Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Birthday Gift Fics ❯ Birthday fic gifts ( Chapter 1 )
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Hey out there.
Due to the request of several friends I have started up where you can request a birthday fic. So basically here's how it goes...
Either email me or leave a review and please include the following info-
~name (real, pen, or anything- call yourself `it' if ya wanna- just something I can call ya)
~age (or at least tell me what level of readin your up to. Is `G' `PG' `PG-13' `R' or `NC-17'- and tell me which one ya'd like the story to be)
~email address- I promise to never spam, just give me a way to reach ya if need be
~birthdate- just the month and day will do for this. If you don't want your age revealed just leave off the year- no harm
~ and finally what fic ya want (check out below to know what ya can chose and how much)
Below are the time limits that ya have to request to a b-day fic.
~from your b-day - 2 weeks:: A one shot (but it will be a good one ^_~ no sloppy works)
~from 2 weeks- 1 month:: A short story (around 5 chapters)
~ from 1 month - whenever(but please don't get carried away):: a longer story (also when you apply for here I will send an email asking if you still are interested)
Also you can chose the pairings (crossovers are allowed just keep it to:: InuYasha, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop), the type of story you want, and you can be with your favorite character (with this you will have to send a rough bio about yourself- looks, attitude, ect.)
Have any questions? Just email me at blackrosekitsune@yahoo.com and put `MM b-day fic' on the subject line.