Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter 2
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: minor angst, vampirism(-_-;), shonen ai, lemon
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, vague reference to BiulaxHiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.fanfiction.net under Arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 2
He never sensed Hiei. Although he was in tune with the demon's distinct youki, it was far too low for his human form to feel. But another youki screamed at him, strong enough to wake him from a dead sleep. The house was silent, usual for the time of night now that his mother had moved in with her new husband. There had been no contact with the Makai for so long that it took seconds before Kurama knew for certain he wasn't imagining the dark youki. He wasn't, and it emanated from beneath his bedroom window. A brief glimpse of something hulking and dark, glowing blue eyes, met him before the youki seemed to vanish suddenly. He didn't pause to blink, throwing the window open and leaping lightly to the ground. His intention was to follow the demon since it had obviously sought him out. He nearly fell over the dark form lying at his feet.
A burn started in his chest, radiating outward until his fingers tingled and he dropped to his knees, brushing past dark hair to touch a pale neck. A long minute passed where he couldn't find a pulse, but he heard a quiet bubbling sound and saw Hiei's shoulder shift, just a bit as he took a short breath. The sound made his eyes widen more and jolted him into motion. The slender youkai was wearing his usual cloak, but it was damp, dark red showing on his hand when he touched Hiei's arm. Ignoring the questions running through his mind, he turned his friend onto his back, lifting him carefully. He was almost grateful that Hiei made no sound of the pain movement might have caused, but he was sure the silence was a bad sign. Inside was the normal place to take an injured person, but Kurama had walled in the garden weeks ago and he knew, he'd need easy access to nature. His steps were graceful and quick as he tried not to shake Hiei, his eyes falling again to the dark patch over the demon's forehead. The jagan was closed, but the skin surrounding it was a shadow, a small trickle of blood having caught in Hiei's eyebrow. That scared him more than anything.
* * *
His chest burned, not a sharp pain, but heat as if it were filled with acid. But he didn't choke when he took a quick breath and his eyelashes fluttered at the sound of movement. Something squirmed against his hand, making his eyes snap open suddenly, bright light wetting them as he squinted abruptly.
"Hiei." Kurama sighed when vivid red eyes snapped to him, a hand falling to the demon's shoulder in case he tried to move. Those eyes followed his other hand, watching him wave the plant away from Hiei's jagan.
Anger rapidly replaced his confusion and Hiei turned his head, staring at the vines wrapped around his right arm. He didn't have to ask what they were doing, he could feel them pulsing against his skin, the rest of the limb numb. Of course, Kurama would heal him. Biula must have known that from the start, must have brought him directly to the redhead. A dome of plants arched over them and Hiei wondered where they were. But it didn't matter. His eyes turned back to Kurama and he waited to see how much the youko knew.
"I'm not a doctor," Kurama said softly, his expression neutral for the moment, "but your ribs ripped through one of your lungs. And you nearly lost your right arm." Hiei didn't give any reaction and Kurama's eyes narrowed, a hint of fury sliding through. "Who did it?"
"Where are we?" Hiei countered, frowning down at the tiny vines that seemed to be coming out from *inside* his chest. There was no pain, though, only that hot burn. He could handle heat.
"In my backyard," Kurama glared. Taking his hand back, he folded his legs beneath him and sat at Hiei's side, barely blinking when a bright plant curved over his shoulders so the small demon wasn't in his shadow. He may have had trouble calling plants from the Makai in the past, but he no longer even had to shift forms to do so, now. "Someone brought you here. Who?"
"You didn't see?" Green eyes were glaring at him, but Hiei closed his own eyes carelessly. Whether it was Biula's plan or not, he'd have accepted the healing if necessary. But it wasn't necessary. His eyelids were heavy again and he could feel that throb in his forehead, strumming down his back. He didn't know how long he'd been unconscious, but his body was telling him it wasn't for long enough. Something pressed on his closed jagan, a shard of pain bolting through his neck and he jerked, giving Kurama an incredulous stare.
"Don't you dare!" Kurama warned, wincing a bit since he knew he'd hurt him more. "You can't heal yourself like that, and I need you conscious." The young demon still looked shocked, but he shook his head, brushing the bruised skin around Hiei's jagan with a soft, moist cloth. At least he could undo his own harm by numbing the area. "I know you think you can regain your youki like that, but you don't have enough blood to sustain you during such a deep sleep, Hiei." He was just grateful the demon hadn't been comatose when he'd found him or he'd never have woken him, ever. His eyes narrowed again, his hand curling around the cloth. "Tell me who did it, Hiei. Now."
