Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ After the Fall ❯ Invasion ( Chapter 38 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yes, I know. Most of you probably thought I was dead. Well, I’m alive, obviously, and here with a very long overdue update to my remaining story. Since my girlfriend Vix updated her story, Thief, for me, I felt I should return the gift and update mine. So let’s proceed, shall we?

Chapter 38– Invasion   Koenma stared at Kigorei in shock, his confused mind trying to comprehend the words he had just heard. “You.. know where Kurama is?”

The blonde nodded. “Yes. I do.”

“And how do you know this? Just who are you, anyway?”

Kigorei’s features twisted into a look of shame. “One who worked for Ren Kurayami. The very man who killed me.”

Surprise lit up the Reikai lord’s face, a glimmer of hope springing into his heart. If this man was who he claimed to be, then it was possible for Koenma to know exactly what his great nephew was planning. Perhaps even stop him from completing it all together. He was about to ask another question when Yusuke’s voice erupted suddenly from the monitor.

“Mr. Shinato!”

Kigorei’s eyes widened. “Yusuke?” He murmured, surprised to hear his former pupil’s voice.

Koenma looked away from the blonde man in front of his desk down to the small monitor on his desk to the excited form of Yusuke then back to Kigorei once more. “Okay, what the hell is going on here?!” The reikai lord shouted out in irritation.

Yusuke quickly explained who Kigorei was and that it was the blonde who had allowed him the chance to escape from Ren.

The brown haired Reigen gave an approving look to the half demon before him. “I see. That’ll be taken into consideration when you are judged.”

Kigorei gave a slight bow, his voice soft. “I will take whatever punishment is warranted. I deserve no less,” He paused, returning to stand upright, his voice serious. “But now is not the time to speak of it. This whole world is in danger. Ren plans on taking over this entire realm, by force.”

“And what are his plans, exactly?” The spirit lord asked.

“To kill each and every elder that stands in his way then seize control of Reikai.”

Koenma blinked. “But.. He must realize that the elders are the most powerful beings in this realm. He doesn’t stand a chance against them.”

Kigorei shook his head. “That’s where you’re wrong. Ren has the ability to absorb powers as does his brother, Tahomen.”

The older man’s features paled. There are two descendants of Konrei’s child? “The elders will escape before he can get to them. There’s no way to catch them all.”

“Normally that would be true, but Ren has had a long time to plot this out. He’s taken in every consideration, every strategy. Which is why, once he enters Reikai and finds enough elders, he will take their power then shut down each and every portal, effectively shutting off all access in and out of Reikai. No one can enter or escape. And he’ll have free reign over this domain.”

He paused, his features darkening as he continued. “To do that, he had to take out each and every detective within human world. Including Kurama who is in very grave danger.”

“Why? What has Ren done to him?” The spirit lord asked, afraid of what he was about to hear.

Kigorei’s features tightened. “He set up a trap for the fox spirit. Using Botan as bait.”

“Where?!” Yusuke’s voice interjected, verbalizing the fear that everyone felt. “Where is he, Mr. Shinato? Tell us!”

The blonde shook his head. “I don’t know the exact place. Just that it was north of Tokyo close to the mountains near Sakaoshimi.”

Koenma’s features tightened. “And what of Botan?” He asked, upset at the thought of his best ferry girl being used in such a way.

Kigorei studied the reikai lord with saddened eyes. “He needed Botan to open a portal for him to enter Reikai. Which was why he was so desperate to have her. Additionally, he wanted a queen for his kingdom. So he chose the very woman that belongs to his enemies.”

The spirit lord studied the young man in disbelief and rage. “He’s.. completely insane.”

Kigorei offered no argument to the contrary, merely nodded then continued. “He’ll come here first to take over the palace then make his way to each and every village, killing off the elders one by one and destroying anyone who stands in his way.”

Like hell he will. Koenma vowed silently as his eyes turned to the small red haired ferry girl standing quietly beside the taller form of Kigorei. “Hinageshi.” He nearly barked out, causing her to jump.

“Yes, sir?” She squeaked, surprised by his tone of voice. She started expectantly at her boss with wide green eyes, waiting for his command.

Koenma studied her for a few seconds before giving his order. “Contact Yoh and inform him that you need his help. Once you pick him up, take off for Ningenkai to find Kurama.” He paused as if to consider something, then added, “Take Kigorei to the spiritual holding center until I can decide his fate. And hope we find Kurama before it’s too late.”

