Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter 4
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: violence, angst, rape, hint of shonen ai
Pairings: BiulaxHiei, Kurama+Hiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 4
Dark shapes fluttered the leaves around him and Hiei's eyes snapped to them for a second. Just birds. There was probably a predator nearby, but he wasn't concerned. One advantage of having less than half his normal youki was that he couldn't be sensed by any demon below A class. He'd never seen a youkai that strong in this part of the Makai. That was one reason he'd chosen the spot. That, and the fact that he had a view of the ground surrounding him while still being shielded from sight by the thick foliage. He was hiding. But he felt no shame at doing so. After all, he'd hidden enough in his life to be accustomed to it. No matter how strong he was, there would always be a stronger enemy.
Hiding right now was necessary. He needed time to plan. Oh, he usually attacked without a battle strategy, but he'd never been faced with someone so much stronger than him. If Biula called him now, which he expected, he wouldn't stand a chance of beating the demon. He was stubborn, but not so foolish as to expect a fight to do anything more than incapacitate him further. There was no way he could win at the moment, no plan was going to help him with that. But he could make certain he didn't need help the next time. Kurama was right. It angered him to admit it, but the youko had been correct in saying he couldn't regain his youki with such blood loss. If he'd tried, his remaining youki would have been used to heal rather than as a base for replenishing the missing power. The key was to have one or the other. With the blood he'd gotten from Kurama, his body had already regained nearly half of his full potential. And that wasn't including the small bit of youki he'd been unable to return to the youko. Remembering that, he sniffed, tossing his head.
It was a spur of the moment plan; distract the youko the only way he knew how, distract him enough so he wouldn't even notice the return of youki. And he'd nearly managed to do it until he lost control. It wasn't easy to send youki out. He was surprised Kurama had been able to give him so much while still enjoying himself. No matter what, he was sure the youko *had* enjoyed himself. He couldn't imagine the kitsune doing *anything* he didn't enjoy. Hiei's eyes narrowed in a quick glare and he shifted on the thick limb, pulling his cloak tighter around him. He hadn't found his clothing, only the damp, blood-stained cloak, but that didn't surprise him. It was amazing enough that Biula had left the cloak with Kurama. Unfortunately, it was the only covering he'd have unless he was willing to go into Mukuro's territory and retrieve another set of clothing. And that was out of the question.
He did small tasks for the female, but he didn't particularly like her. She was too nosey, always asking about Kurama and Yukina. No matter how many times he told her the fox meant nothing, she kept looking at him with that small smile that drove him crazy. And he knew if she found out about Biula the first thing she would do would be to smile at him, that knowing smile. Of course, she'd then go out and kill the demon. He didn't doubt *she* could do it. Biula might have said he was stronger than her, but Biula didn't know Mukuro the way Hiei did. She hadn't used her full power during that match, she'd held back. He knew because she'd told him so enough times for him to believe it. It was her way of urging him to get stronger. He'd never seek *her* help.
No, he would kill Biula himself. But first, he had to survive the next time and that meant a plan. The demon was too predictable. Hiei knew Biula would repeat what he'd done before. The youkai would probably drop him off with Kurama again afterward. He couldn't let that happen, though, he knew Kurama wasn't going to be tricked again. He had to make certain he had enough youki left to replenish the blood loss on his own. Biula would suck him dry, taking in as much energy as the youkai could hold. He knew that. But every youkai had his limit. The trick was to have enough youki that even Biula couldn't take it all. And he knew how to do that.
Hiei's eyes dropped to his right arm and he lifted it, pushing the dark sleeve of his cloak back. He looked over the bruises and scabs, his gaze tracing the winding tattoo. At his current level, he could call the dragon. He had enough youki that he wouldn't burn himself out, but it would be close. If he used the kokoruuya, he'd be as low on youki as he'd been when Biula finished before. That wasn't enough to replenish the blood the demon would steal, and it certainly wouldn't be enough for Biula to take without killing him. And the kokoryuuha hadn't so much as scratched the demon. But it was his strongest attack. With narrow eyes, he clenched his right fist, watching as the skin tore a bit where his bone had broken. A trickle of blood crawled to his wrist but he paid no attention, watching as the wound closed, black serpent meshing again over the slight rip. Yes, he had enough youki to call the dragon and even if it proved useless against Biula, it would at least prevent his own death.