There was no way in hell. Kurama wasn't even supposed to know. As familiar as he was with the human side of the youko, Hiei was sure he'd rush out and attack Biula. That would make the pain for nothing, pointless. But Kurama's words made him hesitate in going to sleep. He knew he'd lost blood, obviously, but his jagan was seldom wrong and it was the thing pushing him to close his eyes. He'd always recovered on his own, aside from the time Mukuro had brought him back from death. He was no where near that now and he gave the red-haired ningen a droll glare before closing his eyes firmly.
"Stop that!" Kurama growled, jerking Hiei's shoulders off the soft grass bedding. "You've lost too much blood. Do you understand? Even a youkai can't replenish that on his own."
Hiei didn't open his eyes, but his lips curved downward. "Let go."
Red eyes snapped open wide and Hiei stared at the silver-haired youko leaning over him. Kurama knew better! While he'd been attracted to the youko since the first time he'd seen him, the forceful nature had turned him away. The thought of that one instance came too close with what he'd just gone through and he hissed through his bared teeth, eyes narrowing to slits. Kurama had never shifted around him after that. "What are you doing?"
"You won't listen," Kurama murmured, golden eyes sliding over Hiei's bruised torso. They paused on the wounded arm and hand, a thought shifting the vines until the small demon was sitting up. Hiei's gaze was more than wary, bordering on panic and he frowned at him. "I didn't want to force you. But you leave me no option."
"You think I'll obey that form more?" Hiei growled, glaring suddenly. "Baka!"
"I never wanted you to *obey* me," Kurama frowned, shrugging the white cloth off his shoulders. "If you weren't so damned set against listening, you'd know there isn't another choice. And I didn't choose this form because you dislike it, I chose it because I'm stronger this way. You need more blood than my human form can spare."
Anger doubling suddenly, Hiei jerked against the vines, barely wincing at the abrupt pain in his arm. He could imagine now, what Biula was thinking, bringing him to Kurama. If the youko gave him blood, the demon could have both the next time. It was too much. "I don't want it," he growled, his left hand curling and pulling at the vines imbedded in the skin. "Let me go!" The thin, living cords gave a bit, but tightened when he tried to grab at the vines protruding from his chest. "Now!" He was glaring downward, but his head jerked back when Kurama grabbed him, strong arms pulling him close against the youko's chest. Frozen, he held his breath for a moment before he blinked, his voice soft. "What are you doing...?"
"I never should have let you stay in the Makai," Kurama growled, a light hand brushing thick black hair. "I knew I shouldn't have."
"I *knew* you'd be noticed." The back beneath his arm was tense and he rubbed it slowly. Hiei didn't take himself seriously, unaware of how much of a temptation he was to other youkai. Kurama knew he'd been one of the select few to ever get close to the demon and he'd only let him go because to hold him, would be to break that trust they had. Hiei wasn't one to be tied down, controlled, not by anyone. He'd found that out the one other time he'd allowed his youko nature to dominate him in the youkai's presence. It was a mistake he'd been careful not to make again. If there were another option, he wouldn't take the form now. But there wasn't. "Who touched you?" Hiei's head was pressed to his shoulder and he held it when the youkai tried to move.
"Stop asking that," Hiei muttered. If he weren't so tired he'd have bitten the damned youko. He didn't know what Kurama was thinking, but he didn't like to be held, certainly not like this. But he knew from his time in the Ningenkai that it was a way of showing affection. If only he'd stop asking. "I want to sleep."
"Soon," Kurama promised, his fingers threading through thick, velvety hair as he lifted Hiei onto his lap. "This won't take long."
He'd realized he was naked immediately, but he hadn't thought anything about it. After all, it wasn't as if he and Kurama hadn't been lovers. But he thought of it now as slender fingers touched his thigh, his left hand clenching around the vines suddenly. "What-"
Kurama's voice was low, whisper soft, but radiating the fury bubbling beneath his cool exterior. "Why do you think he raped you while he drank your blood? It's common practice to steal youki at the same time. I'll give you mine."
"I don't want it!" Hiei spat, nearly shouting when the vines held him still, more circling his waist and lifting him until his face was above Kurama's pale, muscled shoulder. "I don't *need* it, blood or youki!"
"Calm down," Kurama murmured, pressing a soft kiss on the adamant demon's bruised chest. "I'll be careful, I won't hurt you. I've already healed most of the damage, so it shouldn't hurt."
"Will you listen?!" A hand caught his chin and Hiei glared into mellow golden eyes, baring his small fangs. "I said no." This was why he despised the youko, the cool expression in the face of his anger. Kurama would have listened, he was sure of it, if he didn't have the youko's mindset. Lips brushed his before the youko leaned forward, pressing against his cheek.
