Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood and Roses ❯ Demon Dream and Sacred Sin part 1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Blood and Roses

Disclaimer: Don't own anything.

Important note: I forgot to put this in the last chapter I'm going to be using some Japanese later but it's actually going to be a different language. The fact being as she is in Japan the people would know what she was saying. There are some Japanese words that I'm going to have her explain later and it would be totally stupid if I had to do that. So this is the loophole I opted for. The last chapter probably would have made more sense if I had said that earlier. I hadn't really thought about it until I looked it over and saw the part where Fayth said people would either say ningen or human. It kinda makes her look stupid if you didn't know it first.

Lemon Alert: Also I wanted to let everyone know there will be a lemon at the end of this chapter. I don't know why but I just thought I should put that little alert in. (Well I'll shut up now and let you read)

Chapter 7: Demon Dreams and Sacred Sin


Yield not to evils, but attack all the more boldly - Virgil


- Northern sector: Seeker's Path -

Kurama had been drifting off into another one of his thoughts, when a sudden high pitched noise snapped him from his wanderings. He wasn't sure where the noise originated form, for it seemed to be coming form everywhere and nowhere at the same time. A quick scan of the area had shown nothing but that didn't mean anything. Maybe he was just over reacting. The girl, what ever her motives, said she would keep whatever guards there were distracted. Of course that didn't mean he trusted her. At this point there was no telling what game she was really playing at, but for Yukina's sake, they had to trust what she said to be the truth. It wasn't until he realized that Hiei was using his jagan that perhaps someone could really be nearby.

Looking over to Yusuke and Kuwabara, the two didn't seem to notice the sudden noise. They were currently engaged in a conversation about Keiko. Apparently Yusuke had been in the doghouse for all the time he was spending on this case. Keiko was just as worried about Yukina as everyone else, but she still hadn't gotten use to all the time Yusuke had been spending on missions. It almost made Kurama want to laugh, almost but not quite. Of course he had more pressing issues on his mind at the moment.

Fayth was just a vampire but at the same time she was something else completely. Kurama was already aware of the fact that the genetic structure of vampires varied from race to race. According to what she had written, at least part of the three races were combined into her genes. What use could she possibly be to them? As far as Kurama knew, vampire blood was dangerous to demons. Though he didn't think that's what the girl had in mind when she said to get the vampire to save their friend's life. It didn't seem to make much sense. She must have not known what effect a vampire's blood would have on a demon, since she had suggested getting one to help.


An irritating buzz cut through the night air like an annoying hum. It made an already pissed off Hiei want to cut into something, even more then usual. It certainly wasn't doing any good for his severely frayed nerves. A hand reflexively griped the katana at his side, completely ready for anything that could come their way. Nothing had made an appearance so far, but of course that didn't mean anything. Using his jagan to scan the surrounding area, much to his disappointment, there was nothing but the infuriating noise.

The idiot was currently speaking to the detective in a hushed tone. He could have easily listened to what they were saying, if he was so inclined to do so. However, whatever they were talking about wasn't of any importance to him. Generally, whenever the moron had something to say, you could full believe it probably wasn't of any importance. In his opinion, Kuwabaka basically had an IQ ten points below mud, but he did have his moments of usefulness. As much as Hiei despised the fact that the oaf was dating his sister, the he did make Yukina happy and it was all that mattered. Of course, that didn't mean he would ever think Kuwabara worthy of her. Hiei would always take the role of her protective brother with a dead seriousness. Even for a moment, Hiei suspected that the moron stepped out of line, there would be hell to pay.

Ancient tree limbs twisted and stretched around the group like a painting of a hell scape. Something in the air was making his skin crawl and grating his nerves even more than the noise that surrounded them. Even the local wild life refuse to venture out into some unforeseen death trap. Looking ahead, Hiei noticed the path narrowing until it began to disappear completely. Again he used his jagan, but to no surprise, there was nothing. The other three being the only energy signals. If anybody was nearby he would know about it before anything could get the drop on them.

