Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blind ❯ Forlorn Tears ( Chapter 2 )
K guys, I'm back, I got a review, I'm so happy! Lol, I'm starting this chapter off in your pov, so don't sweat it if you don't understand it.o0; It will go into my pov, so it will be easier to understand. Here we go; you people all know what everything is, so I'm not even ganna bother. Oh, < > is your name, that's what it will be. ~blah~ is telapathic
Chapter 2.Forlorn Tears
(Once again, GAY!)
He asked me my name, so I responded, though… it wasn't the happiest way to say your name… "My name? ... My name is…… <your name>…" I heard a grunt from the smaller fire demon ahead of us, he didn't sound… very happy, I do believe it was because I wasn't afraid of him. I don't understand why any one would be, he was just a little boy with a big sword, and a bad reputation… I could tell he didn't get the affection he needed as a child… Like I myself didn't get…
(Author's Pov)
You walked steadily with Kurama, who still had a grip on your arm, though it was gentle. He wasn't talking much, he seemed satisfied with only knowing your name. You looked straight ahead, listening to the little fire demons foot steps… they were light, and quick… as though he didn't even want to be here, and wanted to hurry back to Genkai's. You knew who Genkai was, you knew where she lived, but… just not how to get there. Kurama came to a halt at the foot of the stairs to Genkai's, he wasn't sure if the little blind girl could walk up them, with out falling.
He said, in a voice laced with concern "Will you be able to walk up stairs with out falling? Or should I just carry you?" You were… angry that he said such a thing, thinking you to be weak, heh! He didn't know what you had to go through in that forest, only the fittest survive in your world. "No, I do believe I can handle walking up the stairs, thank you for your concern…" you said in a forced voice, you really wanted to just rip his head off for the remark he had made. You started the long tread up the stairs, Hiei had already been at the top be the time you reached half way, Kurama was always just a few steps in front of you… but you never complained about how tired you were, or how many stairs there were. When you finally reached the top, Kurama once again gently took your wrist, and lead you to the front door, which he opened, then led you inside, to sit on one of the sofas. Hiei went off to find Genkai, while Kurama sat next to you… and then the questions came… "How old are you?" "14" you responded "Where are you from?" "The forest" you said "Where's your family?" "… Dead…" You said… in a rather sad voice… Kurama took on a look of sympathy, and asked his next question softly "How did they die?" You sighed softly and told him, your voice breaking "They…They were coming t-to Japan… I had left a ye-year ear-earlier… but…an acc-accident happened… the plane… cra-crashed…… there…wa-was no sur-survivors…" Tears were running down your cheeks now… it always pained you to think of your family's death… yet… you had been angry when it had happened… and you can't miss someone when you're angry at them… Kurama squeezed your hand gently, in a reassuring manner. And his words were soft and gentle "Tell me about your family…" You nodded your head softly(k, this is ganna be your family, if its not…tough!) tears were still running down your face, dripping off your chin as you answered "My dad… we looked a lot alike… his hair was a cherry blonde though… we had the same blue eyes… and pale skin… we even had the same toes…" you laughed a bit at that… Kurama's own features brightened a bit "But he liked to yell at me a lot… I was never a good enough daughter for him…" You closed your eyes and sighed, the tears were fewer now, and your voice was back to normal "My mother hated me… she said so many times… and she liked to hit me… I might not have even done anything wrong… and she still hit me… after a while… you can't feel it…" your face was sad, but your eyes remained closed, you were trying to picture your parents in your mind… all the good memories… not the bad… "I got my black hair from her… hers was so long and pretty… I had always wanted hair like hers… I get the red from my father, though…mine is darker…" you smiled a bit, your parents were always trying to figure out who you took after most… "My big brother… I could never hate him…even after all the mean things he did… I'm sure… he didn't want to give me to his friends… but… drinking and drugs can do that… make you do things you don't want to… but I never blamed him… he was my only big brother…" you opened your eyes a bit, new tears coming from them… as you remembered the awful things your brother let those older teenage boys do to you… "Then there was my little brother… so innocent… and young… only 9 when the accident happened… He had so much to live for… and it was taken away from him… all in one day… he didn't what normal little brothers do, bug and annoy you… and he was my light in my awful life… he was the only one who understood… and I had to be strong for him… I just wasn't strong enough…" You leaned back on the couch, your eyes all the way open now, and tears running down your cheeks, but… if anything… you looked happy… "My mother used to call me weak when I cried… and I didn't cry often… but she was right… I am weak… after the accident… I ran… ran as far as I could… and I fell, and when I fell… I tumbled… I landed on rocks… lots of rocks… and I cried… I cried because I wasn't strong enough to get back up… because I wasn't there to help them… and because I was weak… I couldn't do anything… when the doctors found me… I had been out cold… and they said that I had sliced one of my eyes open when I fell, and I was hit upon the head… so both eyes, were pretty much useless, my right eyes… has second side, that's the one that was damaged when I hit my head… my left… its utterly useless, I can't see anything but black… " Kurama was close to tears… the sad little story you just told was ripping him apart on the inside… ~Your getting weak Fox… all Sympathetic for a human girl~ ~ But Hiei… she lost everything within all one day… and even before hand… her life wasn't the best… I can't help but feel bad for her…~ ~Sympathy and pity is for the weak Kurama… And I refuse to be weak~ ~She's been through so much… how can you not show compassion for a broken girl? She has absolutely nothing left…~ Hiei stayed quiet… he was thinking about what Kurama had said… `Because I had had been a broken child, and I had had no compassion from anyone…'
Flame Fox: There we go!!!! All done with my second chapter. This is for the person who had reviewed. Her name is MoonFoxChild, Thanks, you are a sweetie!
Hiei: If she gets more Reviewers she will make the chapters longer, and YOU get to choose who you want to be with, it depends on how many votes we get, so, your choices are
Flame Fox: alright guys, hope to get more reviews soon! Ja ne!