Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter 5
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: minor angst, slight violence, shonen ai, sap
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, BiulaxHiei, Yukina+Hiei (not like *that*, dirty-minded people ^_^')
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 5
A pool was forming by the time Kurama reached the small youkai, and that only took seconds. With a choked cry, he rolled Hiei onto his back, both hands pressed tight against the demon's neck. Blood oozed between his fingers and he gasped roughly, his eyes burning. He was panicking, his heart racing painfully in his chest as he struggled to breathe. Hiei was dying in front of him and he couldn't move. It wasn't happening, it couldn't be happening, not like this. The youkai's face was so serene, even with his cheek covered in his own blood, as if he were already gone. The blood stopped pressing against his hands and Kurama bent, hiding his face in the thick hair over Hiei's forehead. And warm, steady breaths tickled his chest.
Kurama's eyes snapped open and he jerked back, staring at the youkai's neck. The gaping wound was covered in hazy red skin as if it had been burnt, but paler skin was closing over that, the color creeping inward as if every millimeter took minutes. "Hiei..." He was afraid to move him, that doing so might somehow stop the healing. But it made no sense, he'd known Hiei for so long and he'd *never* seen the youkai heal himself. Tentative, he reached his fingers under Hiei's shoulder, planning to lift him and he cursed suddenly, not worrying about the neck injury. It was closed enough that it wouldn't break open from such a slight movement. Lifting Hiei into a sitting position, Kurama's eyes flew over the bloody mess of the demon's back. There had been no healing *there* and the ripped wounds were matted with dirt from where he'd turned Hiei onto his back. Infection was the last thing he needed to worry about, he realized, glancing over the clearing. The demon could come back and while he wanted nothing more than to kill the creature, he couldn't risk Hiei. The little youkai needed help, now. And his plants were much too slow.
* * *
Pale blue light shrouded black hair, tinting pale skin in a way that made Kurama stare. For a second he wondered what Hiei would look like if his hair were really that silvery blue color, but he tossed the thought aside, folding his arms as he tried to be patient. Whatever had enabled Hiei to heal that horrible wound hadn't lasted any longer than that. Oh, he'd noticed that most of the demon's blood had also regenerated, but none of the other wounds had been touched and Hiei's youki had fallen to a level that quite frankly frightened him. He didn't know what the jagan would do, heal the wounds or replenish the missing youki. If it chose the wounds it could kill him. That was the reason he'd brought Hiei to the one person who could heal him in a matter of minutes. But even Yukina had her limits. The short koorime was paler than he'd ever seen her, sweat beading her brow as she pressed her hands over Hiei's chest.
"Yukina." The girl didn't move and Kurama stepped closer to her, a hand falling on her shoulder. "That's enough. There's no use in both of you dying from lack of youki."
"I'm not finished," Yukina whispered, staring at the mottled swelling that surrounded Hiei's shoulder. It was so bad, the cuts, the blood. She'd never seen such carnage and it tore at her, cold anger barely surpassed by sympathy. "I have to finish."
"Bruises," Kurama murmured, his own voice dropping as he looked down at the girl's pale blue hair. His hand turned, rubbing a bit of the thick hair that felt exactly the same as Hiei's, only the color differing. "That's just bruising. You've fixed the bone and muscle. The swelling will go down on its own."
"Demo..." A hand brushed her cheek and Yukina blinked, glancing over her shoulder as her concentration was broken sharply. Her body suddenly felt the youki she'd expended and she gasped, grateful to the strong arms that supported her shoulders. "I wanted to heal him. All of it."
"You've done more than enough," Kurama assured her, managing a sad smile for the worried red eyes that turned up to him. "Come into the kitchen and I'll make you some tea." The girl blinked, glancing at Hiei and he followed her gaze, his smile disappearing. There was nothing more to do. Hiei was completely under the influence of his jagan, more comatose than asleep. And as infuriating as it was, they couldn't do anything but wait. "I'll know if anything changes."
"I should have known he was hurt," Yukina whispered, her eyes shifting over Hiei's face.
