Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ Unexperienced Weapon ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


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A Known Blood Red Fox

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By Vile Deadboss

'The hunt was rich, the hunt was pure..

The hunt ended with the sweetest kiss I have ever endured.

The new hunt began, only this time I was the prey.

No escape, No delay, My time was almost out.

The pain was great, the pain was real.

Death was my only option, Death was my only way to heal.

When the hunter finally caught me, I was proved wrong.

I was his prey, I was his trophy. The purest of all songs.

His hunt was rich, His hunt was pure..

Once again the hunt ended with the sweetest kiss one has ever endured.'

Chapter I: 'Unexperienced Weapon'

Evening fell in a known abandon city or a total wasteland, where a battle was held and ended terribly. No human was allowed to go near it or stay in it, for rumors around the states have been said that there maybe a Maverick Headquarters would be among it. Who could believe such rumors and warnings?

Other then lonely, poor, figures who would walk in it and never to return out of it. That was enough proof so far. The council of each cities that surrounded the lonely abandon city were worried about the dangers that thrived in it and other abandoned cities about. They would ask help from the world known mercenary company but turned down by it many times because of the other wars that they already had their hands full of.

A maverick uprise was being held in Japan/Tokyo, afraid to lose that city liked they lost the others. While another maverick uprise which grew in germany and spain. Canada of course was on it's own. Thus which gave the council's no choice but to sit back and defend what they can, while keeping their eyes open on the abandon city. The city was suspicious and the humans know that somewhere around it was a flourishing maverick uprise preparing for another battle. The humans had to find time theirselves to get ready to protect their own small towns and cities.

Could they find help in such little time?

Meanwhile in the abandon city which was supposed to be flourished with dangers, but silence had taken over in it instead. A few small animals were about here and there, Rats, stray dogs and cats, and even the nice little cockroaches appeared in little places about.

Rotting buildings and damaged freeways. Hell broke out loose wickedly in this city. Signs of the last battle taken place were everywhere, long dead reploid bodies, discarded useless weapons and armor. Totaled vehicles that had scars of plasma shots on them. Some cars had scrapes of a used Light saber even, a reploids best weapon, sometimes humans.

Another lonely figure was walking in this dangerous city, unsure of it's surroundings and it slowly scanned the area as if it were looking for a way out. A lost figure eventually. It then approached up to the cleanest part of the abandon city knowing that it was gonna be safe there.

The city park where the trees and flowers were still growing, a small forest. A small vegitation, where it's own powers can heal and grow better.

The lonely figure then approached up to a tall oak tree and bounded an inhuman leap to the highest branch that it could reach. Relaxing back against the branch it's golden eyes scanned the city in hopes of searching the person that it searched so long for. With no such luck, the figure winced from a certain emotional pain that it suffered for quite awhile now. Lowering it's chest close to it's knees the form cried silently against it's arms. Sobbing bitterly but it's sound never echoed far, the figure knew there was other creatures there but it had no clue on what they were.

It had been watching them for at least three hours since it's arrivel there, seen them come out of a building and then returning in it. A certain building nearby that the figure knew better then to stay away from it. But it had the feeling that it should return to it soon, with no reason why.

"Commander! it's up there! on top the tree branches!!!" A voice echoed not to far off, The figure realizing that it was discovered, quickly got up and hopped onto other branches. Leaping to one tree and another until it reached the last tree and the end of it's branch reach. It's only hope was to hide in the abandon buildings. It took a glance down at it's pursuers who somehow noticed it's presence all this time. How?

"Don't let it escape!!" Another voice followed. The figure noted that last voice as the leader, Other creatures have been following it's orders ever since it appeared in this cruel, dark, world. The leader who guised itself in dark blue and purple mixed armor, Commander Vile, others had called him recently. Strange name...

The figure then took another leap towards the building, praying that it would escape them. But it's thoughts ceased for a moment when it crashed through a glass window which was no more. Slamming against the concrete floor and hazily stood up, quickly rushing for the nearest stairs about. When it reached the stairway, It could hear it's own pursuers making their way up on it already.

They were faster then humans, that's why the figure would rather note them as creatures. Could the figure somehow stumble into the darkest part of the demon world by mistake? No matter, it had to find a way out of it for now. It then quickly ran up the stairs as well, leaping over the steps as if it were flying then running, heading for the roof knowing that it maybe it's last hope of escaping from them.

The roof door then crashed open and the figure closed it as an alarm for later. Backing away from the door, the figure looked around to see where else it could run off to. Rushing quickly to one of the ends on the roof, the figure could hear another strange sound as if rockets have been shot. Ignoring the sound the figure was tempted to jump off the roof, running as fast it could towards the end.

Before making any other moves, something extended it's reach and grabbed the figures silver tail causing the figure to cry out in pain and fall forward in shock. The unknown creature let go of the figures tail and allowed the figure to gather it's senses to turn over and see it's attacker.

