Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ The fox and it's rose ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


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A Known Blood Red Fox

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By Vile Deadboss

Chapter V: 'The fox and it's rose'

"Crystalline Shield?"

Kurama tilted his head curiously at Vile as he held up a small metallic board that rested on his palm. Vile nodded and turned his back at Kurama and looked around the empty bunker they were in which was once filled with training soldiers now laid empty with it's few supplies and such.

"Yes, if the hunters do attack you without thinking that shield will protect you, only from the hunters plasma blasts though." Vile leaned back against the wall calmly, watching two other reploid soldiers walking in the bunker and checking the area. Kurama eyed the small device in his hand. "Use it to avoid being shot."

"I don't think that will happen.." Kurama tossed the small shield board to Vile who caught it and growled slightly. "I have shields of my own."

"Yeah, but they will be useless against X's arm cannon, which can kill you with one shot and Zero's Z saber." Vile approached up to the fox and handed him back the shield. "These are essential for combat against them, plus Crystal Snail made it specially for you. I suggest that you keep it close by it's not like I'm asking you to use our weapons against them also."

"Fine, I'll keep it close by." Kurama sighed, taking the shield board and clipping it to his belt. "I feel like I'm being marked as an object on purpose." he muttered after.

Vile grinned under his mask and turned his gaze away as to hide his amusement more. "I wouldn't think to much on about that, just keep your mind on our deal."

"Speaking of which, I still want to work on that contract of yours." Kurama turned his calm gaze to Vile. "Ragnarok seems to have other plans in mind for me and I take it you have an idea of what they are?"

"Actually I don't..." Vile looked down to his boots in a moment of thought to himself. "I only know of our deal yet Ragnarok wants me to keep you alive as possible as I can."

"And you object to this plan of his?"

"Well you should know me by now.." Vile turned his gaze up and stared into the fox's golden eyes with a slight amusement. "I enjoy the feel of fresh human blood on my hands and to me you are a human, you smell human, you act human, you look human."

"I smell human..?" Kurama frowned slightly at Vile's words.

"Well...ever since I was encased with these emotions I was also given the sense to smell and feel. So my thirst to kill humans only grows stronger along with my hatred against X and Zero." Vile took another step closer to Kurama who took an uncertain step back. Unsure of what the reploid had in his mind now. "Well then again your smell is close to a human so I assume yet you say you are a..."


Vile paused and looked quickly to where the screech came from only to see Neon Tiger picking himself up from the ground and running once more away from an approaching hunter. Kurama silently watched the reploid tiger and then turned his gaze to the open bunker doors way.


"I see."

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X rushed in and looked around the area for Neon Tiger quickly. Noticing him, X started to charge up his arm cannon and kept his eyes on the reploid who was looking around for a means to escape another possible death.

X heard the bunker doors creak suddenly, he turned to see the doors closing on their own and trapped the hunter in the room with Neon, X frowned as he watched them closed and knew what to expect.

"Took you long enough to get here, X..." Vile hissed, X paused his charging for a moment and turned to whence Vile's poisenous tone came from. Vile hopped over the rail and landed down calmly to the same level with X and Neon, keeping his red gaze on the blue hunter. "We've been expecting you to find us for quite awhile now."

"And we did, what game do you have in mind today, buckethead?" X asked sarcastically, lowering his arms down to his sides and kept his emerald eyes on Vile. Forgetting Neon who was sneaking away quietly.

"Let's find out!" Vile growled angrily as he rushed forward to X and aimed his shoulder cannon at him. X reacted quickly, lifting his fully charged arm cannon and let out a full blast of plasma for Vile quickly, but the reploid who waited for X to do that, ducked away from the shot and looked back to see if someone else can avoid it easily as he.

The blast hit the walkway in a small explosion and trashed the stairway into burnt metallic pieces as they fell to the ground with a loud clang. Vile eyed the area quickly for the fox and noticed that he wasn't there to begin with. Where did he go?

Hearing X throw another shot, Vile quickly got up enough to dive away from that plasma shot once more and fell with a metallic thud. About to get up he turned to the azure hunter who pointed his smoking arm cannon at Vile and glared at him in a silent sense for him not to move.

X took a small step forward and started to charge up his plasma cannon once more for another heavy blast at Vile.

"This is not much of a game, I kinda expected to see you hiding behind your riding armors again, Vile." X narrowed his eyes at the dark maverick, seeming suspicious for him to fall so easily.

"What's the use when I have prepared something far more special for you." Vile's tone lowered as he got up slowly to his feet, X watched him carefully and wondered what he meant by that?

It's a Trap!!

X caught his breath when he heard the soft whisper, tempted to look around to see who said that but he couldn't take his eyes off Vile. A trap?? like that was really new. X thought to himself, lifting his arm cannon and readying the third shot for Vile. "Surprise me for all I care Vile, your going down today!"

