Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter 9
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: shonen ai
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, Mukuro+Hiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 9
Kurama's pale eyebrows drew together and he frowned, a hand rising to brush past his temples. His head felt as if he'd landed on it, something sticky meeting his fingers and he frowned in confusion. But it didn't last long at all and he sat up suddenly, wide eyes flying around him. "Hiei?!" His breath caught in his throat and he stared into glazed red eyes. The little demon was sitting less than two feet from him, his back pressed to a dark wall. Kurama leaned toward him but paused when those dark eyes closed and the youkai gave a long sigh. The demon abruptly sagged against the wall, falling onto his side. "Hiei!"
"Let him sleep, he's barely closed his eyes since he brought you in."
Tensing, Kurama's eyes narrowed and he shot a dangerous glare to the unfamiliar youkai standing just outside the doorway. The demon was a nondescript brown color, not the least bit intelligent looking, and it shrugged at him before turning away. With a quick glance around the small room he was in, Kurama frowned. "Wait. Where am I?"
"In his bed." Kurama's glare reappeared twice as dark and Mukuro smirked, stepping into the doorway and waving the other youkai away. "You're just where I thought you'd be." Stepping into the room, her eye dropped to Hiei's closed eyes for a moment before her smirk widened. "You should feel honored. You're the first person to ever sleep in that bed."
He had an unexpected urge to shove the woman aside, grab Hiei and not look back. But his head throbbed when he swung his legs off the edge of the bed and he waited, eyes still glaring at the female. There was something very annoying about her smile. He barely resisted the need to move back when she sat next to him, her gaze turning from Hiei to him. "Why did he come *here*?"
"You know," Mukuro murmured, her voice calm as if she were merely making conversation, "I asked him the same thing. He told me to move. He really has no respect for authority." The youko was still glaring at her and she frowned back at him. "He wouldn't say a word, and he refused to let anyone else touch you. He didn't even trust me with you when you were unconscious. To be blunt, Youko Kurama, I don't see how he carried you here. As for the why, my guess is it was his only option. I can't imagine him doing it otherwise." Those pale gold eyes shifted from her and she followed them, her face clearing when she looked at Hiei. He really did look awful, but at least he was sleeping now.
The female moved and Kurama flinched when she crouched near Hiei's head. He was on his feet immediately, baring his teeth without thinking. "Don't touch him." She glanced back and his eyebrow twitched at her knowing smile.
Mukuro held the youko's gaze for a moment before pressing her fingers over Hiei's forehead, closing the youkai's jagan. "You're as defensive as he is," she commented, standing again. Her hand dropped to her vest and she tossed a bit of cloth at the youko, watching as his pale arm lifted to catch it. "Tie him yourself, then, and come outside. We need to talk."
Kurama's fingers curled around the white cloth, his narrow eyes following the female until she disappeared through the doorway. It was his first encounter with her. Despite the number of times he'd seen the youkai, he'd never had cause to speak to her. But he could see her personality was one that must drive Hiei crazy. His gaze dropped to the little youkai and he knelt, fingers brushing Hiei's temple. The hair was damp, but only a few traces of the blood he'd seen was still visible. He thought of how glazed the demon's eyes had been when he'd woken to find them on him. Whatever he thought of the woman, Mukuro had a point. Hiei had been in horrible shape before he'd gotten knocked out and he couldn't imagine the slender youkai trying to carry him. Only someone as stubborn as his lover could have done that. "Hiei."
Black brows twitched when Kurama lifted the demon's head, but those eyes remained closed. Tying the band around Hiei's forehead, Kurama glanced at the room they were in. The bed was easily large enough for three people, but it was the only thing in the room, space left on three sides of it but not filled with anything. And the walls were bare, reminding him more of a prison cell than a bedroom. But she'd said it was Hiei's bed. Kurama lifted Hiei carefully, moving the slight male and laying him in the center of that bed. He could easily believe that Hiei wouldn't have slept in it, even if it were supposed to be his. The youkai looked far too small in the middle of that bed. He didn't want to leave him there, even for a minute. What he wanted to do was the same urge he'd had when he first woke, to take him home. But Mukuro was obviously providing shelter to them, whether he liked the idea or not.
