Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blast From The Future ❯ A couple of Changes ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of it’s characters.

I want to thank all of my reviewers! I love writing, but I type it up just to get reviews and so you guys can read my little stories. I hope you like how this one is going, but look for twists along the way.


Blast From The Future

Chapter 5

A couple of Changes


“Just spit it out!!” Hiei growled lowly.

“You’re engorged.” Kurama said quickly, managing to keep a straight face.

Hiei stared at the fox for several minutes as if he had grown another head. He was trying to wrap his mind around what had been said and still didn’t understand it. “I’m what?”

“You’re engorged.” Kurama repeated gently.

“What the hell is that?!”

“It’s when a female becomes to full of milk. It will continue to build up until it becomes painful.”

Hiei’s eye begun to twitch in irritation. He forced himself to remain as calm as possible. “I’m not a female!”

“I’m aware of that, but you’re a male that can conceive and carry a baby.” Kurama made a emphasis of glancing over to where Imari was sleeping before looking back to the fire demon. “You obviously nursed Imari in the future, that’s why the boys wanted you to put her to your chest.”

“That can’t be what’s wrong!”

“I can prove it, if you’ll allow me to.”

“Fine, prove it!” Hiei put his hands on his hips, accepting the small challenge.

“Okay.” Kurama began reading from the book he held.

“What are you doing? Why read that book?”

“It’s a baby book, Kayko bought it and I burrowed it.”

“Did you tell her why?!!”

“Give me some credit, I wouldn’t embarrass you like that.” Kurama continued to read from the book. In a few moments, he looked up and smiled. “Now I know how to prove it to you.” He laid the book on the bed and then walked up to the fire demon. “Try not to get mad or hit me, I’m not trying to hurt or embarrass you.”

“Just get on with it.” Hiei stood his ground, still not believing the fox.

“Very well.” Kurama brought up his hands and put them on the right side of the fire demon’s chest. He pressed down, slowly sliding them towards the nipple. It had the desired effect, a tiny stream of milk shot out. “See, you’re lactating.”

Hiei went into a bright blush and got angry. “Fix me!!”

“There’s nothing to fix; you’re perfectly healthy!” Kurama fought hard to keep in his laughter.

“This isn’t healthy!!” Hiei growled lowly before looking over to Imari. He shook his head as he looked back to the fox. “Why is this happening to me? I didn’t have her.”

“She is your daughter, you had her, at least you will.” Kurama thought about it a moment. “I seem to remember stories of some demon females starting to produce milk when they were around other females’ babies. It seems your body knows that Imari is your baby. It’s unconsciously doing what it needs to do to help her survive.”

“This?” Hiei gestured to his chest. “My….uh…..my….. milk will help Imari get better?”

“I believe so and I was actually coming to talk to you about it earlier. I was going to give you something that would make you produce milk. Imari is part demon and she takes after that heritage. She’s not doing well on ningen formula, that’s why she’s getting weaker. For her to survive, she needs to be nursed. She needs your demon milk and energy.”

“I’ve got to think about this, before I agree to anything.”

“I figured that.” Kurama replied, offering a small smile. “Just know that it shouldn’t hurt your pride and ego to much if you were to nurse her. Also, don’t worry about what the others might think, they don’t have to know. I will be the only other being that will know and I actually find it appealing; plus, my opinion of you should be the only one that matters.”

Hiei only grunted before exiting through the window, cloak and tank top in hand. Two hours later when he returned through the same window, Imari was just starting to fuss. Kurama was in the middle of sitting on the bed to give her a bottle. He quickly looked up and smiled, hoping that his lover had come to the right decision.

“Did you decide?”

“I’ll do it, but only in private, only in here. I will not have those two ningens and that Jr. god harassing me.” Hiei answered as he removed his cloak and tank top. “What do I need to do?”

“I was hoping that you came to the right decision so I read the nursing chapter in Kayko’s book.” Kurama laid the baby in the middle of the bed. He got up and stood in front of the fire demon. “I need to see how hard and swollen your chest is.”

“Go ahead.”

Kurama reached out, gently probing the flesh. He frowned at what he found. “Right now you are to hard for her to latch on properly. We need to get some milk out of you.”

“How do you do that?” Hiei was truly curious.

“Since a breast pump is out, don’t growl, we can use warm wash cloths and gentle massages.”


