Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Baby sitting Demons ❯ A Day in the Park ( Chapter 9 )
Kurama was the first to wake up, he looked over at the slumbering fire demon who was breathing peacefully, Kurama would sometimes wait for Hiei to wake up so they could go in together, but today he decided he would go by his self. Kurama stretched almost cat-like and climbed out of the bed and headed for the door, he was glad to see it was not closed all the way.
Kurama peeked into the kitchen, once he saw Keiko he ran in giving her legs a hug. Last night when he and Hiei were lost he was afraid he would never see her again. She looked down at the kitsune and smiled. " Good morning Kurama-chan." She said happily. " Are you ready to eat?" Kurama nodded and ran to the table. Keiko lifted him up putting him in a chair. " Keiko-chan, why do I have to sit on these things?" Kurama asked, he pointed to the books that were stacked on the chair. Keiko smiled. " We don't have a child seat, so this will have to do." Kurama smiled back at her.
She sat the small breakfast in front of the fox; he immediately started eating, after awhile of trying to use a fork he moved to his hands. Keiko sighed. Children were all alike. " Sometimes I don't know why we even give you something to eat with, your hands seem to work fine." She said smiling.
Hiei walked into the room rubbing his eyes. He looked at the breakfast Keiko made and ran for the table, he was ready to eat. " Where is Yukina-chan?" Hiei asked. Keiko looked at the fire demon. " I believe she is in our room." Hiei nodded. " Can I eat now?" Keiko nodded; she retrieved his plate and sat it in front of him. Keiko was about to hand him a fork when he started grabbing everything with his hands. Keiko sighed and walked over to the sink, she placed her bowl in it and sat her chopsticks on top.
" What's this?" Hiei asked picking out a vegetable from his rice. " Hiei-chan! Don't pick it out just eat it!" Hiei shook his head in disgust. " No! I don't want this yucky stuff!" Kurama looked at Hiei, he had nothing better to do so decided to complain along with the fire demon. " I don't either!" He said dumping the rice out and picking the vegetables out.
" Kurama-chan! Hiei-chan! Stop right now! You will not go to the park with us if you are acting like this!" Hiei and Kurama sighed. That means they have to eat the rice, vegetables and all. Hiei stuck his tongue out in disgust; this was not the type of food he wanted.
Keiko sighed in annoyance. " Hiei-chan you were just eating it by the handful." Hiei looked at her and pushed the bowl away. " I don't want to eat this!" Hiei complained.
Yukina walked in just in time, Keiko was losing her patience with the young fire demon, Yukina smiled, she looked at Kurama who was eating, he wanted to go play at the park. Yukina sat next to Hiei. " Hiei-chan. You know what happens when you eat your vegetables?" Hiei shook his head. " You get strong. You want to be strong right?" Hiei smiled. He wanted to be really strong, he looked at the rice. " I have to eat this to be strong?" Yukina nodded, it looked like her plan was working. Hiei smiled. He wanted to be strong, stronger than Yusuke. Hiei started grabbing handfuls of rice again, and began eating.
Keiko thanked Yukina softly, Yukina smiled and started on the dishes, Keiko walked over to help.
" Where is Kazuma-san and Yusuke-san?" Yukina asked while washing a plate. Keiko shrugged. " Him and Kuwabara left about a hour ago, they should be back soon."
After finishing the dishes and cleaning Hiei and Kurama's faces, they settled down and waited for the boys to return. Keiko brought the blocks out, but she told them she would take them up if they fought.
Hiei would growl low in his throat when Kurama would get something he wanted, Kurama would return the growl with a glare. " Keiko-chan said play nicely or she is taking them away, and if she does it's your fault!" Kurama said building the blocks up high. " Why would it be my fault?" Hiei questioned trying to not get mad. Kurama shrugged, but he found it better for his sake if he just blamed everything on Hiei. Kurama liked Hiei of course; he just didn't want to get in trouble. Hiei thought the same thing about Kurama; if he had to, just blame it on the nearest person.