Mukuro was leaning against the wall when the youko finally came through the doorway and she nodded sharply at him. "You'll want to talk here." The kitsune nodded, but she'd expected as much. Kurama wouldn't want to leave Hiei alone; the fox trusted her even less than Hiei did. Not that it bothered her. "He's been gone for days. Do you plan to tell me what's going on?"
Her lips twitched and she smirked suddenly, inclining her head. "I didn't think so. The last time I saw him he was going to check on a youkai who'd crossed my border." She shot a sideways glance at the youko, noting how those pale eyes narrowed. "And then he showed up here, carrying *you*. It took him two hours to get you inside. Of course, he rejected any assistance." Kurama was silent and she sighed, leaning against the wall again. "You're still living in the Ningenkai, aren't you."
There was a cold tint in the female's words and Kurama frowned at her, folding his arms over his chest. "Yes."
"The Reikai's slacking in its control over the portals," Mukuro said, her eyes closed. "They open often right now, but that isn't going to last. How long do you expect him to keep crossing over to see you?" Wide golden eyes locked on her when she glanced at him and she snorted, looking away again. "You think I don't know? I keep waiting for him to either forget you and that sister of his, or stay in the Ningenkai. It's been months since he last went...I didn't expect him to go back."
Kurama glared, his back very straight. "It's none of your business what he does," he said softly, meeting her eye with dark eyes. "He chooses to work for you, but that's his choice. What he does the rest of the time doesn't concern you." The words echoed something familiar, but he paid no attention, holding the female's gaze.
"You sound confident," Mukuro nodded, "but how tightly have you tied him? Judging from his condition, I'd say you aren't *strong* enough to protect him. And three months is a long time."
"He's mine, whether he likes it or not." Kurama stared down at the short female, his expression dangerous. He couldn't read her face, and he flinched when she laughed, a small, sharp sound.
"Good." The fox blinked at her and Mukuro smirked, enjoying his confusion. He wasn't as young as Hiei, but he still had a lot to learn. "Because if I ever see him like this again, *you* won't see him again, not in the Ningenkai, not here. Do we understand each other?"
Anger threw his confusion aside and Kurama's hands curled, not quite grabbing the female. "You think you could keep him away from me?"
"Look at him," Mukuro said sharply, waving a hand toward the open doorway. "Look again. Didn't you see his eyes? I've seen that look before, but I didn't expect to see it again. You've made your claim, now prove you have a *right* to hold him." Her voice softened a bit, all expression leaving her partially covered face. "Whoever did that...if he's too much for you, there's nothing wrong with asking for help. Pride is no excuse for allowing that to happen." Some of the fury left the youko's face and she turned her head, looking off down the dark hall. "He left his things. Take them with you when you go."
"The teargems, his katana, and his clothing." Mukuro smirked suddenly, her eye glinting once more as she glanced over her shoulder. "That outfit...I never thought to see him in ningen garb. It doesn't suit him. If he hadn't been carrying someone twice his size I'd have believed he'd regressed to his childhood. The outmost guards didn't even recognize him until they saw the jagan."
Kurama was confused. He didn't know if the woman was staking a claim to counter his own, or showing her support of them. But her feelings for Hiei caused a throb of jealousy that he didn't understand. It was as if he hadn't expected anyone else to see Hiei for the treasure he was. "Mukuro."
"I'll see the two of you to the nearest portal to the Ningenkai," Mukuro said sharply, her eye still glinting. "Then it's up to you."
* * *
Yes, I know this part was at least two pages too short, gomen nasai! And I wanted to drop a note about my take on portals (at least in this fic). I've seen it written so that the youkai *create* the portals, but in this version they're actual thin spots in that net that separates the Ningenkai and the Makai (the fence that keeps out youkai above B level). Once a youkai hits S level, that fence can't hold them back, at least not in the weak spots (in this fic). Just wanted to explain why they had to *find* portals, rather than creating their own.