* * *
Kurama was getting very frustrated and he took that out on the first youkai to touch him. The foolish B class demon never knew what hit him and the youko stepped away from the bloody mess without a glance. It was hard enough to sense a youkai with as little energy as Hiei had, but he couldn't seem to tell the difference between the little demon and other youkai at the same level. Normally he could pinpoint Hiei's youki, it was too familiar to him not to stand out. But he'd rarely seen it so low and he had no idea which direction the youkai had fled in. With no direction in mind, he went towards Mukuro's territory. He didn't think Hiei would tell her anything more than the youkai had told him, but it was one of the safest places for the demon to go. At least there, Mukuro's guards would report any demons coming in who were above B class. There was no way Hiei's attacker could cross the border without being noticed. Kurama's senses were peaked and his eyes flicked to the left as he drew close to the cliff denoting the female's territory. For a second he felt a flash of hope but he rejected it just as quickly. It wasn't Hiei he'd sensed, the demon was too close to him for Kurama not to recognize that it wasn't his lover's signature youki.
Stopping on the cliff, Kurama felt a dark cloud pass over him, nearly bringing a shiver to his back. He'd never been to Mukuro's territory, but the cliff reminded him of Yomi's area. But that was over, the blind demon hadn't bothered him in over a year. He was about to jump down when something flashed behind him, a sharp rise of youki in the distance that sent a shard of fury through his veins. There was no doubting *that* youki, he'd sensed it before, when he'd found Hiei outside his window. The rise was cut off almost immediately and Kurama glared, golden eyes narrow slits of anger. It rose once more, a sharp peak before disappearing as if it were a flashing light warning airplanes away from a tower. Or a beacon. The second thought made Kurama's upper lip twitch, baring his teeth. The rise and fall was repeated one more time and he hissed, catching the direction as surely as if he *had* seen a light flash. The demon was calling someone, he was sure of it. And he was sure *he* wasn't the one the youkai was calling. This certainty was confirmed when sharp power crackled on the horizon, so far away. His pale golden eyes widened despite his anger and he froze, staring in horror at the familiar pillars of black barely visible against the darkening sky. Hiei would have nothing left. Ice rushed through him and Kurama gasped, struggling to get his limbs in motion. The rush of dark youki was doubled as the first power rose to match it and Kurama finally moved, darting toward what was obviously the confrontation he'd planned to prevent.
* * *
Even with the surge of youki the kokoryuuha gave him, Hiei knew it wasn't enough. If he'd been at full power, he might have had a chance at beating the demon. As it was, his previous youki was multiplied five times over, more than enough to live, and that was what mattered. Still, it was daunting to know that even when used on himself, his strongest attack remained nothing in comparison to Biula's power. The thought made him growl, black power erupting around him as he crashed backward into a tree. The impact was lessened, fire burning the wood even as his back struck it. He staggered but kept his stance, his hands curled into fists. The demon remained, teeth showing in a wide grin as Biula beckoned to him. Hiei was not about to refuse that challenge. Claws ripped through his left shoulder when his attack turned into a midair dodge and he growled again, baring his own teeth. It wasn't enough, he couldn't hit him, his speed wasn't enough and that was what he'd always been best at. Even with the seemingly endless well of youki to draw from he couldn't match Biula's speed. The demon lunged forward suddenly and Hiei reeled back, claws tearing across his chest, shredding his cloak until it barely hung off his right shoulder. It was so useless.