"Hiei, I am listening. But it won't be like last time, I promise. And it'll be nothing like what he did to you. You *need* this, whether you believe it or not. I know." He could feel it now, the low hum of Hiei's youki, so low his human form couldn't even catch a breath of it. How much of that small reserve would the jagan suck up in order to replenish the blood loss? He shuddered to imagine it. Hiei might have confidence in the implant's ability, but Kurama was well aware that it fed off the little youkai's own power. He *couldn't* heal on his own. But Hiei wouldn't thank him for this.
Hiei didn't know what the vines were doing besides holding him, although he assumed from the burn in his injured areas that they were healing at the same time, but he realized they served another purpose when his head shifted down without his willing it. His eyes widened when he found his mouth pressing against Kurama's shoulder, face hidden near the youko's neck. He made a muffled sound, but his teeth sank down without hesitation, a slight cut in the pale skin. Realization truly came when he began drawing the blood out in a slow and steady stream; the vines in his chest must have spread past the area. Kurama gave a soft groan and he glared against the skin, wondering if it hurt the youko as much as it had him. He almost hoped it did.
The burn made Kurama tilt his head back, but it wasn't painful so much as uncomfortable. He distracted himself by shifting Hiei down onto him, relaxing his control over the youkai enough to let him pull his face away for a quick gasp. Red eyes glared at him and he pressed a quick kiss on Hiei's lips, not minding the hateful expression. He had a hand buried in the demon's thick hair and he pressed him down again, wincing when those small but sharp teeth latched onto him. The vines held Hiei's arms back, out of the way so the healing wouldn't be interfered with, but those strong legs were mobile enough. And despite his argument, Kurama knew Hiei didn't mind that much since the demon was supporting himself, knees on either side of his legs.
His stomach rebelled against the taste of the coppery liquid, but his veins were throbbing pleasantly, warmth rolling over him. Drinking suddenly seemed necessary as he paused only for an occasional breath, and he thought again of what he'd known before. Youko blood was intoxicating, but not poisonous, not now. Kurama moved his hips and Hiei's eyes closed as he growled around the youko's neck, pressing his chest closer to warm skin. The movement inside him spread the burn and his hands twitched, longing to grab Kurama's shoulders.
Gasping a quick breath, Kurama tightened his hold in Hiei's hair, his eyes closing to slits. "Easy, Hiei, easy. You're...going too fast." He didn't think the demon would hear him, but the teeth clamped on his neck loosened a bit and the burn in his veins calmed back to a steadier ache. His body was trying to rebel against the act and he had an urge to thrust into the little demon until he found a release. But it didn't matter if he enjoyed himself or not, it wasn't for him. Heavy breaths threw his hair and he closed his eyes, listening to the tiny growls Hiei emitted. He'd never heard the sound before, but it sent warm satisfaction through him, almost making up for the loss of youki. The blood he gave without expecting a return, but it was against his nature to release youki willingly. He was certain, he'd only have done it for the young demon pressing against him. The light weight lifted from his shoulder and he smiled, not stilling his arms as he moved the youkai with him. "Daijoubu...I've more blood than you," he whispered, sighing when a warm tongue brushed the small injury. "You know how much you need..."
He should have reminded the youko that he didn't want it, but Hiei couldn't think. His legs matched Kurama's hips and he growled at the hot current, his tongue rubbing the soft skin of the youkai's neck. Turning his head, he stared at Kurama's closed eyes until they opened slowly, focusing on him. Golden irises dropped to his lips and he opened them, pushing upward as they kissed. The tempo shifted immediately, but he didn't mind when Kurama moved harder into him, his tongue roving the youko's hot mouth. A part of him wondered that *he* was allowed to initiate the kiss, that he wasn't being overwhelmed, but he didn't care at the moment. Pulling away, he ran his mouth down again before sucking at the slight wound. As if something had changed inside him, he found his body craving the youko's blood. Intoxicating, he thought, wincing at the tight grip on his hips, it was almost *too* intoxicating. Pulling back again, he licked his lips, staring at the small bite marks. "Kurama?"
"Finished?" Kurama asked, his hips stilling as he paused, embedded in the little demon. "Do you want me to stop, now?" Every part of him cried outrage at the very idea, but he clamped down on that, turning his calm eyes on Hiei. The demon blinked at him for a second before frowning sharply.
The youko was *asking* him? His muscles moved a bit, clenching around the hard length inside him and he closed his eyes, ducking his head. "A stupid question," he muttered, his forehead resting on Kurama's shoulder. "Why would you ask that?"