Warnings: shonen ai
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, Mukuro+Hiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 9
Kurama's pale eyebrows drew together and he frowned, a hand rising to brush past his temples. His head felt as if he'd landed on it, something sticky meeting his fingers and he frowned in confusion. But it didn't last long at all and he sat up suddenly, wide eyes flying around him. "Hiei?!" His breath caught in his throat and he stared into glazed red eyes. The little demon was sitting less than two feet from him, his back pressed to a dark wall. Kurama leaned toward him but paused when those dark eyes closed and the youkai gave a long sigh. The demon abruptly sagged against the wall, falling onto his side. "Hiei!"
"Let him sleep, he's barely closed his eyes since he brought you in."
Tensing, Kurama's eyes narrowed and he shot a dangerous glare to the unfamiliar youkai standing just outside the doorway. The demon was a nondescript brown color, not the least bit intelligent looking, and it shrugged at him before turning away. With a quick glance around the small room he was in, Kurama frowned. "Wait. Where am I?"
"In his bed." Kurama's glare reappeared twice as dark and Mukuro smirked, stepping into the doorway and waving the other youkai away. "You're just where I thought you'd be." Stepping into the room, her eye dropped to Hiei's closed eyes for a moment before her smirk widened. "You should feel honored. You're the first person to ever sleep in that bed."
He had an unexpected urge to shove the woman aside, grab Hiei and not look back. But his head throbbed when he swung his legs off the edge of the bed and he waited, eyes still glaring at the female. There was something very annoying about her smile. He barely resisted the need to move back when she sat next to him, her gaze turning from Hiei to him. "Why did he come *here*?"
"You know," Mukuro murmured, her voice calm as if she were merely making conversation, "I asked him the same thing. He told me to move. He really has no respect for authority." The youko was still glaring at her and she frowned back at him. "He wouldn't say a word, and he refused to let anyone else touch you. He didn't even trust me with you when you were unconscious. To be blunt, Youko Kurama, I don't see how he carried you here. As for the why, my guess is it was his only option. I can't imagine him doing it otherwise." Those pale gold eyes shifted from her and she followed them, her face clearing when she looked at Hiei. He really did look awful, but at least he was sleeping now.
The female moved and Kurama flinched when she crouched near Hiei's head. He was on his feet immediately, baring his teeth without thinking. "Don't touch him." She glanced back and his eyebrow twitched at her knowing smile.
Mukuro held the youko's gaze for a moment before pressing her fingers over Hiei's forehead, closing the youkai's jagan. "You're as defensive as he is," she commented, standing again. Her hand dropped to her vest and she tossed a bit of cloth at the youko, watching as his pale arm lifted to catch it. "Tie him yourself, then, and come outside. We need to talk."
Kurama's fingers curled around the white cloth, his narrow eyes following the female until she disappeared through the doorway. It was his first encounter with her. Despite the number of times he'd seen the youkai, he'd never had cause to speak to her. But he could see her personality was one that must drive Hiei crazy. His gaze dropped to the little youkai and he knelt, fingers brushing Hiei's temple. The hair was damp, but only a few traces of the blood he'd seen was still visible. He thought of how glazed the demon's eyes had been when he'd woken to find them on him. Whatever he thought of the woman, Mukuro had a point. Hiei had been in horrible shape before he'd gotten knocked out and he couldn't imagine the slender youkai trying to carry him. Only someone as stubborn as his lover could have done that. "Hiei."
Black brows twitched when Kurama lifted the demon's head, but those eyes remained closed. Tying the band around Hiei's forehead, Kurama glanced at the room they were in. The bed was easily large enough for three people, but it was the only thing in the room, space left on three sides of it but not filled with anything. And the walls were bare, reminding him more of a prison cell than a bedroom. But she'd said it was Hiei's bed. Kurama lifted Hiei carefully, moving the slight male and laying him in the center of that bed. He could easily believe that Hiei wouldn't have slept in it, even if it were supposed to be his. The youkai looked far too small in the middle of that bed. He didn't want to leave him there, even for a minute. What he wanted to do was the same urge he'd had when he first woke, to take him home. But Mukuro was obviously providing shelter to them, whether he liked the idea or not.
