turning, she looked wearily at Keiko, who had also stopped in her movements, watching with curiosity at the still deity.

Calling her oar, Botan latched onto the wooden object, its rough grains digging into her soft flesh, the strength of her grip causing splinters to rise. Betrayal shot through her, hot and heavy, like lava spewing forth from the volcano’s mouth. Her face flushed as the sun beat down on her, scolding her, reprimanding her for remembering, for going against the king’s rule.

“Miss. Yamamoto, are you well?” the slight touch to her shoulder brought Botan from her deep revery, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

“Yes, and its Botan. We shall be traveling with one another, there is no need for formalities,” smiling Keiko nodded agreement, relinquishing in the peaceful and friendly air of the ferry beside her.

“Very well then, onto the Forest of Jacaranda!” Botan climbed aboard the wood oar, helping the lady of some land on as well.

A false smile brightened her features, her saddened eyes looking, and steering the way to their destination. Her pink kimono tugging against her perfect body, tightening against her skin, and allowing the cool breeze to filter through. The scents of the trees below filling her nostrils, making her drift to a place long forgotten.

Directing the oar downwards, she heard the scream of her passenger, and chuckled with amusement. Botan smirked with victory, tormenting her guide was quiet amusing, the shrill yells filling the air, awaking the creatures from below.

Landing, and quickly sliding off, Botan looked at the female that still sat, her once combed hair was now frazzled and disarrayed. Her cheeks flushed from the wind, and the rest of her face pale, the shock of falling at such alarming rates frightening her. The flower that had once sat so beautifully in her hair was now gone, shredded to nothing, lying somewhere upon the forest floor.

“Sorry about that,” Botan held the youkai steady as she staggered off of the offending object, her scowl still intact.

“Yes, well, that was quite absurd if you ask me,” Keiko’s comment was dry, already assuming the intentions of the deity’s antics.

“Oh, I don’t know? It was all rather exhilarating, gets the blood to pumpin’” her voice was light and airy, her blue eyes sparkling with mirth.

“Yes, right then, we shall be on our way, we must make it to our first stop before night falls, the forest can be quite dangerous when the sun sinks,” stepping forward, straightening her haphazard kimono, Keiko led the way, ignoring the snickering of the ferry on her trails.

Watching the woman ahead of her, Botan looked around with boredom, the sights and smells all too familiar. The sounds of the beasts growling with hate at them, made her think of her un-forgotten childhood. The mere thought brought tears forth, her orbs burning with realization and hurt.

Shaking her head, and furiously wiping the straying water from her face, Botan chided herself for such antics. She was Koenma’s most trusted advisor, her person being trustworthy no matter what the situation. He had always selected her for his most dangerous, and important missions, so why was this one any different? ‘Because, none of the other’s forced me to face my past,’ she thought.

Mind wandering, Botan completely missed that Keiko had paused in her walking ahead of her, causing the ferry girl to crash into the youkai’s back. Gasping in surprise, Botan stepped back quickly, her eyes wide in alarm. Scowling, her eyes falling on what had hindered her movements, anger weld deep within her, snaking its way to the surface.

“What do you think you’re doing?” fists at her sides, Botan tried desperately to keep from attacking the woman.

“Shhhhh,” Keiko stared wearily up in the branches of the trees, her alert ears and eyes searching for the disturbance.

“Don’t you shhh, me!” Botan’s hands rose to her hips, her senses completely ignoring the predatory surroundings.
“We are being watched,” her voice was gentle, but threatening as she crouched downwards, trying her best to look formidable.

“Oh, is that all! Man, you sure do get worked up,” Botan laughed nonchalantly, her back arching as she looked upwards.

“You do not understand, we could be in great danger,” walking forwards, Keiko pivoted on her heel, swirling to and fro, discerning from each creature that made their homes here.

Sighing in frustration, Botan mentally demeaned the girl before her, the instincts that her race was so known for could not detect what was in the trees, and it disgusted the deity. Her blue eyes watched with a hushed amusement as the female strolled about, looking up and down, and behind every bush.

Walking forward, her casual demeanor showing how relaxed she was, Botan materialized her wooden oar. Lifting it above her head, since her verbal callings hadn’t reached the worried lady, Botan silently asked the gods for their forgiving hearts to show her pity. Lowering her oar, a small crack was heard, her eyebrows twitching as she watched the female finally look up.

Looking at the Rekai woman with a curious fury, Keiko frowned at the actions of the blue haired girl. She obviously was upset over something, but why? Watching with interest as the weapon disappeared from her hands, she saw the smirk that alighted the other’s face.

“What was that for?” Keiko rubbed her head, showing the other what exactly she was referring too.

“For you incompetence, and the fact that you weren’t listening to me,” Botan looked at Keiko straight in the eye, scowling as she did.

“But we are in dang...” Keiko was quickly cut off by the blue haired deity’s hand over her moving mouth, silencing the words.