Hiei's mind began to wander over some things that seemed to dig it claws into his subconscious and refused to let go. Lately, everything seemed to be going to hell in a hand basket. The makai would freeze over before he would show any concern. Ever since Sensui nothing seemed to be quite right, like the calm before the storm. It wasn't as though he wanted anything to happen to the human world, in truth, he didn't really care one way or the other. If the demons took over the three worlds he wasn't going to interfere. Hell, anything that could sever his ties to spirit world could be considered a blessing.

Of course, there was always the problem with his sister's love for that constant thorn in his side. She would no doubt try to stop anything from happening to the idiot, and that was something he couldn't have. So whether he liked it or not, Hiei was stuck. He would just have to stick around and play the wait and see the game.

Then there was the current situation with the fox. He had been even more distant towards everyone, as of late. Not that it had concerned Hiei to much, but it was uncommon even for Kurama. Of course, he was damned if he was going to say anything about it, right now. More than likely, it was to do with the recent obsession with anything related to that vampire, Fayth, if he wasn't mistaken. It was almost as though there was a force pulling his friend to seek out this girl. Why that had been the case, he probably would never understand. The only thing that mattered was they needed her to save his sister. One way or another he would get the information.

Hiei only had to worry about the tasks at hand. Getting his sister to safety was his first priority and then finding the vampire, but, finding the source of the damned able noise and making it bleed seemed to be the only thing on his mind at the present moment

There was a sudden movement off to the right in one of the bushes. Even though Hiei could find the source of the disturbance with his jagan, he knew it meant trouble. Turning his head toward the fox, he noticed Kurama had stopped walking and was currently staring off into the same direction of the movement.


Yusuke was about to lay into Kuwabara, when he realized Hiei and Kurama had stopped walking. Turning around he saw them looking toward the eastern direction. Hiei's katana already drawn and Kurama was lifting his hand to one of the seeds he kept hidden in his hair. Yusuke kept his voice in a hushed tone, just in case trouble was brewing. "Hey what's up? Find something?"

The only answer he received was a quick shhh from Kurama. Apparently they weren't alone, but Yusuke wondered how many could be lurking in the deep shadows of the forest. Before he could make a comment, a quick flash of movement streaked in front of the group. Standing before them was a man, or at least it could have been a man at one point. One steel claw was stretched down from the center of each of his hands, ending almost at a full six inches from its starting point. His skin held a light green tint and two insect-like antennas, which hung in front of his face. The rest of his body had been almost normal, if it wasn't for the fact he had a set of rather large wings protruding form his back.

Yusuke knew Kuwabara was going to make some comment when the man thing opened it's mouth and let out a high pitched shriek. The only thing any of them could do was grab their ears in an attempt to drowned out the deafening noise.

It squatted down low, steel claws stretched out, as he prepared to attack. The thing pushed forward in a quick motion towards Yusuke, a clawed hand pulled back as he made a swing for he detective's head. At the last moment Yusuke jumped aside landing in a shoulder roll and was on his feet in a heartbeat.

He felt his pulse quicken slightly, as it usually did before any fight, when the monster turned toward him for another attack. Yusuke didn't have to wait long for it to charge again. Suddenly it was running, fast, almost a blur as it dropped one hand, sweeping it up in an attempt to slice the boy in half. However, it never got the chance. Before Yusuke's mind could process what was going on, the thing was on it's knees, screeching in pain. Thin streams of reddish blue liquid flowed from his eyes, nose, and ears. Moments later, it lay motionless on the ground.

"Huh what the hell was that"?

Nobody answered his question, for everyone, much like himself, was at a loss for words. In all likelihood, it was the woman Kurama and he had heard in the park. If that was the case, then how did she managed to do that kind of damage to that thing, when she wasn't even there, had left a sickening feeling in the pit of Yusuke's stomach.