"I told you," Kurama said solemnly, fingers curling in Hiei's hair. "I only did this because you needed it. I'd never take advantage of you when your youki is so low. You should know better than that."
"Ch'." His muscles tightened and Hiei smirked when the youko gave a soft growl. "Finish it."
"Gladly." Being very careful, Kurama lowered Hiei onto his back, vines churning to get out of the way, the youkai's injured arms held out to either side. His hand slid down, feather light over the red scratches on Hiei's stomach. He'd stopped the bleeding earlier, and they were already starting to heal as blood was available to close the wounds. Satisfied with the impromptu inspection, he moved his hand lower, long fingers curling around the youkai's length. Hiei's eyes were closed when he leaned down, but they flicked open as his face neared, red eyes boring into him. There was no hint of the wary dislike he'd seen before, and Kurama blamed it on the blood. A youko was a sensual demon by nature, and his blood had many redeeming qualities. Not that he ever planned to have it taken again, but he didn't doubt this was the only time Hiei would accept his youko form so eagerly. That small mouth opened beneath him and their tongues twined, red eyes hidden by dark lashes. When he lifted his head, it was to lower it just as quickly, his forehead pressing Hiei's shoulder as he kept his weight off the slight youkai. The demon wasn't growling any more, but the quick breaths ended on a slightly higher note than he remembered and Kurama smiled against Hiei's skin, moving faster. He'd missed this, missed him and everything about him; Hiei, his Hiei.
* * *
The sun was up by the time Kurama woke, but it barely filtered through the nest he'd made and he knew no one would be visiting so early. For a moment, he was surprised he'd fallen asleep, but it made sense. After all, he'd lost a lot of blood and youki. But he felt normal enough. He didn't have Hiei's injuries to compound the loss, so his body was quick to recover. Soft breaths fell on his chest and he smiled, not opening his eyes as he turned his head a bit to feel the tug on his long red hair. In the past Hiei would never have fallen asleep on him. It had taken forever just to get the youkai used to sleeping with him. He kept waking up to fight against the thing touching him. Kurama's smile turned into a smirk as he remembered how a particularly violent wakening had changed into as sweet an apology as Hiei could give. The little youkai had his quirks, definitely the pickiest of Kurama's lovers, but also the only one he'd been so eager to please. He'd given up the youko for him, after finally regaining the form. That spoke of how strongly he felt.
Lifting his head a bit, Kurama's smile faded and he looked over the slender demon sleeping on him. He must have disengaged the vines last night, though he didn't remember doing so. Hiei's arm was dark with bruises, but the bone was back in place, scabs having formed sometime during his sleep. Even the black tattoo had somehow grown back, no longer torn. That caught his eye and he glared, wondering what sort of demon was so strong as to tear Hiei up that much. The youkai had visited him, not too long ago, and he'd been as strong as ever, at least a lower S class. The one responsible would have to be horribly strong, to best Hiei. Kurama wanted it, but he was not beyond seeking assistance if necessary. Either way, as soon as he got a name, that demon was dead.
His fingers brushed Hiei's left hand, touching the indentions where teeth had cut through. That would take longer to heal, but he hoped it wouldn't scar. It had been a semicircle of holes when he'd first seen it, and he was just glad the youkai's hand hadn't been bitten in half. That spoke of large teeth, meaning the demon probably wasn't humanoid in appearance, at least not much. He wasn't sure yet if the one who'd dropped Hiei off was the culprit, but if so it certainly explained the strength. His little lover was able to absorb incredibly strong impacts, but his ribs had been broken completely, shards stabbed through his lung. And all that from the same spot, the large fist-shaped bruise told him as much. Large hands were needed to explain the spread of the claw marks on Hiei's stomach. The injuries gave him features, but he'd need a name to find the one responsible. Eyes dropping to Hiei's relaxed expression, he gave a silent sigh, knowing the name wouldn't be given without a fight. He rubbed the back of his hand over his lover's soft cheek before lowering his head again. Hiei's sleep was not jagan-induced, but natural. He'd wait until the demon woke on his own, then he'd get the answers.
* * *
My favorite pattern: angst...angst-tinted sap...sap...angst...more angst...angst-tinted sap. ^__^ It's also fun to cut the pure sap out altogether. ~__^; Poor, poor Hiei, he's my favorite character! You'd never know it the way *I* treat him...
Youko Kurama: Why doesn't Hiei like me?
Hiei: Because you're a crazy nympho kitsune!
Ningen Kurama: And I'm the one who lets Hiei do what *he* wants.