After ten minute's of playing with the blocks, Yusuke and Kuwabara finally returned. Keiko stood up to greet the boys as so did Yukina. " You guys ready to go to the park?" Yusuke nodded. " Lets go!" Kuwabara nodded as well. " Just let me feed my kitten." Yusuke sighed, " Well hurry up."
Hiei and Kurama jumped up and ran to Yukina and Keiko. " We are going to the park now?" Yukina nodded at Hiei. Kurama was smiling, he was ready to go and have fun.
Yusuke breathed in the fresh air, the rain stopped and it was going to be a sunny day. Hiei and Kurama started jumping up and down, they were very excited, and Yukina was holding Hiei's hand making sure not to lose the fast demon. Keiko held Kurama's hand. He was pulling her even though he had no idea, which way the park was.
After a few minutes of walking they finally reached the park, it was dry for the most part of it, only a few mud puddles. Hiei and Kurama were looking straight at them. " Can we play now?" Hiei asked his eyes not leaving the puddle. Yusuke nodded. " Yeah, but." Before he could say anything the two demons started running. Yusuke sighed and ran after them. " Get in that mud puddle and we are going home!" That stopped Hiei and Kurama in there tracks. They looked back at Yusuke with a confused look on their faces. " Why can't we play in them?" Yusuke shook his head. " We are not in the Makai, unlike demons people like there kids to be clean, and I don't want to have to clean ya! Got it?" They both nodded. " Yu-chan never lets us have any fun." Kurama whispered to Hiei who nodded.
There were other kids playing at the park too, but one caught Yusuke's attention. It was a little girl, no older than five, she had black hair and fox ears, and she was swinging on a swing going higher than the rest of the kids. Her tail was swishing behind her as she watched Kurama and Hiei. Adults all around had there eyes on her, and were taking there kids away, it was not everyday you say a kid like that, well unless you counted Kurama. Once they saw Kurama and Hiei some parents moved there kids to the other side, and some just left. Yusuke continued staring at her, he looked over her outfit; she was absolutely a demon, a fox demon to be correct.
She was wearing a black shirt and black pants, the only thing that was not black was a red dragon across the front of her shirt. Her ears perked up when she saw the other fox demon and the fire demon running her way, they seemed to not even notice her. She carefully watched them, she looked over at Yusuke who was looking at her, and she smiled at him, her small fangs showing.
Yusuke walked past her and lifted Hiei up on to the swing, Kurama managed to get on by his self. Yukina and Keiko walked over. " Here let us." Keiko said as she started pushing Kurama. Yukina smiled at Hiei while she pushed him. Kurama looked next to him seeing the girl fox demon. " Hi!" he said happily. She smiled at him. " Hello." Hiei looked over at her. " Oh yay! Another demon!" Kurama joined Hiei in his celebration. Keiko and Yukina smiled sweetly at the girl.
Yusuke and Kuwabara watched the fox girl, " How did she get here?" Kuwabara asked. " I'm not really sure."
" Should we get her?" Yusuke shook his head. " No, she does not seem scared, I think she is here cause she wants to be." Kuwabara nodded.
" What's your name?" Hiei asked. She looked over at the smaller demon. " My name is Youka Yara, but you can call me Youka. What's your name?"
" Hiei, that is Kurama." Hiei said pointing to the silver-haired fox. Youka jumped out of the swing and landed on her feet. " Want to play?" she asked. Her voice was sweet, but it held a lot of mischief. Kurama nodded. He wanted to jump out of the swing like she did, but Keiko stopped the swing before he could. He jumped down and walked over to her, she was taller than him, and obviously she was older. Hiei joined them next once Yukina stopped the swing; she was a lot taller to Hiei than to Kurama.
" Come with me! I will show you something fun to do!" Kurama nodded. " All right. Hiei-chan you are going to come right?" Hiei nodded. They both followed Youka she led them to a huge slide. " When I first came here, I thought this would not be fun, but it is!" Youka climbed up and slid down, Kurama was the next to go down, once Kurama landed they both ran off laughing leaving Hiei behind. Hiei growled. Youka took Kurama away from him.
