Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Another Youko ❯ Registering for School ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Otay... I'd like to say hank you to my two reviewers. And no, Lady Wolf Moon, though your suggestion

ish good, Makoto will not be called bitch b/c said word is usually reserved for female dogs, not foxes. A

female fox is a vixen. Also, if I called Mako-chan a bitch, it'd sound a little rude. At least in my

perception. So thank you for your suggestion! ^^ It was good of you to think of an alternate word for

me. I pwomise I'll try to use she-fox less often, if at all.

Alright... disclaimer time. ~.~ I hate not being able to own two fine animes such as Sailormoon and Yu

Yu Hakusho, but alas I do not. The beautiful married couple of Yoshihiro and Naoko Tagashi do. And

I'm sure their son will inherit the rights, not me. You either, so stop dreaming. If I can't have it, no other

stupid American will either! >< Nyaaaaah!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Makoto groaned and woke up to find herself lying in a tree. So she was still alive. A quick jolt of pain reminded her of the terrible condition her body was in. Well, she was hurt, but alive so that was good. //If I rest for a while, I'll heal faster and be able to walk by sunset.// Settling herself against the giant oak, Makoto drifted off to sleep.




"Last name?" The secretary of Sarayeshiki Junior High looked up at the girl in front of her with an expectant look on her face.

Makoto bit her lip. She didn't have a last name. In order to blend into the human world, she had decided to rent an apartment and enroll into a junior highschool. She probably could've gone for highschool, but her new identity -a brown haired, green eyed human girl- looked to be about 14. The vixen's train of thought was interrupted by shouting to her left.

"Yusuke Urameshi!!!"

A black haired boy clad in green was being pulled into the principal's office. "I swear it wasn't me!" Yusuke struggled, but to no avail. Turning back to the secretary, Makoto smiled. " Uramaeshi. My name is Makoto Urameshi." Seeing the secretary's unbelieing look, Makoto cheerfully went up to Yusuke and hugged him. "Cousin! How are you? Still getting into trouble?" She whispered softly into his ear. "Play along and I'll give you twenty dollars."

Yusuke grinned and hugged her back. "I'm fine! And yeah, you know me- always getting into trouble. You're going to this shool now?"

She smiled. This guy was a good actor. "Yep. I, Makoto Urameshi have transfered to Sarayeshiki Junior High for the remainder of the school year."

Takanaka sighed and released yusuke. "Great now we have two of them. Yusuke, get back to class and bring your cousin with you."

"Yessir!" After grabbing her stuuf, Makoto followed her newly aquirred cousin down the hall. "Here's your money." She offered him the money, but Yusuke declined.

"Nah, keep your money. You got me out of trouble and that's enough for me." He looked her over, inwardly whistling at her curvy figure and long ivory legs. Eh! What was he thinking! He has a girlfriend, he HAS a girlfriend. "So, uh.. why did you want to use my last name?"

Makoto took a deep breath and began reciting the story she had come up with earlier that morning. "I've been an orphan from birth, so to escape from being put into a foster home or the orphanage again, I've enrolled in school and rented an apartment with a loan from the bank. Sorry I used your name, but it was the first one I heard and thought sounded good. Being your cousin was just a cover up for having the same last name." She felt bad for being dishonest to someone who helped her out, but at least part of it was true-she had been alone in the world ever since her clan was destroyed in the territorial wars. Her youthfull appearance required that she went to school lest she attract unwanted attention. The bank part was a lie, though. Not finding use for the diamond studded white gold chain that held the pendant, Makoto had simply sold the chain and used a leather cord in its place. Looking back at her 'cousin' she frowned. //his name..... it sounds familiar..//

Yusuke smiled. "Well, the name's Yusuke Urameshi if you haven't figured that out yet, and I have no problem with us being temporary cousins, cousin." He opened the door and walked in, Makoto following close behind. Turning to the teacher before sitting in his seat, Urameshi pointed to the new girl. "That's a new student."

The teacher scowled and straightened his glasses. "Thank you, Mr. Urameshi, I can see that." He looked at Makoto. "What's your name girl?

"Well it certainly isn't 'girl'." She smiled at his annoyed look. "My name is makoto Urameshi, sir. I'm Yusuke's cousin and I shall be attending this school for the remainder of the school year." Guessing by the class' reactions, Makoto surmised that Yusuke was the residential bad-ass. Being his cousin could or could not be a good thing.

"Take a seat next to Miss Yukimora. Keiko. raise you hand so Makoto knows who you are."

Keiko raised her arm and Makoto walked over to her new desk.

"Since you're class president, you will show Miss Urameshi around the school today." The teacher went back to his previously interrupted sermon on photosynthesis. "The plant cells gather sunlight and then they...."


After class, Keiko took Makoto to lunch leaving her by an oak tree while she went and got her lunch. Makoto had made and brought her own lunch, priding herself in how good of a cook she was. Upon returning, Yukimora sat down next to her new friend. "I didn't know Yusuke had a cousin." //Wonder if she knows about Yusuke's 'abilities'.//

"Well we haven't seen each other since we were real young, about 6 or 7." Makoto stood up, finished with her lunch, and beagab to walk off.

"Who's older?"

"Me." she yelled back. //Yeah, by about 300 years.//

"Hey," Keiko caught up with her. "We don't have anymore classes together, but if you stop by my family resteraunt this afternoon, I can catch you up on any subject you'd like." She fished around in her bag for a pen and peice of paper. "Here's the address. Stop by after school if you'd like. The only ones there are customers and Yusuke's friends. Maybe you could meet them."

