Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter 10
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: shonen ai, possibly minor angst
Pairings: KuramaxHiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Website/Complete Archive: http://www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 10
The only sounds in the room were his own soft humming, and Hiei's nearly inaudible breathing. Kurama sat near the edge of his bed, his back pressed into the corner of the room. It was too warm for a blanket, but he'd wrapped one around them anyway. Hiei's head rested in the crook of his arm, the little youkai curled on his lap, and he hummed quietly, his fingers threading through velvety hair. Hours had passed since his return to the Ningenkai, but he didn't mind. He'd left a message for Yukina, so the girl shouldn't be showing up that day, and the thick kekkai surrounding the bed eliminated any outside sensations or sounds. For the present, this was a world in itself with everything beyond them meaningless.
The small jaganshi hadn't moved since he first settled into the nook, and Kurama didn't do anything to wake him. There were no tangles in Hiei's baby-soft hair, but he combed it more for himself than anything. The gesture helped him maintain the soothing aura as his youki curled around them. And ever so slowly he could feel the difference as the youkai slept, deep breaths sharing in that strength. He'd never thought himself possessing of such deep patience, but he was. His eyes were soft, sober, watching his pale fingers pet Hiei's hair, ever so gently. He was so defenseless when he slept, so vulnerable. And beautiful. Kurama knew why the demon wanted him, why he hadn't killed Hiei despite his helpless state. He suffered from the same addiction. For this little youkai he'd suppressed himself, spent years in earnest efforts to soften Hiei's defensive exterior. His lover was warm in his arms, and for the moment he felt no anger at all. Things would be different when the demon woke, he knew that.
There was no help for it. He couldn't allow this to continue, couldn't exist knowing he'd allowed his mate to be hurt. It had taken so much to convince Hiei to return to him after the last time he'd asserted his dominance. He knew the demon would fight him if he tried to do so again. But he had no choice. Hiei was his, his lover, his mate...his. And Mukuro was right. If he wanted to hold him, he'd have to prove he was strong enough to do so, strong enough to endure even hatred if necessary. Hiei was his, and no one would touch him and live. That the demon had used *him* to get to Hiei just strengthened his resolve. What he'd told his love was true. He'd rather have Hiei alive away from him, than dead in his arms.
* * *
The heat lulled him more than anything else, but it was also quiet, safe. Hiei felt heavy, his senses numbed and slow. He was pressed against warmth, and he might have turned into it had he not heard the soft music. Kurama. He'd heard the fox sing only once, a lighthearted ditty in the company of Yusuke and the Baka. But this was a soft hum, sweet and sad somehow. It made his brows lower and he finally shifted uncomfortably, forcing his eyes open to frown up at the source. Kurama's steady gaze met him, and he suddenly felt the fingers threading through his hair with the same slow rhythm as that humming. The lamenting sound made him feel cold inside, despite the heat surrounding him. His mouth was dry, and Hiei frowned when his voice came out as a scratchy whisper. "Stop that..."
Kurama blinked in surprise, his hand stilling amidst thick black hair. A part of him frowned at the little demon, but his face remained calm as he looked down. "Stop what?" he asked softly. Those red eyes closed and he sighed, moving his hand to rest on Hiei's shoulder. His lover matched his sigh and Kurama's eyes widened when Hiei rolled just a bit, face nearly hidden against his chest. Anything he might have said was bitten back as he stared down in surprise. For anyone but Hiei, that could be considered proof of affection. He thought the demon was going to go back to sleep, but that soft, rough voice reached him, muffled by his shirt.
"Where are we?" Hiei was torn. Normally he wouldn't bother to ask, he'd just look and see for himself. But his previously dulled senses were waking slowly, bringing a dull, tight ache along most of his skin. It was probably all in his mind, but Kurama's warmth seemed to lessen that and he chose to hold still for the moment. Just for a few short moments. And since the fox was holding *him*, he didn't think Kurama would complain.
The lithe demon really was pressing tighter against him, and Kurama had trouble stopping his arms from pulling Hiei closer still. His earlier calm was still reachable and he kept his voice soft, almost careless and devoid of any emotion that might ruin the mood. Hiei hadn't looked, so he probably wasn't aware of the youki that still surrounded them, youki his lover was sharing in whether he realized it or not. "In my bed," Kurama murmured, his gaze shifting over Hiei's black hair as he brushed a bit of it off the demon's neck. "Back in the Ningenkai."
That certainly explained how relaxed Hiei felt, and he sighed against Kurama's chest. No matter how long he'd worked for the woman, he'd never felt secure in her territory. Kurama he knew he could trust. He remembered taking the unconscious fox into the youkai's territory, and he suspected they hadn't stayed long. The need for sleep had eventually gotten the best of him. But that didn't explain why Kurama was with him now. If they were back in the Ningenkai, there was no reason for the fox to be...holding him. "What are you doing?" he muttered softly, no real anger in his voice, just tired curiosity.
"You needed sleep," Kurama commented, "so I was making sure you weren't disturbed." The black head shifted a bit, and he imagined the youkai had nodded. "Rest as long as you want."
Hiei took a deep breath and managed to push himself back enough to look up at his green-eyed lover with a vague frown. He wasn't tired, not physically, but he did feel drained somehow. It was a sinking heaviness that he didn't quite understand, and he sighed again. "You don't have to be here for me to sleep," he reminded Kurama, his eyes half-closed so he only saw the fox's face. "I can sleep anywhere, you know that."
"Ah." A small smile curved his lips and Kurama nodded slowly. "I know that, Hiei. But I wanted to watch you, that's all."
"Watch me?" That bit of expression on Kurama's face caught his attention more than the fox's words, and Hiei stared at those curved lips for a long minute before frowning. He preferred that look to the oddly calm yet attentive stare he'd received when he first glanced up. "Why watch me?" he prodded lightly. "Did I do anything?" Hiei knew the words came from an urge to prolong his inevitable movement, but he didn't care. He'd get up soon enough.
"You didn't do anything," Kurama said, his voice still soft. He'd been very careful earlier to make certain the kekkai around the bed was absolutely silent, and he split his attention between easing it and keeping Hiei's eyes on him. There was no point in Hiei's knowing he'd been bound in *another* of his cages. He'd get enough grief without making things worse. "You slept for..." Red eyes were watching him and Kurama smiled a bit more. "I don't actually know how long you've been sleeping. I didn't check the time. But you didn't do anything, not even a frown."
Something was happening behind him. Hiei's eyebrow twitched when he realized that, and he frowned when Kurama brushed a bit of his hair away from his face. The movement distracted him from the odd tingling sensation at the back of his neck and he sniffed at the fox. "You've sat here watching me sleep for hours?" Kurama nodded and his own lips curved into a tiny smile. "A complete waste of time..."