Youko Kurama: Oh... -_-;
Arigatomina: 0.0;
Warnings: minor angst, vampirism(-_-;), shonen ai, lemon
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, vague reference to BiulaxHiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.fanfiction.net under Arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 2
He never sensed Hiei. Although he was in tune with the demon's distinct youki, it was far too low for his human form to feel. But another youki screamed at him, strong enough to wake him from a dead sleep. The house was silent, usual for the time of night now that his mother had moved in with her new husband. There had been no contact with the Makai for so long that it took seconds before Kurama knew for certain he wasn't imagining the dark youki. He wasn't, and it emanated from beneath his bedroom window. A brief glimpse of something hulking and dark, glowing blue eyes, met him before the youki seemed to vanish suddenly. He didn't pause to blink, throwing the window open and leaping lightly to the ground. His intention was to follow the demon since it had obviously sought him out. He nearly fell over the dark form lying at his feet.
A burn started in his chest, radiating outward until his fingers tingled and he dropped to his knees, brushing past dark hair to touch a pale neck. A long minute passed where he couldn't find a pulse, but he heard a quiet bubbling sound and saw Hiei's shoulder shift, just a bit as he took a short breath. The sound made his eyes widen more and jolted him into motion. The slender youkai was wearing his usual cloak, but it was damp, dark red showing on his hand when he touched Hiei's arm. Ignoring the questions running through his mind, he turned his friend onto his back, lifting him carefully. He was almost grateful that Hiei made no sound of the pain movement might have caused, but he was sure the silence was a bad sign. Inside was the normal place to take an injured person, but Kurama had walled in the garden weeks ago and he knew, he'd need easy access to nature. His steps were graceful and quick as he tried not to shake Hiei, his eyes falling again to the dark patch over the demon's forehead. The jagan was closed, but the skin surrounding it was a shadow, a small trickle of blood having caught in Hiei's eyebrow. That scared him more than anything.
* * *
His chest burned, not a sharp pain, but heat as if it were filled with acid. But he didn't choke when he took a quick breath and his eyelashes fluttered at the sound of movement. Something squirmed against his hand, making his eyes snap open suddenly, bright light wetting them as he squinted abruptly.
"Hiei." Kurama sighed when vivid red eyes snapped to him, a hand falling to the demon's shoulder in case he tried to move. Those eyes followed his other hand, watching him wave the plant away from Hiei's jagan.
Anger rapidly replaced his confusion and Hiei turned his head, staring at the vines wrapped around his right arm. He didn't have to ask what they were doing, he could feel them pulsing against his skin, the rest of the limb numb. Of course, Kurama would heal him. Biula must have known that from the start, must have brought him directly to the redhead. A dome of plants arched over them and Hiei wondered where they were. But it didn't matter. His eyes turned back to Kurama and he waited to see how much the youko knew.
"I'm not a doctor," Kurama said softly, his expression neutral for the moment, "but your ribs ripped through one of your lungs. And you nearly lost your right arm." Hiei didn't give any reaction and Kurama's eyes narrowed, a hint of fury sliding through. "Who did it?"
"Where are we?" Hiei countered, frowning down at the tiny vines that seemed to be coming out from *inside* his chest. There was no pain, though, only that hot burn. He could handle heat.
"In my backyard," Kurama glared. Taking his hand back, he folded his legs beneath him and sat at Hiei's side, barely blinking when a bright plant curved over his shoulders so the small demon wasn't in his shadow. He may have had trouble calling plants from the Makai in the past, but he no longer even had to shift forms to do so, now. "Someone brought you here. Who?"
"You didn't see?" Green eyes were glaring at him, but Hiei closed his own eyes carelessly. Whether it was Biula's plan or not, he'd have accepted the healing if necessary. But it wasn't necessary. His eyelids were heavy again and he could feel that throb in his forehead, strumming down his back. He didn't know how long he'd been unconscious, but his body was telling him it wasn't for long enough. Something pressed on his closed jagan, a shard of pain bolting through his neck and he jerked, giving Kurama an incredulous stare.
"Don't you dare!" Kurama warned, wincing a bit since he knew he'd hurt him more. "You can't heal yourself like that, and I need you conscious." The young demon still looked shocked, but he shook his head, brushing the bruised skin around Hiei's jagan with a soft, moist cloth. At least he could undo his own harm by numbing the area. "I know you think you can regain your youki like that, but you don't have enough blood to sustain you during such a deep sleep, Hiei." He was just grateful the demon hadn't been comatose when he'd found him or he'd never have woken him, ever. His eyes narrowed again, his hand curling around the cloth. "Tell me who did it, Hiei. Now."