Makoto took the peice of paper and smiled. She was going to like it here. "Sure. And thanks." Continuing on her way, Makoto went to find Yusuke. If she was going to be his cousin, she'd have to get background information. She just hoped he didn't mind....


"Mother's name?"


"Father's name?"

"Deceased." //Raizen// Yusuke mused over the idea of telling the human girl about his demon father. //Oh yeah, that'd be great. By the way, I'm half demon. oh and my friends? They're demon too.// Of cousre, if he told about Kurama's secret, the fox would kill his ass.

"I'm sorry." Makoto scribbled that bit of information inot her notebook. Her 'cousin' had agrred to help her out upon seeing her fighting skills. Let's just say that Pretty girl with superior fighting abilities + horny boys who no take no for an answer = unconciuos boys, happy girl, and impressed Yusuke Urameshi.

"No problem."

The fist bell rang, signaling the end of 6th period. "Well, I have to go to at least -one- more class today, you coming?"

"Nah." Yusuke leaned against the wall. "I hate math."

"Alright then, see you later!" She picked up her bags and ran to class, making in the room a split second before the second bell rang. The 300+ year fox spirit wrinkled her nose in disgust. //I HATE math.//


"Yusuke! Give it back!" Botan jumped into the air in another fruitless attmept to reclaim her chopsticks. She enjoyed vacationing in the Human World, but Yusuke's juvenille antics sometimes made it hars to choose between Ningenkai and a desk of paperwork.

Relenting, Urameshi handed her the stick of wood and went back to eating his Oriental Ramen. "Hey Kurama,"he said between stuffing his face and swallowing, "Did you ever ask Hiei about coming to our Chritmas Party in three weeks?"

"Yes, and he sais he'd be delighted." The red head set his chopsticks down and wiped his mouth on a napkin.

"What'd shorty really say?" Kuwabara just as well as everyone else that the fire demon would never say anyhting that polite, not even to the fox spirit who was so much like his brother.

Kurama smiled. "He said he'd come, but that we shouldn't expect him to be dressed up or have presents."

"Good ol' Hiei. He-" Yusuke was about to say somehting when the buzzer that indicated a customer's arrival went off. He turned and grinned at who he saw. "Hey Makoto! Over here!"

Makoto smiled when she saw Yusuke and made her way over to his table. "Hello Yusuke."

"You're the new girl from school aren't you?" Kuwabara stuck his hand out. "I'm-"

"Kazuma Kuwabara." She shook his hand. " You're in my history and gym class."

Kuwabara grinned. "Yeah. Hey, you're really fast you know. " He turned to the guys at the table. "She ran the daily 10 laps around the track in less than 2 minutes! She could probably go up against Hiei."

Makoto blushed at the compliment. She certainly hadnt meant to go at full speed, but it felt so goos to run and not be chased that she just let go and wet for it. "Um.. Keiko is suppossed to get me caught up on algebra and science. Do you know where she is?"

"Hah! Keiko coulnd't teach a cow how to moo. What makes think she can -OW!" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked to his girlfriend.

"Yusuke you jerk!" Keiko smiled at Makoto and introduced everyone at the table. "You already know Yusuke and Kuwabara, so let me introduce Suiichi Minamino and ..uh..his sister Botan. They got to Meioh High."

Makoto smiled at both of them , wondering what ht eothers were hiding from her. Brother and sister her ass. Thy were as much related as her and Yusuke. "I'm Makoto Urameshi, Yusuke's cousin."

Three sets of eyes turned to the latter. "Cousin?"

"Yeah, see, it's a long, LONG story and I'm busy so uh.. bye." With that, he lept out of the booth and ran out of the store, heading to his favorite arcade.

Makoto scowled. //Damn you!// Oh well, explain now, exact vengence later. "His mom is my aunt. My parents died in a plane crash a few years ago so I transferred here to be near family. He's my only relative about my age, so I thought I'd come and bother him for a while."

"I'm sorry." Keiko and Botan felt sympathy for the girl. "Both parents."

Makoto smiled. "Hey, I'm fine, so stop worrying. Now is the time for studying!"

A nervous smile slowly appeared on Keiko's face. "Sorry, but my dad left to see a sick relative earlier this afternoon. I have to work his shift. Maybe Suiichi could help you. He's a lot smarter than anybody I know, so he could probably tutor you better than me."

"Yeah, sure, As long as he's good at math."

//BOTAN!!// Koenma's voice rang in the ferrygirl's head. //I have urgent news! Get as many as you can of the group to Genkai's temple NOW!// Botan nodded to Kuwabara and stood up.

The oaf followed her lead and got up after her. "I'm gonna walk your sister home, Suiichi. One of her friends has something they want to tell me."

Kurama nodded, understanding who the `friend' was. "Very well then, I'll see you later." Dissmissed, the two exited the ramen house in search of their comrads. "So, Makoto. What do you need help in?"

She rolled her eyes. Somehting was up, any idiot could tell that. But, if they wanted to keep a secret, it wasn't her place to try and find out what it was. She could respect they're privacy. "Algebra. I HATE algebra."

Kurama chuckled and opened her textbook. "Where do we begin?"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

*kracks knuckles* Sheww that took a long time to type! My eyes hurt from looking at the computer screen, my fingers hurt from typing, and my arse hurts from sitting down so long! Ehh.. not that you peoples care. ^^;; Heh, anyway, if you could be so kind as to write a review, I'd be so happy, I'd put the next chapter out soon. And.. I'd,,,umm…accept suggestions! Yes1 If you want something in this ficcie, i.e a certain pairing or maybe a cameo, leave it in a REVIEW. ^^ But hey, I'm already happy enough that you read my story!

Though……………………&# 8230;……………………. A review WOULD be nice………………….