Hinageshi bowed, escorting the blonde man out of the room.

The prince watched them go then turned back to the monitor, drawn there by the sound of Yusuke’s voice.

“And what about us, Koenma?” The brown haired boy asked angrily. “If you think I’m going to just sit here and let the bastard get away with taking my power..”

“I need you up here in case he does manage to close the portals. Bring the others. We’ll need all the help we can get.” Koenma replied, shutting off the screen the moment the spirit detective nodded. Letting out a sigh, the prince leaned back in his chair, lifting his right hand to rub his throbbing temples. What a mess. He thought. His own blood was out to take over the realm. To claim vengeance for what happened so long ago. And in a way, the prince understood. Even felt sorry for his great nephew. But I cannot allow him to have his way. He must be stopped. By any means possible. With those thoughts in mind, he rose out of his chair, preparing to inform the entire realm what was coming and to warn the elders as quickly as he could. I only hope they believe me. He added as he made his way to the door and exited the room.


Hinageshi flew high above the heavily wooded mountains near the town of Sakaoshimi, her green eyes focused on the ground below. She shifted her weight slightly, trying to get used to the feel of a pair of arms wrapped around her. Behind her, Yoh sat, his gaze fixed below on the opposite side, searching for a sign of Kurama or of Ren. Anything that would lead them to the kitsune’s whereabouts. So far without much success.

“Anything?” The blonde reigen asked softly.

“Nothing.” Hinageshi answered with a shake of her head.

Yoh frowned. He had been deeply troubled at the news of both Ren’s assault on the detectives and his subsequent intentions to seize domain over his home world. With Kurama unaccounted for and most likely seriously injured, the blonde reigen felt very ill at ease. He wanted to find his friend. Where are you, Kurama? He wondered as he continued to scrutinize the ground below. A sudden and strong wind crashed into them, sending with it the overpowering scent of burnt wood and earth.

Snapping his head to his right, Yoh looked down, eyes widening at what he saw. Loosening his grip around Hinageshi’s waist, the blonde pointed at a downward angle. “Over there!”

Hinageshi whipped her head around, her gaze following his motion, a cry erupting from her throat. “I see it!”

There, in the middle of a forested cliff, a wide path of scorched earth could be seen.

The ferry girl rocketed the oar downward, coming to a hovering stop above the edge of the cliff. Slowly, she maneuvered closer inland. What was seen was shocking.

“My God.” Yoh whispered in horror as he surveyed the damage.

Smoke rose above the blackened earth, the smell of burnt vegetation and rock nearly gagging in it’s intensity along the short but wide path of destruction. Faint echoes of youkai and reigen energy hovered about along with a curious power the blonde man had never sensed before.

“What do you think happened here?” Hinageshi asked.

“Whatever it did happen,.” Yoh began as he hopped off the oar, his brow furrowing as he detected a familiar energy. “You can bet Kurama and Ren were involved.”

Hinageshi studied Yoh in puzzlement. “But if that’s the case, where did Kurama go?”

Yoh pondered the question, his troubled blue eyes shifting slowly away from the destroyed wood towards the edge of the cliff. “Most likely he was attacked and sent backwards,” He began then paused. Walking the short distance to the edge, the blonde peered down, scrutinizing the rapid flow of the river below. “If Kurama’s body survived, he most likely dropped down into the water.”

Hinageshi hovered close by, a hopeful look spreading across her face. “Then lets search the banks.”

Yoh nodded and slid back onto the oar. Wrapping his arms around the ferry girl’s waist he held on tightly as the oar floated upwards. He closed his eyes, his stomach lurching as Hinageshi zoomed straight down.

The ferry girl evened the oar out a few seconds later. Low to the ground, both reigens kept their gazes focused on opposite banks, hoping to spot their friend.

A faint spike of energy caused Yoh’s back to stiffen. “You feel that?” He asked his partner who nodded.

“Does it belong to Kurama?” She asked.

“I don’t know for certain.” Yoh answered. “It could be something else entirely.”

Hinageshi frowned. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

The blonde studied the ground below, his features set as he answered. “Whether it’s good or not we need to find out, so let’s go.”

Hinageshi increased speed, following the flow of the river, zooming around a sharp curve and coming to a halting stop when something caught her eye. “There he is!” She started forward only to cry out when Yoh took his hands from her waist onto the oar, yanking it upward violently, the two of them barely dodging the small blue orb of energy that rocketed past them, an explosion erupting not far behind them, the walls of the bank shaking from the force of impact.