Biula laughed suddenly, grinning wider when the short youkai tossed the torn cloak aside. It was the best thing he'd ever seen. The demon was actually going to try and fight him completely naked. Greenish blue fire sparked from Hiei's forehead and Biula shifted again as the youkai darted at him. He was surprised the demon had managed to gain such youki from that simple attack, but it wasn't helping him any. With a swipe of his arm, he caught his claws in Hiei's back, jerking the demon off his feet. There were no pained cries this time, but the youkai continued to growl and it made him lick his lips. His claws were up under the back of the demon's ribs and he was surprised Hiei could even move. He'd just missed the little youkai's spine, but he was surely cutting into his organs. Dark youki surged around the slight figure and Biula caught Hiei's fist, frowning. "You've managed to increase your youki, but you still can't touch me. Why do you even bother?"
With a flash of red eyes, Hiei ducked his head suddenly, burying his small but sharp teeth into the hand holding his fist. A surprised gasp sounded and he tore his mouth away, spitting out the blood and flesh that clung to his teeth. Those blue eyes were wide when he glanced up and he smirked, barely wincing as Biula promptly backhanded him across the face. As many demons as Biula had no doubt killed, Hiei was confident he was the first to ever bite back. It was a small victory, but more than worth it.
"You little bastard," Biula breathed, his eyes still wide as he looked down at his torn hand. A low laugh made him glare and he jerked his arm to the side, throwing Hiei as his claws pulled out of the demon's back. He followed the slight figure, crouching over him as he shoved Hiei's face into the ground. "You shouldn't have done that," he remarked, anger dissipating some of his lust. That dark head was turned to the side and he could see glaring red eyes turned back to him, a smirk curving those lips. "Think you're cute? I'll give you something to chew on."
"Go ahead," Hiei growled, baring his fangs again as his jagan burned hotter, nearly scorching the wisps of black hair falling over his forehead. "Anything you put in my mouth, you're going to lose. Count on it." Those blue eyes narrowed and Hiei hissed as claws dug grooves down his back. With a bit of pure resistance, he drew from the youki his kokoryuuha had granted him, the pain in his back disappearing suddenly.
Biula jerked when the deep cuts he'd inflicted healed before his eyes, hot black energy doing its best to burn him. He'd known the youkai had increased his power dramatically, but he hadn't expected him to be able to heal himself, certainly not so quickly. Obviously, he'd have to drain the demon if he wanted to hurt him. His anger still surpassed his lust and he clutched the back of Hiei's neck, claws digging in until blood showered the ground. The waste bothered him, but he could see the wounds starting to close the moment he withdrew his claws and he bent over the slender demon, sinking his teeth into Hiei's shoulder and grinding it between his jaws. Finally the demon cried out, but that hint of a growl was still there, the dark youki not dissipating at all as it surged around them, pressing at Biula's power. For a second, Biula wavered, his own youki faltering as the demon continued to raise his power. But he wasn't beaten at all and Biula closed his jaws, cutting all the way through the jaganshi's shoulder. He increased his own youki as he sucked viciously on the hot blood that hit his throat, no longer feeling the prod of energy. As if Hiei actually had a chance of breaking his youki, the thought was enough to make him smile against the demon's skin, his anger leaving as suddenly as it had come.
Hands lifted his hips and Hiei gritted his teeth, refusing to let out a single cry. Now was the time to hold back. His instinct was to replace the blood as quickly as it was drained but he knew if he did he wouldn't have enough youki left when Biula finished with him. The demon's teeth were moving against his shoulder, almost in time with the violent thrusts and Hiei closed his eyes tight. It wasn't weakness to feel pain, he reminded himself of that as he gave in a bit, just enough to let the excess youki mask some of the agony his nerves were feeling. He had to, if he didn't want to scream from the pain. As if to reprimand him for healing himself earlier, Biula's free hand was stroking up and down his back, ribbons of fire racing through him as the skin was cut. Without the full pain hitting him, he was able to hold onto consciousness enough to wonder why the youkai hadn't tried to block out his jagan again. It wouldn't have worked this time since his youki was so high, but he didn't expect the demon to know that. He'd almost hoped Biula would try. As much power as he had surrounding him, the demon could have lost his hand by touching his jagan. It was enough to make him want to sigh in disappointment even as he clenched his fists from the unblocked pain. Then his eyes snapped open as he realized his hands were free, how stupid of him not to realize that.