There was no way in hell. Kurama wasn't even supposed to know. As familiar as he was with the human side of the youko, Hiei was sure he'd rush out and attack Biula. That would make the pain for nothing, pointless. But Kurama's words made him hesitate in going to sleep. He knew he'd lost blood, obviously, but his jagan was seldom wrong and it was the thing pushing him to close his eyes. He'd always recovered on his own, aside from the time Mukuro had brought him back from death. He was no where near that now and he gave the red-haired ningen a droll glare before closing his eyes firmly.
"Stop that!" Kurama growled, jerking Hiei's shoulders off the soft grass bedding. "You've lost too much blood. Do you understand? Even a youkai can't replenish that on his own."
Hiei didn't open his eyes, but his lips curved downward. "Let go."
Red eyes snapped open wide and Hiei stared at the silver-haired youko leaning over him. Kurama knew better! While he'd been attracted to the youko since the first time he'd seen him, the forceful nature had turned him away. The thought of that one instance came too close with what he'd just gone through and he hissed through his bared teeth, eyes narrowing to slits. Kurama had never shifted around him after that. "What are you doing?"
"You won't listen," Kurama murmured, golden eyes sliding over Hiei's bruised torso. They paused on the wounded arm and hand, a thought shifting the vines until the small demon was sitting up. Hiei's gaze was more than wary, bordering on panic and he frowned at him. "I didn't want to force you. But you leave me no option."
"You think I'll obey that form more?" Hiei growled, glaring suddenly. "Baka!"
"I never wanted you to *obey* me," Kurama frowned, shrugging the white cloth off his shoulders. "If you weren't so damned set against listening, you'd know there isn't another choice. And I didn't choose this form because you dislike it, I chose it because I'm stronger this way. You need more blood than my human form can spare."
Anger doubling suddenly, Hiei jerked against the vines, barely wincing at the abrupt pain in his arm. He could imagine now, what Biula was thinking, bringing him to Kurama. If the youko gave him blood, the demon could have both the next time. It was too much. "I don't want it," he growled, his left hand curling and pulling at the vines imbedded in the skin. "Let me go!" The thin, living cords gave a bit, but tightened when he tried to grab at the vines protruding from his chest. "Now!" He was glaring downward, but his head jerked back when Kurama grabbed him, strong arms pulling him close against the youko's chest. Frozen, he held his breath for a moment before he blinked, his voice soft. "What are you doing...?"
"I never should have let you stay in the Makai," Kurama growled, a light hand brushing thick black hair. "I knew I shouldn't have."
"I *knew* you'd be noticed." The back beneath his arm was tense and he rubbed it slowly. Hiei didn't take himself seriously, unaware of how much of a temptation he was to other youkai. Kurama knew he'd been one of the select few to ever get close to the demon and he'd only let him go because to hold him, would be to break that trust they had. Hiei wasn't one to be tied down, controlled, not by anyone. He'd found that out the one other time he'd allowed his youko nature to dominate him in the youkai's presence. It was a mistake he'd been careful not to make again. If there were another option, he wouldn't take the form now. But there wasn't. "Who touched you?" Hiei's head was pressed to his shoulder and he held it when the youkai tried to move.
"Stop asking that," Hiei muttered. If he weren't so tired he'd have bitten the damned youko. He didn't know what Kurama was thinking, but he didn't like to be held, certainly not like this. But he knew from his time in the Ningenkai that it was a way of showing affection. If only he'd stop asking. "I want to sleep."
"Soon," Kurama promised, his fingers threading through thick, velvety hair as he lifted Hiei onto his lap. "This won't take long."
He'd realized he was naked immediately, but he hadn't thought anything about it. After all, it wasn't as if he and Kurama hadn't been lovers. But he thought of it now as slender fingers touched his thigh, his left hand clenching around the vines suddenly. "What-"
Kurama's voice was low, whisper soft, but radiating the fury bubbling beneath his cool exterior. "Why do you think he raped you while he drank your blood? It's common practice to steal youki at the same time. I'll give you mine."
"I don't want it!" Hiei spat, nearly shouting when the vines held him still, more circling his waist and lifting him until his face was above Kurama's pale, muscled shoulder. "I don't *need* it, blood or youki!"
"Calm down," Kurama murmured, pressing a soft kiss on the adamant demon's bruised chest. "I'll be careful, I won't hurt you. I've already healed most of the damage, so it shouldn't hurt."
"Will you listen?!" A hand caught his chin and Hiei glared into mellow golden eyes, baring his small fangs. "I said no." This was why he despised the youko, the cool expression in the face of his anger. Kurama would have listened, he was sure of it, if he didn't have the youko's mindset. Lips brushed his before the youko leaned forward, pressing against his cheek.