Yoh focused on the ground below, too absorbed in trying to find their unknown assailant to notice that the ferry girl had latched on to him in fear. “Where are you?” He murmured, his narrowed gaze widening as another blast of energy suddenly rocketed towards them. “Hang on!” The blonde shouted then lifted his hands from the oar to enact a force field. Yoh concentrated his energy, gritting his teeth as one orb became many, the matter bouncing harmless away, multiple explosions erupting all around them as the orbs struck earth, water and rock.

Through the haze of spiritual fire, Yoh saw a figure emerge then flick his wrist. Kurama’s body levitated off the ground and with a flash the two disappeared but not before Yoh got a good look at their attacker.

Releasing the breath he’d been holding, Yoh lowered his arms, deactivating the shield and glared down at the spot below.

“Who... who was that?” Hinageshi asked as she lifted her head from his chest, her frightened gaze focusing on the same place as her partner.

I know who it is. Yoh growled inwardly. Instead of answering her, he said, “let’s go. We need to inform Koenma of this immediately.”

Hinageshi nodded, blushing slightly as she released her hold on Yoh and turned around. Steering the oar upward and towards Reikai.


His arms felt numb.

The oppressive darkness lifted from his weary mind, the smell of blood drew him out of consciousness. Eyelids fluttering open, Kurama tried to gain sens of his surroundings. He blinked slowly, his unfocused gaze clearing. Confusion marked his features at the lack of light around him. Why was it so dark?

Sweat trickled down his forehead, dripping into his eyes. The kitsune attempted to wipe it away only to find himself unable to move his arms. Tilting his head back, Kurama’s features tightened in concern. Shackles encased his wrists, the short change links binding him to the solid concrete wall behind his half naked form. Closing his eyes, the kitsune concentrated, trying to raise his energy level.

Fisting his hands, Kurama tried to yank free. When nothing happened, the fox spirit tried again. Still he remained chained. Odd. He thought, his eyes opening when a deep masculine voice spoke.

“Your struggle is useless, demon.”

Kurama stilled, his ears twitching in recognition. The voice of his nightmare long ago. Angry swelled in his heart but the kitsune buried it, his voice level as he called out, “Who’s there? Show yourself.”

The shadowy figure stepped out of the darkness revealing the imposing form of Kagone.

The fox spirit watched the large man approach, his gaze cautious as he sized his captor up. “What do you want with me?”

Kagone glared down at the smaller man, the malice in his voice unmistakable. “Why to kill you of course.”

Kurama remained calm and cool headed though the effort drained him. “And what have I done to warrant my death?”

A flash of anger erupted on the elder’s face. “You’ve tainted what was once pure.” He started, his gaze hard as he moved closer to the red head. “The punishment for seducing on of our women is death.”

Kurama paled. His captor knew of his relationship with Botan. “You are mistaken. I seduced no one.”

It happened fast. The kitsune barely registering the sudden disappearance of the large man before the blow hit him.

Pain flared along Kurama’s jaw, his vision blurring from the impact.

“Don’t speak again, demon filth, until you’re told to.” Kagone growled as he reappeared in front of him.

Kurama fought the nausea that swept over him, spitting out the blood that welled then flooded in his mouth before he choked. The splattering sound echoing in the cold and dark room. He glared upwards, trying once more to raise his power and again failing to do so.

Kagone smiled as he watched the red head struggle. “Confused about your lack of power, demon?” He asked, crouching down in front of Kurama. “The cuffs that bind you are infused with spiritual energy so powerful not even an S class warrior could break them. “ The elder’s gaze traveled to the black band around the half youkai’s throat. “And we added a ward collar to suppress your energy even further. So you can see that escape is impossible.”

“My lord,” Naoko’s voice erupted from somewhere inside the darkened room. “I’m sorry to interrupt you but I think there is something you need to see.”

Kagone tossed an angered glance over his shoulder, his eyes following the approach of his servant as he rose to his feet. Turning his gaze back down at Kurama, the elder sneered, “Don’t get too comfortable, demon. I’m not through with you yet.”

Kurama frowned, his troubled gaze watching as Kagone left the room. Letting out a sigh, the kitsune closed his eyes and concentrated on finding a solution to his current dilemma.