It was endless, the youki the demon had managed to gain. Even with his previous anger having quickened his assault, Biula found himself nearing his limit without taking more than half of that dark power. He was losing himself in his rising pleasure when he felt something, eyes opening just in time to avoid having his head cut off. His mouth had opened as he jerked back, but the demon cut into his arm and he caught Hiei's wrist, staring at the dark sword. It was made of black fire and Biula tightened his hand, crushing the demon's wrist until the sword disappeared. Red eyes taunted him as Hiei had turned a bit and Biula thrust into him suddenly, pulling the demon's head back. "I'll make you wish you hadn't powered up," he hissed, his eyes darkened from the pain in his arm. That hateful gaze didn't shift and he ducked his head, teeth closing around Hiei's slender throat. One of his hands was holding the demon's hips up, the other keeping that mangled wrist pressed to the ground. Hiei's shoulders were off the ground as his teeth pressed the youkai's head back and Biula's eyes caught a glimpse of dark fire a second before something cut into his left shoulder, nearly taking off his arm. It was too much.
The one attack Hiei hated more than any others was proving very useful and he rolled onto his back when Biula released him suddenly. The fingers of his right hand twitched, but he couldn't control them and he raised his left arm, jao ensatsu ken heating his face. The demon was crouched a few feet away and Hiei blinked in surprise to see the blood pouring down the youkai's arms. He'd been in no position to judge where his blows landed, but he'd obviously done some good. A bit of satisfaction was just rising in him when the flaming sword crackled, lessening to half its length and width. His time was almost up. Growling in anger, Hiei glared at his left hand, struggling to pour more youki into the sword. He was actually doing some good, he *couldn't* pass out *now*! His vision shifted suddenly and his eyes widened, staring at the fogged shape of Biula. He'd forgotten the blood loss.
Cutting off the youki, he gave up on the sword and curled his legs, waiting to see what Biula would do. If he continued to resist, he wouldn't have enough youki to replenish the blood and he knew his jao ensatsu ken wasn't going to be enough to finish Biula off. At best, he'd managed to shock the demon, but that was all. Something registered in the back of his mind and Hiei turned his head, blinking when he felt the wetness running down his chest. Was he bleeding that badly? His left hand touched his neck and he wavered, almost falling onto his back as he felt the damage. Youki or no youki, he didn't think he could heal something like that. "Masaka..."
Biula's chest heaved as he glared at the small youkai in fury and disbelief, shocking pain erupting from his arm and shoulder. The soft whisper barely reached him and he frowned suddenly, looking at the demon. Hiei's hand fell into his lap and Biula's mouth opened. How could he have gotten so far out of control? The youkai's neck was torn open, dark red blood pouring down that lightly muscled chest in sharp spurts. He was making up his mind to simply drain the demon and kill him when he felt something rush at him. Jerking to the side, he narrowly dodged a green whip and he cursed, recognizing furious golden eyes. But it was good that the youko had interrupted. Maybe the little demon wouldn't die after all. With a quick glare at Hiei, he disappeared in a flash of speed.
Hiei's head listed to the side, his fogged eyes touching Kurama's familiar figure with a distant glimmer of surprise. He felt no pain from his neck, but he couldn't seem to hold his head up any more and his eyes rolled back, his cheek striking the ground as he collapsed. No wonder he hadn't realized the extent of the damage, he couldn't feel anything. His jagan gave a dark shadowy image of a gray shape running to him before it closed slowly, his body shutting down.
