Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ All Down Hill From Here ❯ Dying ( Chapter 14 )
All Down Hill From Here
Chapter 14: Dying
Me: You all probably thought I died huh.
Tron: We can only hope as much
Me: -_- Well I didn't die I just had a serious case of writers block.
Yusuke: I would say so, last time you updated was in August.
Me: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah shut up. At least I am updating now.
Kurama: Are you going to do a sequel?
Me: Yeah I am, but I got an e-mail from someone that asked me to make it a cross over with Harry Potter. What do you guys thing of that? I mean I could do it I have read all the books and such but I don't know it's up to all you guys.
On with the fic
. . .Man does my neck hurt . . .
. . . Why can't I move my body? . . .
"We must kill the girl along with the demon."
. . . What girl are they talking about? . . .
Jordan opened her eyes only to see she was stuck in, well she couldn't tell from where she was setting at but it still didn't look good to her.
. . . Wait they want to kill me . . .
Jordan's vision was becoming less blurred and she could see what was happening. She was stuck in the torso of a demon body. "AHH don't kill me I didn't do anything!" she exclaimed while starting so struggle. As she pulled with all her might it seamed as if it was sucking her in faster.
"JORDAN DON'T MOVE!" shouted Yusuke as he ran towards the demon.
Jordan froze in place, "No problem." Her words barley came out as a whisper.
Yusuke didn't get there in time, the portal had opened up just enough for the demons to start coming through.
* * *
"I am afraid she doesn't have much time." Said Koenma, the boy was pacing the small living room of an old lady.
"Then it is apparent that I only have one choice." Said the elderly lady. She was sitting on her sofa drinking tea, her old crinkled face looked warm and comforting even with the look of attentiveness form the matters at hand.
"You know what that means don't you?" asked Koenma "Suicide is illegal and you will have to be dealt with accordingly."
"If it will save my granddaughters life than it is my only choice."
The lady stood up and walked over to her chest of drawers and reached with in its depths. When she retracted her hand she was holding a vial filled with goopy brown liquor.
"If this is your choice I am afraid I can not stop you. But because it is for a noble cause I am sure my father will allow and easy sentence for you."
Once that was said Koenma left, letting the old women take the poison in peace.
"I just hope I can make it in time." She said lightly. She twisted the lid off the bottle and let the drink pour down her throat.
* * *
The spirit detectives were fighting their way to the demon. Yusuke had a newfound hope once Jordan had awoken from her slumber but his hope was diminishing as more and more demons came along.
"Behind you Yusuke!" Jordan shouted, a demon had come from behind and was trying to pick a fight with Yusuke while he was fighting another demon.
To Jordan's relief Kurama killed the demon before it could reach Yusuke.
"Hey what is happening? Asked Kuwabara while pointing to Jordan's now glowing form. The demon also noticed this also. He discontinued opening the portal and looked down at his body. Jordan's whole body had begun to glow a blinding white color, the demon began screaming in pain when her body tore away from his.
Jordan was now floating high in the sky the white light still surrounding her, no one could see what happened next because it happened so fast and they light that Jordan's body was emitting was so blinding and so pure that all had to close there eyes. When the light disappeared all the demons that came from the portal were dead, the hole was sealed away and the mastermind of this plan lay dead on the ground.
Jordan fell from her his place in the sky; her body tore through the sky like a sack of bricks. Hiei jumped in the air and caught her, when he reappeared he was in front of Yusuke and he dropped her there. Yusuke reached out to catch her but didn't quite manage it and she hit the stone floor. Jordan shuddered in pain for a moment as her body connected with the cold surface, Yusuke knelt down beside her, checking to make sure everything was ok.
"You ok?" he asked
Jordan just nodded her head, she was about to speak but was cut off when Ashley ran over to her and practically strangled her with a hug..
"Oh Jordan your ok!" he exclaimed and he squeezed her tightly.
"Babe -gasp- I can't -gasp- breath." Ashley let go of her and apologized.
"Do you need anything?" he asked
"Water would be nice." She said. She didn't really want anything she just wanted Ashley to give them some alone time.
"Oh." He said "OH." He said once again when what she wanted hit him.
Jordan smiled as he ran of somewhere.
"I hope he doesn't get lost." She said
"Jordan." Said Yusuke
All of Jordan's thoughts stopped when he said her name, she had always hated her name but when it came from his lips it sounded perfect to her.
"I know you have a boyfriend and all but what is so special about that guy. I mean he-"
Jordan was a bit dumbfounded what was he talking about `boyfriend.' It all of a sudden hit her,
"Sure he acts cool but I bet he is just a big dick-"
"Yusuke." She said once again
"I mean he looks like one of those abusive guys anyways.'
"YUSUKE!" He stopped all his rambling and looked at Jordan "Ashley is gay."
A light blush came across his face when he said this "You know you could have told me this before I made a fool of myself by saying all that stuff-"
Jordan wanted Yusuke to shut-up now; he was ruining any moment they could have with his big mouth. So she put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him into her. She kissed him lightly on the lips only to receive a much more aggressive kiss from the boy.
When Yusuke pulled away from Jordan she could see Kayko standing behind him. She looked like she had just been crushed on the inside. Tears rolled form her eyes and hit the ground; she tore out of that bloody room and ran away from all of them.
"Shit." Said Yusuke when he turned and saw her leave
Ok so this is the end of the chapter there will be one more then I will start the sequel. How does that sound to my reviews and readers? Tell me is you want me to make the sequel a crossover or whatever you want me to do with it. Well later days