Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Babysitter's Club ❯ Baby&Hiei ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Babysitter's Club

a fanfic by: Tori Singer

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Warnings: This story contains yaoi, male/male relationships. So if you don't like that kind of thing, don't read.

We all have to remember that niether Hiei or Kurama know anything about babies. *snicker.

Chapter two:

"WAAAHHHH!!!" Kurama cringed as the baby continued to scream it's little lungs out. 'Oh shit! What do I do? I promised Hiei we'd spend the day together.' As if on cue, the little fire demon can sauntering down the stairs. When he got to the bottom, he looked at Kurama, then the wailing baby cradled in his arms, and then back to the cowering kitsune. And then, "What the HELL is that thing?!" Kurama started giggling nervously. "eh heh heh heh, um you see firefly, um it's, yeah, it's like this Hiei, I...um.."

"Cut the shit FOX and tell me what the hell's going on!" Hiei was starting to redden in the face. Kurama was getting scared, at this rate he would be at the end of Hiei's katana in no time at all. And that wasn't good. He had to act fast. "Uh, well Keiko came by and said she couldn't babysit because of a meeting she had with one of her teachers, so she kind of............dumpedthebabyonus." Hiei's eyebrows raised up. He seemed to pale, then turn red. Finally he took a deep breath and said, "Why?" Kurama was relieved Hiei didn't let out his anger on him. "Well, I couldn't let Keiko down. It's what a friend would do.....and besides, having a baby for the day can't be all that bad." He looked at his lover hopefully. When Hiei didn't relent, he used his ultimate weapon. ".......................................................................... ........................" "uh, fox don't you dare give me that look." ".......................................................................... ........................" "I mean it greeneyes, you're not going to persuade me with those big puppy eyes to help you watch after a ningen infant!" ".......................................................................... ........................" "*Sigh, Alright ALRIGHT! I'll help you with the brat." "Oh thank you firefly!" Kurama set the baby down and ran to his lover. He grabbed Hiei up and started spinning him around. ".......Oi, fox, lemme down." Kurama gently set the jaganshi down on the carpet. Hiei looked up into those brilliant eyes. "....Kurama...." he whispered before wrapping his arms around the fox's neck and pressing their lips together like a vice. Kurama brought his hands up to the youkai's neck and took off his white scarf. Hiei started running his fingers through his lover's scarlet tresses. Kurama worked the hidden buttons on Hiei's cloak. He was just about to pull it off when a baby's crying startled them. The two lovers pulled apart looking flushed and awry. Kurama glanced at the baby, who was demanding attention NOW. Kurama looked back at his lover only to find him heading upstairs. "Hiei...."

"I'm going upstairs for ANOTHER cold shower! Hn!" Kurama sighed, he felt sorry for his little demon. But.....the baby needs something. He walked over to the screeching infant and scooped him up in his arms. "Alright little Stewie, what do you want?" When the baby just continued to wail, Kurama felt a little foolish in ASKING the child what it needed. So he decided that the baby must be hungry. He set the baby down and started rummaging through the bags Keiko had left for them. 'Hmm, there doesn't seem to be anything edible in here......what's this?' Kurama pulled out a can of what looked like powdered milk. It had a picture of a baby on the front. The can seemed to have instructions on the back. From the looks of it, it'll be a minute before he would have it ready. "Hiei! Are you finished with your shower?!" He yelled up the stairs. He heard footsteps and then the figure of his lover at the top of the stairs came into view. "Hn" was the answer he got. "Fierfly?" Kurama asked as Hiei started to decend the stairs. "Hn?" Came Hiei's question. "Um, could you maybe keep the baby occupied until I get the milk ready? Please?" Hiei looked like he was gonna pass out from fright. His face paled, and his pulse seemed to quicken. "W-what do you want me to do with the........thing?" Hiei asked, eyeing the little bundle of wails. Kurama started toward the kitchen, he looked over his shoulder and called, "Just keep him busy, I don't know, play with him." With that, he entered the kitchen, leaving the Jaganshi alone with the screaming child. "Oh Inari help me......" Hiei prayed as he stood there. After what seemed like hours, but was only seconds in reality, Hiei started inching his way to the baby. 'Shit, what do I do? And why is it crying?' As Hiei was inches from the infant, little Stewie stopped crying and looked up at Hiei. 'It.....stopped.' Hiei sighed with relief, but was cut short when the blubbering started. "WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Hiei cringed back as if being shot at. The cries were louder this time. Then Hiei heard the voice of his lover from the kitchen. "HIEI! You better not be hurting the baby!" At this, Hiei rushed over to the infant and looking down at him, started to creep his hands down and around the baby's body. Hiei picked the child up and held him to his chest. The crying slowed down when Hiei started purring to him. The crys turned to whimpers and then finally subsided. Hiei smiled to himself. 'This baby thing isn't so baaaaad............WHAT THE FUCK?!' He noticed that his hands were becoming quite wet. Hiei pondered this phenomenomn while holding the seemingly slumbering child. Hiei brought the child at arms length, then he started screaming. "KURAMA!!!!!! This brat PISSED on me!!!" Kurama stifled a chuckle and said, "Then change the diaper!" "WHAT?! How do I do that? And what's a di-pp-er?" "A diaper Hiei, it's the white underwear thing that babies where. You change it. More diapers are in the diaper bag next to the sofa." With that, Kurama went back to the task at hand. Leaving the puzzled koorime to his......problem.

Hiei set the baby down on the sofa. He then went over to the big Pooh Bear bag sitting on the floor. After much rummaging, he came up with white plastic looking things with little bears on it. It kind of looked like underwear or something. 'Hn, this must be it.' With that, he creeped up to the now crying child, and looked at him expectingly. "Well, kid put your underwear on." When the baby did nothing but cry harder, Hiei got irritated. "Come on brat! Change your damn pants!" The wails continued. Hiei was getting pissed. The bandages on his right arm started smoking. His ki flaired. Kurama was startled when he felt the burst of ki. Scenarios started playing in his head:

"I'm sorry Keiko but Hiei lost his temper so now there's nothing left of Stewie but a dark smudge on my burnt sofa in my ruined house."

Kurama shook his head. He then yelled, "HIEI! Don't you DARE harm that child in any way!" Kurama was satisfied when he felt the ki go down. Hiei on the other hand, was losing his nerve. He had a vein popping on his forehead. After much consideration, he decided to dress him hisself. He very carefully pulled the snaps open on the sleeper the child was donned in. He was face to face with a very FULL diaper. Hiei, not knowing any better, started pulling on the tape on the sides. When he pulled the front of the diaper down, he gasped and then.......

Kurama dropped the pan he was holding when he heard Hiei scream, "OH SWEET MOTHER OF INARI!!!!!!" Kurama sweatdropped.

Author's notes: Heh heh, poor Hiei......someone should've warned him.....hee hee..Next chapter should be up soon. Review please.