Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood and Roses ❯ Intake ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I DO NOT TAKE ANY CREDIT FOR THE YU YU HAKUSHO CHARACTERS, WHAT SO EVER, BUT SYLVIA IS MY CHARACTER. sorry for the caps :) on with the fic, please review, and sorry if there is any missed spelled words, I didn't have time to spell check it.....
Chapter 1-Intake
Extending her clawed hand, she grabed an apple that had just fallen from the tree she sat under. She rested her head agenst the tree, closing her peril blue eyes, letting the wind sweep her silk white hair. She droped the apple beside her and slowly begain to fall asleep. A few minutes after she drifted off to sleep, she was awaken by a rather odd voice. She looked up and saw a demon that was dressed in ragged close and blood on his sword he held by his side. "Young lady, you shall be killed by the blade of my sword." She did not seem afected by his sharp words, she only stood up and grined. "Try it, I doubt you'll get far." Her calmness and words angered him. He had steped forword and extended his sword to her neck. "Beg for your life and I woun't kill you." The demon said, drawing a line of blood on her neck with his sword.
"I don't beg!" She had vanshed by the time she finshed her sentence. The demon had senced her movements, and knew she was behind him. With little expression, in a blink of an eye, the demon turned around swining the sword into her side. The wound was painfully deep, but she manged to kill him like she planed. She used the only atack she could think of at the time. Blasting him into peices by, an engery ball she manged to gather with, the last of her life force. She unstedly walked back to the tree, passed out as soon as she sat down, leaving little carnage of the fight behind.
Smelling the sent of blood, Youko and Hiei's direction was changed. "Not far from here, but should we?" Youko asked in his always calm voice. Hiei just shigged and walked on. Arriving at the peek of the sent, Youko noticed a demon's body parts scarted in different places. Turning to Hiei, he then saw a girl with her arm and the right side of her shirt, shoked in blood. Hiei turned to see what Youko was staring at. "You think she did this?" Hiei asked with a slight grin on his face. "No doubt in my mind." Youko answered walking tword the unconsist girl. Kneling beside her, Youko touched the wound, finding it wasn't a fresh wound, rather it was hours old.
Snaping her eyes open, pushing his hand away, the girl winched in slight pain. Youko stood up, asking the question that drilled both Hiei and his mind. "Whats your name?" She seemed snapy in her distrusting way. "It is none of your concern, but my name is Sylvia. If your planing on killing me, do as you wish, life is useless for me, pluse I'm diying anyway."
Hiei mouthed something under his breath, but both Sylvia and Youko heard his words. "Pathaic."
"Why am I pathaic?" Sylvia asked letting her arm fall limply to her side. "Forget it." Hiei responed. What little human emotion Youko had, and his animal/demon instincts, forced him to like her in a dark yet lusting way.
- I'll leave it off there. Please review. Chapter 2 comming soon! :) -
Chapter 1-Intake
Extending her clawed hand, she grabed an apple that had just fallen from the tree she sat under. She rested her head agenst the tree, closing her peril blue eyes, letting the wind sweep her silk white hair. She droped the apple beside her and slowly begain to fall asleep. A few minutes after she drifted off to sleep, she was awaken by a rather odd voice. She looked up and saw a demon that was dressed in ragged close and blood on his sword he held by his side. "Young lady, you shall be killed by the blade of my sword." She did not seem afected by his sharp words, she only stood up and grined. "Try it, I doubt you'll get far." Her calmness and words angered him. He had steped forword and extended his sword to her neck. "Beg for your life and I woun't kill you." The demon said, drawing a line of blood on her neck with his sword.
"I don't beg!" She had vanshed by the time she finshed her sentence. The demon had senced her movements, and knew she was behind him. With little expression, in a blink of an eye, the demon turned around swining the sword into her side. The wound was painfully deep, but she manged to kill him like she planed. She used the only atack she could think of at the time. Blasting him into peices by, an engery ball she manged to gather with, the last of her life force. She unstedly walked back to the tree, passed out as soon as she sat down, leaving little carnage of the fight behind.
Smelling the sent of blood, Youko and Hiei's direction was changed. "Not far from here, but should we?" Youko asked in his always calm voice. Hiei just shigged and walked on. Arriving at the peek of the sent, Youko noticed a demon's body parts scarted in different places. Turning to Hiei, he then saw a girl with her arm and the right side of her shirt, shoked in blood. Hiei turned to see what Youko was staring at. "You think she did this?" Hiei asked with a slight grin on his face. "No doubt in my mind." Youko answered walking tword the unconsist girl. Kneling beside her, Youko touched the wound, finding it wasn't a fresh wound, rather it was hours old.
Snaping her eyes open, pushing his hand away, the girl winched in slight pain. Youko stood up, asking the question that drilled both Hiei and his mind. "Whats your name?" She seemed snapy in her distrusting way. "It is none of your concern, but my name is Sylvia. If your planing on killing me, do as you wish, life is useless for me, pluse I'm diying anyway."
Hiei mouthed something under his breath, but both Sylvia and Youko heard his words. "Pathaic."
"Why am I pathaic?" Sylvia asked letting her arm fall limply to her side. "Forget it." Hiei responed. What little human emotion Youko had, and his animal/demon instincts, forced him to like her in a dark yet lusting way.
- I'll leave it off there. Please review. Chapter 2 comming soon! :) -