Frowning, Kurama pulled her back and turned her toward the doorway, giving the koorime a light prod. "Why would you know? I didn't even realize it until I found him. He was in the Makai."
"But I always know when he's near," Yukina said, glancing back again as Kurama pushed her out of the room. She frowned at the floor but stopped resisting, letting herself be steered into Kurama's kitchen. "I don't think he knows it, but I sense him." Green eyes were watching her and she blinked, a light flush marring her cheeks. "It's nothing bad, Kurama-san. He just visits me sometimes."
"He...visits you?" His voice betrayed the cold jealousy he felt and Kurama did his best to rip the emotion from himself. He had no right to begrudge Hiei's love for his sister. But he couldn't help but think of the months that had passed since Hiei last visited *him*. "Often?" The girl gave him a wary look and he smiled, sighing as he sat down at the table. "I haven't seen him in a long time."
"It *has* been a while," Yukina admitted, sitting down across from him. "But I never see him." The redhead blinked and she smiled, ducking her head. "I just know he's there, nearby, watching me. I think...I think he just wants to..."
"To keep an eye on you?" Kurama asked, his voice softening again. The image of Hiei keeping watch over his sister brought a warm coil to his chest and he relaxed, the last twinges of jealousy evaporating.
"To make sure I'm safe. I don't know why, but I think he wants to protect me. I've felt that way since I first met him. He looked so kind." Yukina blushed when Kurama raised an eyebrow at her. "He did."
"I can't remember ever seeing Hiei look 'kind,' but I'll take your word for it." The girl smiled at him and Kurama sighed again, resting his chin on his folded hands.
"Thank you for getting me," Yukina said suddenly, her eyes wide and solemn. "He's my oniisan." Kurama's head jerked up, shaking the table and she sighed, sad eyes dropping as she shook her head. "Well, not really, but he's like the brother I always wanted to find. Everything I could have hoped for. He cares so much, even if he hides it. Kazuma-san says he's coldhearted, but I don't think so."
"Neither do I," Kurama murmured, his eyes glinting when she glanced up. He could well imagine how Kuwabara would try to poison the girl's mind against Hiei. The poor ningen was the only one of them who didn't know that she was Hiei's sister. Kurama was sure the orange-haired teen felt threatened by the attention Hiei paid her, more than he did anyone else, at least publicly. And Yukina obviously felt strongly for Hiei. So sad, everyone knew that *except* Hiei.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
"He'd better be," Kurama growled, barely controlling himself as fury abruptly raged inside him. "He *will* be."
"What happened to him?" Green eyes darted away from her and Yukina dropped her gaze. "I can't believe he could be hurt so badly, he's so strong."
Kurama gritted his teeth at the girl's forlorn tone. He had to tell her *something*, but he could leave out the details enough to preserve her innocence. "The youkai who attacked him was much stronger..."
* * *
The youkai had refused him again. Every time he was told the same thing, to die another way. But Hiei didn't want to *die*, he wanted the jagan. He *had* to have it. And he would. His eyes narrowed as he sliced the sword through his arm, the man staring at him with those dark, unreadable eyes. Pain rushed his senses and he bathed in it, glaring at the tall youkai. He wasn't going to be turned away again.
The fog surrounded him and he squinted, struggling to see through it. Something glinted in the distance and he glared, turning to look around him. Was this it? This fog, the feeling of being in the center of everything and nothing. Where was the pain, the threat of death he'd been told so much about? He didn't know what had happened. He'd lain on the table, hands clenching as metal closed over his wrists and ankles, securing him as if he were so weak he couldn't control himself. He'd stared up at the light, glinting off the blades and then nothing, the fog had closed in.
//Don't try to hold back, scream. You'll just waste your energy trying to hold back the pain.//
"What pain?!" His voice was silent, but he knew he'd spoken. Turning, he glared at a spark in the distance, a tiny glimmer of light. "As if I'd scream..."
'...he'd have nothing left.'