Yusuke stood at the front of Koenma’s desk, his annoyed gaze focused on his former boss. The trip into Reikai had gone smoothly enough but the head detective’s irritation had yet to settle down. Though he wanted to be there, wanted to avenge the taking of his power, the young man also knew his presence wouldn’t do much good. And that fact pissed him off to no end. “So what’s the plan, Koenma?” He asked with a harsher tone then he intended. “Are we going to get some back up from the defense force? Are the elders going to help us?”

Koenma sighed. “I don’t have much to tell you, Yusuke.” He answered as he reached up to rub his temples in an attempt to stave off the rampaging headache looming. “I’ve informed as many people as I could. So far, no one has responded.”

“You mean they all laughed at you.” Hiei interjected, his small form leaning against the far wall on the left side.

The spirit lord tossed an irritated glance in the fire youkai’s direction. “Yes.” He snapped. Wincing in regret as the pain in his head spread down to his neck. Damn stress anyway. “So it looks like we’re on our own.”

“Well bring them on!” Kuwabara shouted, flexing then shaking his right fist. “I’m more than ready!”

“Ready to get your ass kicked you mean.” Hiei said with smirk. Without his sister’s presence, the fire demon couldn’t resist tossing in an insult.

Kuwabara glared. “Stuff it, shorty!”

Yusuke studied his friends, smirking. Well at least something’s gone back to normal. Turning his gaze back to Koenma he asked, “what about Kurama? Have you heard back from Hinageshi and Yoh yet?”

“No.” Koenma answered with a shake of his head. “And that has me worried.”

“As you should be.” A masculine voice resonated from behind them.

Everyone in the room snapped around in surprise, eyes widening at the sight before them.

“You!” Yusuke growled, his angered gaze boring down on the form of Ren.

The dark haired telekinetic smiled wickedly at the Mazoku. “Still alive, boy?” He sneered then flicked his wrist, lifting Yusuke off his feet and sending his zooming backwards and through the wall behind Koenma, the force of impact shaking the room.

“Hey asshole!” Kuwabara roared, a blade of yellow energy springing to life in his right hand. “Pick on someone your own size!”

In response, Ren merely flicked his wrist again and sent the strong man through the same wall Yusuke crashed into earlier.

Hiei pushed off the wall and reached up over his head to withdraw his katana and made a move to attack just as Ren lifted his hand once more when Koenma shouted out,


The two men paused, turning to study the Reikai lord who stood. “What you are doing Ren is inexcusable,” He started, his gaze focused on his relation. “No matter what happened ago, there are other ways of doing things. You don’t have to kill anyone.”

“Tell me great uncle,” Ren countered with a dangerous tone, though he lowered his hand back to his side. “What would you do if you witnessed the massacre of your entirely family and friends? If the very people sworn to protect and deliver justice violated their oath to gain absolute power. Would you sit aside and allow it? Or would you seek your own revenge?”

A sad look came over Koenma’s face. “It’s true the elders failed my brother and my nephew.” he began. “But the ends do not justify the means. You’re becoming the very thing you hate.”

“Hmm..” Ren replied softly. “Do you agree with him, Botan?” He asked over his shoulder as he moved to the side, revealing the petite form of the deity.

“Botan?” Koenma whispered in soft surprise. She looked well enough, though her eyes appeared dull, as if she had been sedated or hypnotized.

“No.” Botan whispered in return, her voice distant. “The people that hurt you deserve to die.”

The Reikai lord frowned, concerned that his head ferry girl would succumb so readily to Ren’s mind games.

“You heard the lady.” Ren said as he stood back in front of Botan, his smirk remaining as he continued. “I will give you one offer to surrender. If you do so, I’ll spare you and your friends lives for now until I decide what to do with you.”

A scowl lit up Koenma’s face. He wanted to fight. To tell his great nephew no. But such an action would serve no purpose but to kill them all. And I cannot allow that. “Very well.” He answered grimly. “We surrender.”

“What?!” Yusuke growled as he stepped through the hole in the wall to stand beside Koenma. “You can’t just give in like this. We can fight him!”

“No we can’t, Yusuke.” The spirit lord countered softly, his gaze still focused on Ren. “I refuse to let anyone be hurt over this. So I will accept the terms of surrender.”

“A wise choice, great uncle.” The telekinetic replied with a smirk. “Grandfather spoke so highly of you in his journal. Now I see why.” Ignoring the icy stares of the detectives and Koenma, Ren turned to Tahomen and motioned him forward. Leaning in so only his brother could hear, the smaller man whispered, “Lock them up in spirit world jail. They won’t be able to escape. Ailia and Lina will round up the ogres and ferry men and girls to add to our collection.”