" How old are you Kurama-chan?" The young fox girl said. Kurama thought for a moment. " I am three!" Youka smiled. " I am five." She said proudly, she liked being the oldest. " Where did Hiei-chan go?" Kurama asked looking around, Youka shrugged. " I dunno, lets go play though!"
While they were running a rabbit hopped by, they both stopped and watched it, Kurama crouched down ready to pounce, and Youka did the same thing. " When I count to three lets chase it!" She whispered, Kurama nodded. " One." Kurama had his ears back, and his tail was twitching. " Two." Youka crouched down even lower. " Three! Go!" She yelled jumping up with Kurama and chasing the freaked out rabbit. The rabbit was faster but they enjoyed running after it.
Hiei watched them from where he was standing; he turned around and started walking back to Yukina and the rest.
" Why are you not playing Hiei-chan?" Yukina asked. " Because Kurama-chan wants to play with her more than me!" Yukina frowned. " I am sure they don't mean to leave you out." She picked up the fire demon and cradled him in her arms. " I bet if you go over there with them, they will play with you." Hiei looked down. " If they don't I am going to burn them!" Hiei yelled, he jumped down leaving a startled Yukina behind.
Hiei started running to where they were, he stopped when he saw them tackling each other, he crossed him small arms and frowned. " Hn, stupid fox games."
Youka and Kurama were both laughing, Hiei really felt left out now. Hiei sat on the ground Indian style; he grabbed a woodchip and started drawing in the dirt. He looked away from his drawing, and saw a group of kids, from the age three to six all singing and holding hands. " What are they playing?" Hiei asked his self. He then looked back at Kurama and Youka, his frown turned into a glare. Hiei stood up and walked over to a mud puddle, he remembered what Yusuke said about no playing in the mud, he was not going to, he was just going to throw things in it. He picked up and rock and threw it in watching it splashed, this was not his idea of fun.
A huge shadow covered Hiei; he looked up to see an older kid, around the age of six glaring at him. " Get lost kid, this is where I play." Hiei turned away he was not going to listen to that kid. Another kid came and stood behind the other one. " You better listen to Heto, or you will be sorry." Heto smirked, his smirk turned into a frown. " Why are you not leaving?" he yelled. Hiei shrugged. Heto whispered into his friend's ear, whatever he said the other boy approved of, with that said he pushed Hiei into the mud puddle. Hiei looked down at his self; he was completely covered in mud. Hiei's eyes started to tear up. " Y-yu-chan, is going to t-thing that I played in the m-mud, he is going to be mad." The kids all laughed at Hiei. " Oh what you going to cry now?" Heto laughed. Hiei glared at Heto. A girl came up to the boy. " Please Heto! Leave him alone." She pleaded. " I don't have to Yunara, he is on my play ground." Yunara looked at Hiei and mouthed the words `I'm sorry' then ran off. Hiei continued to glare. " Oh what are you going to do?" Heto teased, everyone was still laughing.
Kurama and Youka heard what was going on, they both ran over to where Hiei was. " Hiei-chan!" Youka and Kurama called. Hiei jumped out of the mud puddle and tackled the laughing Heto to the ground, who quickly shut up.
" Youka-chan! Go get Yu-chan!" Youka nodded and ran off to find Yusuke. " Hiei-chan! Yu-chan will be mad!" Hiei did not hear him and started hitting Heto who was now screaming.
Yusuke came running to where they were with Youka and the rest trailing behind him. " Hiei!" Yusuke yelled. Hiei stopped what he was doing. Yusuke grabbed Hiei and helped Heto up. " You ok kid?" Heto nodded and ran off crying. Yusuke sighed. " Hiei! I can't believe you did that! You can't punch kids!" Hiei started crying. " H-he pushed me in the mud though!" Yusuke looked at Hiei. " You can't punch him though for doing that."