"Do you think so?" The demon had almost looked back at the lessening kekkai, and Kurama concentrated more on it, easing the shield even more. He was going to try and win this without alienating his mate. He'd had plenty of time to think this through, during the long peaceful hours, and he wasn't going to make any mistakes. Hiei was watching him and he tapped a finger on the demon's nose, smiling when the youkai sniffed and gave him an odd look. "I enjoyed it," Kurama said lightly, a hint of teasing in his voice. "I watched you sleep for six hours during the Darkness Tournament, but I couldn't touch you since Koenma kept an eye on me."
Hiei's lips curved into a small smirk and he snorted softly. "You weren't watching me then," he denied, his shoulders shifting into a more comfortable position on Kurama's arm. "You were reading that book."
Tendrils of satisfaction crept over Kurama, but he managed not to smile at how easily Hiei lay in his arms. It was as if the youkai had forgotten how much he hated to be held in any manner. His work was nearly finished with the kekkai, and it disappeared as silently as he'd placed it, a few quiet vines creeping back into the plant near the window as he smiled at Hiei. "That was just for show," he said, tilting his head coquettishly. "I couldn't tell you a word that was written in it now, I was so busy watching you." His lover's lips twitched a second before a light shake reached him through his arm, a tiny laugh that never made it to the air.
"Guilty," Kurama smiled, his eyes warm. A tiny part of him winced at what he was about to do, but he clamped down on it as he lifted his arm, moving Hiei higher against him. "I enjoy watching you sleep," he said softly, "you sleep so peacefully. I like to see that." The shadow passed over Hiei's face exactly as he'd expected and Kurama blinked as if remembering something, his eyes lifting from his lover. "Oh, it's rather late," he commented, changing the subject with ease. He could feel tense shoulders on his arm, and he knew that small admission was enough to make his lover uncomfortable. Hiei pushed away from him and his fingers twitched before falling lightly to the bed. "I guess we should get up."
With a small, meaningless sound, Hiei forced himself into a sitting position, curling his legs. He'd felt completely at ease until Kurama's words, and he frowned at the bed as the fox shifted next to him. There was no reason for him to be bothered, he told himself, rubbing a hand over his temple. All Kurama had said was that he liked to see him sleep peacefully. That was nothing. He knew it was nothing, but for some reason hearing it had made his stomach churn uneasily. His head throbbed now that he was upright and he rubbed his temple with his fingertips, blinking at Kurama. It was the stress. The continued losses were building up and he was letting it get to him. Bright green eyes met him from a strangely unconcerned face and he frowned, shifting toward the edge of the bed. He'd expected Kurama to try and pamper him or something, maybe even start in on him for having taken him to Mukuro's territory. The fox hadn't said anything about what happened and for some reason that seemed wrong to him. And even odder, he didn't feel like yelling at the fox for having locked him up. His forehead felt tight, as if his brain had swelled, and he sighed. That could wait. If Kurama wasn't going to bring it up, then it could wait.
Moving so his legs fell off the edge of the bed, Kurama looked at Hiei. The youkai's bruises and burns had nearly healed, and he could see where Hiei's fingers were rubbing a red mark on his temple, pressing hard. His controlled neutral expression slipped into one of light concern and he brushed a hand over his lover's shoulder. "Does your head hurt?" He knew from holding him earlier that there were no wounds beneath that thick black hair. But though Kurama had never had a headache as a youkai, Hiei certainly looked like he was suffering the beginnings of a migraine.
Hiei shrugged lightly, joining Kurama on the edge of the bed and dropping his hand. "It's fine." His vision wasn't blurred, so the throbbing didn't really matter. The fox moved closer to him and he frowned, barely resisting an urge to lean away from wide green eyes. "What?"
"I wish you wouldn't do that," Kurama said softly, brushing a hand over the thick black strand that fell along Hiei's face. The youkai flinched a bit, eyes widening, but Kurama kept his gaze on the small red mark left on that pale temple. "I wish you wouldn't suffer in silence. I hate to see you hurting quietly as if your pain isn't important." Hiei was absolutely immobile when he touched that light red mark and Kurama paused, giving a long, sad look into wide red eyes. He waited until he was sure the demon would pull away, and then he leaned back with a light smile that definitely caught Hiei unaware. "I can mix up something that should get rid of that headache," he said, his tone easy and clear. "I'll even make sure it tastes good, so you won't have to worry about that. Let's go in the kitchen." The little demon blinked at him and Kurama tilted his head with a quick smile.
A quick breath left him, and Hiei stared at Kurama, not sure what just happened. He'd felt as if the fox had backed him into a corner, but his lover was smiling at him in a way that normally put him at ease. That soft voice and those sad eyes were unseen in Kurama's easy expression and he blinked, frowning warily. His muscles were relaxing slowly and he wasn't quite sure why they'd tensed in the first place. Of course Kurama didn't like to see him hurt, they were friends, lovers, it made sense. So why had he felt as if he were about to fall? Green eyes blinked at him curiously and Hiei frowned, folding his bare arms over his chest. "It isn't necessary," he said, looking at the fox.
"Come on," Kurama smiled, prodding Hiei's shoulder and making the demon frown darker, obviously not sure what to make of his mood. And that was just how Kurama planned to keep it. "There's no point being stubborn about it, right? If I want to keep you from feeling unnecessary pain, why not humor me?" Those red eyes flickered a bit and Kurama let out a soft laugh. "Besides, you know I love to mix things up. It isn't often I have some to try my medicinal mixtures out on, ne?"
There was definitely something wrong with the kitsune, and Hiei's expression cleared suddenly. Without explaining, he grabbed one of Kurama's long red forelocks and motioned for him to bend closer. Green eyes blinked at him, but he ignored them as the fox bent toward him. His fingers felt over the back of Kurama's head carefully until they found a small raised knot and he sighed, a small smile passing over his lips. That was the reason his lover was acting strangely. It wasn't him at all. He'd completely forgotten that the youko had taken a direct and powerful blow to the back of the head. "You should use a mixture on yourself," Hiei smirked as he pushed Kurama back into a sitting position.
With a soft snort, Kurama glowered playfully at Hiei. He could imagine what the demon was thinking, but that just meant Hiei would be more accepting with him. After all, if the youkai thought he was behaving oddly, he would put up with it because of the injury. It made things easier. "But my head doesn't hurt," Kurama said, poking a finger at Hiei's chest, "and yours does. Believe me, I don't like pain any more than you do. Now, let's go in the kitchen." He slid to the floor and bent over the shorter demon, putting a hand under Hiei's arm. The youkai frowned at him, but Kurama was glad for his hold when his lover wavered on his feet. "Dizzy?"
"Ch'." Frowning at the floor, Hiei barely resisted the urge to crush his palm against his right eye. He hadn't felt blurry or dizzy before, but now the blood was rushing straight to his pounding head and he just knew there wasn't room up there for anything else. It already felt as if it would burst. Kurama's arm moved around his shoulders and he gasped when the room shifted suddenly. A tense moment passed before he realized the kitsune had lifted his feet out from under him and he glared up into wide green eyes. "You will *not* carry me," he growled, one hand twisting around a lock of red hair.