* * *
Warnings: violence, angst, rape, hint of shonen ai
Pairings: BiulaxHiei, Kurama+Hiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 4
Dark shapes fluttered the leaves around him and Hiei's eyes snapped to them for a second. Just birds. There was probably a predator nearby, but he wasn't concerned. One advantage of having less than half his normal youki was that he couldn't be sensed by any demon below A class. He'd never seen a youkai that strong in this part of the Makai. That was one reason he'd chosen the spot. That, and the fact that he had a view of the ground surrounding him while still being shielded from sight by the thick foliage. He was hiding. But he felt no shame at doing so. After all, he'd hidden enough in his life to be accustomed to it. No matter how strong he was, there would always be a stronger enemy.
Hiding right now was necessary. He needed time to plan. Oh, he usually attacked without a battle strategy, but he'd never been faced with someone so much stronger than him. If Biula called him now, which he expected, he wouldn't stand a chance of beating the demon. He was stubborn, but not so foolish as to expect a fight to do anything more than incapacitate him further. There was no way he could win at the moment, no plan was going to help him with that. But he could make certain he didn't need help the next time. Kurama was right. It angered him to admit it, but the youko had been correct in saying he couldn't regain his youki with such blood loss. If he'd tried, his remaining youki would have been used to heal rather than as a base for replenishing the missing power. The key was to have one or the other. With the blood he'd gotten from Kurama, his body had already regained nearly half of his full potential. And that wasn't including the small bit of youki he'd been unable to return to the youko. Remembering that, he sniffed, tossing his head.
It was a spur of the moment plan; distract the youko the only way he knew how, distract him enough so he wouldn't even notice the return of youki. And he'd nearly managed to do it until he lost control. It wasn't easy to send youki out. He was surprised Kurama had been able to give him so much while still enjoying himself. No matter what, he was sure the youko *had* enjoyed himself. He couldn't imagine the kitsune doing *anything* he didn't enjoy. Hiei's eyes narrowed in a quick glare and he shifted on the thick limb, pulling his cloak tighter around him. He hadn't found his clothing, only the damp, blood-stained cloak, but that didn't surprise him. It was amazing enough that Biula had left the cloak with Kurama. Unfortunately, it was the only covering he'd have unless he was willing to go into Mukuro's territory and retrieve another set of clothing. And that was out of the question.
He did small tasks for the female, but he didn't particularly like her. She was too nosey, always asking about Kurama and Yukina. No matter how many times he told her the fox meant nothing, she kept looking at him with that small smile that drove him crazy. And he knew if she found out about Biula the first thing she would do would be to smile at him, that knowing smile. Of course, she'd then go out and kill the demon. He didn't doubt *she* could do it. Biula might have said he was stronger than her, but Biula didn't know Mukuro the way Hiei did. She hadn't used her full power during that match, she'd held back. He knew because she'd told him so enough times for him to believe it. It was her way of urging him to get stronger. He'd never seek *her* help.
No, he would kill Biula himself. But first, he had to survive the next time and that meant a plan. The demon was too predictable. Hiei knew Biula would repeat what he'd done before. The youkai would probably drop him off with Kurama again afterward. He couldn't let that happen, though, he knew Kurama wasn't going to be tricked again. He had to make certain he had enough youki left to replenish the blood loss on his own. Biula would suck him dry, taking in as much energy as the youkai could hold. He knew that. But every youkai had his limit. The trick was to have enough youki that even Biula couldn't take it all. And he knew how to do that.
Hiei's eyes dropped to his right arm and he lifted it, pushing the dark sleeve of his cloak back. He looked over the bruises and scabs, his gaze tracing the winding tattoo. At his current level, he could call the dragon. He had enough youki that he wouldn't burn himself out, but it would be close. If he used the kokoruuya, he'd be as low on youki as he'd been when Biula finished before. That wasn't enough to replenish the blood the demon would steal, and it certainly wouldn't be enough for Biula to take without killing him. And the kokoryuuha hadn't so much as scratched the demon. But it was his strongest attack. With narrow eyes, he clenched his right fist, watching as the skin tore a bit where his bone had broken. A trickle of blood crawled to his wrist but he paid no attention, watching as the wound closed, black serpent meshing again over the slight rip. Yes, he had enough youki to call the dragon and even if it proved useless against Biula, it would at least prevent his own death.