"You're not human!?" The attacker exclaimed as it analyzed the figure before it. "What kind of reploid are you??"

Not saying anything, the figure learned that it's own words has caused it alot of pain in the past. What if it's words were still cursed? It only stared frightningly and angerily at it's attacker, recognizing it, but it still had no clue on what he was either.

"The sensors show that your human though...but your not! what the hell??" It tapped the side of it's purple helm gathering more information on the figure. The figure only looked around for other means of escape, but it's thought ceased once more when the other creatures arrived. "Talk! or I'll have you eliminated!"

"um...Vile, Sir...The boss wants him alive though."A bulky creature approached as it said this to it's commander, a dragon-like creature clad in red armor, but it's form was humanoid. Vile as the attacker was known, glanced at the dragon for a moment before turning his dark gaze back at the figure.


The figure closed it's golden eyes and turned it's head away from the two creatures direction. Sensing a tremendous pain in it's chest but it still stayed calm in it's place. Vile then approached forward more tempted to kick the figure to make it talk, but he paused his actions when one of his followers stepped forward. "Sir! We have orders to bring him back to Base!"

Vile then crouched down and grabbed the figures chin forcing it to look at him in the eyes. The figures hurting golden eyes looking into Vile's hidden red ones. "I have ways to make you talk...." his dark sullen voice making the figure gulp slightly. Vile then got up and waved his hand summoning the two creatures forward. "Grab him...Might as well follow Ragnarok's orders from here I suppose."

The two creatures picked the figure up and forced it to walk along with them as the four headed back to the known 'base'. The figure..with no name yet, lowered his gaze down as he walked alongside the creatures and wondered through his mind on what were they planning to do to him? And why are they keeping him alive? He seen them kill a couple of humans once, why not do the same to him? He has nothing....


The very word that echoed in his mind ever since he left his world, and stumbled upon here by mistake. Maybe he was meant to die here? Guess it's better here then his world, noone will know of his death, noone will suffer. Perhaps it's better this way? That he's not sure of yet....

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Another hour wasted. The figure was placed in some kind of metallic cell, he had to admit at how smart they were, He couldn't sense any botanical ki for him to use in order to escape other then the seeds that he kept for emergencies. But why bother escaping? He has nowhere to go in this world. The portal that he stepped through disappeared on him without warning, and he lost what he had treasured for so long.

"Koibito..."He murmered to himself which sounded the faintest of a whimper, there were two other creatures about that were watching his cell. They both turned their faceless gaze at him trying to figure out on what the newcomer said, for it was the first time they heard him make a sound at all.

"You say something, man?" One of them asked, waiting for another response. The figure looked up slightly staring back at them, but he said nothing more, his golden vulpine eyes were expressionless towards them. The one guard shrugged and continued his boring conversation with the other guard.

After over hearing them for sometime, the figure learned a bit about the new world that he was in. The guards would mention the term 'Reploid' now and then, and he guessed that they were regarding the enemy. The 'Maverick Hunters' they also mentioned, he sighed gently and painfully to himself trying his best not to be overheard by them. He used a bit of his ki to heal himself from the pursuit earlier.

He would understand more if he starts asking around, but his fear of causing pain just by a few simple words bothered him badly. What is he gonna do? stop talking? He remembered Vile's words and promise earlier. Vile can try, there was no way the figure would give in to anything or say anything for that matter..

He knows nothing...

Some loud clattering footsteps were overheard, the figure guessed that more then one creature was approaching to his cell. Torture time, ne? He thought musingly to himself as he hugged his knees closer to his chest, awaiting for anything they throw at him. He then brushed his silver tail as if to remove any tangles. His silver fox ears twitched when he overheard the other creatures trading orders to the guards, ordering the guards to open his cell door.

He tilted his head slightly to see what was going on. A female creature entered then, her long blue hair cascaded down her back as she had cat-like ears at the top of her helm. The figure's eyes widen in surprise at the different creature. Clad in dark red armor and a bit of navy, she entered forward and tilted her head in confusion.

"Is this right??"

"Flair?" Vile made his presence clear as he stood beside the female creature. "What do you make of it? The scanners before are still unsure of our friend here."

"I-I never seen anything like him!" She exclaimed as she handed some metallic board back to one of the bulkier creatures behind her. "It's like he's a Human Fox!"

"I'm not Human!" The figure growled, he then winced after backing away from them. Both of them stood shock for a moment. Flair then looked at Vile confused. "I thought you said he didn't talk.."

"He didn't til now...change of heart?" Vile kept his gaze at the figure waiting for further responses. The figure looked away quietly, it took a lot of effort enough to speak. Should he do that again? "And now he won't say anything, perhaps I should fix that.."

"No! I don't want him harmed until I'm through with my research here." Flair gave a soft scowl to Vile who chuckled evilly amused at her expression. "That's an order, Commander. He is not to be harmed til I figure out what he is."