"But I carried you here," Kurama reminded him, tilting his head so there was no tension on his hair. "And Mukuro told me you carried me in the Makai. Why shouldn't I carry you now?"
"I was unconscious then," Hiei frowned, his muscles relaxing despite himself. "I don't need to be carried *now*, and I don't *want* to be carried." Green eyes blinked at him and Hiei nearly flinched when Kurama frowned down at him, the arms tightening around him.
"Can't I get what *I* want once in a while?" Kurama asked softly, his eyes reproachfully moving over Hiei's as he turned his lips down. "I want to carry you. I like having you so close to me." His lover was staring at him in surprise, a hint of that shadow creeping in, and Kurama smiled as he turned toward the door. "Besides, I *know* you're capable of getting there on your own. This is just quicker," he paused, leaning down to smile at Hiei, "and more fun for me."
The fox was teasing him. Freeing Kurama's hair, Hiei snorted and folded his arms over his chest. "You get your kicks out of the oddest things," he muttered, rolling his eyes at Kurama's quick nod.
"Hai," Kurama smiled. "Watching you sleep, having you close to me, ah...I'm a romantic, I suppose."
Eyes sparkling, Kurama shook his head and carried his lover into the living room. "Ningens are often called romantic when they prefer roses and wine to cheaper things. And you know my penchant for roses." Hiei relaxed and he smiled at the black-haired male, settling him on the couch. His lover met his eyes easily and Kurama crouched in front of him, a hand delving into thick red hair. "Speaking of which," he murmured softly, pulling a rose out of his hair. It was dark red, but the color deepened in his hands, reaching a blackened red shade. Hiei frowned at him and Kurama closed his eyes, smelling the soft petals before holding it out to his lover. Red eyes blinked at him in blatant confusion and he smiled softly. "For you."
Staring at the odd colored flower, Hiei frowned. He couldn't help thinking it was some sort of trick or trap, and Kurama's eyes were shining in a way that made him decidedly uncomfortable. Despite all that, his hand rose halfway to the offered stem before he stopped himself. "What...what am I supposed to do with it?" He scowled when Kurama's hand moved, pressing the thornless stem into his open palm. His eyes widened when the dark color changed, petals paling to grayish white before deepening back to its original red. "Kurama?"
"Do you like it?"
The fox was watching him with big eyes and Hiei almost squirmed, that uneasy feeling turning his stomach. "It's a flower," he managed, frowning at the rose.
"It's a rose," Kurama corrected, his eyes glinting. "And it isn't going to bite you, Hiei. You *can* smell it, you know. The scent is lovely." Standing, he took a slow step toward the kitchen, pausing when he heard Hiei shift behind him.
"Kurama. What..." Frowning down at the soft looking flower, Hiei glared suddenly. "What am I supposed to *do* with it?" He didn't have Kurama's talent with plants, and he knew if he touched the fragile thing it would fall to pieces. Just holding the stem made him wary, as he was sure he'd crush it. The redhaired kitsune smiled at him and he frowned deeper, holding his hand out. "Take it back."
"You don't want it?" Red eyes shifted from him to the red rose and Kurama sighed softly, running a hand through his long hair. "Just hold it until I get back, then," he said. Hiei frowned at him and Kurama flashed the demon a quick smile. "I'll go mix us *both* up something." His smile turned into a sly smirk and he tilted his head, catching Hiei's eyes. "Hold it and think of me while I'm gone." A sharp scowl took over his lover's face and Kurama winked before going into the kitchen.
Hiei snorted when the fox disappeared through the doorway, his eyes dropping to the dark red flower. Kurama really was an odd one. As if he needed something to remind him of his lover. The kitsune was only going to be out of the room for a few minutes. But the flower *did* remind him of Kurama's hair, it was nearly the same shade. Frowning, Hiei glanced at the coffee table, giving it a calculating look. If he put the flower there, the petals would probably fall off. The thought made him want to smack himself. It was just a stupid flower. But Kurama had such an attachment to flowers, roses specifically. In the end, he leaned back on the couch, resting his elbow on one folded leg as he stared at the dark red petals. Why had he given the flower to him? Hiei thought there must be some meaning to it, but he didn't know what. After a few seconds, he sniffed at himself. It was just Kurama acting like a ningen. That happened occasionally. Either that, or the fox was teasing him somehow.
With nothing better to do, Hiei studied the dark rose. It's petals looked as soft as Kurama's rich hair, and he turned the flower slowly, leaning a bit closer to it. The rose was pretty, but he didn't really see what the kitsune found so wonderful about them. Hiei saw no use in something pretty that couldn't be touched. What was the point? Smirking, he looked at the dark green stem, his fingers twirling it again. If he wanted something pretty to look at, merely to be looking at something, he'd just look at Kurama. The thought made him raise an eyebrow and he moved the rose a breath closer to his face. Was that it? Kurama wasn't full of pride over his looks, but the youko definitely knew how he looked. Somehow, Hiei doubted the lovely youkai would have given him the fragile thing just to remind him how pretty he was. No, that wasn't it.
A sweet fragrance reached him, and Hiei frowned at the flower, remembering how Kurama had smelt it before. The petals had been darker before, but they hadn't been hurt when the fox buried his nose into them. Hiei's lips curved in a small smile at the thought. Kurama did that a lot, smelling his roses with glittering eyes before turning the plants into deadly weapons. That was just the way he was. Romantic? He didn't know the word, but it sounded right. Roses, and glittering eyes. That was Kurama. A soft laugh made his head snap up, and Hiei frowned, dropping his elbow back on his leg. The redhead in question was standing in the doorway with an odd smile and Hiei raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"
"You didn't even touch it," Kurama drawled as he crossed the room, "did you."
"Why would I?" Hiei followed the redhead, accepting the cup in his free hand when his lover sat down beside him on the couch.
"Because I gave it to you," Kurama said, sliding an arm over Hiei's shoulders. The black-haired demon frowned at that, but didn't pull away. "Don't you like it? Of all the flowers here, roses are my favorite."
"I know." Frowning down at the rose, Hiei held the thing out to Kurama and sighed when the fox took it back. "I don't see why, though." The red color darkened when those pale fingers closed around the stem and Hiei blinked.
"They're beautiful," Kurama smiled, raising his hand so he could smell the black petals. "Beautiful, and no matter how many I have, each one seems rare." Red eyes frowned at him and Kurama tilted his head back against the couch, his arm tightening just a bit around Hiei's shoulders. "You don't think they're beautiful?"
"Maybe," Hiei muttered, frowning at the flower. "But they're useless. Touch one and it falls apart."
Kurama's eyes widened and he leaned over Hiei, holding the flower close to his lover's face. "Who told you that?" With glinting eyes, Kurama smiled and held the dark petals under Hiei's nose. "Sweet, isn't it." He started to move it closer, but the dark-haired youkai jerked his head away before the petals touched him.