"Hiei, I am listening. But it won't be like last time, I promise. And it'll be nothing like what he did to you. You *need* this, whether you believe it or not. I know." He could feel it now, the low hum of Hiei's youki, so low his human form couldn't even catch a breath of it. How much of that small reserve would the jagan suck up in order to replenish the blood loss? He shuddered to imagine it. Hiei might have confidence in the implant's ability, but Kurama was well aware that it fed off the little youkai's own power. He *couldn't* heal on his own. But Hiei wouldn't thank him for this.
Hiei didn't know what the vines were doing besides holding him, although he assumed from the burn in his injured areas that they were healing at the same time, but he realized they served another purpose when his head shifted down without his willing it. His eyes widened when he found his mouth pressing against Kurama's shoulder, face hidden near the youko's neck. He made a muffled sound, but his teeth sank down without hesitation, a slight cut in the pale skin. Realization truly came when he began drawing the blood out in a slow and steady stream; the vines in his chest must have spread past the area. Kurama gave a soft groan and he glared against the skin, wondering if it hurt the youko as much as it had him. He almost hoped it did.
The burn made Kurama tilt his head back, but it wasn't painful so much as uncomfortable. He distracted himself by shifting Hiei down onto him, relaxing his control over the youkai enough to let him pull his face away for a quick gasp. Red eyes glared at him and he pressed a quick kiss on Hiei's lips, not minding the hateful expression. He had a hand buried in the demon's thick hair and he pressed him down again, wincing when those small but sharp teeth latched onto him. The vines held Hiei's arms back, out of the way so the healing wouldn't be interfered with, but those strong legs were mobile enough. And despite his argument, Kurama knew Hiei didn't mind that much since the demon was supporting himself, knees on either side of his legs.
His stomach rebelled against the taste of the coppery liquid, but his veins were throbbing pleasantly, warmth rolling over him. Drinking suddenly seemed necessary as he paused only for an occasional breath, and he thought again of what he'd known before. Youko blood was intoxicating, but not poisonous, not now. Kurama moved his hips and Hiei's eyes closed as he growled around the youko's neck, pressing his chest closer to warm skin. The movement inside him spread the burn and his hands twitched, longing to grab Kurama's shoulders.
Gasping a quick breath, Kurama tightened his hold in Hiei's hair, his eyes closing to slits. "Easy, Hiei, easy. You're...going too fast." He didn't think the demon would hear him, but the teeth clamped on his neck loosened a bit and the burn in his veins calmed back to a steadier ache. His body was trying to rebel against the act and he had an urge to thrust into the little demon until he found a release. But it didn't matter if he enjoyed himself or not, it wasn't for him. Heavy breaths threw his hair and he closed his eyes, listening to the tiny growls Hiei emitted. He'd never heard the sound before, but it sent warm satisfaction through him, almost making up for the loss of youki. The blood he gave without expecting a return, but it was against his nature to release youki willingly. He was certain, he'd only have done it for the young demon pressing against him. The light weight lifted from his shoulder and he smiled, not stilling his arms as he moved the youkai with him. "Daijoubu...I've more blood than you," he whispered, sighing when a warm tongue brushed the small injury. "You know how much you need..."
He should have reminded the youko that he didn't want it, but Hiei couldn't think. His legs matched Kurama's hips and he growled at the hot current, his tongue rubbing the soft skin of the youkai's neck. Turning his head, he stared at Kurama's closed eyes until they opened slowly, focusing on him. Golden irises dropped to his lips and he opened them, pushing upward as they kissed. The tempo shifted immediately, but he didn't mind when Kurama moved harder into him, his tongue roving the youko's hot mouth. A part of him wondered that *he* was allowed to initiate the kiss, that he wasn't being overwhelmed, but he didn't care at the moment. Pulling away, he ran his mouth down again before sucking at the slight wound. As if something had changed inside him, he found his body craving the youko's blood. Intoxicating, he thought, wincing at the tight grip on his hips, it was almost *too* intoxicating. Pulling back again, he licked his lips, staring at the small bite marks. "Kurama?"
"Finished?" Kurama asked, his hips stilling as he paused, embedded in the little demon. "Do you want me to stop, now?" Every part of him cried outrage at the very idea, but he clamped down on that, turning his calm eyes on Hiei. The demon blinked at him for a second before frowning sharply.
The youko was *asking* him? His muscles moved a bit, clenching around the hard length inside him and he closed his eyes, ducking his head. "A stupid question," he muttered, his forehead resting on Kurama's shoulder. "Why would you ask that?"