“I’ll take that as the go ahead. Watch Imari for a couple of minutes. She’ll fuss a little, but she should be fine until we get done.” Kurama turned and walked out of the room. Minutes later, he returned with two wash cloths and a steaming bowl of water. “Sit on the bed and relax as much as possible.”

Hiei didn’t comment, but did do what had been asked of him. He kept a close eye on Imari, who was sucking on her little fist. He wasn’t the least bit happy about this, but since he was already lactating and it would help his daughter he had decided to do it. Kurama sat down in front of him, wetting the wash cloths. He rang them out before folding them in half and half again, forming squares. He placed them over the fire demon’s nipples and then started to massage, getting the desired effect.

Hiei let out a small moan. The feelings of pins and needles in his chest already starting to lesson. What the fox was doing to him actually felt good. He hadn’t counted on this. Feeling a little spirited, he leaned forward and initiated a kiss with his sexy redhead. Kurama was caught off guard at first, but quickly recovered. He deepened the kiss, continuing the gentle massage of the fire demon’s chest.

When the wash cloths got to full, Kurama broke the kiss and then rinsed them out. They were replaced and the kissing continued until they were full again. The fox dropped the cloths into the bowl and then felt the fire demon’s chest again. A smile touched his lips at what he found.

“I think you’re ready.”

“What do I do?” Hiei repeated an earlier question.

“It isn’t hard, Imari will do most of the work. You just have to support her head and make sure she keeps good suction.” Kurama picked up the baby and waited until the fire demon got comfortable on pillows against the headboard before putting her into his arms.

“Now what?”

“She’ll know what to do.” Kurama helped turn the tiny baby into her father’s chest. Imari opened her mouth when she felt a nipple touch her lips. This caused Hiei’s eyes to widen and Kurama to smile. “See, I told you.”

“Hn.” Hiei grunted as the redhead guided the small mouth around his right nipple. He jumped in surprise by how strong Imari’s wet suction was, but he expected nothing less. She was his and the fox’s daughter after all.

“Remember to feed her your energy as well through her nursing.” Kurama moved up the bed and put an arm around the fire demon.

Normally they wouldn’t indulge in such cuddly activity during the day, but they were both in a good mood. It seemed that their future daughter was going to be just fine. They sat like that for awhile, watching Imari nurse. The only movement came when they switched her to the fire demon’s other nipple. Imari finally drifted to sleep and Kurama moved her to the vine cradle. He turned to the fire demon and smirked.

“Now, was that so bad?”

“Not really, I suppose.” Hiei gestured towards his chest. “But why am I still leaking?”

“According to Kayko’s book, it’s natural; the milk will stop flowing in a few minutes. You’ll also start leaking when you hear Imari’s crying, it’s your body’s reaction to her.”

“That’s just great!” Hiei started to cross his arms over his chest, but stopped himself, growling. “How long do I have to do this?”

“Until she goes back to her time.” Kurama allowed a teasing smile to touch his lips.

“Damn!!!………How often?”

“When she’s hungry.” This time a chuckle escaped Kurama.

“Damn it!” Hiei muttered angrily. He still didn’t like this, but he’d do it for Imari.

“You’ll get used to it.” Kurama sat down on the bed beside the fire demon. “There’s something that I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”

“What’s that, fox?”

“Since we obviously mate in the near future, I would like it if you were to start carrying my mark now.”

“Why so soon? We‘re just starting to have a relationship.”

“I’m a Youko, you know what that means.” Kurama smirked slyly.

“It means that you’re possessive of your things, including your lovers.” Hiei chuckled this time. He should’ve known that this would be coming up soon.

“Yes………I’m not asking for a sexual relationship with you yet, because I know that you’re not ready for it. I just want to mark you as belonging to me.”

“Do I get to mark you in return?” Hiei asked casually, chancing a glance at the redhead. He wasn’t going to get marked unless he could mark too, especially knowing the fox’s demon history.

Kurama laughed as he hoisted a thoroughly surprised fire demon into his lap. Hiei found himself straddling the redhead’s hips, facing him. Kurama leaned forward and claimed his friend’s lips in a long, love filled kiss. When they broke apart, he smiled. “Of course you would, I’ll happily carry your mark.”

“Just so that we’re clear, if I mark you, you’ll belong to me. I will not share you with other lovers or be a part of a clan/harem.” Hiei chose the direct approach.

“I wouldn’t ask you to do that. I know that you tend to be possessive too and that would include being possessive me. I can live with only having you.”

“For hundreds of years ?” Hiei asked, smirking.