The voice was different and Hiei frowned, taking a small step toward it. Was he talking about him? Was it someone he knew? It wasn't the low voice of the surgeon, it was a light tenor, tinted with a sadness that hurt him somehow. "Who? Who would have nothing left?"
//If you keep that up, you won't have the youki to live long enough for the jagan to be implanted. I told you, scream out. It's going to suck up every bit of energy you have anyway. I warned you. You're going to die.//
"I can't die," Hiei growled, glaring into the fog behind him. "I told you already, I have a purpose."
'...so much blood...his youki...so low...dying.'
Something jerked in his head and Hiei staggered, eyes widening as he turned to that glimmer of light again. "My youki? I have plenty of youki! I've always had more than any of them. Even a jagan can't take that away. I'm not dying..." His eyes throbbed and he closed them painfully, wincing as heat radiated out of his forehead. "I'm alive. I can't die. Not until I've fulfilled my purpose."
'...he was dead in front of me.'
It burned, so hot he fell to his knees, hands curled over his eyes. He could handle anything but heat. "I'm not...dead. I just-" Something hot sliced through is forehead and he gasped, a small sound escaping him as he choked. What was it? The blades...but they hadn't been hot. He remembered, they'd been as cool as his own skin and hardly sharp enough to even hurt. But he was burning and he choked again, curling on his knees as he swallowed a scream.
//You're going to kill yourself like that. I *told* you, scream out. *Stop* wasting your youki on that, there's no shame in feeling pain.//
"You didn't tell me!" His voice rose too high and Hiei jerked his head down again, eyes closed so tightly stars burst behind his eyelids. "Not fire!"
//To each his own. The jagan finds your weakness and uses it to suck the youki from you. I warned you about *that*...//
A tiny whimper broke through his clenched teeth and he curled tighter, falling onto his side. The pain was too much, too hot, burning him.
* * *
Kurama jerked suddenly, his eyes flying up to meet Yukina's wide gaze. Without a word they rushed to the bedroom, both feeling the rise of youki. It didn't make sense, Hiei couldn't have regained so much in that short amount of time, even if he *hadn't* had to use it to heal himself. The small youkai was still lying in the bed, but his features were twisted into a grimace, sweat trickling down to pool at his neck. Crouching beside the bed, Kurama reached out a hand, his fingers hovering over Hiei's face. And a wide blue eye snapped open to stare at him. It was so dark, red veins filling the white until the iris seemed as black as the pupil. Kurama swallowed sharply, pulling his hand away from the heat radiating out of the implant. "Hiei?" The youkai's mouth had opened with the jagan, but he made no sound, jaw moving as if he were gasping for air. A sharp gasp tore from the demon's lips, followed by a long, piercing scream. The jagan blinked in response, blood running from the corners of the eye, filling the white completely.
The girl nearly made it, but Kurama managed to catch her about the waist, jerking her back from that hot eye. "No, Yukina, don't touch him."
"Why?! He's hurt!" The heat radiated to her and she flinched, no longer resisting the strong arm that pushed her toward the door. "No, let me stay...as long as I can...?" Dazed green eyes turned to her for a second and she took a deep breath when Kurama gave a slow nod.
His mouth was dry and Kurama swallowed, staring at Hiei's twisted feature. "Hiei? Hiei, tell me what to do." The small demon's chest was jerking furiously, a rasping gulp of air drawn deep before he screamed again, shorter this time, his normally deep voice much too high. Another gulp of air turned into a choked sob and the jagan blinked again, blood trailing down Hiei's temples.
"It burns!"
Kurama's eyes narrowed and he inched closer to Hiei, wincing from the heat that warmed his face. "Hiei, what should I do?"
"Why that? Anything but that! I can't--I can't--"
The youkai hadn't hear him at all. Holding his position, Kurama's eyes dropped to Hiei's hands. They were curled into claws, the fingers clenching and unclenching as if spasms moved them. The demon's right wrist was still bruised, but that obviously didn't matter right now. "Hiei!" Not getting a response, he glanced back at Yukina's horrified face. "He's dreaming..."