* * *
Kurama was getting very frustrated and he took that out on the first youkai to touch him. The foolish B class demon never knew what hit him and the youko stepped away from the bloody mess without a glance. It was hard enough to sense a youkai with as little energy as Hiei had, but he couldn't seem to tell the difference between the little demon and other youkai at the same level. Normally he could pinpoint Hiei's youki, it was too familiar to him not to stand out. But he'd rarely seen it so low and he had no idea which direction the youkai had fled in. With no direction in mind, he went towards Mukuro's territory. He didn't think Hiei would tell her anything more than the youkai had told him, but it was one of the safest places for the demon to go. At least there, Mukuro's guards would report any demons coming in who were above B class. There was no way Hiei's attacker could cross the border without being noticed. Kurama's senses were peaked and his eyes flicked to the left as he drew close to the cliff denoting the female's territory. For a second he felt a flash of hope but he rejected it just as quickly. It wasn't Hiei he'd sensed, the demon was too close to him for Kurama not to recognize that it wasn't his lover's signature youki.
Stopping on the cliff, Kurama felt a dark cloud pass over him, nearly bringing a shiver to his back. He'd never been to Mukuro's territory, but the cliff reminded him of Yomi's area. But that was over, the blind demon hadn't bothered him in over a year. He was about to jump down when something flashed behind him, a sharp rise of youki in the distance that sent a shard of fury through his veins. There was no doubting *that* youki, he'd sensed it before, when he'd found Hiei outside his window. The rise was cut off almost immediately and Kurama glared, golden eyes narrow slits of anger. It rose once more, a sharp peak before disappearing as if it were a flashing light warning airplanes away from a tower. Or a beacon. The second thought made Kurama's upper lip twitch, baring his teeth. The rise and fall was repeated one more time and he hissed, catching the direction as surely as if he *had* seen a light flash. The demon was calling someone, he was sure of it. And he was sure *he* wasn't the one the youkai was calling. This certainty was confirmed when sharp power crackled on the horizon, so far away. His pale golden eyes widened despite his anger and he froze, staring in horror at the familiar pillars of black barely visible against the darkening sky. Hiei would have nothing left. Ice rushed through him and Kurama gasped, struggling to get his limbs in motion. The rush of dark youki was doubled as the first power rose to match it and Kurama finally moved, darting toward what was obviously the confrontation he'd planned to prevent.
* * *
Even with the surge of youki the kokoryuuha gave him, Hiei knew it wasn't enough. If he'd been at full power, he might have had a chance at beating the demon. As it was, his previous youki was multiplied five times over, more than enough to live, and that was what mattered. Still, it was daunting to know that even when used on himself, his strongest attack remained nothing in comparison to Biula's power. The thought made him growl, black power erupting around him as he crashed backward into a tree. The impact was lessened, fire burning the wood even as his back struck it. He staggered but kept his stance, his hands curled into fists. The demon remained, teeth showing in a wide grin as Biula beckoned to him. Hiei was not about to refuse that challenge. Claws ripped through his left shoulder when his attack turned into a midair dodge and he growled again, baring his own teeth. It wasn't enough, he couldn't hit him, his speed wasn't enough and that was what he'd always been best at. Even with the seemingly endless well of youki to draw from he couldn't match Biula's speed. The demon lunged forward suddenly and Hiei reeled back, claws tearing across his chest, shredding his cloak until it barely hung off his right shoulder. It was so useless.
