Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Being Grounded Sucks... ❯ The art of kicking men where it counts... ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I stared out the window of my classroom boredly. 'I have to get home...home?' I slammed my head down on the table absentmindedly, grabbing a lot off attention. "Miss Seishi, is something bothering you?" The teacher asked. I sweat dropped. Random smashings of the head on the desk was only expected of my teachers at home, mostly Mr. Mo(Hunter: I seriously have a teacher who prefers to go by that!).
'Mr. Mo? Who the hell is he?' I smiled. "No! Of course not! I just have a head ache!" I said stupidly. 'Dumb excuse! You don't smash your head on a wooden slab when you have a head ache!' “You know, fight fire with fire!” The teacher stared a bit longer and went back to the lesson.
'This is going to be a long day...'
/passing period/
I grabbed my stuff and casually walked off campus. "So much better!" Just then a hand grabbed my shoulder. "First day and you are already skipping?" I screamed and whirled around. It was natural reflex to scream. I am still a girl! I was afraid it was some teacher who decided to scare the living shit out of me!
It was just Yusuke. 'Sneaking up on me like Kelly and Devon would sometimes do...' I became sad thinking about my friends in the realm of realness, but the memory of them was ripped away as well. 'Who were they again? I have to remember!'
I felt about to cry, but luckily, Yusuke was already walking away. Then it dawned on me. I had no idea where to go in this town! "Hey Yusuke! Wait up!" I cried, trying to hold my skirt down, but failing miserably.
He chuckled but otherwise showed no acknowledgment to my very existence. "Yo dude with the stupid hair! WAIT UP!" Still no slowing down.
Finally, when I successfully controlled my skirt and caught up to him, I punch him really hard in the arm. "Jerk!" I cried.
He remained unfazed until the pain set in. He cringed. "Sweet dancing Jesus, you punch hard!" The infamous punch! My pride and joy! It was more of a really hard side swipe and the pain didn't set in for a couple minutes.
I was going to say thank you, but I was so rudely SLAMMED AGAINST A GOD FORSAKEN TREE WHICH, might I add, SEEMED TO APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE!
Two crimson orbs stared at me. "Well salutations to you too!" I screamed in to moronic fire koorime's face. He ignored the comment and brought his face close to mine, about to ask me something. "Hey! I just met you! No kissing please!" My eyes widened as I realized what I had just said. 'Stupid me and my smart-ass comments!'
Hiei glared. "How did you do that on the highway?" He asked with a I'll-Get-You-Later-For-That-Comment look, or it could just be a Shut-Up-And-Answer-The-Damn-Question look. Both very similar. A 'Stay Focused' and mental slap later, I was yelling at him...again..."How am I supposed to know, you moron? I just poked my body!"
I kneed him in the -ahem- and punched him in the face...my infamous punch, though I felt a surge of power go through my arm.
Hiei fell back on the ground and I began to laugh. 'I punch Hiei! I punched Hiei! Wait! OMG! I PUNCHED HIEI! CRAP!' I looked down at the fire koorime and saw his lip bleeding and scorch marks on his face.
'That's gonna leave a mark...wait...stay focused!' I mentally slapped myself and looked at Yusuke, whom was now slowly making his way to me.
"Hey Yusuke, I gotta go! I left the meatloaf in the oven and its burning!" With that, I took off to the general direction of my house.
I guess Yusuke didn't fall for my stupid excuse because he was currently chasing me.
"Leave me alone!" I screamed as I ran up my front walkway. I tried to stop before I ran into the door...but I guess I had to get my brakes repaired.
I quickly peeled myself off the slab of wood that 'magically' appeared out of nowhere and opened it.
I began to run up the stairs THEN remembered to shut the damn door.(Hunter: those fanfics annoy me when the door magically ends up closed...)I turned around and the door slammed shut JUST AS YUSUKE WAS RUNNING IN.
"HOLY SHIT!" He cried as the door smucked him in the face. "Nice...wait(here it comes...)STAY FOCUSED!"
I ran into the Room-o-Doom and opened the closet door, cringing. I swooped down into a pile of high healed shoes and closed the closet door.
As luck would have it, Hiei was standing in the closet waiting for me. "Eep!" I cried as I scrambled out of the closet. "Freak! Leave me the frig alone!" I spun around to see Hiei pulling the bandages off his arm. "Oh hell no! I'm sorry, okay? Whatever can I do to-"
I gave up...the look on his face was beyond merciless. "Oh fuck..." I said as I raised my hands in surrender. "HIEI!" Yusuke yelled, FLYING into the room, punching the little shorty in the face. Hiei fell over and was sent to sleeping knocked out land.
"C'mon, before he wakes up." Yusuke said, walking out of the room.