"C'mon, he finally said, we need to get the hell out of here and get Yukina".


Kuwabara had remained silent for the rest of the way, not wanting another one of those things to get the drop on them. It wasn't as though he was afraid, far from it, but there was no telling how many of those things lurked in the densely wooded forest. Even though those things wouldn't pose much of a threat, he wasn't stupid by any means. If a group of it's friends decided to attack, they would only end up wasting energy they might need later on to save Yukina. If this was anything like when they had to save her from Tarukane, then they would need all the energy they could spare. Just the thought of having to face someone like the Toguro brothers again sent shivers down his spine.

Several minutes later, he realized the pull he felt from his connection to Yukina was getting stronger. It wouldn't be much longer before he could see his precious love again. That thought alone made Kuwabara want to run the rest of the way, but the rational part of his mind kept his feet at a steady pace.
"Hey guys I think we're getting close. It shouldn't be much further".

In front of them stood a rather large mansion. Actually, the home was more of an old style Japanese manor with a sort of modern look to it. It would have been a beautiful sight, if it wasn't for the fact that they knew some psychotic bastard was inside holding Yukina against her will, doing lord knows what to her.

Pushing that particularly nasty thought out of his head, Kuwabara increased his pace as they made their way into an empty courtyard. "So where do you think they're keeping her. This doesn't exactly look like someplace they'd be doing experiments. I mean, you did say that paper said this was the same place that Zero guy was moved to". He didn't get an answer from any of them. Yusuke just hushed him and stepped inside.


The place was like a maze with more hallways and doors then any one house needed. With the shear size of it, it could easily take them all night to find Yukina. That was something none of the group was looking forward to. Even though they had yet to have a run in with any of the residents, the prospect of staying any longer than necessary wasn't very appealing. Not that they were complaining about the silence, but it didn't lighten the mood either. Opening another door, they looked into the room only to find it empty, except for the statue of a man holding his hand out.
Looking at the floor, Kurama realized it opened up some how. It probably was some form of trick panel that opened when you applied the proper piece to the statue, but they truly didn't have the time to waste on this.

"I think we just found the entrance to the actual facility. However, there is a bit of a problem as to how we are going to get through. From what I can tell we will need the missing piece to this statue if we are to proceed".

"What!" Yusuke yelled, "We don't need this right now. Are you sure thing is the only way in"?
Kurama thought before he responded, letting out a sigh in the process. "Yes, I'm quite sure this is the way"?

"Well isn't that just great," Kuwabara said "what do we do now"?

"I suppose we will just have to find the piece of the statue".

Yusuke snorted at the statement. "I don't plan on being here any longer than I have to. Stand back and let me take care of this".