“For hundreds of years and then some.” Kurama offered him a dazzling smile. “Though I may employ my hundreds of years of sexual experience into our sex life. If that’s okay?”

“It’s fine by me.”

“So, we’re going to mark each other?”

“No, we’re mating.” Hiei quickly pulled open the fox’s shirt, scattering buttons everywhere.

“Now?!” Kurama was in shock. He hadn’t counted on this, but he couldn’t deny that he had been wanting this to happen for a long time.

“Now….. Unless you think this body can’t handle a demon mating.”

“Don’t worry about me, this body can handle it just fine.” To prove this, Kurama shredded the fire demon’s pants. They both let out dominate growls as they went in for a kiss, already ripping at what was left of the other’s clothes. They both knew that this would get a bit rough.


Two hours later, they both were exhausted, sated, and sore. They both had played uke when neither could agree on who was going to be seme in their love life. To their surprises, it was discovered that they both were virgins. Kurama because he was afraid of what would happen if he got a ningen girl pregnant and Hiei because he had never wanted that sort of physical contact. This knowledge made the mating that much more meaningful to both of them. Thankfully, nobody had bothered them despite their slightly out of control energies.

Kurama laid on his stomach, in all of his naked glory, his silver tail flipping lazily from side to side. He idly ran a hand over the bite mark at the base of his neck on his right shoulder as he watched his new mate. He was happy that the fire demon had marked both of his forms. He was smiling and wondering about the sight he was staring at. Hiei sat gingerly on his sore rear, and what could only be described as lovingly watching the small bundle in his arms. He was also as naked as the day he was born. Imari nursed contently, her pink tongue curled around the dusky nipple in her mouth. She began to purr, bringing smiles to her parents’ faces. The demons were satisfied to stay like that with their tiny fragile daughter.

Kurama was the one to finally break the silence. “After watching you with her, I can’t hardly wait until we have the twins.”

“You better wait, you better give me something! We can’t risk changing the past….. um… future…. um…. you know what the hell I mean. we can’t let the boys become suddenly older or for an unknown child to appear. We can’t risk it, we have to much to lose.” Hiei continued to watch the baby in his arms. “We only need to take out Curo, but change nothing else.”

Kurama thought it over, wondering if he should point out the many changes that the group of kids had already brought about. He decided against saying anything. “Agreed…….. We’ll have the twins at the correct time. Let’s see, they are eight years old now and come from ten years in the future, so that gives us two years to get you pregnant and have them. How long is a Koorime pregnancy? A fire demon‘s?”

“A Koorime is six months and a fire demon’s is five.” Hiei finally looked up to his mate. “Why?”

“Just trying to figure out the timing.”

“Don’t, you’ll give yourself a headache. You’re to pretty to suffer from the afflictions of pain.”

“Ohhhhh, I get compliments now, lucky me.” Kurama smiled, licking his lips seductively. “How shall I ever repay you?” He slowly ran a hand up his mate’s thigh.

“Not now you horny fox!” Hiei pushed the redhead’s hand away. “I’m still suckling our daughter! Are you that perverted and crazy?!”

“Hiei, some credit please! I was only teasing you. I wouldn’t do anything that would cause Imari harm; physical, emotional, and mental.” Kurama kissed the baby’s socked foot, smiling.

“Hn, as long as we’re clear.” Hiei fisted a hand in long, soft silver hair and pulled, bringing the fox into a heart stopping kiss. When they parted, they settled back into their original positions. Hiei got his mate’s attention. “How long are you going to grace us with your demon form?”

“I was thinking for the rest of the day. I so rarely let out my demon side anymore.”

“You should let it out more often.”

“I made the choice to live as a ningen until my mother dies so that is what I will do.” Kurama had grown annoyed. They had been over this many times and it was always the same outcome.

“Don’t get pissed off at me, fox, I was only asking. You know that I accept you a Kurama, the Youko of legend, despite what form you take.”

“Why did you ask then?”

A smirk graced Hiei’s lips. “Because I was wondering how often we would be able to make demon love.”

Kurama smiled beautifully. “Don’t worry, lover. My demon side can come out whenever you want it to. All you have to do is ask for it, but don’t push your luck. My ningen side wants just as much attention from you as well.”

“I can deal with that.” Hiei growled lowly, bringing the sexy fox in for another kiss.


Thanks so much for continuing to read and please leave a small review. It would make me so happy. Next chapter in a couple of weeks.