“Before you say another thing, let me clarify one simple fact. You are not in any danger what-so-ever, as for me, I may get torn to pieces,” Botan shrugged her shoulders, removing her hand from the youkai’s mouth.

“Would you care to explain?” Keiko looked at her like she was insane, how could someone with such dulled senses act as so?

“Yes, I would. The one that is watching us, is the one I assume to be your mate,” Botan looked up to where he was located, waiting for him to appear.

“Why do you assume this?” Keiko, in turn, looked up in the same direction, discerning the shape that was hidden among the leaves.

“Because, he is about ready to rip me to shreds, but his aura seems to be welcoming your presence. Not something you would feel from a youkai who didn’t have any relationship with you,” Botan looked at the smaller girl, a envious nature surrounding her emotional form.

“Really? Wow, you’re good!” Keiko twirled around, her thoughts forgotten as she skipped to the base of the trunk. “Yusuke, is that really you up there?”

Stepping backwards, the vibrations in the air whispering horrible things, Botan hid amongst the foliage, in sight of the male, but to where she seemed to be submissive to his power. Watching with watchful eyes, she took a quick intake of breath as a broad shouldered youkai jumped down from the highest limbs of the tree.

He had long, thick, unruly hair, dark as the midnight sky, falling down to midback. His chest and upper arms were tattooed in strange, dark markings, the colors standing out vividly against his tanned body. His long, lean body stood regally, gazing with threatening eyes at the poor deity. Their eyes meeting, and for a fleeting moment, a look of recognition crossed his orbs, but was quickly discarded as a silly notion.

Turning to his mate, his arms encircling her form, he took in her scent, checking to see if she had been harmed. He sighed contentedly, her presence settling his anxious form, her health reassuring his earlier worries.

Turning in her mate’s arms, Keiko smiled at the still hidden guide, her eyes sparkling with amusement and mirth. Sighing, her body relaxing in his hold, Keiko leaned fully against him, listening intently to the steady rhythm of his heart.

“Botan, Yusuke will not harm you now, you may come out,” Keiko quickly looked the opposite way, a snap heard in the distance, and when she turned back around, Botan was gone.

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Botan ran swiftly through the ferns, dashing away from the two lovers as fast as her feet could take her. Her body moved fluently, her practiced stamina navigating her with ease through the dense thicket. Wind rocketed through her hair, the evening breeze cooling her heated skin, welcoming her back, welcoming her home.

Sighing, a look of remorse worked its way over her features, sadness dancing in her beautiful orbs. ‘Was it wrong of me to run away from them?’ Botan pondered. ‘Keiko would surely be worried, but, they would only be a hindrance for what is to come, I cannot let them slow me down.’ Mentally apologizing for leaving as such, she continued on her journey, smelling and tasting the air with experience.

Stopping in her tracks, a look of suspicion growing, a familiar scent filtered in. Botan had entered someone’s territory, and she knew all too well the price to pay for doing so. Looking about wildly, her hair flying as she went, she materialized her oar, ready for escape. Hopping on, and holding on tightly, she exhilarated quickly into the sky.

Speeding through the skies, her frantic breath coming out harsh from her worn chest, Botan looked down at the dark woods. Fear rocketed through her, snatching and grabbing at her racing heart.

Heated waves rolled off the earth, great amounts of energy ascending to her, reaching and grabbing. Looking ahead, and mentally chiding herself, Botan sped up, tears forming in her wind burned eyes. Closer and closer she came, almost out of the hostile area, almost to where she could continue her journey.

Shock shot through her as her oar hit an invisible solid. Cracking and splintering wood flew about, scattering in the cool breeze. Cursing, her body slipped from the solid object, pitching her to the ground, hard and fast.

A shrill scream worked its way up Botan’s raw throat, the air depriving from her lungs as she sailed farther down. Darkness closed in on her thrashing form, her limbs becoming numb and relaxed.

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Awaking with a start, flashes of what had occurred flashed hauntingly through her drowsy mind. Looking around, expecting to find herself nestled in the soft growth of the woods, Botan jolted upright when she realized she was not where she was supposed to be. Looking around anxiously, she noticed slightly, that the damp cloth that had been on her forehead, now laid in a heap on her lap.

A fireplace sat on the far side, her makeshift cot surprisingly comfortable for such a thin mattress. Looking at the interior, she watched as the flames danced eloquently in the hearth, their shadows joining them in their waltz.

Sighing, a look of confusion settled over, what was she doing here? Clasping her hands in front of her chest, horrid images of possibilities flashed before her mind’s eye. Clearing them immediately, Botan rose to her feet, determined to sneak out without being discovered. Grabbing her pack, which contained various needed items, she silently made her to the door, tiptoeing as she went.

Stopping in her tracks, an annoyed sigh escaped her, a female was coming, down the hall, to her room. Following the ki, she mentally berated herself for some route of escape, someway to run, and get away from this youkai. Door knob turned, and looking quickly to her right, Botan grabbed the nearest weapon like object she could find. A large, heavy book.