"It would make your mission alot easier if you get him to tell you, you know.."Vile noted as he folded his metallic arms, his dark red gaze making the figure feel uneasy in it's position. "Like one: What do we call him while were Keeping him?"

Keeping him? The figure's fox ears twitched by those very words and his chest was hurting once more in a beating pang. So he was gonna be here longer then he thought, that's not good. Maybe he should just ask them and get it over with. He looked up to the both of them. Flair was giving out further orders while Vile was just staring at him, as if to further analyse the figure himself. The figure took a deep breath and held it for a moment going through some thoughts as though they were the last of his thoughts. He then turned his gaze to Vile.

"Why not do, what you like to do?" He asked finally. Vile's red eyes blinked at the uncalled for response. Flair looked at the both of them surprised. "You like to kill others...why not kill me too?"

"Wha-what?" Flair exclaimed, as she turned her startled gaze at Vile who stood there calm still. Uneffected by the question, he then shrugged solemly and a certain sigh was heard from Vile.

"I like to kill Humans yes, but if your not human then where's the pleasure in that?" Vile's tone was sarcastic, as he grinned under his mask knowing that would throw the figure off. "You want me to kill you, huh? Well I could arrange that, but now it leaves me to question on why you want to be picked off?"

The figure said nothing as he frowned at the creature Vile and turned his gaze down once more.

As some of his silver hair went past his shoulders and darkened his pale face, hiding his cold and expressionless stare from the twisted unknown world. A soft amused chuckle was heard from Flair as she scraped her boot against the cold metallic floor that the figure despised so much.

"Well said Commander, Now then.." She placed her hand on her hip as she leaned forward a bit to look at the figure more closely. "Before I begin to do any further tests with you. Mind if we know your name, Foxy?"

A cold chill went past the figures spine and a cold rush of pain hit his chest as he heard more painful words that may hurt him further. He could feel a bit of him wanting to go mad already, but there was no point to it. They won't kill him and they won't let him go, not until they know what kind of creature he was. Maybe he should just tell them and so they could either kill him or let him go, either way. But deep inside, if they knew what he was. What if they find a way to wreak havoc in his world?

What if they kill all his kind? What if they kill his....

"Koibito..." He whispered to himself, non of the creatures have caught what he had said, but Vile. Vile tilted his head slightly confused at what the Fox said, perhaps is it the reason? Because surely 'Koibito' isn't the Fox's name. Vile understood the term, in fact....

He now understood the fox's whole reason of wanting to die. Vile grinned very amused at the word that now lingured in his mind.

"Well?" Flair stood patiently waiting still for the Fox to say his name. Vile then approached forward and knelt down near the Fox and tilted his chin up like he did before. The figure's gaze were cold torwards the Commander, Vile smirked amusingly under his mask and whispered so low that non of the other creatures could hear him, but the Fox.

"You better answer Flair's every question, If not....."Vile tapped at the side of his favorite shoulder cannon which gleamed dimly against the low cell lighting. The Fox frowned at the command, he did not quite understand yet. He tilted his head curiously at Vile and a certain glint of sarcastment was shown in his vulpine eyes, Vile noted that look. So he leaned more closer knowing that makes his enemies tremble in fear when he did that. Making them feel his breath on their bare flesh, and lowered his voice more to it's venomous point. "I'll be forced to search your lover down and kill her.."

The Fox chuckled after, Vile backed away wondering what he did that amused him? The Fox's golden eyes lighten up then, looking more relaxed as a small smile crept up to his moistened lips. "You heard me..." The fox whispered back to the commander as he brought his knees up to his chest, the small smile still up. "Do what you want to me, I don't care anymore at this point..."

"I see.."Vile got up, feeling rather insulted. As Flair raised a brow and tapped the side of her hip. Vile then looked back to Flair and shrugged doubtfully. "It seems that if we want to learn more about him.. we might have to hurt him..."

"I see a different option..." Flair then looked at the amused fox and wondered what did Vile say to him? "What did you..?"

"Don't ask..not yet..."A low growl was heard from Vile as he walked past Flair and the two guards. Flair blinked at the sudden escape, did this fox creature manage to hurt the commander's ego? She then turned back to face the fox once more.

"Okay, Foxy...you still haven't answered my question yet."

The fox stayed silent as he stared at Flair curiously and calmly, she frowned slightly. The boss's orders were that their speciman was not to be harmed at all, but she could start to see Vile's point. "Who are you?" She asked once more, her voice was soft and firm. Maybe kindness to the creature would pay off?

"Who are you?" The Fox mimiced Flair as he tilted his head curiously, his voice was soft for a male creature and incredibly attractive as well, Flair noted to herself.

"Me? As you heard I'm Flair, unit #75. I'm a research droid." She smiled kindly after. "Reploid series #345682."

The Fox's expression was confused. "Reploid?"

