Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ An Old Enemy ❯ The Return of Kurama and Sasha ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Return of Kurama and Sasha
After the waitress left, the Spirit Detectives began to plan the rescue. The first thing they had to do was find information that would be valuable to them. Then they could begin the search for Kend's hideout. Their main worry however was that the twins might be injured. They were brought out of their thoughts when the waitress came back with the drink orders.
She carefully placed each drink in front of the corresponding drinker. Then she stepped back as Kuwabara eagerly finished off his water. Yusuke followed right behind as Hiei sipped at the red liquid in his glass. The barmaid stared at Kurama and Sasha intently. Finally having had enough of waiting she spoke up.
“Aren't you going to drink those?” she challenged, “Or did you suddenly remember that if anyone but a cat demon drinks a Fury then they basically explode? Or did you remember that if anyone but a fox demon drinks a Kisu no Ume then they die on the spot? Well?”
Kurama chuckled under his breath as he picked up his drink, “You haven't changed Aoi. You still think you know everything there is to know.”
Aoi wrinkled her pale nose, “And just what is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, nothing at all,” Kurama replied before taking a deep swallow of his drink. The bar fell silent as they waited to see what would happen next. Each sat eagerly on the edges of their seats as the mug was replaced upon the table. Then Kurama sat back and signalled for Sasha to take a sip of her beverage.
Slowly she did and then set her sweet drink down and causually licked her lips clean. Both turned to face the stunned waitress. The tray had fallen from her hand and her mouth hung open as if ready to catch a fly. The entire bar stared at them in shock.
When Aoi regained her composure she asked, “Who are you two?”
Instantly a mist appeared in the bar and surrouned the two detectives. When it at last faded away both were left in their demonic bodies. Aoi backed up a couple of steps as several demons rose to their feet. Youko Kurama was back along with Sasha.
Bara and Hoshi sat huddled together at the back of a cage. It was cold and they had nothing but their pajamas to keep them warm. Together they shivered as they waited for their food to arrive. When the two heard the door to the dungeons open, Hoshi carefully released himself from his sister and moved over to their tray.
Usually it was Kend who fed them but for some reason he wasn't standing in the doorway tonight. Instead a beautiful cat demon with long white hair, ears, and a tail. Gold bands glistened on her arms, wrists, and ankles as she moved forward. Quietly she knelt in front of the cage and pulled some keys out of a bag that was slung at her waist. When the lock was released she slipped into the cage.
Hoshi backed away until he was next to his sister as the demon studied them. The twins both had long silver hair with black streaks and gold eyes. Their pale skin glowed in the light that was fed through the open door. Their pajamas clung to their shivering bodies. Looking upon them with sadness in her eyes she took a couple of blankets out of her bag.
Cautiously Bara approached and snatched the blankets out of the extended hand. She wrapped one around her brother and the other around her own body. When she looked back at the demon again she found a couple of cups in her hand. The smell that came from them reminded Bara of her hunger and so she carefully took those too and gave one to her brother.
When they finished eating the delicious soup the cat demon summoned them over to the door. Shyly they obeyed and followed her until they were outside under the stars. Quickly they were picked up by the demoness who took off at full speed away from the castle behind her. Her tracking had payed off and now she had the twins away from the monster known as Kend.
“So Kend did pass through this village?” Kurama asked Aoi who was now sitting with them in the booth.
Aoi nodded, “Yeah it was really weird actually. He had this strange bag slung over his shoulder and he made it quite clear with his body language that no should mess with him. I was surprised to see him here. I mean this is your territory and I know that you don't like him.”
“That's right I don't. This doesn't seem right,” Kurama sighed, “It's almost like as if he wants us to find him.”
Aoi shrugged, “So have you and Sasha mated yet?”
Yusuke spat out some of his water, “You mean they weren't even mated before he came to Nigenkai?!”
“Nope,” Aoi replied, “In fact I have been trying for centuries to get these two to admit that they had feeling for each other to no avail. So after twenty years of not returning to your territory, have you two mated yet?”
“Yes we have,” Kurama laughed before becoming serious again, “That is actually why we're here. Kend kidnapped our children.”
Aoi stood up from her seat, “He did what?! Well I am not going to let him get away with this. If there is any way I can help you here then just let me know. I can't believe this. Kend is going to pay dearly for this one.”
Kuwabara spoke up, “Actually we need information on anything to do with Kend since he escaped from Reikai.”
Aoi started to head out the door, “Done! I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. If anyone asks you where you are staying just say that Aoi said that you could have her room!”
Next Time:
Well now the Spirit Detectives have Aoi working on their side. When she returns to them she provides them with a ton of valuable information. On the other hand, who is this stranger that has the twins and what does she want? Find out on Setting Out.