Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Battle of the Avatars ❯ The Gods Have Gone Crazy And I'm In The Middle Of It. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"You couldn't sruvive two weeks in the world today! There's no longer a need for you - you only represent a tiny, instinctive fear, like Shitala Mala!"
"Hey, she still has a job with the chickenpox! And what if those fool mortals brought back smallpox, huh?!"
"I bet you couldn't last a year in a human body!"
"Giving me more credit than two weeks? I'll take that bet! And I'll take the worship of any of your remaining followers when I win!"
"Well, I'll take your conglomerate power! I can easily last longer than you!"
"Stop changing the rules and SHAKE!"

Ch1: The Gods Have Gone Crazy And I'm In The Middle Of It

Kasha Minoru was a smart girl. Very smart. Her mommy started it by giving her 1,000 yen for every piece of homework that Kasha did right the first time around.
Then Kasha realized something. Being smart about money NOW meant she could have more money LATER. With this rather mature thought, in the 1st grade, she bought a case of soda for 500 yen - and sold each of the dozen sodas for 250 yen a pop.
By the 8th grade, 5 foot 8 Kasha had a good deal of money in the bank, as her mother still paid her. She paid close attention to lessons, made frequent notes, and studied hard. She ate brain-food, exercised carefully, and made sure to study effectively - taking breaks every 30 minutes, not to watch or get hooked on TV, play word games and puzzles during the break. And she got 2,000 yen a test score - 2,000 for a 'D', 4,000 for a 'C', and so on.
Her family, her and her mother, was a little strapped for cash, so she made sure to tell her mother the grades in the months when there was surplus. She bought no CDs, none of the fashionable items, cut her hair with scissors, took every odd job possible, and shopped for bargains with a keen eye.
She was not a girl to get mixed up in the supernatural.
Poor Kasha.
One cold, dark night at the beginning of winter, when Kasha was sixteen by the lunar calendar (fourteen by the standard one), she heard a voice in her head.
Sadly, she wasn't crazy.
[I'm a higher being. I've taken residence in your body.]
I get no say in this, do I?
[Smart girl. No, you don't. However, to soothe your stung pride, know this - I neither control your actions, personality, or intelligence.]
That does not mean I will leave you unscathed - your very presence changes the shape of my thoughts. Also, it's nor.
Neither nor is the correct syntax. It's rather sad that a young mortal like I am smarter than you, oh higher one.
[Are you MOCKING ME?!]
Hmm....mysterious force takes over my subconcious, possibly bedning my will to it, and my only way to retaliate is by mentally torturing it....yes. Yes I am...not.
[I told you, I can't actually affect you! And I can't lie to you, either!]
Which I am obligated to believe.
[...now I am actually grateful that I chose such an intelligent pest of an avatar. Maybe I'll actually beat him!]
The girl had been standing on the sidewalk for a few minutes. Now, released of the spell, she ran home.