Yusuke looked at Kurama and Youka. " You two go play, Hiei is going to come sit with us for awhile." They both nodded and ran off. " Are you sure we should let them run off like that." Keiko asked. Yusuke shrugged. " They are demons, they will stay in the park." Keiko nodded.
" Where are you going Youka-chan?" Kurama asked. Youka was stomping towards the boy who pushed Hiei in the mud. " He is going to pay for what he did to Hiei-chan!" She growled. She soon had a vine in her hand. " Evil human!" She yelled running towards him. Kurama just stood there surprised.
The boy took off running but Youka was faster and caught up with him quickly. The vine she had in her hand wrapped around the boy, she climbed a tree and wrapped the other end to a huge limb leaving the boy stuck in the air. She jumped down landed quietly on her feet. " Now never do that to Hiei-chan again!" She yelled, Kurama was laughing and she soon joined him. She ran over to him and grabbed him hand. " Lets go play somewhere else." Kurama nodded and smiled.
Hiei had been complaining ever since Yusuke made him sit with him. " Can I play now Yu-chan?" Yusuke would shake him head and not say a thing. Yusuke sighed. " I will be back, I am going to take Hiei home and change him clothes." Keiko nodded. " How about this `Yu-chan'" She smiled using the name Hiei and Kurama use. " Lets just all go home. Then we will find someone willing to watch Hiei-chan and Kurama-chan, and go to the movies." Yusuke nodded. " All right. I guess." Keiko smiled. " I will go get Kurama-chan"
Keiko left and found Kurama and Youka swinging. " Kurama-chan, come on it is time to leave." Kurama frowned. " But what about Youka-chan? She will be all alone." Keiko looked at the young fox, she sighed. " What's one more demon?" Keiko nodded. " All right, Youka-chan, would you like to come home with us?" Youka nodded and smiled. Kurama jumped down and ran to Keiko, Youka ran ahead running to the other group.
Yusuke looked at her, then to Keiko who was holding Kurama. " She is going to stay with us." Keiko said. Yusuke was the one to sigh this time, but he nodded. " What's one more demon right?" Keiko laughed. " That's what I said, well lets go home."
Kurama and Youka were tackling each other, running around, growing plants they found, it was a mad house; Yusuke was trying to get the dry mud off of Hiei who would not sit still while Yusuke tried to clean him. " Hiei! Hold still!" Yusuke yelled. " You're hurting me!" Hiei complained.
After a long bath Hiei was finally clean and in new clothes. Hiei ran to Kurama and was greeted by a smile from both the foxes. " Want to play with us Hiei-chan?" Youka asked, Hiei nodded and tackled her to the floor. Keiko watched as they all played. " Demons sure play rough." She noted. Yusuke nodded. " Well they're like born fighters." Keiko smiled. " When will the babysitter be here?" Yusuke looked at a clock. " Any time now."
" What are you going to tell her about them, I mean they don't look human." Yusuke shrugged. " A costume?" Keiko sighed at Yusuke's answer. " All right, lets just hope they will be good."
The doorbell rang and Yukina answered it, an elderly woman stepped in, she had gray hair and glasses, she was wearing an old looking dress and carried a black bag with her.
The three demons stopped playing and stared at her. " Who is that? Hiei asked, both the foxes shrugged.
" You must be the babysitter." Keiko said bowing. She nodded. " Yes I am Mrs.Yamazaki, I will be watching these three, I also have brought my wonderful grandchildren with me." Three kids walked in two boys and a girl. " This is my grand daughter Yuki, and my two grand sons Keano and Ketneo" She gestured to the children. They each had black hair, the girl Yuki and brown eyes, as so did her brothers. Ketneo had glasses and Keano had one ear pierced.