Flair then blushed slightly forgetting that this creature has no clue where the hell he is and she's filling him in on the advanced stuff. She then sighed softly knowing that she has to teach him grade 'A' style about his new world. Soon another question filled her mind and she wondered that if he'll be able to answer it all?

"Um...I know! How about I make a deal with you?" She smiled micheviously as he raised a confused brow. "How about that....I will answer all your question's as long you answer mine! okay?"

The fox chewed his bottem lip and thought it over, it did seem fair and he was rather curious about his new world. Soon another question filled his mind, weren't they gonna torture or hurt him? "I thought you were gonna......." He thought for a moment once more wondering if he should bother to ask?

Flair waited for him to finish his question as she knelt down on one knee observing him better.

"Thought I was gonna what?"

"Don't...you hurt others?"

Flair wondered what he meant by that question for a moment til she realized that he must of seen Vile's group kill off other humans from before. The city intruders. "Oh no! we only fight out of self defense!"

"I don't get it.."He tilted his head paying attention suddenly. She smiled knowing where this was leading, this may interest Ragnarok and Vile if the fox was this curious. "Well you see....."

"Those humans were killed for what reason?"

"Well they were trespassing, it's against their own rules to be here, and what Vile did there was out of........Justice to us reploids." She smiled once more, the fox's expression was still confused. That long pause from her wasn't normal as he noticed, but he wanted her to continue on.

"Rules? what sort of rules?" He asked curiously still. Flair realized that it was gonna take her a long time to explain the rules and the difference of the reploids. So she sat down finally and sighed a bit frustriated but she'll do whatever it takes to keep this cute character. She then took a deep breath and started to explain to him about their origin and such.......

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Vile went over the new reports over and over trying to forget the whole occupation with the new speciman that intrigued his Leader for some odd reason. It wasn't like Ragnarok to allow such a frail creature to live, but that Fox was different in a way. Vile recalled the certain moment when the fox looked insulted when they called him 'Human fox'. Did the creature have a problem with humans as well?

He placed the reports down on his desk and he sat back against the chair recalling up more things about the fox that he noted to himself.

It hated to be known as a 'human', It had a lover but he seemed amused when he brought her up. Why was he amused at all? was his lover dead or something? That part called him off.

A low degraded sigh echoed in his office like place that he took over, old reports scattered about. The human's older items were here and there that Vile kept out of curiousity. Even the human's coffee cup which he used to hold his pencils and pens, actually most of the items belonged to that long dead human also.

Vile picked up another report then, about the two oh-so-famous Maverick hunters, X and Zero. Vile's favorite job to know what the two hunters next motive is. Last he heard that the two hunters went to Japan to give a hand with the Japanese MHHQ there, or did they take off to Sky Lagoon 3? Whatever, from his point of view he never gave a damn if other Maverick headquarters were being attacked by the hunters. He just wants to lay low and relax for a bit.

Yes revenge would be nice, but if he follows his same plan he might as well stay dead! How is he gonna take care of the hunters if their experienced enough to handle him like some training session?

Speaking of which.....

The city council was finally approved by the hunters. Vile glared at the report knowing what that means. He then got up and stepped out of his office heading towards the higher chambers where the almighty Ragnarok would be. Does he know about this as well? Or as Vile thought, he should know! After Sigma's last death, Ragnarok was one of Sigma's greatest followers since the last fourth war against the repliforce which made Vile glad that he wasn't there to observe it all. But still Ragnarok was choosed to take over Sigma's position til he returns, that's If he returns. One of Ragnarok's orders were to revive Vile and Doppler...


Oh yes, Vile shouldn't forget who else was revived to help Ragnarok succeed. He turned to face the one who called his name with no meanings of respect, the very reploid that he hated deeply to the core but was left with no choice but to work with him. "What?"

"Did you get the latest reports about the city council?" Agile approached casually as he held some crumpled papers in his large hands, looking very displeased at Vile. Vile nodded slowly as he held up the very same papers that Agile had.

"You know what this means..."

"Does the boss know?" Agile asked curiously, Vile continued his way to the higher chambers with Agile at his heels.

"I'm not sure, I'm on my way to find out as you see..."

Agile frowned realizing that, saying nothing he followed the maverick commander to the higher chambers. As for Vile who seemed to have a lot on his mind, going through many different plans and what worried the Maverick a bit was the Council's approvel. Ragnarok is going to be expecting some action from all this, and as for their speciman?

"So what's the story on the 'speciman'?" Breaking through Vile's thoughts, he was surprised that news travel fast around the HQ. He didn't think Agile would know about the speciman so soon.

"Not much, Flair was ordered to take care of him. He's not my problem no more."

"Not in the mood to be babysitting, eh?"Agile grinned as he said this, Vile ignored the comment and kept his mouth shut. Not responding to that. "What kind of human was he? he's not some idiot in a costume or what?"