Biula laughed suddenly, grinning wider when the short youkai tossed the torn cloak aside. It was the best thing he'd ever seen. The demon was actually going to try and fight him completely naked. Greenish blue fire sparked from Hiei's forehead and Biula shifted again as the youkai darted at him. He was surprised the demon had managed to gain such youki from that simple attack, but it wasn't helping him any. With a swipe of his arm, he caught his claws in Hiei's back, jerking the demon off his feet. There were no pained cries this time, but the youkai continued to growl and it made him lick his lips. His claws were up under the back of the demon's ribs and he was surprised Hiei could even move. He'd just missed the little youkai's spine, but he was surely cutting into his organs. Dark youki surged around the slight figure and Biula caught Hiei's fist, frowning. "You've managed to increase your youki, but you still can't touch me. Why do you even bother?"
With a flash of red eyes, Hiei ducked his head suddenly, burying his small but sharp teeth into the hand holding his fist. A surprised gasp sounded and he tore his mouth away, spitting out the blood and flesh that clung to his teeth. Those blue eyes were wide when he glanced up and he smirked, barely wincing as Biula promptly backhanded him across the face. As many demons as Biula had no doubt killed, Hiei was confident he was the first to ever bite back. It was a small victory, but more than worth it.
"You little bastard," Biula breathed, his eyes still wide as he looked down at his torn hand. A low laugh made him glare and he jerked his arm to the side, throwing Hiei as his claws pulled out of the demon's back. He followed the slight figure, crouching over him as he shoved Hiei's face into the ground. "You shouldn't have done that," he remarked, anger dissipating some of his lust. That dark head was turned to the side and he could see glaring red eyes turned back to him, a smirk curving those lips. "Think you're cute? I'll give you something to chew on."
"Go ahead," Hiei growled, baring his fangs again as his jagan burned hotter, nearly scorching the wisps of black hair falling over his forehead. "Anything you put in my mouth, you're going to lose. Count on it." Those blue eyes narrowed and Hiei hissed as claws dug grooves down his back. With a bit of pure resistance, he drew from the youki his kokoryuuha had granted him, the pain in his back disappearing suddenly.
Biula jerked when the deep cuts he'd inflicted healed before his eyes, hot black energy doing its best to burn him. He'd known the youkai had increased his power dramatically, but he hadn't expected him to be able to heal himself, certainly not so quickly. Obviously, he'd have to drain the demon if he wanted to hurt him. His anger still surpassed his lust and he clutched the back of Hiei's neck, claws digging in until blood showered the ground. The waste bothered him, but he could see the wounds starting to close the moment he withdrew his claws and he bent over the slender demon, sinking his teeth into Hiei's shoulder and grinding it between his jaws. Finally the demon cried out, but that hint of a growl was still there, the dark youki not dissipating at all as it surged around them, pressing at Biula's power. For a second, Biula wavered, his own youki faltering as the demon continued to raise his power. But he wasn't beaten at all and Biula closed his jaws, cutting all the way through the jaganshi's shoulder. He increased his own youki as he sucked viciously on the hot blood that hit his throat, no longer feeling the prod of energy. As if Hiei actually had a chance of breaking his youki, the thought was enough to make him smile against the demon's skin, his anger leaving as suddenly as it had come.
Hands lifted his hips and Hiei gritted his teeth, refusing to let out a single cry. Now was the time to hold back. His instinct was to replace the blood as quickly as it was drained but he knew if he did he wouldn't have enough youki left when Biula finished with him. The demon's teeth were moving against his shoulder, almost in time with the violent thrusts and Hiei closed his eyes tight. It wasn't weakness to feel pain, he reminded himself of that as he gave in a bit, just enough to let the excess youki mask some of the agony his nerves were feeling. He had to, if he didn't want to scream from the pain. As if to reprimand him for healing himself earlier, Biula's free hand was stroking up and down his back, ribbons of fire racing through him as the skin was cut. Without the full pain hitting him, he was able to hold onto consciousness enough to wonder why the youkai hadn't tried to block out his jagan again. It wouldn't have worked this time since his youki was so high, but he didn't expect the demon to know that. He'd almost hoped Biula would try. As much power as he had surrounding him, the demon could have lost his hand by touching his jagan. It was enough to make him want to sigh in disappointment even as he clenched his fists from the unblocked pain. Then his eyes snapped open as he realized his hands were free, how stupid of him not to realize that.