"Kurama. Stop that." The red-haired kitsune pulled back a few inches and Hiei dropped his eyes to the cup still in his left hand. He'd noticed that Kurama only brought one cup, so he took a small drink of the dark liquid. Blinking in surprise, he nearly forgot the flower still held near him as he looked at Kurama. "This is medicine?"
"I thought you'd like that," Kurama smiled. Red eyes were watching him and he ran the black rose over his cheek, noting the way Hiei's gaze snapped to the motion. "Drink all of that," he continued, "and your headache should be gone in no time at all."
The fox was brushing those dark petals along his pale cheek and Hiei frowned at the sight as he took another drink. If the idea hadn't been absolutely ridiculous, he'd have sworn Kurama was caressing himself with the thing. He was concentrating on the slow petting motion, and he blinked when nothing met his tongue from the tilted cup. Eyes wide, he stared into it in surprise. He hadn't meant to drink it all. Glancing up again, he frowned when he found Kurama still running those petals over his cheek and staring at him with eyes that really did seem to sparkle. Not about to be distracted again, he tore his eyes away from the rose and frowned into green eyes. "Did you make more of this?" he asked, lifting the cup. Kurama smiled and shook his head. "What about you?"
"My head doesn't hurt," Kurama reminded him, murmuring softly. "A taste would be enough for me." The little youkai blinked at him and his hand tightened a little on Hiei's shoulder as he leaned down. Their lips brushed for a second before his lover turned his head away.
With a sharp frown, Hiei glared at the hand curled on his shoulder, his eyes dark. "Kurama..." Warm breath touched his neck, but he didn't look back, tensing against the couch.
"You don't like it when I kiss you." It wasn't a question, but Kurama whispered it as if it were. His hand slid up Hiei's shoulder to brush the demon's cheek and he gave a quick smile when his lover turned his face back to him. Red eyes glinted at him and he sighed. "Why?"
Sighing, Hiei leaned forward and set the cup on the table. He remained like that, rubbing his temples with a dark frown. "Not now, Kurama. I don't feel like-" His jaw snapped shut when something familiar and soft was pressed to his cheek and he froze, staring to the side. The petals felt like silk, the black color fading to silvery white a second before settling in that dark red shade.
"You don't have to do anything," Kurama murmured, moving closer to Hiei's curved back. His left arm curled around the youkai's tense shoulders and he leaned down so he could see those wide red eyes. They were locked on the rose and Kurama moved the flower slowly, brushing the petals over Hiei's soft, pale cheek. "Just one little kiss, if you'll let me..."
The flower moved down his cheek and Hiei swallowed sharply when the silken petals brushed his neck. It took all of his control not to snap his chin down, a shiver running down his back. He didn't know why he was so worried about the damned thing falling apart, but he was. And Kurama was running those fragile petals back and forth over his skin in a soft pattern that sent an odd sensation along his nerves. "You'll kill it."
For a second Kurama had no idea what Hiei was talking about, but those dark eyes were aimed down. "Hiei." Smiling, he curved the rose onto his lover's cheek again, meeting his gaze. "Once they're clipped, roses aren't alive any longer. And they don't fall apart so easily, not if you're careful." He moved the red petals over Hiei's lips, making the demon's eyes widen. "Just because they're fragile doesn't mean you can't enjoy them," he whispered, moving slowly closer, "You just have to be gentle." Lifting the rose away, Kurama smiled as the color shifted into black as he ran it over his own lips. Hiei was still staring at him. "Let me?" He sighed when those red eyes darkened and fell. "Hiei?"
He didn't want to be kissed, not by anyone. Hiei's hands curled tightly and he closed his eyes, frowning in quiet anger. As it was, he didn't even want to kiss Kurama. Just the feel of that soft, fragile rose on his lips had nearly made him rip himself away and run from the room so he wouldn't see it whither and die. And he didn't know why he felt that way. His past had never affected him like this, not when it came to his attraction to the kitsune. Why was it different this time? Intimacy was what tied them together. If he couldn't even kiss the fox then what did that leave? He didn't want to think about it. Kurama was watching him, he could feel the sad gaze on him without opening his eyes and he sighed. "Why do you have to do this now?"
"Time is of the essence, and it does *not* heal all wounds." Kurama gave a small smile when Hiei blinked suddenly, frowning at him in confusion. Those fisted hands had relaxed and he tilted his head, running light fingers over Hiei's cheek. "Just one kiss," he asked, blinking wide eyes in what he knew was an adorable expression. And Hiei's frown was no where near as dark as it had been a minute ago. The youkai sighed and Kurama's smile widened when that dark head jerked forward in a quick nod. Hiei's eyes closed, his mouth curved down in a blatantly unhappy expression and Kurama clamped down on the part of him that hesitated. Leaning down, he brushed his lips over Hiei's, feeling how tightly they were drawn together.
He'd planned to just get it over with, but seconds passed before Hiei remembered that plan. His eyes were closed, but he could feel Kurama's lips touching his, ever so lightly. With a deep breath he forced his body to relax and opened his mouth. The fox was nibbling his bottom lip and a frown creased his brows as he waited for the kiss to deepen. Kurama's tongue flicked over his lip and his hands curled near his legs. He felt silk brushing his cheek, his eyes flicking open to see that rose pressed close to both him and Kurama. The kitsune's eyes were closed and Hiei shifted restlessly. Kurama was chewing on his lips as he brushed that rose against their cheeks and Hiei stared hard at those closed eyes. He could barely hold himself still, and he leaned forward when Kurama pulled away. The redhead smiled at him, brushing the rose over his lips. Hiei's eyes widened when Kurama abruptly stood and turned away, dropping the rose on the coffee table. "What..."
"Thank you," Kurama smiled, flashing a sweet look over his shoulder as he crossed the room. "You're sweeter than the rose." Red eyes were staring at him in confusion, and he barely kept from smirking at the way Hiei's hands were curling and uncurling restlessly. "I'll make us some tea-coffee for you, of course."
The fox disappeared and Hiei stared after him for another second before glaring suddenly. What the hell was that? His lips felt swollen, alight with sensations and he licked them as he folded his arms over his chest. Kurama had asked for a kiss and he'd given him permission. But that wasn't a kiss. Not by their definition. The rose was lying on the table where Kurama had dropped it and Hiei snatched it up suddenly, frowning as the petals shifted to white and then red. He could hear his lover moving around in the kitchen and he couldn't help shifting irritably on the couch. Silk brushed his lips and he glared when he found himself running the rose over his face much as Kurama had a moment ago. With a fed up sigh, he tossed it back on the table and curled up into the corner of the couch. He didn't know why he wasn't satisfied. After all, he hadn't wanted the kitsune to kiss him in the first place. His eyes flicked back to that rose and he glared, closing them firmly. Tapping the fingers of his left hand on his arm, he waited for the redhead to come back.
* * *
Nope, I'm not explaining what my plans for the future of this fic are. I will say that Biula's gotta die, Yukina's going to make another appearance, and there will be at least one KuramaxHiei lemon. As for future angst, I can't say at this point in time. Gomen.