Mukuro was leaning against the wall when the youko finally came through the doorway and she nodded sharply at him. "You'll want to talk here." The kitsune nodded, but she'd expected as much. Kurama wouldn't want to leave Hiei alone; the fox trusted her even less than Hiei did. Not that it bothered her. "He's been gone for days. Do you plan to tell me what's going on?"
Her lips twitched and she smirked suddenly, inclining her head. "I didn't think so. The last time I saw him he was going to check on a youkai who'd crossed my border." She shot a sideways glance at the youko, noting how those pale eyes narrowed. "And then he showed up here, carrying *you*. It took him two hours to get you inside. Of course, he rejected any assistance." Kurama was silent and she sighed, leaning against the wall again. "You're still living in the Ningenkai, aren't you."
There was a cold tint in the female's words and Kurama frowned at her, folding his arms over his chest. "Yes."
"The Reikai's slacking in its control over the portals," Mukuro said, her eyes closed. "They open often right now, but that isn't going to last. How long do you expect him to keep crossing over to see you?" Wide golden eyes locked on her when she glanced at him and she snorted, looking away again. "You think I don't know? I keep waiting for him to either forget you and that sister of his, or stay in the Ningenkai. It's been months since he last went...I didn't expect him to go back."
Kurama glared, his back very straight. "It's none of your business what he does," he said softly, meeting her eye with dark eyes. "He chooses to work for you, but that's his choice. What he does the rest of the time doesn't concern you." The words echoed something familiar, but he paid no attention, holding the female's gaze.
"You sound confident," Mukuro nodded, "but how tightly have you tied him? Judging from his condition, I'd say you aren't *strong* enough to protect him. And three months is a long time."
"He's mine, whether he likes it or not." Kurama stared down at the short female, his expression dangerous. He couldn't read her face, and he flinched when she laughed, a small, sharp sound.
"Good." The fox blinked at her and Mukuro smirked, enjoying his confusion. He wasn't as young as Hiei, but he still had a lot to learn. "Because if I ever see him like this again, *you* won't see him again, not in the Ningenkai, not here. Do we understand each other?"
Anger threw his confusion aside and Kurama's hands curled, not quite grabbing the female. "You think you could keep him away from me?"
"Look at him," Mukuro said sharply, waving a hand toward the open doorway. "Look again. Didn't you see his eyes? I've seen that look before, but I didn't expect to see it again. You've made your claim, now prove you have a *right* to hold him." Her voice softened a bit, all expression leaving her partially covered face. "Whoever did that...if he's too much for you, there's nothing wrong with asking for help. Pride is no excuse for allowing that to happen." Some of the fury left the youko's face and she turned her head, looking off down the dark hall. "He left his things. Take them with you when you go."
"The teargems, his katana, and his clothing." Mukuro smirked suddenly, her eye glinting once more as she glanced over her shoulder. "That outfit...I never thought to see him in ningen garb. It doesn't suit him. If he hadn't been carrying someone twice his size I'd have believed he'd regressed to his childhood. The outmost guards didn't even recognize him until they saw the jagan."
Kurama was confused. He didn't know if the woman was staking a claim to counter his own, or showing her support of them. But her feelings for Hiei caused a throb of jealousy that he didn't understand. It was as if he hadn't expected anyone else to see Hiei for the treasure he was. "Mukuro."
"I'll see the two of you to the nearest portal to the Ningenkai," Mukuro said sharply, her eye still glinting. "Then it's up to you."
* * *
Yes, I know this part was at least two pages too short, gomen nasai! And I wanted to drop a note about my take on portals (at least in this fic). I've seen it written so that the youkai *create* the portals, but in this version they're actual thin spots in that net that separates the Ningenkai and the Makai (the fence that keeps out youkai above B level). Once a youkai hits S level, that fence can't hold them back, at least not in the weak spots (in this fic). Just wanted to explain why they had to *find* portals, rather than creating their own.