"Just what are you planning -- "?
"What I should have done in the first place Hiei". Holding his hand up, Yusuke let a small amount of his spirit energy flow to the end of his finger. Taking aim, he prepared to pull the mental trigger and let the energy fly. Half a second later, two words broke the silence that settled in the room.
The floor blew apart revealing a staircase heading down to an elevator. A short trip downward and they were making their descent into the unknown.
"That wasn't very intelligent." Hiei finally commented, "If you had put much more energy into that blast, we would have been looking for another way in".
"Oh give me a break will ya. If it had been you, you would have done the same thing".
He knew Yusuke may have been right, but Hiei wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that. "I highly doubt that detective".
"Sure. Whatever".
The elevator stopped suddenly, shaking slightly in the process, throwing Kuwabara's sense of balance off for a moment. The doors slid open. A long concrete hallway extended forty feet before ending at a set of metal doors.
Stepping out into the corridor, every hair on the back of his neck seemed to stand on end at the same time. His sixth sense seemed to go into overdrive. Massive feelings of anger and pain assaulted him as he made his way along the corridor.
The doors were constructed from some sort of heavy metal substance that must have been at least a foot thick. Off to the side a small light on a card reader flashed red, almost as if it were trying to mock Kuwabara. He was so close to Yukina only to have some damn tiny piece of technology holding him back from his objective.
"Hey Urameshi why don't you use your spirit gun again and blow the thing apart"?
"No Kuwabara." Kurama said, "I don't think that's a very wise. It's a magnetic card reader. Using the spirit gun wouldn't be a very affective means of opening the door. We will need the key card to open it. Besides, there is no telling if Yukina is in the room. What would be the point of coming here to rescue her, if we only end up killing her in the process of trying to get through the door?"
"Yeah you have a point, but where are we suppose to look for it. This place is huge. For all we know it could be hidden anywhere. Heck, as empty as the house is, the card might not even be here".
"True, but there is nothing we can do about it. I think it would be best if we split up. I'll take the northern end, Hiei can go south, Yusuke, you can head west and that leaves Kuwabara the east. With some patience and a little luck, we should be out of here within an hour or so".
"Hey just who died and made you the leader"?
A sort of teasing tone could be heard in Kurama's voice as he spoke. "I believe, Yusuke, that would be you... several times now if I'm not mistaken".
"Very funny Kurama. Oh and in case you missed it that was sarcasm". Looking over to the blinking light Yusuke grumbled something under his breath. "You do realize this is totally bullshit. What the hell happened to all the help we were suppose to get...". Before he could finish his sentence the light stopped blinking, a soft buzz sounded, then a click, and the door was sliding open. "A little to convenient if you ask me, but I guess we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth".
Goshin looked at the intruders entering the private elevator from the safety of his room. He had been quite impressed at the display form one of the boys on the screen. The kid, whoever he was, was able to completely destroy the entrance to the facility by shooting an energy blast through his finger. Apparently someone had screwed up when they had chosen the girl that rested in the recovery tank.
Goshin knew he should do something, but curiosity got the better of him. He was far to interested to find out just how effective the new form of the serum could be, after all, wasn't that the point of this experiment. The head honchos wouldn't be pleased to say the least, however, at this point Goshin didn't really give a rat's a what the higher ups thought. It wasn't like he hadn't gotten out of worse situation in the past, Los Angeles being a prime example. The contribution of his work was held in high regards, even among some of those who never really care for him.
Sitting back he watched the foursome made their way into the lab, a smile spreading across his lips.
The room they entered was a rather large one filled with computer scenes and various types of equipment. Glass containers lined neatly stocked shelves, many of them holding, what seemed to be, parts of animals suspended in a murky fluid. A operating table was set dead center in the room, small amounts of blood still lay on the surface.
Placing one finger in the substance, Kurama realized, who ever had been there obviously left in a bit of a hurry for it hadn't even dried yet. Small feelings of dread wormed it way into his system as his mind told him it probably belonged to Yukina. Looking over to Hiei his fear became more solid as a soft growl erupted from his friends throat.
Stepping over to one of the screens he noticed a room filled with large tubes, filled with a blue liquid, a blurry form of a person could be seen. "I think I've found something". Straining his eyes, Kurama realized, the person was in fact Yukina.
Hiei was at his side in the blink of an eye. "Where is this"?
"From the looks of the computer it should be through those glass doors".

Little bubbles floated up from the mask that was on her face as the monitors at the side of the tank beeped in a steady pulse. Her injuries didn't seem to be life threatening but the sooner they could get her out of there the better.
Kuwabara stepped in front of the tube, placing both hands on the glass. "Hold on my love I'll get you out of there". He balled up his fist and was about to strike the glass when Kurama's voice stopped him cold in his tracks.
"Hey, what's the shouting for"?
Kurama let out a breath as he took a moment to compose himself. "Don't be in such a rush. Just give me a second and I'll have her out of there. We don't need you causing any more injuries to Yukina. Even though I know it wouldn't be intentional, you could still end up doing more harm than good." With the push a few buttons, Kurama saw the blue liquid began to drain out of the tube. Once it was finally empty a hissing sound filled the room as the top the the glass slid down. Not wasting any time Kuwabara carefully took the mask off and picked her up out of the container, much to Hiei's displeasure. If Kuwabara had been facing him the death glare alone was enough to keep Yusuke dead.
"Lets go" Yusuke said, "We need to get back to Genkai's temple and get her injuries taken care of".
Not even a second glance was spared before the boys were on their way out of that place, hopefully never to return. Not a single one of them ever wanted to set foot into that little shop of horrors if they could help it.