Warnings: shonen ai, possibly minor angst
Pairings: KuramaxHiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Website/Complete Archive: http://www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 10
The only sounds in the room were his own soft humming, and Hiei's nearly inaudible breathing. Kurama sat near the edge of his bed, his back pressed into the corner of the room. It was too warm for a blanket, but he'd wrapped one around them anyway. Hiei's head rested in the crook of his arm, the little youkai curled on his lap, and he hummed quietly, his fingers threading through velvety hair. Hours had passed since his return to the Ningenkai, but he didn't mind. He'd left a message for Yukina, so the girl shouldn't be showing up that day, and the thick kekkai surrounding the bed eliminated any outside sensations or sounds. For the present, this was a world in itself with everything beyond them meaningless.
The small jaganshi hadn't moved since he first settled into the nook, and Kurama didn't do anything to wake him. There were no tangles in Hiei's baby-soft hair, but he combed it more for himself than anything. The gesture helped him maintain the soothing aura as his youki curled around them. And ever so slowly he could feel the difference as the youkai slept, deep breaths sharing in that strength. He'd never thought himself possessing of such deep patience, but he was. His eyes were soft, sober, watching his pale fingers pet Hiei's hair, ever so gently. He was so defenseless when he slept, so vulnerable. And beautiful. Kurama knew why the demon wanted him, why he hadn't killed Hiei despite his helpless state. He suffered from the same addiction. For this little youkai he'd suppressed himself, spent years in earnest efforts to soften Hiei's defensive exterior. His lover was warm in his arms, and for the moment he felt no anger at all. Things would be different when the demon woke, he knew that.
There was no help for it. He couldn't allow this to continue, couldn't exist knowing he'd allowed his mate to be hurt. It had taken so much to convince Hiei to return to him after the last time he'd asserted his dominance. He knew the demon would fight him if he tried to do so again. But he had no choice. Hiei was his, his lover, his mate...his. And Mukuro was right. If he wanted to hold him, he'd have to prove he was strong enough to do so, strong enough to endure even hatred if necessary. Hiei was his, and no one would touch him and live. That the demon had used *him* to get to Hiei just strengthened his resolve. What he'd told his love was true. He'd rather have Hiei alive away from him, than dead in his arms.
* * *
The heat lulled him more than anything else, but it was also quiet, safe. Hiei felt heavy, his senses numbed and slow. He was pressed against warmth, and he might have turned into it had he not heard the soft music. Kurama. He'd heard the fox sing only once, a lighthearted ditty in the company of Yusuke and the Baka. But this was a soft hum, sweet and sad somehow. It made his brows lower and he finally shifted uncomfortably, forcing his eyes open to frown up at the source. Kurama's steady gaze met him, and he suddenly felt the fingers threading through his hair with the same slow rhythm as that humming. The lamenting sound made him feel cold inside, despite the heat surrounding him. His mouth was dry, and Hiei frowned when his voice came out as a scratchy whisper. "Stop that..."
Kurama blinked in surprise, his hand stilling amidst thick black hair. A part of him frowned at the little demon, but his face remained calm as he looked down. "Stop what?" he asked softly. Those red eyes closed and he sighed, moving his hand to rest on Hiei's shoulder. His lover matched his sigh and Kurama's eyes widened when Hiei rolled just a bit, face nearly hidden against his chest. Anything he might have said was bitten back as he stared down in surprise. For anyone but Hiei, that could be considered proof of affection. He thought the demon was going to go back to sleep, but that soft, rough voice reached him, muffled by his shirt.
"Where are we?" Hiei was torn. Normally he wouldn't bother to ask, he'd just look and see for himself. But his previously dulled senses were waking slowly, bringing a dull, tight ache along most of his skin. It was probably all in his mind, but Kurama's warmth seemed to lessen that and he chose to hold still for the moment. Just for a few short moments. And since the fox was holding *him*, he didn't think Kurama would complain.
The lithe demon really was pressing tighter against him, and Kurama had trouble stopping his arms from pulling Hiei closer still. His earlier calm was still reachable and he kept his voice soft, almost careless and devoid of any emotion that might ruin the mood. Hiei hadn't looked, so he probably wasn't aware of the youki that still surrounded them, youki his lover was sharing in whether he realized it or not. "In my bed," Kurama murmured, his gaze shifting over Hiei's black hair as he brushed a bit of it off the demon's neck. "Back in the Ningenkai."
That certainly explained how relaxed Hiei felt, and he sighed against Kurama's chest. No matter how long he'd worked for the woman, he'd never felt secure in her territory. Kurama he knew he could trust. He remembered taking the unconscious fox into the youkai's territory, and he suspected they hadn't stayed long. The need for sleep had eventually gotten the best of him. But that didn't explain why Kurama was with him now. If they were back in the Ningenkai, there was no reason for the fox to be...holding him. "What are you doing?" he muttered softly, no real anger in his voice, just tired curiosity.
"You needed sleep," Kurama commented, "so I was making sure you weren't disturbed." The black head shifted a bit, and he imagined the youkai had nodded. "Rest as long as you want."
Hiei took a deep breath and managed to push himself back enough to look up at his green-eyed lover with a vague frown. He wasn't tired, not physically, but he did feel drained somehow. It was a sinking heaviness that he didn't quite understand, and he sighed again. "You don't have to be here for me to sleep," he reminded Kurama, his eyes half-closed so he only saw the fox's face. "I can sleep anywhere, you know that."
"Ah." A small smile curved his lips and Kurama nodded slowly. "I know that, Hiei. But I wanted to watch you, that's all."
"Watch me?" That bit of expression on Kurama's face caught his attention more than the fox's words, and Hiei stared at those curved lips for a long minute before frowning. He preferred that look to the oddly calm yet attentive stare he'd received when he first glanced up. "Why watch me?" he prodded lightly. "Did I do anything?" Hiei knew the words came from an urge to prolong his inevitable movement, but he didn't care. He'd get up soon enough.
"You didn't do anything," Kurama said, his voice still soft. He'd been very careful earlier to make certain the kekkai around the bed was absolutely silent, and he split his attention between easing it and keeping Hiei's eyes on him. There was no point in Hiei's knowing he'd been bound in *another* of his cages. He'd get enough grief without making things worse. "You slept for..." Red eyes were watching him and Kurama smiled a bit more. "I don't actually know how long you've been sleeping. I didn't check the time. But you didn't do anything, not even a frown."
Something was happening behind him. Hiei's eyebrow twitched when he realized that, and he frowned when Kurama brushed a bit of his hair away from his face. The movement distracted him from the odd tingling sensation at the back of his neck and he sniffed at the fox. "You've sat here watching me sleep for hours?" Kurama nodded and his own lips curved into a tiny smile. "A complete waste of time..."