"Not fire!" Hiei's hands rose, clenching in his hair as he tilted his head back. "It hurts!" A choked sob passed his lips and he shuddered, knuckles turning white. "So hot...I can't. I can't do it..."
Hands clutched his back and Kurama tore his eyes away from the bed, glancing down at Yukina. "I don't think I can wake him. He's still comatose. But...he's never dreamed before, not when he's under the influence of the jagan."
"It's *burning* him," Yukina cried, jerking Kurama's arm. "Why is it *hurting* him?!"
"It can't be," Kurama whispered, his eyes moving back to Hiei. "He absorbs the kokoryuuha, the black flame of the Makai, the hottest flame in the three worlds. No fire could hurt him now, no heat could be strong enough to hurt him..."
That word was given in a tone that almost sounded like the Hiei he knew and Kurama took a small step toward the bed. "Hiei?"
"I have to! I won't die, I can't die!"
Green eyes widened when Hiei's right arm rose suddenly, curved fingers darting toward the open jagan. For a horrified second he was certain the youkai would tear the implant from him and he lunged forward just as the bandages on Hiei's arm burst into flames. Yukina shrieked and Kurama flew into action, knocking the girl down before she could freeze Hiei. "No! Don't do that! He's fine, I *swear* it!" Furious and panicked red eyes flew over his face and Kurama pulled her up, holding her arms back and turning her toward the bed. His lover lay still on the bed, his right arm still curved so the fingers were spread over the bleeding jagan. The bandages were gone, but the pale skin was unmarred by anything aside from the black serpent wrapped about his arm and the bruises on his wrist. And the bruises, if anything, looked lighter, and they disappeared before their eyes. "See?" Kurama whispered, easing his hold on Yukina, "they were just bandages, cloth, so they ignited. But fire can't hurt Hiei."
"But he was screaming..." Yukina's eyes closed suddenly and she jerked her head to the side, small clicks sounding against the wooden floor.
Kurama's eyes had followed the tears down, but he looked up again when Hiei flinched at the clicking sounds. Stepping to the side, Kurama caught his breath, his eyes burning when bloodshot red orbs turned toward him. "Hiei..." The little youkai made a quiet sound and lowered his arm. Yukina's gasp was the only thing that kept Kurama from grabbing the jaganshi in a tight embrace.
"Your shoulder!" Red eyes flicked to her and Yukina blinked for a second before looking again. "Kurama-san, his shoulder."
The girl's eyes were wide and Kurama leaned over Hiei, not minding the dark glare as he stared at the demon's shoulder. He'd said the swelling would go down in time, but obviously Hiei hadn't felt like waiting. There was no sign of the injury. A suspicion ran through him and Kurama caught Hiei's left hand, ignoring the way the demon jerked at the limb. The indentions left from the last attack were also gone. The only proof that Hiei had ever been in a fight was his level of youki. That sudden surge must have dissolved along with the bandages because Hiei's youki was just a breath above what it had been when Kurama found him the last time. Red eyes were glaring at him and Kurama's gaze shifted upward, touching the bloody jagan. The white was returning, but blood still covered Hiei's forehead, having trickled to his hair. "Remind me to ask how you did that," Kurama said drolly, smirking at Hiei's confused scowl. Those eyes closed for a moment and he waited for the demon to look up again, a soft hand on his arm causing him to glance back to Yukina.
With a bright smile, Yukina stood on her tiptoes, motioning for Kurama to bend so she could whisper in his ear. "He's asleep again."
Kurama's eyes flew back to Hiei and he frowned, leaning close and blinking when the jagan slowly slid shut. His arms folded over his chest and he frowned, raising an eyebrow. He wouldn't put it past Hiei to fake sleep, but Yukina was probably right. And after the nightmare the demon had dreamt, he could probably use some easy, natural sleep. But as soon as Hiei woke up, he was going to get some answers, even if it meant tying the stubborn youkai down and holding him hostage.