It was endless, the youki the demon had managed to gain. Even with his previous anger having quickened his assault, Biula found himself nearing his limit without taking more than half of that dark power. He was losing himself in his rising pleasure when he felt something, eyes opening just in time to avoid having his head cut off. His mouth had opened as he jerked back, but the demon cut into his arm and he caught Hiei's wrist, staring at the dark sword. It was made of black fire and Biula tightened his hand, crushing the demon's wrist until the sword disappeared. Red eyes taunted him as Hiei had turned a bit and Biula thrust into him suddenly, pulling the demon's head back. "I'll make you wish you hadn't powered up," he hissed, his eyes darkened from the pain in his arm. That hateful gaze didn't shift and he ducked his head, teeth closing around Hiei's slender throat. One of his hands was holding the demon's hips up, the other keeping that mangled wrist pressed to the ground. Hiei's shoulders were off the ground as his teeth pressed the youkai's head back and Biula's eyes caught a glimpse of dark fire a second before something cut into his left shoulder, nearly taking off his arm. It was too much.
The one attack Hiei hated more than any others was proving very useful and he rolled onto his back when Biula released him suddenly. The fingers of his right hand twitched, but he couldn't control them and he raised his left arm, jao ensatsu ken heating his face. The demon was crouched a few feet away and Hiei blinked in surprise to see the blood pouring down the youkai's arms. He'd been in no position to judge where his blows landed, but he'd obviously done some good. A bit of satisfaction was just rising in him when the flaming sword crackled, lessening to half its length and width. His time was almost up. Growling in anger, Hiei glared at his left hand, struggling to pour more youki into the sword. He was actually doing some good, he *couldn't* pass out *now*! His vision shifted suddenly and his eyes widened, staring at the fogged shape of Biula. He'd forgotten the blood loss.
Cutting off the youki, he gave up on the sword and curled his legs, waiting to see what Biula would do. If he continued to resist, he wouldn't have enough youki to replenish the blood and he knew his jao ensatsu ken wasn't going to be enough to finish Biula off. At best, he'd managed to shock the demon, but that was all. Something registered in the back of his mind and Hiei turned his head, blinking when he felt the wetness running down his chest. Was he bleeding that badly? His left hand touched his neck and he wavered, almost falling onto his back as he felt the damage. Youki or no youki, he didn't think he could heal something like that. "Masaka..."
Biula's chest heaved as he glared at the small youkai in fury and disbelief, shocking pain erupting from his arm and shoulder. The soft whisper barely reached him and he frowned suddenly, looking at the demon. Hiei's hand fell into his lap and Biula's mouth opened. How could he have gotten so far out of control? The youkai's neck was torn open, dark red blood pouring down that lightly muscled chest in sharp spurts. He was making up his mind to simply drain the demon and kill him when he felt something rush at him. Jerking to the side, he narrowly dodged a green whip and he cursed, recognizing furious golden eyes. But it was good that the youko had interrupted. Maybe the little demon wouldn't die after all. With a quick glare at Hiei, he disappeared in a flash of speed.
Hiei's head listed to the side, his fogged eyes touching Kurama's familiar figure with a distant glimmer of surprise. He felt no pain from his neck, but he couldn't seem to hold his head up any more and his eyes rolled back, his cheek striking the ground as he collapsed. No wonder he hadn't realized the extent of the damage, he couldn't feel anything. His jagan gave a dark shadowy image of a gray shape running to him before it closed slowly, his body shutting down.
* * *