"No everything on him is real..." Vile recalled the time that he grabbed the Fox's tail and how it reacted to the pull. "The ears on his head, the tail...Their actually a part of him."

"Seriously?!?" Agile exclaimed.

"Seriously, I would suggest for you to go see yourself, but Flair's orders which she says that they were Ragnarok's orders to everyone here is that 'The speciman is not to be harmed'." Vile waved his hand in a mocking movement as he said this. Agile chuckled knowing that really bothered Vile.

"So you can't beat the crap out of it for it to talk, I assume?"

"You assume well."

The conversation ended when they both reached the high chambers, where all the busy reploids were gathering information and keeping balance to their large organization. Computers and moniters in every corner had a reploid there watching each space of the abandon city keeping a look out for any intruders or something that maybe a threat to their system. In the middle of the massive room, stood the leader himself. He fashioned a bulky black and silver armor and a long flowing blood red cape which covered the back of his form well. A cape that once belonged to Sigma or so Vile heard from some reploid worker. The leader had long navy blue hair which cascaded down his back, because of his hair. Some reploid fool told him that he looked good without the helm.

Calmly he made his way past the busy reploid rush and approached to the leader with the reports in his hands, he took a glance back to make sure that Agile was behind him all the way. After making sure he then cleared his throat to alert the leader that his presence was about.


The large reploid turned slightly noting that he was listening, though Ragnarok kept his eyes on a certain monitor. Vile couldn't see what he was watching, but he went on to his questions that needed to be asked. "What's the plan about the Cities council agreement with the Hunters?"

"Nothing..." He droned.

"Nothing?" Vile repeated unsure of what else to say.

"Yes, nothing. I don't think we should take any action yet." His voice was low, and his eyes concentrated on the monitor still. Vile then frowned under his mask, a bit displeased that no plan was thought up yet. Must he do everything as usual? "Agile.."

"Yes sir?"

"I want you to get the troops ready if Necessary." Ragnarok finally looked at the two commanders. His blood red eyes seemed calm yet angered. Agile nodded and gave Vile a small grin as he went by him and made his way to the training facilities. Vile uttered a low growl knowing what that means, crushing the city reports in his hand.

"I take it that I have to handle the council's situation, Sir?"

"No..I'm leaving that to Storm Eagle and Flame Stag." Ragnarok walked past Vile as he headed for his seat which of course was in the middle of the large room, keeping his watch on each monitor. Vile was confused, if he wasn't supposed to take care of the plans then...what is he left to do?

"That speciman seems to be intrigued by you." Ragnarok placed the tips of his fingers together,

keeping his curious cold stare on Vile.

"I don't quite understand." Vile folded his arms unsure of what Ragnarok wants him to do.

"I think you should help Flair take care of the 'Fox'."

Vile held his breath and crushed the papers in his hand more til a bit of a rip was heard. He knew that was gonna come up for some reason, so why is he angry? "Interragate it?"

"No...Flair tells me that the fox may learn to be one of us, I want you to teach it." Ragnarok grinned slightly when Vile took a step back and he dropped the ripped report.

"T-teach it??"

Ragnarok nodded calmly after Vile uttered the confused words. "If that creature is frail as a human, what use is it against the hunters??"

"You don't know?"Ragnarok sat back against his seat, tapping the armchair end. Vile blinked at that response. "That creature is more capable at something then you think, that's if it's threatened though."

"What am I supposed to teach it?"

"Whatever you can, it maybe useful against the hunters you do know.."Ragnarok grinned as he took a glance back at the monitor that he kept his eyes on earlier. Vile turned to see what was on it, only to find Flair sitting there talking to the fox, who sat quietly still paying attention to Flair.

Vile thought for a moment trying to understand his situation here. All this time he worked himself up to work out on a plan to take care of the council and their agreement with the hunters in other words. The Hunters are going to be securing the abandon city area and check it for mavericks. If lucky it's only going to be some other hunters and not Mega Man X or Zero. That's if were lucky though, Vile thought to himself, but to teach the Fox? this was really uncalled for!


"I'll...do what I can, Sir..." at that Vile trudged out of the high chambers and made his way back to the cells where the fox and Flair were. Grumbling up curses. Hey! maybe he can teach the fox those too!


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"You understand now?" Flair smiled as she sat back calmly typing up her report, as the fox sat there wearily. He held his head in hopes that it will ease his aching head. He learned to much....

"I still don't get it....Why did the humans create the reploids and then destroy them after?" The fox murmered silently, Flair caught it still.

"That's what we all like to know, Foxy. Humans are strange in that way."

The fox sighed wearily as he leaned his head back against the wall. "Ningenkai.....It was never my place, it was never a reploid's place as well...that is strange.."

"It gets more complicated then that from here on you know." The same dark sullen voice, made the fox's spine freeze. Turning his surprised gaze at the purple figure who returned. "it seems that I have been trusted to teach you about your new area."