Walking in, a small female looked up at the ferry, her blue eyes shining with glee at the deity’s health. Sitting the tray of ointments down upon a table, the bottle glistening and setting colors of the rainbow on the ground, the blue haired woman turned and faced the Rekai guide. Her small body looking like a mere child compared to the normal heightened woman.

Her smile warmed Botan’s heart, slightly. Sighing, a troubling frown creasing her face, the deity looked intently at the small youkai. Her skin was pale, her form small and child like, but she was obviously much older than she herself was.

Twirling strands of hair between her nimble fingers, Botan sat down abruptly on the edge of the cot, looking intensely about. Silence weighed heavily down upon her lithe body, her shoulders sagging at the predicament she could possibly be in. Straightening her slightly mussed clothing, she once again faced the other, her companion’s face passive.

“So, what’s your name?” Botan knew it sounded dumb, but she was nervous, and that was the only thing that seemed to come to mind.

“My name is Yukina Kuwabara, and your’s mistress of Rekai?” her quiet voice was welcoming, her cheeks flushed.

“Botan Yamamoto, how did you know my position?” shrugging her shoulders casually, Yukina sat quietly down on a chair, her hands neatly placed in her lap.

“You smell of one that is from Rekai, and, no one from there comes to Makai unless it is of the upmost importance. And, if it is such a mission, then, Lord Koenma would not send one that is not of a high stature, or highly trustworthy. So, in conclusion, that is the only answer to whom and what you are doing here,” Botan’s mouth dropped open, the intelligence of this being was beyond extraordinary.

“Wow, you’re very intelligent,” Yukina blushed slightly, her cheeks a flame from the compliment she was not accustomed too.

“Thank you, but the amount of time I have spent with my brother and his boss, one would only assume that some of their intelligence would transfer itself over to me,” nodding her head, Botan looked back into the hearth, sighing deeply, thoughts racing through her mind.

“My mate will be joining us shortly, he had to check the borders of his territory. You will like Kazuma, he is very kind and gentle hearted,” smiling at her, Botan returned to her lying position on the cot, closing her eyes. “Oh I am sorry, you must be very tired, rest, it shall do your wounds good.”

The door clicked silently behind the child like youki, and Botan sighed in satisfaction, her eyes drooping with exhaustion. Curling further in the blankets that were provided, the deity quickly succumbed to the urgent need of rest. Breath evening, she completely forgot about her worries, and the stupid mission that her lord had sent her upon, if only for a few hours.

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“Mmmmm, do you think she’s alive?” the deep voice of a male brought Botan from her sweet dreams, groggily, the deity shifted slightly, her eyes remaining closed.

“Of course she is, Kazuma, her heart still beats, her chest still moves as she takes in air, she is simply resting from her excursions the night before,” the voices irritated her, making her brows lower, her head turning.

“Oh, well then, wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey,” scowling, the ferry opened her eyes, unwilling to face her reality. “Good morning!”

“Good morning to you as well, but, may I ask, who are you?” Botan sat slightly, staring intently at the broad shouldered, red headed youkai.

“My name is Kazuma Kuwabara, but please just call me Kuwabara, I really do not like my first name,” smiling, his teeth showing, Kuwabara sat on a nearby recliner, humming slightly as he did.

“But Kazuma, you have such a wonderful name,” Yukina walked briskly about the room, setting food and drinks upon the round table.

“Whatever, I hate it,” shrugging his shoulders, he quickly hopped from his seat, making his way over to the breakfast that was set forth.

Sitting down on the wooden furniture, Kuwabara looked hungrily at the pile and piles of eggs and bacon that was put onto his plate. Licking his lips in glee, he immediately grabbed his silverware, and dug hungrily into the steaming piles. His mouth stuffed, he silently reached for more, his plate emptying almost instantly.

Watching with an interest of utter disgust, Botan turned her nose up as the male asked for seconds, particles of food flying from his lips. Eyes widening, she watched the man inhale more, wondering silently why he did not have a large gut like so many that lived upon Ningenkai.

“Botan, are you well enough to sit at the table, or do you wish to stay on the bed?” Yukina looked at her with a questioning gaze, her hands full of food.

“Thank you, Yukina, but I am afraid I must take my leave. The food looks delicious, but if I do not continue upon my journey, I shall be late,” Botan reluctantly rose, straightening her mussed kimono.

“Are you sure? It is quite dangerous in the woods, perhaps it would be better for you to wait,” shaking her head, the guide of Rekai grabbed her pack, lifting it effortlessly upon her shoulder.

“Thank you once more, but I’m afraid I must decline your offer,” bowing to the two hosts, Botan strolled from the room, finding her own way out of the large home.

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A/N: I hope you guys like my first Botan/Kurama fic. I really am trying on this so, please, review, I could really use the support.