I know, you're probably wondering what the hell is going on. Well, it's one of my versions of Hiei's past. I expect a pretty good explanation in the next part. And more angst, too. ^__^
Warnings: minor angst, slight violence, shonen ai, sap
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, BiulaxHiei, Yukina+Hiei (not like *that*, dirty-minded people ^_^')
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 5
A pool was forming by the time Kurama reached the small youkai, and that only took seconds. With a choked cry, he rolled Hiei onto his back, both hands pressed tight against the demon's neck. Blood oozed between his fingers and he gasped roughly, his eyes burning. He was panicking, his heart racing painfully in his chest as he struggled to breathe. Hiei was dying in front of him and he couldn't move. It wasn't happening, it couldn't be happening, not like this. The youkai's face was so serene, even with his cheek covered in his own blood, as if he were already gone. The blood stopped pressing against his hands and Kurama bent, hiding his face in the thick hair over Hiei's forehead. And warm, steady breaths tickled his chest.
Kurama's eyes snapped open and he jerked back, staring at the youkai's neck. The gaping wound was covered in hazy red skin as if it had been burnt, but paler skin was closing over that, the color creeping inward as if every millimeter took minutes. "Hiei..." He was afraid to move him, that doing so might somehow stop the healing. But it made no sense, he'd known Hiei for so long and he'd *never* seen the youkai heal himself. Tentative, he reached his fingers under Hiei's shoulder, planning to lift him and he cursed suddenly, not worrying about the neck injury. It was closed enough that it wouldn't break open from such a slight movement. Lifting Hiei into a sitting position, Kurama's eyes flew over the bloody mess of the demon's back. There had been no healing *there* and the ripped wounds were matted with dirt from where he'd turned Hiei onto his back. Infection was the last thing he needed to worry about, he realized, glancing over the clearing. The demon could come back and while he wanted nothing more than to kill the creature, he couldn't risk Hiei. The little youkai needed help, now. And his plants were much too slow.
* * *
Pale blue light shrouded black hair, tinting pale skin in a way that made Kurama stare. For a second he wondered what Hiei would look like if his hair were really that silvery blue color, but he tossed the thought aside, folding his arms as he tried to be patient. Whatever had enabled Hiei to heal that horrible wound hadn't lasted any longer than that. Oh, he'd noticed that most of the demon's blood had also regenerated, but none of the other wounds had been touched and Hiei's youki had fallen to a level that quite frankly frightened him. He didn't know what the jagan would do, heal the wounds or replenish the missing youki. If it chose the wounds it could kill him. That was the reason he'd brought Hiei to the one person who could heal him in a matter of minutes. But even Yukina had her limits. The short koorime was paler than he'd ever seen her, sweat beading her brow as she pressed her hands over Hiei's chest.
"Yukina." The girl didn't move and Kurama stepped closer to her, a hand falling on her shoulder. "That's enough. There's no use in both of you dying from lack of youki."
"I'm not finished," Yukina whispered, staring at the mottled swelling that surrounded Hiei's shoulder. It was so bad, the cuts, the blood. She'd never seen such carnage and it tore at her, cold anger barely surpassed by sympathy. "I have to finish."
"Bruises," Kurama murmured, his own voice dropping as he looked down at the girl's pale blue hair. His hand turned, rubbing a bit of the thick hair that felt exactly the same as Hiei's, only the color differing. "That's just bruising. You've fixed the bone and muscle. The swelling will go down on its own."
"Demo..." A hand brushed her cheek and Yukina blinked, glancing over her shoulder as her concentration was broken sharply. Her body suddenly felt the youki she'd expended and she gasped, grateful to the strong arms that supported her shoulders. "I wanted to heal him. All of it."
"You've done more than enough," Kurama assured her, managing a sad smile for the worried red eyes that turned up to him. "Come into the kitchen and I'll make you some tea." The girl blinked, glancing at Hiei and he followed her gaze, his smile disappearing. There was nothing more to do. Hiei was completely under the influence of his jagan, more comatose than asleep. And as infuriating as it was, they couldn't do anything but wait. "I'll know if anything changes."
"I should have known he was hurt," Yukina whispered, her eyes shifting over Hiei's face.