Hiei, Kurama, and Youka looked at the four new people. " Where are you going Yukina-chan?" Hiei asked. Yukina picked Hiei up. " We are going to the movies, you will stay here with this nice lady and play until we get back." Hiei frowned. " Can I go with you?" Yukina shook her head. " I am sorry, you have to stay here." She put him back on the ground, and walked over to Yusuke and the rest. " You three be good all right?" They all nodded. With that Yusuke and the small group left heading for the movies.
" Ok first lets eat." Mrs.Yamazaki said, she placed her black bag on the counter and began making something to eat. The two fox demons and the fire demon ran to the table, after awhile of waiting she put the bowls of rice on the table, with chicken on the side. Youka climbed on to the chair, not needing any books to sit down on. " What are these books doing here?" She asked sounding appalled. " Yu-chan lets us sit on them so we can see!" Kurama said happily. Mrs.Yamazaki grabbed the books and set them on the counter. " Books are to be read not to be sat on."
" But how will they see?" Youka asked. Mrs.Yamazaki clapped her hands and her grandchildren ran outside, when they came back in they had two children seats with them. " You will sit in these, I left these outside just in case we did not need them, but I see we do." After hooking up the seats she put Kurama and Hiei in them. All three of the demons reached for the food with their hands, only to have them smacked hard with a spoon.
" Why did you do that?!" Youka yelled rubbing her hands. Hiei and Kurama were doing the same thing. " What were you born on another planet?" The demons looked at each other. Well they were not born in the human world. They always ate with there hands.
" You will use your chopsticks." She instructed showing them how to use them. Kurama and Hiei looked at the wooded sticks, they picked them up and stabbed the chicken. " No! No! You are doing it wrong!" She fussed. Youka sighed in frustration. " I like using my hands!" Hiei and Kurama nodded. They each reached for the food once more time, and had their hands whacked again.
Hiei started licking his hand. " You're mean!" He yelled. " Stop that disgusting behavior right now!" Kurama and Youka started licking their hands as well. " Were you all raised my wolfs?" All three of them laughed. For Kurama and Youka, foxes were more like it, Hiei on the other hand, it was thieves. But now Yu-chan was taking care of them. " Yu-chan lets us eat with our hands." Hiei stated.
" You will not leave this table until you eat everything and eat it right!" She yelled, the demons crossed their arms.
"Ketneo! Bring me the paddle please!" She yelled for one of her grand sons. Ketneo came in, went threw her black bag and pulled out a paddle. " Here grand mother." He smiled knowing what those three were about to get.
" Hiei, Kurama, and Youka! Come here right now!" They each jumped out of the chair and walked over to her slowly. " I will start with the smallest." She said looking at the fire demon. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over to her. He started struggling and easily got away, she was not as strong as Yusuke was. " Come back here right now! Or it will be even harder!" She started chasing Hiei who was much faster than her. Youka and Kurama looked scared. " We have to help him!" Kurama yelled, Youka nodded. " I have a plan!" She whispered into Kurama's ear, they perked up, and he nodded.
" All right! Lets go!" Kurama said running, Youka went the other way.
" I hope Kurama-chan remembers what to do." She said to herself. She opened a window and jumped out.
The babysitter finally caught Hiei and had him over her knee. " Let me go!" He screeched, he was struggling, but tired his self out from all the running. " You are a very bad child! Now I will correct you." Hiei looked like he was going to cry. Kurama ran into the room and bit the babysitter's leg. She screamed in pain, her grip loosened on Hiei and he was able to get away. " Youka-chan hurry!" Kurama yelled, Youka jumped threw the open window, she had all sorts of flowers and vines with her. " Kurama-chan here!" She caught up with him and handed the vine to him. " Here we go!" She yelled
Hiei was very tired he wanted to sleep. " I can't believe that worked." Youka said lying on her stomach. Kurama nodded mutely. " Let's go find Yu-chan!" Kurama said hopping up. They looked at the babysitter who was wrapped up in vines. Youka opened the door, she took one more look at the kids who were barricaded behind a huge flower. She smirked and said to herself. " Never underestimate a demon."