"I told you," Kurama said solemnly, fingers curling in Hiei's hair. "I only did this because you needed it. I'd never take advantage of you when your youki is so low. You should know better than that."
"Ch'." His muscles tightened and Hiei smirked when the youko gave a soft growl. "Finish it."
"Gladly." Being very careful, Kurama lowered Hiei onto his back, vines churning to get out of the way, the youkai's injured arms held out to either side. His hand slid down, feather light over the red scratches on Hiei's stomach. He'd stopped the bleeding earlier, and they were already starting to heal as blood was available to close the wounds. Satisfied with the impromptu inspection, he moved his hand lower, long fingers curling around the youkai's length. Hiei's eyes were closed when he leaned down, but they flicked open as his face neared, red eyes boring into him. There was no hint of the wary dislike he'd seen before, and Kurama blamed it on the blood. A youko was a sensual demon by nature, and his blood had many redeeming qualities. Not that he ever planned to have it taken again, but he didn't doubt this was the only time Hiei would accept his youko form so eagerly. That small mouth opened beneath him and their tongues twined, red eyes hidden by dark lashes. When he lifted his head, it was to lower it just as quickly, his forehead pressing Hiei's shoulder as he kept his weight off the slight youkai. The demon wasn't growling any more, but the quick breaths ended on a slightly higher note than he remembered and Kurama smiled against Hiei's skin, moving faster. He'd missed this, missed him and everything about him; Hiei, his Hiei.
* * *
The sun was up by the time Kurama woke, but it barely filtered through the nest he'd made and he knew no one would be visiting so early. For a moment, he was surprised he'd fallen asleep, but it made sense. After all, he'd lost a lot of blood and youki. But he felt normal enough. He didn't have Hiei's injuries to compound the loss, so his body was quick to recover. Soft breaths fell on his chest and he smiled, not opening his eyes as he turned his head a bit to feel the tug on his long red hair. In the past Hiei would never have fallen asleep on him. It had taken forever just to get the youkai used to sleeping with him. He kept waking up to fight against the thing touching him. Kurama's smile turned into a smirk as he remembered how a particularly violent wakening had changed into as sweet an apology as Hiei could give. The little youkai had his quirks, definitely the pickiest of Kurama's lovers, but also the only one he'd been so eager to please. He'd given up the youko for him, after finally regaining the form. That spoke of how strongly he felt.
Lifting his head a bit, Kurama's smile faded and he looked over the slender demon sleeping on him. He must have disengaged the vines last night, though he didn't remember doing so. Hiei's arm was dark with bruises, but the bone was back in place, scabs having formed sometime during his sleep. Even the black tattoo had somehow grown back, no longer torn. That caught his eye and he glared, wondering what sort of demon was so strong as to tear Hiei up that much. The youkai had visited him, not too long ago, and he'd been as strong as ever, at least a lower S class. The one responsible would have to be horribly strong, to best Hiei. Kurama wanted it, but he was not beyond seeking assistance if necessary. Either way, as soon as he got a name, that demon was dead.
His fingers brushed Hiei's left hand, touching the indentions where teeth had cut through. That would take longer to heal, but he hoped it wouldn't scar. It had been a semicircle of holes when he'd first seen it, and he was just glad the youkai's hand hadn't been bitten in half. That spoke of large teeth, meaning the demon probably wasn't humanoid in appearance, at least not much. He wasn't sure yet if the one who'd dropped Hiei off was the culprit, but if so it certainly explained the strength. His little lover was able to absorb incredibly strong impacts, but his ribs had been broken completely, shards stabbed through his lung. And all that from the same spot, the large fist-shaped bruise told him as much. Large hands were needed to explain the spread of the claw marks on Hiei's stomach. The injuries gave him features, but he'd need a name to find the one responsible. Eyes dropping to Hiei's relaxed expression, he gave a silent sigh, knowing the name wouldn't be given without a fight. He rubbed the back of his hand over his lover's soft cheek before lowering his head again. Hiei's sleep was not jagan-induced, but natural. He'd wait until the demon woke on his own, then he'd get the answers.
* * *
My favorite pattern: angst...angst-tinted sap...sap...angst...more angst...angst-tinted sap. ^__^ It's also fun to cut the pure sap out altogether. ~__^; Poor, poor Hiei, he's my favorite character! You'd never know it the way *I* treat him...
Youko Kurama: Why doesn't Hiei like me?
Hiei: Because you're a crazy nympho kitsune!
Ningen Kurama: And I'm the one who lets Hiei do what *he* wants.
Youko Kurama: Oh... -_-;
Arigatomina: 0.0;