“And after we’ve completed our mission?” Tahomen asked.

Ren smiled. “We kill them. I can’t have usurpers in my new kingdom.”

Tahomen nodded then started forward only to stop when Ren grabbed hold of his arm. The shinobi stared down at his older brother expectantly.

“After you lock them up, gather the elders and bring them here.” Ren ordered in a soft tone. “Starting with Kagone. Use any means necessary but I want them kept alive for judgement. If anyone tries to stop you, kill them.”

“Yes, brother.” Tahomen replied in a deep timbre then moved past Ren to lock up the detectives, unaware that he was being watched.


A safe distance away, Yoh and Hinageshi watched with trepidation as Koenma and the others were bound in spirit suppressor cuffs and led away towards the jail. When they had returned to Reikai, Yoh immediately felt the same strange power he had a few nights ago and had quickly order the ferry girl to cloak her ki before doing the same then cautiously approaching the palace.

“We’ve got to get them out of there,” Hinageshi whispered, drawing Yoh’s attention away from the scene back to her.

He was torn. On the one hand, Yoh knew Ren wouldn’t keep the detectives and Koenma alive for long. On the other hand, Kurama needed help or he would surely die. With a shake of his head, he replied, “We can’t. Not yet, anyway.”

“But we can’t just leave them.” The red head retorted. “They’ll be killed.”

“I am aware of that, Hinageshi.” Yoh said. “ But if we try to free them now, we’ll get caught. Maybe even killed ourselves.”

The red head bit her lip. “So what can we do?” She asked.

Yoh’s features turned thoughtful. “I know the man who took Kurama. A servant to the elder Kagone. If we can get to Kurama, we have a very good chance of freeing everyone else.”

“Will he be strong enough to help us?”

“I don’t know, Hinageshi, but with Kurama’s intelligence, we’ll have a better shot at defeating Ren than without his help.”

“Okay then.” The ferry girl said as she straightened her frame and steered the oar up into the air. “Let’s go get Kurama.”

Yoh nodded and held onto her, silently praying that they would find Kurama alive and this whole mess would soon end.


“What is it you wanted to show me, Naoko?” Kagone growled, his imposing frame towering over his servant as they stood before a large monitor.

Naoko pushed a button near the bottom of the monitor and the screen flared to life, flooding the room with light.

Kagone curled his lip up as Koenma’s adult form appeared. What is that brat up to? As he listened to the Reikai lord’s recorded message, the elder scoffed and crossed his arms. Someone capable of destroying spirit world? And human at that. Impossible.

“These men are dangerous.” Koenma’s voice echoed through the room. “Ren Kurayami and his followers will stop at nothing to..”

Kagone’s features twisted into a look of surprise. “Stop that tape!” He commanded.

Naoko obeyed, pausing the tape, Koenma’s form frozen on screen.

That name. It seemed familiar to Kagone. But it couldn’t be the same person. I killed that half breed whelp and his family 500 years ago. Still, it was always better to err on the side of caution. “Go ahead and let the rest of the message play out.”

The message continued, the servant shutting it off when it was finished. The look on his boss’s face troubled Naoko, prompting him to ask, “What is it, sir?”

Kagone blinked at his underling’s question and shook his head. “Nothing to concern yourself over, Naoko.” He growled, his eyes widening when he felt a sudden and massive burst of power nearby.

“What was that?” Naoko murmured in trepidation.

“Intruders!” Kagone answered with a snarl and marched out of the room, halfway down the wide hallway when something exploded nearby, flooding the darkened corridor with a heavy, gray mist. The elder covered his mouth, holding his breath as he walked through the mist. His eyes narrowed as the mist thickened to the point visibility was next to impossible. Sight wasn’t required, however, for Kagone to detect the approaching figure hidden in the dark mist.

Tahomen walked through the mist without fear, his body immune to the sleeping poison permeating the air. Dark eyes scanned the area around him. The elder should have lost consciousness by now. He thought as he walked further into the darkened haze. A flash of light burst in front of him, striking the surprised shinobi square in the chest, knocking him off his feet and rocketing him smack through the side wall.

Mist fled out the gaping hole in the wall, followed soon after by Kagone. He scanned the ground and the air, looking for his attacker. The sound of metal slicing through the air hit his ears. Maneuvering quickly, Kagone dodges to the left, narrowly missing the shuriken now imbedded in the wall behind him. Another set of stars zoomed towards him, then another and another. Each time, the elder managed to avoid being hit. Does the fool honestly think he can defeat me this way?