They walked down the street not know really where they were going. " Where are the movies?" Hiei asked. Kurama shrugged. " I think they are up there." Youka pointed. " I use to watch people go in there, and when they came out they said ` wow that movie was good!' I believe it is that building!" They all took off and snuck into the building, there were all kinds of spells, mainly food and drinks.
" Wow! Look!" Hiei said pointing to the large popcorn maker. "Lets go find Yu-chan! Then we can get something from there!" Youka said, she ran past the man that takes your tickets, followed by Hiei and Kurama, the man was yelling at them, but they were not really listening.
" There are a lot of doors." Kurama said looking at all the signs. " How will we find them?" Youka shrugged. " I don't know. Lets just look."
They went to every door yelling Yusuke's name. Finally they came to the last door. " He must be in here." Youka said quietly. " Yu-chan!!" they all three yelled.
" Yusuke.. was that…." Keiko said afraid to ask. Yusuke looked back and saw three little demons staring at him. " Afraid so." He sighed and went up to them. Keiko followed, Yukina and Kuwabara stayed in there seats. " They followed us here?" Yukina asked. Kuwabara shrugged. " Guess so."
Keiko picked up Kurama and Yusuke got Hiei and Youka. They would scold them after the movie.
They sat them in three empty seats next to them. Yusuke sighed in disbelief. " I can't believe they are here, I am afraid to think what happened to the babysitter." Yusuke whispered to Keiko who nodded mutely.
Kurama looked at the empty seat that Youka was once in. " Where did she go?" He asked Hiei. Hiei looked too, suddenly she popped up with a bad of popcorn and candy. Yusuke looked at her. " Where did you get that?!" He said quietly. " She shrugged. " It was on the ground Yu-chan. Over there." She pointed to a man who was looking for his food. Yusuke held his head with his hand, he was getting a headache. " You can't steal people's food!" He yelled at her as quietly as he could, but people still shushed him.
After the movie he sat them all down and glared at them. " What do you think you are doing here?!" he scolded, he was very angry. The two fox's had there ears pressed to there heads. Kurama had hold of his tail and was looking down. Hiei was not even paying attention, he was trying to get a kids sucker but failed when Yusuke grabbed him. " You are going to be in so much trouble when we get home!" Hiei still was not paying attention. " That thing you were watching Yu-chan was boring." Yusuke glared at Hiei. " You were suppose to stay at home! " Can I have sweet snow?" Yusuke shook his head. " No! No sweet snow for a whole week! No a month!" Keiko frowned. " Yusuke."
When they got home, it was a complete mess, the babysitter was still trapped in the vines and the kids behind the flower. " I'm so sorry!" Yusuke said getting her down from the vines. " For you it is extra!" Yusuke sighed and paid the woman, after getting her kids from behind the flower she stormed out of the house yelling " They are demons! Demon children! Monsters! Never do I want to see them again!" Yusuke looked at the children. " Went better than I thought."
He grabbed the two kitsune's bye the ears, Kuwabara grabbed Hiei by the collar of him shirt following Yusuke.
Each demon was in a different corner of the room facing the wall. " You will stay there till I say you can come out! Got it?!" Yusuke yelled. They all nodded. " You will not talk, you will stand there in time out for how ever long I want you too."
" Yu-chan!" Hiei complained, but stopped when Yusuke shot him a nasty look.
When Yusuke entered the room where Yukina and Keiko were, they were talking about taking the three kids to a amusement park. " I think they will enjoy it." Yukina said smiling. Yusuke froze. " A what?!' He yelled. " A amusement park Yusuke, we can't stay mad at them forever, you like them, you can go off by yourself, and Yukina-chan and I will watch the three of them." Yusuke smirked. " Have fun, but I have to say this, they will get no snacks! They need to be punished."
" What about the timeout Yusuke?" Keiko asked Yusuke shook his head. " They have that and no sweets." Keiko nodded in agreement.
As you see they going to go to amusement park next. I leave Youka in for now, I think she make cute part to story.
Hope you like.