- Genkai's Temple -

Yukina rest was peaceful now, but the feel of the energy that surrounded the temple was anything but. Even though they successfully retrieved her from that lab, she still remained just out of their reach. Her injuries weren't to severe. It would still take a while before her body was fully repaired. If only Kurama had more time to find that girl. It seemed unlikely he would be able to find anything useful in all of the documents, or the journal for that matter. He wasn't going to give up yet, but first he needed to clear his head. Perhaps a short walk could get rid of the cobwebs that seemed to try to clutter his mind.
He headed out of the temple at a slow pace with no real destination in mind. As Kurama made his way south a warm breeze blew across his face sending a few strands of hair flowing around him. The streets were pretty much devoid of life, which suited him just fine. He wasn't really much in the mood for the constant flock of groupies, that seemed to linger everywhere he seemed to be. Truly, it irritated him to no end the lengths those girls would go to get his attention. How any of them could bring themselves to the level they did was amazing. It was highly doubtful some of those girls had real self respect, but now was not the time to dwell on such matters. The point of this outing was to clear his head and relieve some of his stress.
At the city's edge he was making his way around the corner when a dark blue jeep parked across the street, a familiar young woman stepping on the sidewalk, disappearing down a nearby alleyway. It took a moment to process where he had seen her before. If he remembered correctly, it was the same girl he had seen the previous night in the park when they were looking for Hiei.
Kurama wasn't sure what exactly compelled him to follow her, the meeting happened so fast she was gone before he could really ask her anything. He wanted to know who she was and why she seemed to recognize him. The look was only brief but he saw it. Who ever she was, Kurama knew she hadn't met him before that night, but at the same time she seemed so familiar. Preparing himself for anything that could happen, he entered the dark ally. A small feeling of shock entered his system when he realized it was empty.
He tried to feel out her energy signal but found something interesting. It was strange, just like Yusuke had said before, the feeling was as though she had no soul. Perhaps it would be best to just leave it alone for now, but for some reason he couldn't. Going against his better judgment Kurama decided to find her and get some answers. Maybe with some luck this girl could end up being the person they were looking for.
'Yeah right wouldn't that be convenient', Kurama thought as he turned around to leave.
Fayth's head throbbed, a dull ache from lack of rest and proper nutrition. She had slept for a short time in the makai, but it was nowhere near what she needed. She still had a few thing to take care of after she left, draining what little Emery she managed to acquire. Another nap was in order, but first there was the matter of getting a quick bite to eat.
That truth of the situation didn't sit to well with her and probably never would. Even though she was a vampire, the simple thought of sustaining the beast within always put a knot in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't as though she hated the taste of blood or even the flow of life's energy into her body, it was quite the opposite, but she still detested the fact that something held control over her. Being headstrong and self-reliant, Fayth never was one to do as she was told. Even before her transformation into the creature she is now, she couldn't stand to take orders from anyone.
When she had first made her way to the rooftops near her jeep, a familiar Emery came up from behind. Taking one quick hop to the nearest building, Fayth looked down seeing a head of dark red hair. She wondered if it was just dumb luck or perhaps something more. The way he had a distant look in his eyes, the other night, just didn't sit right with her. No, maybe that wasn't it but she knew it was something for sure. That puzzle was going to have to wait another night to be solved. Right now she need something to eat.