Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Baby sitting Demons ❯ Run off < Very, very short chapter> ( Chapter 20 )
AN: Soo sorry this took long! Been so busy, and when started writing two day later computer fries. So had start over., but now it ok and I ready to post! This one going be short, I just want let know I'm no dead or anything and still work on story!!!
Disclaimer: Own no one besides Suko, Kuro-chan, and Master of Potions, and some other minor character that appear short time.
The expression on both Hiei and Kurama's face was priceless. This was like nothing they've ever seen before, never in Makai would something like this be held.
" Wow!" Kurama yelled his hands in small fists near his chest.
" I think they're enjoying this " Keiko whispered to Yukina who nodded.
" I agree." Looking around the koorime noticed someone was gone. Starting to panic she frantically looked through all the children not finding a fire demon dressed as a fireman.
"Keiko-chan! Where's Hiei-chan??" Her question was answered when she heard children crying nearby. Letting out a sigh Keiko picked up Kurama and headed for the small group of kids. There, in there middle, was there fire demon who was taking the other kids candy and putting it in his pail.
" Look!" He cried happily showing them the candy. " Look how much I have!" Kurama looked over into Hiei's pail, a pout soon was on his face.
" I want more candy! Hiei-chan has more than me!"
Bending down to the small fire child's level Keiko looked into his crimson eyes.
" Hiei-chan… You need to give back all the candy you took! And now!" Moving Hiei closer to the other children she helped him give the candy back out.
" It's no fair! I got the candy first!!!"
" Hiei-chan!" Keiko scolded. " You can't steal it from them ok?? Now, no more running off or you'll go back home and to bed and no candy." The human girl couldn't help but giggle, she knew that would work.
" I'll be good! I promise!"
" Alright then, lets go to the next house."
" I bet I can beat you there Hiei-chan!" Kurama shouted already running, he was at the stairs of the house when a black blur flew by him. Kurama immediately started pouting as he looked at Hiei who was at the stop and trying to ring the doorbell.
"Cheater! Cheater!!"
" Nuh-uh!!! You're just slow!"
" No I wasn't!! You cheated and used your speed!!!!"
" Enough boys…" Keiko sighed; she reached for the doorbell before a loud protest began from Hiei.
" No I wanna ring it!!" He screamed waving his arms around frantically. Another sigh came from the human girl.
" Fine, fine. You can-,"
" NO!!! I want to ring it!!!" A pouting Kurama yelled, interrupting Keiko.
" How about this." Yukina said softly. " Kurama-chan you can ring the bell at the next house and we'll let Hiei-chan ring it at this one. Ok?" Kurama thought for a moment, it seemed like a good idea to him.
" Ok!" He smiled happily as he now stood by Keiko who picked Hiei up to the doorbell, she could already had a feeling the residence of the home was at the door having heard the loud yelling.
Hiei rang the bell smiling, soon the door opened revealing an old couple and what looked to be their grandchild.
" Candy!!" Hiei screeched holding his pail out with a wide smile on his face, a smile that said 'candy or die'. Kurama held his pail up, his tail swishing back and forth, the costume foxtail cut off so his real tail could be 'free' as he put it.
" Candy! I want candy!!" He begged with pleading eyes.
" Guys… What did I say you were supposed to say??" They both looked at Keiko.
" CANDY!" the fire demon and the fox yelled. Keiko sighed, her hand over her face. Yukina merely laughed.
The couple at the door smiled understanding that children wouldn't always do as told.
"What cute costumes!" The old woman smiled putting candy into Hiei and Kurama's Halloween candy holders.
While Keiko apologized for their lack of manners, the two demons became bored and decided it would be best to go on their on. Yukina and Keiko turned around to only find the two kids gone.
" Oh great…" Keiko murmured. " Lets go Yukina-chan…"
" I hope they're alright…"
" Don't worry… They will be… Until I find them…" Keiko stomped off, she was getting tired of the two running off, as soon as she found them, it was straight home and to bed.
" Who is first?" The old potion master asked, his hands in his pocket. Yusuke could already see a trick was up his sleeve, but it wouldn't fool the half-demon spirit detective.
" I'll go…" Kinaka stepped forward pulling out her weapon. " Begin when ready!" The master nodded.
" As wished…" Without waiting he leaped into the air, even though old, his ability to jump was still working.
" Come little fox! I'll make a lovely little potion for you, so lovely that you'll fall asleep and never wake up!" He cackled, it wasn't very scary but they couldn't let his appearance fool them.
Kinaka growl as she jumped. " You don't scare me old man!" She attacked with her weapon hitting the potion master in the face, no way it could be over but it seemed it was. The fox landed on the ground just in time to watch her enemy fall hard to the ground.
" Ch'…" She turned to walk.
" Not so fast little fox…" A weird whistling sound was heard, but before Kinaka could turn an explosion went off, she cried out before falling on the ground.
Yusuke stared, he didn't know why, he knew the Master of Potions wasn't dead and knew he would come back with some stupid saying that all bad guys seemed to say.
" My turn…" Yusuke walked up. " Kigame... Youka, go check on Kinaka."
The opponent cackled bitterly.
" Lets start…"
To be continued…
AN: See very short, so sorry but next chapter is last one for this story but there be side story I put up later, will be just different thing, each chapter be different, one be Christmas, other be other things, so if want read, look for it in near months or so.
Will take while to get next chapter up, have big study and will be writing little by little till done, bare with me, never will leave this story OR other story that is not finished! Never will.
Thank you for your wait, hope you enjoy, again, sorry so short!!!