Frowning, Kurama pulled her back and turned her toward the doorway, giving the koorime a light prod. "Why would you know? I didn't even realize it until I found him. He was in the Makai."
"But I always know when he's near," Yukina said, glancing back again as Kurama pushed her out of the room. She frowned at the floor but stopped resisting, letting herself be steered into Kurama's kitchen. "I don't think he knows it, but I sense him." Green eyes were watching her and she blinked, a light flush marring her cheeks. "It's nothing bad, Kurama-san. He just visits me sometimes."
"He...visits you?" His voice betrayed the cold jealousy he felt and Kurama did his best to rip the emotion from himself. He had no right to begrudge Hiei's love for his sister. But he couldn't help but think of the months that had passed since Hiei last visited *him*. "Often?" The girl gave him a wary look and he smiled, sighing as he sat down at the table. "I haven't seen him in a long time."
"It *has* been a while," Yukina admitted, sitting down across from him. "But I never see him." The redhead blinked and she smiled, ducking her head. "I just know he's there, nearby, watching me. I think...I think he just wants to..."
"To keep an eye on you?" Kurama asked, his voice softening again. The image of Hiei keeping watch over his sister brought a warm coil to his chest and he relaxed, the last twinges of jealousy evaporating.
"To make sure I'm safe. I don't know why, but I think he wants to protect me. I've felt that way since I first met him. He looked so kind." Yukina blushed when Kurama raised an eyebrow at her. "He did."
"I can't remember ever seeing Hiei look 'kind,' but I'll take your word for it." The girl smiled at him and Kurama sighed again, resting his chin on his folded hands.
"Thank you for getting me," Yukina said suddenly, her eyes wide and solemn. "He's my oniisan." Kurama's head jerked up, shaking the table and she sighed, sad eyes dropping as she shook her head. "Well, not really, but he's like the brother I always wanted to find. Everything I could have hoped for. He cares so much, even if he hides it. Kazuma-san says he's coldhearted, but I don't think so."
"Neither do I," Kurama murmured, his eyes glinting when she glanced up. He could well imagine how Kuwabara would try to poison the girl's mind against Hiei. The poor ningen was the only one of them who didn't know that she was Hiei's sister. Kurama was sure the orange-haired teen felt threatened by the attention Hiei paid her, more than he did anyone else, at least publicly. And Yukina obviously felt strongly for Hiei. So sad, everyone knew that *except* Hiei.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
"He'd better be," Kurama growled, barely controlling himself as fury abruptly raged inside him. "He *will* be."
"What happened to him?" Green eyes darted away from her and Yukina dropped her gaze. "I can't believe he could be hurt so badly, he's so strong."
Kurama gritted his teeth at the girl's forlorn tone. He had to tell her *something*, but he could leave out the details enough to preserve her innocence. "The youkai who attacked him was much stronger..."
* * *
The youkai had refused him again. Every time he was told the same thing, to die another way. But Hiei didn't want to *die*, he wanted the jagan. He *had* to have it. And he would. His eyes narrowed as he sliced the sword through his arm, the man staring at him with those dark, unreadable eyes. Pain rushed his senses and he bathed in it, glaring at the tall youkai. He wasn't going to be turned away again.
The fog surrounded him and he squinted, struggling to see through it. Something glinted in the distance and he glared, turning to look around him. Was this it? This fog, the feeling of being in the center of everything and nothing. Where was the pain, the threat of death he'd been told so much about? He didn't know what had happened. He'd lain on the table, hands clenching as metal closed over his wrists and ankles, securing him as if he were so weak he couldn't control himself. He'd stared up at the light, glinting off the blades and then nothing, the fog had closed in.
//Don't try to hold back, scream. You'll just waste your energy trying to hold back the pain.//
"What pain?!" His voice was silent, but he knew he'd spoken. Turning, he glared at a spark in the distance, a tiny glimmer of light. "As if I'd scream..."
'...he'd have nothing left.'
