Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Baby sitting Demons ❯ A Nightmare Bath ( Chapter 4 )
I just want say sorry for bad English. I trying really am I. Friend of mine helps corrects big mistakes. Please forgive me. I no mean to make anyone mad.
" Years and years I have looked for the perfect demon to make young, they have to be powerful so the transformation will not kill them. That's why I picked Youko Kurama, and Hiei. And now after all that, I have to find a stupid potion?! Who made that stupid rule up?" Suko growled. She was very frustrated. " Even if I do get it. I believe you must wait a month. Once you drink the potion it takes a month to work." She sighed " Though I am not sure what happens during that month."
" It's time for a bath!" Keiko excitedly said while running the water. Yukina closed the door so the children would not get out.
" I don't need a bath!" Hiei whined, Yukina giggled " Hiei-chan you are completely dirty." She giggled again.
Kurama was trying his best to reach the doorknob but was having no luck at all. " I can clean myself!" He was shouting.
Once the bathtub was full enough for the two demons, Keiko got out two towels, she found the shampoo and soap and other things they might need. " Aw we have no bath toys for them." Keiko sighed.
Hiei and Kurama were both looking at the water while the girls were trying to find something for them to play with. Hiei climbed up on the edge and tried to touch the water. Kurama laughed and pushed him in, clothes and all. Hiei came up sputtering. He growled at Kurama and grabbed his ears.
Keiko ran over to them, Yukina behind them. " Stop it now both of you." Keiko scolded
Hiei pulled hard on the young fox's ears. " Stop it!!" Kurama yelled grabbing Hiei's hand. Hiei pulled really hard sending Kurama into the water making a big splash. Both Keiko and Yukina were soaked.
Kurama dunked Hiei underwater leaving him under seeing how long he could hold his breath, well until Keiko pulled them apart. Hiei splashed Kurama and soon they were splashing each other making a huge mess.
Keiko sighed. It was turning into a battlefield.
Yukina took off Hiei's clothes having a bit of trouble since they were wet. Next she got Kurama and took his off too.
" How will we do this?" Yukina asked smiling at the two in the bathtub.
" Well we should have cleaned them off before they got in here, but it is kind of late for that."
Yukina had a confused look on her face. " Why do you clean them off first? We can just clean them in the tub." Keiko smiled at her.
" Well here you get cleaned off over on that stool, then you can get in the tub, and the water is all clean. You understand?"
Yukina nodded. " I see. Here I will take Hiei and you take Kurama okay? We can finish faster."
Keiko smiled. " Sounds good to me."
" I can't believe Keiko made us go shopping for clothes." Yusuke grumbled. Keiko told them that Hiei and Kurama needed new clothes to be dressed in. So it was off to the clothes store to find some kid clothes.
" Stop complaining Urameshi, At least we did not have to give the shrimp and Fox back there a bath."
Yusuke laughed. " Yeah thank goodness." They began looking at clothes. " Uh what size do they wear?"
" Kurama hold still!" Keiko was having trouble washing Kurama's hair when he was squirming and shaking the water from his hair.
" AHHHHHH!" Kurama yelled rubbing his eyes with his hands. " You got that stuff in my eye! It hurts!"
" Well if you would stop moving you would not get it in your eyes would it?" Yukina laughed. Hiei was so much easier. Well until she started.
" I am clean now!" He complained. Yukina got the shampoo and started scrubbing it is his hair. He closed his eyes when she poured water over him. Hiei grabbed the soap and threw it. Yukina went to get it, and while she did Hiei went over to a knob that turns the water on and off and turns on the showerhead. " I wonder what this does." He turned it with both hands.
Water started shooting from the showerhead making everything wet. Keiko glared at Hiei who looked down like nothing happened. Yukina turned off the water.
" Don't be mad Keiko-chan. I am sure Hiei-chan did not mean to get us all wet." Keiko nodded. She was holding onto one of Kurama's ears. He was grabbing her hand and splashing trying to get loose.
" Sorry Kurama-Chan You is stuck." She took hold of one of his arms and began scrubbing. Yukina was doing the same while Hiei was babbling, carrying on a conversation that only he knew what he was talking about. Yukina only nodded and acted as if she knew.
" Hey we're home!" Yusuke hollered as he and Kuwabara walked in threw the door.
" Oh great! Can you bring us the clothes?" Keiko asked pouring water over Kurama.
Yusuke walked in. " Here." He looked around seeing water everywhere.
" Yeah you got it under control." He said sarcastically. Keiko shot him a glare that made him shut up.
" Finally we are done!" She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Kurama, Yukina did the same thing to Hiei.
" Yukina-chan, can we have a cookie?" Yukina nodded at Hiei. " I don't see why not."
" Hey, lets get them one while we are at the mall." Keiko said walking into there room with the children and the clothes.
" All right. That sounds fun." Yukina answered following her.
A beeping sound went off, Yusuke looked at Kuwabara. " What's that?" He asked. Yusuke shrugged. " I heard it before we left for the store. I am not sure what it is though."
" Koenma-Sama I can't get in touch with Yusuke, he is not picking up." Botan told Koenma as she walked behind him.
" After the second try I would think he would answer." Botan smiled at him. " Maybe he lost it."
" Know Yusuke I am positive he did." Koenma crossed his arms.
" Well lets keep going." Botan nodded.
All right another chapter done. IS good bad? Please tell. I know English is bad. Sorry!