"My new area?" The fox tilted his head confusingly. Vile calmly entered the open cell and watched Flair get up and handed him her report. Vile took the metallic board and looked at it for a moment, then returned it to her. His red eyes observed the fox once more.

"I see you finally familiarized a bit of this world now."

"Only a bit.."The fox said lowly. "you gonna kill me yet?"

Vile grinned amused at how eager the fox wants to die. Shaking his head calmly and waved his hand, motioning the fox to stand up. As he did so he wasn't sure on what Vile attended to do? "You're already much to valuable to our boss as it seems."

"I see..."

"Before I start teaching you anything further..."Vile took a step closer to the fox. "you still did not answer one of Flair's question's." Vile noted. The fox showed a half smile to the reploid, knowing what question it was.

"I have my reasons..."

"Well I'll make up a name for you soon enough. Come along.." Vile motioned the fox to follow as he raised a confused brow, following the reploid and Flair stood by the fox's side as if to watch him. The fox already felt alien eyes on him as each reploid paused to look at the strange creature that followed Vile like some loyal dog.

Loyal dog? where did that come from?

"Make up a name for me, I'll do the same for you." The fox added sarcastically. Vile only waved his hand in a uncared for mood. Though it made Vile wonder what the fox had in mind.

"where are you taking me anyways?" The fox gave in asking the reploid commander about their

destination. Vile didn't say anything the reploid was perhaps in deep thought? It surprised the fox on how human these....robots..reploids were like. They were looked at as the enemy, Mavericks. Defected reploids that refuse to obey their human creators and rebelled against them. Fighting for their own freedom as Flair said. The Fox thought over about the reploid history and he understood their situation with the humans. So what part does he play here then? He still refuses to tell them about where he's from, what he is, and his destination? They still know nothing about him as he knows nothing about himself either.

Not anymore, not since a few a days ago. The last time he spent time with his koibito, and ran away from his world to hide his pain. Too ashamed to show anyone how badly hurt that he was in the mind and soul. Maybe...they could know at least one thing from him. It wouldn't hurt anyone else but himself.

Vile then paused in front of a large metallic door, placing his codes on the computer board which was embedded beside the massive door. A large click was heard as the doors slid open, and Vile calmly entered the large room motioning the fox to follow. When he did so, his eyes widen out of shock when he noticed a bunch of reploids in the center of the large area were fighting against one another.

Practicing and building up their fighting abilities, taking turns with eachother sparring.

Why was he brought to some training facility?

"Ragnarok tells me that you are capable of something." Vile turned his head slightly to look at the facinated fox, who watched the reploids one another. The fox gulped slightly now understanding why they were keeping him alive. They know of his ki, his ability to fight and summon the earth to his will. His power to make any botanical plant to attack his opponent and kill his opponent with ease which he did countless times.

"I-I can't!" the fox backed away and bumped into Flair mistakenly as she grabbed him by the arm quickly not allowing him to go anywhere. He didn't want to struggle from Flair as he still kept his eyes on the sparring reploids.

"Easy fox, were not wanting you to fight a war for us. Right commander?" Flair looked at Vile who shrugged mildly, he than chuckled amusingly.

"That's not for me to say, Flair...I don't think he can do anything at all."Vile looked back at the fox who turned his golden gaze at Vile unsure of what to say. "He's to weak to do anything from this point, I brought him here because I want to see what the fox is capable of."

"Nothing..." The fox murmured as he returned his gaze to the battling reploids.

"I know what your after, fox..."

The fox shut his eyes to the world, breathing the musky alien air in and letting it out slowly. Yes, He knows what Vile knows and he wishes for the reploid to get on with it. He does not want to help anyone no more, he doesn't want to be helped no more. He lost everything withen a few days, and his heart was severly damaged cause of it and it will stay damaged. His thoughts ceased when a cold hand grabbed the fox's dirty white tunic and forced the fox to face him in a vigilant manner, causing the fox to shiver when his body bumped against the cold metallic one. He hated it.

"Listen you...If you want death so much, I will be more then happy to give it to you. But not until were through with you first! alright?"Vile whispered lowly as his voice was filled with a venomous tone. Causing the fox to close his eyes and wince from another pain that throbbed in his chest.


Vile than let go of the fox, as he fell down from the sudden uncalled for shock. Vile only sneered at the sight as he walked down some steps and approached to the sparring droids. Flair got down beside the fox, checking to see if he was alright. Feeling sorry for the creature she wrapped one arm around him and asked that if he was alright. The fox ignored her and tried to detain his own hurting emotion back as he thought about what Vile said.

Weak? Frail? Some human fox? The words echoed in his mind in some sort of disgrace and he wanted to cry remembering the very same words that he heard from someone else. The very same words that destroyed his world and damaged his heart. In fact this angered the fox. He wasn't going to put that up from some reploid. A reploid that refuses to kill him.