"Do you think so?" The demon had almost looked back at the lessening kekkai, and Kurama concentrated more on it, easing the shield even more. He was going to try and win this without alienating his mate. He'd had plenty of time to think this through, during the long peaceful hours, and he wasn't going to make any mistakes. Hiei was watching him and he tapped a finger on the demon's nose, smiling when the youkai sniffed and gave him an odd look. "I enjoyed it," Kurama said lightly, a hint of teasing in his voice. "I watched you sleep for six hours during the Darkness Tournament, but I couldn't touch you since Koenma kept an eye on me."
Hiei's lips curved into a small smirk and he snorted softly. "You weren't watching me then," he denied, his shoulders shifting into a more comfortable position on Kurama's arm. "You were reading that book."
Tendrils of satisfaction crept over Kurama, but he managed not to smile at how easily Hiei lay in his arms. It was as if the youkai had forgotten how much he hated to be held in any manner. His work was nearly finished with the kekkai, and it disappeared as silently as he'd placed it, a few quiet vines creeping back into the plant near the window as he smiled at Hiei. "That was just for show," he said, tilting his head coquettishly. "I couldn't tell you a word that was written in it now, I was so busy watching you." His lover's lips twitched a second before a light shake reached him through his arm, a tiny laugh that never made it to the air.
"Guilty," Kurama smiled, his eyes warm. A tiny part of him winced at what he was about to do, but he clamped down on it as he lifted his arm, moving Hiei higher against him. "I enjoy watching you sleep," he said softly, "you sleep so peacefully. I like to see that." The shadow passed over Hiei's face exactly as he'd expected and Kurama blinked as if remembering something, his eyes lifting from his lover. "Oh, it's rather late," he commented, changing the subject with ease. He could feel tense shoulders on his arm, and he knew that small admission was enough to make his lover uncomfortable. Hiei pushed away from him and his fingers twitched before falling lightly to the bed. "I guess we should get up."
With a small, meaningless sound, Hiei forced himself into a sitting position, curling his legs. He'd felt completely at ease until Kurama's words, and he frowned at the bed as the fox shifted next to him. There was no reason for him to be bothered, he told himself, rubbing a hand over his temple. All Kurama had said was that he liked to see him sleep peacefully. That was nothing. He knew it was nothing, but for some reason hearing it had made his stomach churn uneasily. His head throbbed now that he was upright and he rubbed his temple with his fingertips, blinking at Kurama. It was the stress. The continued losses were building up and he was letting it get to him. Bright green eyes met him from a strangely unconcerned face and he frowned, shifting toward the edge of the bed. He'd expected Kurama to try and pamper him or something, maybe even start in on him for having taken him to Mukuro's territory. The fox hadn't said anything about what happened and for some reason that seemed wrong to him. And even odder, he didn't feel like yelling at the fox for having locked him up. His forehead felt tight, as if his brain had swelled, and he sighed. That could wait. If Kurama wasn't going to bring it up, then it could wait.
Moving so his legs fell off the edge of the bed, Kurama looked at Hiei. The youkai's bruises and burns had nearly healed, and he could see where Hiei's fingers were rubbing a red mark on his temple, pressing hard. His controlled neutral expression slipped into one of light concern and he brushed a hand over his lover's shoulder. "Does your head hurt?" He knew from holding him earlier that there were no wounds beneath that thick black hair. But though Kurama had never had a headache as a youkai, Hiei certainly looked like he was suffering the beginnings of a migraine.
Hiei shrugged lightly, joining Kurama on the edge of the bed and dropping his hand. "It's fine." His vision wasn't blurred, so the throbbing didn't really matter. The fox moved closer to him and he frowned, barely resisting an urge to lean away from wide green eyes. "What?"
"I wish you wouldn't do that," Kurama said softly, brushing a hand over the thick black strand that fell along Hiei's face. The youkai flinched a bit, eyes widening, but Kurama kept his gaze on the small red mark left on that pale temple. "I wish you wouldn't suffer in silence. I hate to see you hurting quietly as if your pain isn't important." Hiei was absolutely immobile when he touched that light red mark and Kurama paused, giving a long, sad look into wide red eyes. He waited until he was sure the demon would pull away, and then he leaned back with a light smile that definitely caught Hiei unaware. "I can mix up something that should get rid of that headache," he said, his tone easy and clear. "I'll even make sure it tastes good, so you won't have to worry about that. Let's go in the kitchen." The little demon blinked at him and Kurama tilted his head with a quick smile.
A quick breath left him, and Hiei stared at Kurama, not sure what just happened. He'd felt as if the fox had backed him into a corner, but his lover was smiling at him in a way that normally put him at ease. That soft voice and those sad eyes were unseen in Kurama's easy expression and he blinked, frowning warily. His muscles were relaxing slowly and he wasn't quite sure why they'd tensed in the first place. Of course Kurama didn't like to see him hurt, they were friends, lovers, it made sense. So why had he felt as if he were about to fall? Green eyes blinked at him curiously and Hiei frowned, folding his bare arms over his chest. "It isn't necessary," he said, looking at the fox.
"Come on," Kurama smiled, prodding Hiei's shoulder and making the demon frown darker, obviously not sure what to make of his mood. And that was just how Kurama planned to keep it. "There's no point being stubborn about it, right? If I want to keep you from feeling unnecessary pain, why not humor me?" Those red eyes flickered a bit and Kurama let out a soft laugh. "Besides, you know I love to mix things up. It isn't often I have some to try my medicinal mixtures out on, ne?"
There was definitely something wrong with the kitsune, and Hiei's expression cleared suddenly. Without explaining, he grabbed one of Kurama's long red forelocks and motioned for him to bend closer. Green eyes blinked at him, but he ignored them as the fox bent toward him. His fingers felt over the back of Kurama's head carefully until they found a small raised knot and he sighed, a small smile passing over his lips. That was the reason his lover was acting strangely. It wasn't him at all. He'd completely forgotten that the youko had taken a direct and powerful blow to the back of the head. "You should use a mixture on yourself," Hiei smirked as he pushed Kurama back into a sitting position.
With a soft snort, Kurama glowered playfully at Hiei. He could imagine what the demon was thinking, but that just meant Hiei would be more accepting with him. After all, if the youkai thought he was behaving oddly, he would put up with it because of the injury. It made things easier. "But my head doesn't hurt," Kurama said, poking a finger at Hiei's chest, "and yours does. Believe me, I don't like pain any more than you do. Now, let's go in the kitchen." He slid to the floor and bent over the shorter demon, putting a hand under Hiei's arm. The youkai frowned at him, but Kurama was glad for his hold when his lover wavered on his feet. "Dizzy?"
"Ch'." Frowning at the floor, Hiei barely resisted the urge to crush his palm against his right eye. He hadn't felt blurry or dizzy before, but now the blood was rushing straight to his pounding head and he just knew there wasn't room up there for anything else. It already felt as if it would burst. Kurama's arm moved around his shoulders and he gasped when the room shifted suddenly. A tense moment passed before he realized the kitsune had lifted his feet out from under him and he glared up into wide green eyes. "You will *not* carry me," he growled, one hand twisting around a lock of red hair.