The voice was different and Hiei frowned, taking a small step toward it. Was he talking about him? Was it someone he knew? It wasn't the low voice of the surgeon, it was a light tenor, tinted with a sadness that hurt him somehow. "Who? Who would have nothing left?"
//If you keep that up, you won't have the youki to live long enough for the jagan to be implanted. I told you, scream out. It's going to suck up every bit of energy you have anyway. I warned you. You're going to die.//
"I can't die," Hiei growled, glaring into the fog behind him. "I told you already, I have a purpose."
'...so much blood...his youki...so low...dying.'
Something jerked in his head and Hiei staggered, eyes widening as he turned to that glimmer of light again. "My youki? I have plenty of youki! I've always had more than any of them. Even a jagan can't take that away. I'm not dying..." His eyes throbbed and he closed them painfully, wincing as heat radiated out of his forehead. "I'm alive. I can't die. Not until I've fulfilled my purpose."
'...he was dead in front of me.'
It burned, so hot he fell to his knees, hands curled over his eyes. He could handle anything but heat. "I'm not...dead. I just-" Something hot sliced through is forehead and he gasped, a small sound escaping him as he choked. What was it? The blades...but they hadn't been hot. He remembered, they'd been as cool as his own skin and hardly sharp enough to even hurt. But he was burning and he choked again, curling on his knees as he swallowed a scream.
//You're going to kill yourself like that. I *told* you, scream out. *Stop* wasting your youki on that, there's no shame in feeling pain.//
"You didn't tell me!" His voice rose too high and Hiei jerked his head down again, eyes closed so tightly stars burst behind his eyelids. "Not fire!"
//To each his own. The jagan finds your weakness and uses it to suck the youki from you. I warned you about *that*...//
A tiny whimper broke through his clenched teeth and he curled tighter, falling onto his side. The pain was too much, too hot, burning him.
* * *
Kurama jerked suddenly, his eyes flying up to meet Yukina's wide gaze. Without a word they rushed to the bedroom, both feeling the rise of youki. It didn't make sense, Hiei couldn't have regained so much in that short amount of time, even if he *hadn't* had to use it to heal himself. The small youkai was still lying in the bed, but his features were twisted into a grimace, sweat trickling down to pool at his neck. Crouching beside the bed, Kurama reached out a hand, his fingers hovering over Hiei's face. And a wide blue eye snapped open to stare at him. It was so dark, red veins filling the white until the iris seemed as black as the pupil. Kurama swallowed sharply, pulling his hand away from the heat radiating out of the implant. "Hiei?" The youkai's mouth had opened with the jagan, but he made no sound, jaw moving as if he were gasping for air. A sharp gasp tore from the demon's lips, followed by a long, piercing scream. The jagan blinked in response, blood running from the corners of the eye, filling the white completely.
The girl nearly made it, but Kurama managed to catch her about the waist, jerking her back from that hot eye. "No, Yukina, don't touch him."
"Why?! He's hurt!" The heat radiated to her and she flinched, no longer resisting the strong arm that pushed her toward the door. "No, let me stay...as long as I can...?" Dazed green eyes turned to her for a second and she took a deep breath when Kurama gave a slow nod.
His mouth was dry and Kurama swallowed, staring at Hiei's twisted feature. "Hiei? Hiei, tell me what to do." The small demon's chest was jerking furiously, a rasping gulp of air drawn deep before he screamed again, shorter this time, his normally deep voice much too high. Another gulp of air turned into a choked sob and the jagan blinked again, blood trailing down Hiei's temples.
"It burns!"
Kurama's eyes narrowed and he inched closer to Hiei, wincing from the heat that warmed his face. "Hiei, what should I do?"
"Why that? Anything but that! I can't--I can't--"
The youkai hadn't hear him at all. Holding his position, Kurama's eyes dropped to Hiei's hands. They were curled into claws, the fingers clenching and unclenching as if spasms moved them. The demon's right wrist was still bruised, but that obviously didn't matter right now. "Hiei!" Not getting a response, he glanced back at Yukina's horrified face. "He's dreaming..."