"I'll make him do it..." The fox growled bitterly as he stood slowly. Flair blinked and wondered what that was supposed to mean? Getting up as well and brushed the dust of her suit as she noticed that the fox's golden eyes glinted from some unknown tears and a certain hatred that was easily seen.

"Foxy? are you alright??"

Suddenly he rushed forward and hopped over the rail and down to the bottem of the stairs as he rushed towards Vile with extreme anger in his hurting soul. Flair hopped down the stairs running after the angered fox. "Foxy, no!"

"Commander look ou-!"

Before the soldier finished Vile twisted around quickly and used his boosters to leap over the fox who thrusted forward attempting to tackle the reploid down, missing him, he then turned around to face the amused reploid. Who seemed very pleased to see what the fox was doing. Angering him further the fox brushed his silver hair and a rose appeared from his hair and onto his hand. Vile blinked wondering where the flower came from? It wasn't seen there before!

"Threat or not, Fox...I'm still not allowing anyone to kill you!" Vile laughed after as he tapped the side of his shoulder cannon. He than pause to wonder what the fox attended to do with the rose? "Nice trick! anything else you can do other then that?"

"Rose whip!" The fox shouted as he snapped the red rose which extended out into a long thorn whip, causing the rose petals to fall softly to the ground. He suddenly rushed forward and snapped the whip once more at the reploid who hopped back to avoid the attack. All the other reploids backed away as well as they watched the two battle, most of them were impressed at the fox for turning a plant into a weapon. The fox then snapped the whip back and folded it up, as he knelt down on one knee and watched Vile carefully as the reploid stopped dodging the fox and traversed around him slowly keeping his red optics on the fox.

"Impressive! you can turn a mere flower into a weapon...so that's your specialty isn't it?"

"Shut up!!" The fox used the bit of his ki to turn the whip into a large green blade and rushed forward once more to stab the reploid, Vile hopped back once more as he avoided a slash from the fox and wondered for an instant. Was the fox's weapons deadly enough to hurt an armored reploid? This he had to see, he than used his boosters to dash away from the fox and approached up to one of the training droids.

"You there!"


"Attack him!"Vile pointed at the angered fox who lowered himself down and wondered what the reploid was up too? His question ceased when the trained droid stepped past Vile and grabbed a light saber from the wall, activating it. The reploid rushed forward to strike the fox down. Not allowing the reploid to kill him so quickly, the fox dived away from the attack and changed his blade back into the rose whip and snapped it at the droid who rushed forward mistakenly. The thorn whip successfully slashed at the reploid who's synthetic skin scraped off from the thorns and his armor was peirced as though it were nothing but paper! The reploid cried and fell back from the pain. The fox then rushed forward finally and made the rose whip switch back to the blade and made the blade dive down. Biting through the armor with ease, the reploid's blood gushed out withen the strike and his circuitary shut down immediatly. The reploids last cry echoed in the massive bunker area as everything grew silent. Some whispers and shocked gasps were heard from the reploids.

Vile was even shocked as well. That fox's plants were stronger then the reploid armor? the metal? How was it possible that a normal plant can slice through metal?? Vile then took a silent step forward as the fox gasped angerily over the dead reploid body, the blade in it's hands was drenched from the reploids blood. Then he was silent.

"Foxy...?" Flair called worriedly as she was tempted to go up to him but Vile waved a hand for her to back off. She bit her bottem lip and wondered what Vile attended to do with him now?

"You killed a reploid....first time too." Vile grinned under his mask as the fox's ears twitched from the venomous tone he gave off. Seductive and deep. He really hated that reploid now. He then looked at the reploid who seemed far off, and he wanted to attack him. But he couldn't, the damn reploid was protected by it's own troops. "I'm really impressed now." Vile noted as he took a few more steps towards the fox.

"Why are you doing this to me..." The fox growled lowly and painfully.

"Because we need a favor from you! Ragnarok wants a favor from you, Flair wants a favor from you. I want a favor from you...."Vile's tone was now plain seductive and pleading. The fox frowned at the reploid, lifting his green blade and looked at the blood that painted it. It was different, it smelled different, it looked different, it felt different on his pale hands.

"Doesn't the very sight of it, please you in some strange way?"

"Please me?" The fox sneered disgustedly as he threw the blade at the reploid who turned to a side to avoid the sling. Grinning under his mask, still approaching torwards the fox.

"You killed him without stopping to even hear his own mercy. That tells me alot about you..."

"You know nothing about me!!!" The fox growled angerily as he was tempted to search for any nearby botanical ki that he could put to his use, but his chest throbbed in pain once more forcing the fox to fall down on his hands and knees, his silver hair flowing past his shoulders and darkning his pale face. "just kill me...Please kill me..."