"But I carried you here," Kurama reminded him, tilting his head so there was no tension on his hair. "And Mukuro told me you carried me in the Makai. Why shouldn't I carry you now?"
"I was unconscious then," Hiei frowned, his muscles relaxing despite himself. "I don't need to be carried *now*, and I don't *want* to be carried." Green eyes blinked at him and Hiei nearly flinched when Kurama frowned down at him, the arms tightening around him.
"Can't I get what *I* want once in a while?" Kurama asked softly, his eyes reproachfully moving over Hiei's as he turned his lips down. "I want to carry you. I like having you so close to me." His lover was staring at him in surprise, a hint of that shadow creeping in, and Kurama smiled as he turned toward the door. "Besides, I *know* you're capable of getting there on your own. This is just quicker," he paused, leaning down to smile at Hiei, "and more fun for me."
The fox was teasing him. Freeing Kurama's hair, Hiei snorted and folded his arms over his chest. "You get your kicks out of the oddest things," he muttered, rolling his eyes at Kurama's quick nod.
"Hai," Kurama smiled. "Watching you sleep, having you close to me, ah...I'm a romantic, I suppose."
Eyes sparkling, Kurama shook his head and carried his lover into the living room. "Ningens are often called romantic when they prefer roses and wine to cheaper things. And you know my penchant for roses." Hiei relaxed and he smiled at the black-haired male, settling him on the couch. His lover met his eyes easily and Kurama crouched in front of him, a hand delving into thick red hair. "Speaking of which," he murmured softly, pulling a rose out of his hair. It was dark red, but the color deepened in his hands, reaching a blackened red shade. Hiei frowned at him and Kurama closed his eyes, smelling the soft petals before holding it out to his lover. Red eyes blinked at him in blatant confusion and he smiled softly. "For you."
Staring at the odd colored flower, Hiei frowned. He couldn't help thinking it was some sort of trick or trap, and Kurama's eyes were shining in a way that made him decidedly uncomfortable. Despite all that, his hand rose halfway to the offered stem before he stopped himself. "What...what am I supposed to do with it?" He scowled when Kurama's hand moved, pressing the thornless stem into his open palm. His eyes widened when the dark color changed, petals paling to grayish white before deepening back to its original red. "Kurama?"
"Do you like it?"
The fox was watching him with big eyes and Hiei almost squirmed, that uneasy feeling turning his stomach. "It's a flower," he managed, frowning at the rose.
"It's a rose," Kurama corrected, his eyes glinting. "And it isn't going to bite you, Hiei. You *can* smell it, you know. The scent is lovely." Standing, he took a slow step toward the kitchen, pausing when he heard Hiei shift behind him.
"Kurama. What..." Frowning down at the soft looking flower, Hiei glared suddenly. "What am I supposed to *do* with it?" He didn't have Kurama's talent with plants, and he knew if he touched the fragile thing it would fall to pieces. Just holding the stem made him wary, as he was sure he'd crush it. The redhaired kitsune smiled at him and he frowned deeper, holding his hand out. "Take it back."
"You don't want it?" Red eyes shifted from him to the red rose and Kurama sighed softly, running a hand through his long hair. "Just hold it until I get back, then," he said. Hiei frowned at him and Kurama flashed the demon a quick smile. "I'll go mix us *both* up something." His smile turned into a sly smirk and he tilted his head, catching Hiei's eyes. "Hold it and think of me while I'm gone." A sharp scowl took over his lover's face and Kurama winked before going into the kitchen.
Hiei snorted when the fox disappeared through the doorway, his eyes dropping to the dark red flower. Kurama really was an odd one. As if he needed something to remind him of his lover. The kitsune was only going to be out of the room for a few minutes. But the flower *did* remind him of Kurama's hair, it was nearly the same shade. Frowning, Hiei glanced at the coffee table, giving it a calculating look. If he put the flower there, the petals would probably fall off. The thought made him want to smack himself. It was just a stupid flower. But Kurama had such an attachment to flowers, roses specifically. In the end, he leaned back on the couch, resting his elbow on one folded leg as he stared at the dark red petals. Why had he given the flower to him? Hiei thought there must be some meaning to it, but he didn't know what. After a few seconds, he sniffed at himself. It was just Kurama acting like a ningen. That happened occasionally. Either that, or the fox was teasing him somehow.
With nothing better to do, Hiei studied the dark rose. It's petals looked as soft as Kurama's rich hair, and he turned the flower slowly, leaning a bit closer to it. The rose was pretty, but he didn't really see what the kitsune found so wonderful about them. Hiei saw no use in something pretty that couldn't be touched. What was the point? Smirking, he looked at the dark green stem, his fingers twirling it again. If he wanted something pretty to look at, merely to be looking at something, he'd just look at Kurama. The thought made him raise an eyebrow and he moved the rose a breath closer to his face. Was that it? Kurama wasn't full of pride over his looks, but the youko definitely knew how he looked. Somehow, Hiei doubted the lovely youkai would have given him the fragile thing just to remind him how pretty he was. No, that wasn't it.
A sweet fragrance reached him, and Hiei frowned at the flower, remembering how Kurama had smelt it before. The petals had been darker before, but they hadn't been hurt when the fox buried his nose into them. Hiei's lips curved in a small smile at the thought. Kurama did that a lot, smelling his roses with glittering eyes before turning the plants into deadly weapons. That was just the way he was. Romantic? He didn't know the word, but it sounded right. Roses, and glittering eyes. That was Kurama. A soft laugh made his head snap up, and Hiei frowned, dropping his elbow back on his leg. The redhead in question was standing in the doorway with an odd smile and Hiei raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"
"You didn't even touch it," Kurama drawled as he crossed the room, "did you."
"Why would I?" Hiei followed the redhead, accepting the cup in his free hand when his lover sat down beside him on the couch.
"Because I gave it to you," Kurama said, sliding an arm over Hiei's shoulders. The black-haired demon frowned at that, but didn't pull away. "Don't you like it? Of all the flowers here, roses are my favorite."
"I know." Frowning down at the rose, Hiei held the thing out to Kurama and sighed when the fox took it back. "I don't see why, though." The red color darkened when those pale fingers closed around the stem and Hiei blinked.
"They're beautiful," Kurama smiled, raising his hand so he could smell the black petals. "Beautiful, and no matter how many I have, each one seems rare." Red eyes frowned at him and Kurama tilted his head back against the couch, his arm tightening just a bit around Hiei's shoulders. "You don't think they're beautiful?"
"Maybe," Hiei muttered, frowning at the flower. "But they're useless. Touch one and it falls apart."
Kurama's eyes widened and he leaned over Hiei, holding the flower close to his lover's face. "Who told you that?" With glinting eyes, Kurama smiled and held the dark petals under Hiei's nose. "Sweet, isn't it." He started to move it closer, but the dark-haired youkai jerked his head away before the petals touched him.