As if in answer, the shinobi appeared in front of Kagone and before the elder had time to attack, struck out with his fist, connecting solidly into the larger man’s midsection.

The elder gasped, his breath stolen from him by the impact, the force knocking him off his feet and back through the wall he had escaped from.

Tahomen lowered his hand and strode smugly forward, eyes widening as another blast of energy shot towards him. Rather than avoid it, the shinobi took the blast head on, charging up and sending it backwards, the blast striking Kagone’s palace with earth shattering force, propelling stone, masonry, wood, dirt and other debris straight into the air.

Tahomen watched the destruction with indifferent eyes, enacting a barrier around his body as debris came crashing back down all around him. The dust settled, revealing a pile of rubble where once the elder’s home once stood. The shinobi’s eyes narrowed. He could neither see nor sense Kagone’s presence. He was fairly certain, the elder wasn’t dead. Which meant that he had escaped. “Dammit!” The large man cursed under his breath. He’d let Kagone get away. Ren would not be pleased. And I have other elders to capture. Hoping that his brother would forgive him his slip, the shinobi took one last, hard look at the destroyed pile before closing his eyes and disappearing from sight.


Yoh and Hinageshi held their breath, praying Tahomen wouldn’t detect their ki. It was hard to stay still, knowing that Kurama was under the pile of rubble, most likely severely injured. Even with that knowledge it was several minutes after the shinobi was gone before Yoh felt it safe enough to lead Hinageshi into the destroyed building.

Carefully raising his ki, Yoh lifted slab after slab, calling out Kurama’s name. After about ten minutes, the reigen’s eyes caught a flash of something red. “Kurama!” Yoh cried, pulling and throwing the debris clear away until the form of the kitsune was completely visible.

Covered in dust and blood, Kurama looked like hell. If not for the soft sound of pain wheezing past the kitsune’s lips, Yoh would have sworn he was dead.

“Kurama?” Yoh repeated tentatively, crouching down to study his friend. “Can you hear me?”

“Yes.” The fox spirit answered with a groan. Opening his eyes slowly, Kurama raised his head, blinking to clear his unfocused gaze. He tried to move but in vain. The shackles and cursed ward preventing him from healing his wounds, thus draining him of energy.

Yoh saw Kurama struggle and reached out, snapping the ward collar off, tossing it aside then broke the shackles with a quick tap, freeing the kitsune of his burden.

Strength began to return to him and the red head rose to his feet, rubbing his bloodied wrists, hoping to work some circulation back into his arms. “Thank you, Yoh.” He whispered gratefully, his emerald orbs studying the smaller man curiously. “How did you know where to find me?”

“That’s a long story, Kurama.” Yoh began. “And I think it best I tell you on the way back to the palace.”

The fox spirit nodded, acknowledging Hinageshi with a nod as he followed Yoh over to her. “Ren’s begun his conquest of this realm hasn’t he?”

“Yes.” Yoh said with a nod, hopping on behind the ferry girl. “He’s at the palace. Everyone’s has been locked up. And Botan is with him.”

At the mention of the deity’s name, Kurama’s features tightened in pain. Botan. He thought sadly. He had failed her. And in his failure had lost the only woman he had ever loved. I have to get her back. I have to fight for her. Even if it kills me.

“Kurama?” Yoh asked softly, the concern in his voice noticed by the kitsune who gave him a soft smile in an attempt to hide how wretched his heart was feeling at the loss of his beloved.

“I’m fine, Yoh.” He answered as he hopped up behind the reigen. “Let’s go and see if we can’t free our friends, okay?”

The two younger beings nodded at his words but said nothing as the oar zoomed up into the air, granting the fox spirit the silence he needed to form a plan. Kurama closed his eyes, the images of Botan stolen from him seared into his memory. The chances were great he would lose her once more. This time to the very thing she was: Death. If that was the case, the kitsune would willingly follow behind. Hang on, love. He thought as he hung onto the oar. I will be with you. In either this life or the next. I will be with you.

  Okay, I know.. This was a boring chapter.. But it’s a bridge to the next chapter.. Which will also be the last and hopefully more exciting than this one. I would respond to reviews but as you know.. That’s not allowed in this form anymore. I thank everyone for reading my drivel and I will also be working on a one shot for my beloved Vixensox whom owns my heart. It’ll be Youko x Botan and a bit more.. darker per her request. Love you, koi, and I hope to hear from you soon!