Vile then turned and waved his hand summoning a few reploids forward to remove the bloody mass that was a few feet away from the hurting fox. He then looked to Flair, who knew what that look meant and she then started giving out orders to carry on with their duties and such. Vile then continued his pace up to the fox and knelt beside it knowing for some reason that he won't be attacked by it.

"Don't be such an idiot fox..." Vile lowered his tone as the fox gasped lightly from the response. "Give me a good reason why I should kill you first of all..."

"Because I'm a frail, weak, human-like creature that you despise so much." The fox hissed as he grinded his fangs together in a disgusted sneer at the reploid. Vile chuckled amusingly, and lightly grabbed the fox's chin making him look into his red optics. The golden eyes refused to at first but conceded to it anyways.

"I like you...I'm not letting anyone kill you from here on." Vile's tone was deep and sultry, the Fox's eyes widened when he said this. Unsure of what the reploid meant. "Do me a favor...and I'll give you anything that you want..."

Everything was silent around them both aside from the noise that was made in the bunker area. The fox thought for a long moment about what Vile said, observing and analysing Vile's appearence. He then took a deep breath.....

"What is it that you want me to do?"The fox's tone was still hurt in some way, and Vile smiled under his mask, knowing that this was gonna please Ragnarok. He let go of the fox once more and stood up. The fox slowly stood up as well and held his head once again.

"I'll tell you when your ready..."Vile noticing that the fox was drained. As he motioned the fox to follow him once again, Flair then ran up to catch up to them and wondered on what the hell did the commander say to him now? The fox was always different everytime Vile said something unusual to him. The fox recognizing the path that they were on, knew that he was being taken back to the cold metal cells where he couldn't sense any botanical ki other then his own. He hated it.

"Until the time is right which won't be very long, I promise you that. I will tell you what you have to do once everything is ready, alright?" Vile then looked back at the fox who wearily nodded, as he kept his golden eyes downcast to the cold metallic floor. "Before I even began to tell you anything further.." Vile then paused and turned to face the fox who paused as well and tilted his head curiously at the reploid. "Like I said before I am....." Vile turned his gaze to Flair who was paying attention as well, and he was not pleased with that. "Flair...Since your so attatched to our friend here, Why don't you see you can provide a better room for him?"

"Who's attatched!?" Flair blushed angerily at the command. The fox blinked at the response as Flair smiled and nodded at the idea after. "um...right...I'll get on with that right away!"

She then quickly headed on to find a better room as the fox watched her disappear to a corner, and returning his confused golden eyes back to Vile.

"As I was saying....I'm curious..what is that you want other then death?"

The fox shrugged solemly at the answer. "Nothing more...."

"Don't lie to me fox.."

The fox withered slightly when Vile's deep sultry tone sliced against him once more. His fox ears drooped out of frustriation and pain. Why does he want to know what he wants anyways? What did he want? "It's not my time or place to say..."

"Really...why do you deny the wanting to head back to your home then?"

"I'm not denying anything, Vile...Returning home would...would..."The fox couldn't even say it. His heart ached at the memory of his home, his place where the one he loves would be either waiting or perhaps gone forever from his heart and soul. No...he can't go home...

"I just can't return there, and I doubt that I could return there. So death is my only option."

"Well death is now out of your reach when I'm around.."Vile hissed, he then continued his pace but took a different turn instead of heading for the cells. The fox followed curiously and eyed the hallways with inquisitive eyes. So what is he to do now? stay here for the rest of his....

"Youko..."The fox said suddenly. Vile paused once again and looked at him.


"nothing..." the fox mumbled as he shrugged, Vile didn't say anything further and continued to head for his new destination. The fox yawned mildly, feeling the wanting of sleep. He used enough ki to feel drained, usually he could handle it but his fox form begged the need for rest.

Vile finally reached his destination as he paused before an office and entered it with the fox at his heels who was confused on why he was here and not the cells? Vile went up to his desk and sat down, pointing to another chair for the fox. Not saying anything, the fox sat down and observed the office curiously. Grabbing further reports Vile looked through them quickly, while the fox sat back and waited for whatever else he had to do.

"Well fox..."


Vile paused once more and placed the papers down. Wondering what the hell was he mumbling about? "Kurama?" The fox nodded slowly as he brushed his silver tail. "Kurama Youko...."

Vile grinned under his mask, as he sat back against his seat and placed his hands together. Another point that Vile somehow managed to reach. "Your name I assume?"

Kurama nodded once more and his golden eyes matched to Vile's red optics and wondered about the strange reploid. "I have nothing else to do from here....Not yet anyways..."

"Kurama..." Vile let the name lingure in his reploid mouth for a moment. As he looked down to the folder on his desk, which had the files on Mega Man X and Zero. Once he shows the Silver fox these files about the two hunters. Is he perhaps strong enough to kill them as Ragnarok planned? This he would have to see...once everything is set accordingly.

"Rest now and I'll explain everything to you, after."


To Be Continued..........