"Kurama. Stop that." The red-haired kitsune pulled back a few inches and Hiei dropped his eyes to the cup still in his left hand. He'd noticed that Kurama only brought one cup, so he took a small drink of the dark liquid. Blinking in surprise, he nearly forgot the flower still held near him as he looked at Kurama. "This is medicine?"
"I thought you'd like that," Kurama smiled. Red eyes were watching him and he ran the black rose over his cheek, noting the way Hiei's gaze snapped to the motion. "Drink all of that," he continued, "and your headache should be gone in no time at all."
The fox was brushing those dark petals along his pale cheek and Hiei frowned at the sight as he took another drink. If the idea hadn't been absolutely ridiculous, he'd have sworn Kurama was caressing himself with the thing. He was concentrating on the slow petting motion, and he blinked when nothing met his tongue from the tilted cup. Eyes wide, he stared into it in surprise. He hadn't meant to drink it all. Glancing up again, he frowned when he found Kurama still running those petals over his cheek and staring at him with eyes that really did seem to sparkle. Not about to be distracted again, he tore his eyes away from the rose and frowned into green eyes. "Did you make more of this?" he asked, lifting the cup. Kurama smiled and shook his head. "What about you?"
"My head doesn't hurt," Kurama reminded him, murmuring softly. "A taste would be enough for me." The little youkai blinked at him and his hand tightened a little on Hiei's shoulder as he leaned down. Their lips brushed for a second before his lover turned his head away.
With a sharp frown, Hiei glared at the hand curled on his shoulder, his eyes dark. "Kurama..." Warm breath touched his neck, but he didn't look back, tensing against the couch.
"You don't like it when I kiss you." It wasn't a question, but Kurama whispered it as if it were. His hand slid up Hiei's shoulder to brush the demon's cheek and he gave a quick smile when his lover turned his face back to him. Red eyes glinted at him and he sighed. "Why?"
Sighing, Hiei leaned forward and set the cup on the table. He remained like that, rubbing his temples with a dark frown. "Not now, Kurama. I don't feel like-" His jaw snapped shut when something familiar and soft was pressed to his cheek and he froze, staring to the side. The petals felt like silk, the black color fading to silvery white a second before settling in that dark red shade.
"You don't have to do anything," Kurama murmured, moving closer to Hiei's curved back. His left arm curled around the youkai's tense shoulders and he leaned down so he could see those wide red eyes. They were locked on the rose and Kurama moved the flower slowly, brushing the petals over Hiei's soft, pale cheek. "Just one little kiss, if you'll let me..."
The flower moved down his cheek and Hiei swallowed sharply when the silken petals brushed his neck. It took all of his control not to snap his chin down, a shiver running down his back. He didn't know why he was so worried about the damned thing falling apart, but he was. And Kurama was running those fragile petals back and forth over his skin in a soft pattern that sent an odd sensation along his nerves. "You'll kill it."
For a second Kurama had no idea what Hiei was talking about, but those dark eyes were aimed down. "Hiei." Smiling, he curved the rose onto his lover's cheek again, meeting his gaze. "Once they're clipped, roses aren't alive any longer. And they don't fall apart so easily, not if you're careful." He moved the red petals over Hiei's lips, making the demon's eyes widen. "Just because they're fragile doesn't mean you can't enjoy them," he whispered, moving slowly closer, "You just have to be gentle." Lifting the rose away, Kurama smiled as the color shifted into black as he ran it over his own lips. Hiei was still staring at him. "Let me?" He sighed when those red eyes darkened and fell. "Hiei?"
He didn't want to be kissed, not by anyone. Hiei's hands curled tightly and he closed his eyes, frowning in quiet anger. As it was, he didn't even want to kiss Kurama. Just the feel of that soft, fragile rose on his lips had nearly made him rip himself away and run from the room so he wouldn't see it whither and die. And he didn't know why he felt that way. His past had never affected him like this, not when it came to his attraction to the kitsune. Why was it different this time? Intimacy was what tied them together. If he couldn't even kiss the fox then what did that leave? He didn't want to think about it. Kurama was watching him, he could feel the sad gaze on him without opening his eyes and he sighed. "Why do you have to do this now?"
"Time is of the essence, and it does *not* heal all wounds." Kurama gave a small smile when Hiei blinked suddenly, frowning at him in confusion. Those fisted hands had relaxed and he tilted his head, running light fingers over Hiei's cheek. "Just one kiss," he asked, blinking wide eyes in what he knew was an adorable expression. And Hiei's frown was no where near as dark as it had been a minute ago. The youkai sighed and Kurama's smile widened when that dark head jerked forward in a quick nod. Hiei's eyes closed, his mouth curved down in a blatantly unhappy expression and Kurama clamped down on the part of him that hesitated. Leaning down, he brushed his lips over Hiei's, feeling how tightly they were drawn together.
He'd planned to just get it over with, but seconds passed before Hiei remembered that plan. His eyes were closed, but he could feel Kurama's lips touching his, ever so lightly. With a deep breath he forced his body to relax and opened his mouth. The fox was nibbling his bottom lip and a frown creased his brows as he waited for the kiss to deepen. Kurama's tongue flicked over his lip and his hands curled near his legs. He felt silk brushing his cheek, his eyes flicking open to see that rose pressed close to both him and Kurama. The kitsune's eyes were closed and Hiei shifted restlessly. Kurama was chewing on his lips as he brushed that rose against their cheeks and Hiei stared hard at those closed eyes. He could barely hold himself still, and he leaned forward when Kurama pulled away. The redhead smiled at him, brushing the rose over his lips. Hiei's eyes widened when Kurama abruptly stood and turned away, dropping the rose on the coffee table. "What..."
"Thank you," Kurama smiled, flashing a sweet look over his shoulder as he crossed the room. "You're sweeter than the rose." Red eyes were staring at him in confusion, and he barely kept from smirking at the way Hiei's hands were curling and uncurling restlessly. "I'll make us some tea-coffee for you, of course."
The fox disappeared and Hiei stared after him for another second before glaring suddenly. What the hell was that? His lips felt swollen, alight with sensations and he licked them as he folded his arms over his chest. Kurama had asked for a kiss and he'd given him permission. But that wasn't a kiss. Not by their definition. The rose was lying on the table where Kurama had dropped it and Hiei snatched it up suddenly, frowning as the petals shifted to white and then red. He could hear his lover moving around in the kitchen and he couldn't help shifting irritably on the couch. Silk brushed his lips and he glared when he found himself running the rose over his face much as Kurama had a moment ago. With a fed up sigh, he tossed it back on the table and curled up into the corner of the couch. He didn't know why he wasn't satisfied. After all, he hadn't wanted the kitsune to kiss him in the first place. His eyes flicked back to that rose and he glared, closing them firmly. Tapping the fingers of his left hand on his arm, he waited for the redhead to come back.
* * *
Nope, I'm not explaining what my plans for the future of this fic are. I will say that Biula's gotta die, Yukina's going to make another appearance, and there will be at least one KuramaxHiei lemon. As for future angst, I can't say at this point in time. Gomen.