"Not fire!" Hiei's hands rose, clenching in his hair as he tilted his head back. "It hurts!" A choked sob passed his lips and he shuddered, knuckles turning white. "So hot...I can't. I can't do it..."
Hands clutched his back and Kurama tore his eyes away from the bed, glancing down at Yukina. "I don't think I can wake him. He's still comatose. But...he's never dreamed before, not when he's under the influence of the jagan."
"It's *burning* him," Yukina cried, jerking Kurama's arm. "Why is it *hurting* him?!"
"It can't be," Kurama whispered, his eyes moving back to Hiei. "He absorbs the kokoryuuha, the black flame of the Makai, the hottest flame in the three worlds. No fire could hurt him now, no heat could be strong enough to hurt him..."
That word was given in a tone that almost sounded like the Hiei he knew and Kurama took a small step toward the bed. "Hiei?"
"I have to! I won't die, I can't die!"
Green eyes widened when Hiei's right arm rose suddenly, curved fingers darting toward the open jagan. For a horrified second he was certain the youkai would tear the implant from him and he lunged forward just as the bandages on Hiei's arm burst into flames. Yukina shrieked and Kurama flew into action, knocking the girl down before she could freeze Hiei. "No! Don't do that! He's fine, I *swear* it!" Furious and panicked red eyes flew over his face and Kurama pulled her up, holding her arms back and turning her toward the bed. His lover lay still on the bed, his right arm still curved so the fingers were spread over the bleeding jagan. The bandages were gone, but the pale skin was unmarred by anything aside from the black serpent wrapped about his arm and the bruises on his wrist. And the bruises, if anything, looked lighter, and they disappeared before their eyes. "See?" Kurama whispered, easing his hold on Yukina, "they were just bandages, cloth, so they ignited. But fire can't hurt Hiei."
"But he was screaming..." Yukina's eyes closed suddenly and she jerked her head to the side, small clicks sounding against the wooden floor.
Kurama's eyes had followed the tears down, but he looked up again when Hiei flinched at the clicking sounds. Stepping to the side, Kurama caught his breath, his eyes burning when bloodshot red orbs turned toward him. "Hiei..." The little youkai made a quiet sound and lowered his arm. Yukina's gasp was the only thing that kept Kurama from grabbing the jaganshi in a tight embrace.
"Your shoulder!" Red eyes flicked to her and Yukina blinked for a second before looking again. "Kurama-san, his shoulder."
The girl's eyes were wide and Kurama leaned over Hiei, not minding the dark glare as he stared at the demon's shoulder. He'd said the swelling would go down in time, but obviously Hiei hadn't felt like waiting. There was no sign of the injury. A suspicion ran through him and Kurama caught Hiei's left hand, ignoring the way the demon jerked at the limb. The indentions left from the last attack were also gone. The only proof that Hiei had ever been in a fight was his level of youki. That sudden surge must have dissolved along with the bandages because Hiei's youki was just a breath above what it had been when Kurama found him the last time. Red eyes were glaring at him and Kurama's gaze shifted upward, touching the bloody jagan. The white was returning, but blood still covered Hiei's forehead, having trickled to his hair. "Remind me to ask how you did that," Kurama said drolly, smirking at Hiei's confused scowl. Those eyes closed for a moment and he waited for the demon to look up again, a soft hand on his arm causing him to glance back to Yukina.
With a bright smile, Yukina stood on her tiptoes, motioning for Kurama to bend so she could whisper in his ear. "He's asleep again."
Kurama's eyes flew back to Hiei and he frowned, leaning close and blinking when the jagan slowly slid shut. His arms folded over his chest and he frowned, raising an eyebrow. He wouldn't put it past Hiei to fake sleep, but Yukina was probably right. And after the nightmare the demon had dreamt, he could probably use some easy, natural sleep. But as soon as Hiei woke up, he was going to get some answers, even if it meant tying the stubborn youkai down and holding him hostage.
I know, you're probably wondering what the hell is going on. Well, it's one of my versions of Hiei's past. I expect a pretty good explanation in the next part. And more angst, too. ^__^