X then let the plasma blast head for Vile but at the same time a loud snap was heard and something grabbed X's arm causing him to shoot at another direction. X yelped as the rough tug cause him to fall forward to his knees and the blast hitting some mirrors that shattered loudly.

He then looked to his arm to find a rose vine wrapped around his plasma cannon.

"What the..?!"

Eyeing the vine confused X turned to see who held it, he then finally noticed the different presence in the room who narrowed his golden eyes at the azure hunter. X blinked at the new unarmored stranger with ears at the top of his head and a tail?

"Using reploid dogs against me now, Vile?" X got up slowly, keeping his eyes on the stranger who growled lowly at what X said. Vile almost fell over when he realized that X hasn't clued in yet.

"You disappoint me so much, X." Vile hissed. He then turned his gaze to the silver stranger. "Kurama...kill him."

Kurama nodded slowly as he tightened his grip on the thorn vine, taking a few steps closer to the azure hunter unafraid.

"Kurama..?" X said a bit confused and took a few steps back, lowering his gaze back to his arm he noticed that the thorns seem to slightly move on their own, scratching his armor as if it were trying to peirce it. His eyes widen and reached to pull the vine off but the vine held onto the cannon more firmly when he did so. "wha?!?"

Attempting to pull the vine off again, X tugged while the vine itself snaked around his arm more quickly. Vile smirked amused under his mask as he knew that Kurama was using a bit of his you-ki to make the vine living and attack X slowly, frightning the azure hunter.

Having enough with the vine, X lifted his cannon and pointed it at Kurama. The fox stood calm as he kept his curious golden eyes on the hunter, knowing what to expect. Vile watched Kurama carefully, wondering if the fox is going to let the hunter kill him?

He really doesn't get it, does he? Vile thought to himself, yet he noticed that the hunter was hesitating to shoot. Even as the vines slowly move up his arm, X kept his arm up and his emerald eyes on Kurama, as the fox locked his gaze to X's. Vile growled lowly as he noticed that the fox was hesitating also!!

"Kurama!!" Vile growled.

X gasped lightly and took a step back, something was wrong...very wrong. He couldn't shoot the stranger that was slowly enveloping him into the sharp rose vines, the stranger? A slight smile crept up to Kurama's pale, calm face as he took a small step towards the hunter. X slowly powered up his cannon as he cringed lightly when the vine tightened itself around his arm past his charging plasma cannon.


X then let the shot out, ripping and burning the vines off his arm as he fell back with a sudden shock. A crash was heard afterwards as he opened his eyes slowly.

Vile held his breath for one sharp moment as he stood his ground, X then gasped as he realized that the stranger was gone from the spot leaving only the burnt remains of the vine and.....

He turned his gaze down to the remains of the vine and noticed something added along with the burnt thorns, a small puddle of blood. His eyes widen as he got up slowly and stared at the blood confused, trailing his eyes to follow the small droplets that led behind him as he turned around slowly.

A sudden sharp pain slashed past his face, X yelped and soon choked back his cry as he felt a sharp kick to his stomach and fell back to the floor. Wincing from the pain that

rushed in him already, X looked up to see his attacker who stood growling and narrowed his angry gold gaze down at the azure hunter who sat confused. Turning his gaze to Kurama's arm he noticed that his last shot managed to wound him, but not enough to slow him down appearently. X moved back slowly, to busy trying to identify his attacker but couldn't get a clear reading on him. "wha? wha??"

"Hunter X...." Kurama hissed lowly, taking a few steps closer to X and slowly lifted his bloody hand in view which was covered by another vine only with the thorns on it were more longer and sharper like a blade. "...That was quite a shot of energy you had there, you would of killed me easily withen one hit if I had let another second go by."

Vile snarled with anger as he realized what the fox was doing, but he only took a step back and wondered why Kurama hasn't used the shield yet? True he was fast enough to avoid the shots but the heat from the plasma would of been to much for him, especially without the armor. Saying nothing though, he watched as Kurama kept advancing towards the confused hunter.

X got up then and stepped back from Kurama, shaking his head slowly as he could not understand his attacker, could it be that he's..?

Kurama paused then and stood still for a moment, looking to his wounded arm slowly. Some kind of heated air pressure that slashed his arm like a hot blade, Kurama noticed that from the last shot and noted to himself to be more careful next time.

"Who the hell are you??" X asked finally, not understanding his own sensors that warned the hunter about a human standing in front of him yet it wasn't. Kurama grinned slightly and raised his bladed arm once more.

"I will be no one, once I'm through with you and your partner Zero."

Before X could say anything, Kurama rushed forward once more in attempt to slash the hunter again. X hopped back quickly to avoid the slash and thrusted to a side again to avoid the second slash from Kurama. Losing his balance for a moment and quickly catching it, X turned to dive away from the third slash but fell forward with a confused thud. He knew right away that something had caught his foot and he turned to see what, more vines that were merged against the metallic floor spreaded out quickly to tie the hunter down further, he then looked to Kurama who stood still with his eyes closed as if he were concentrating on the vines alone, was he?

Vile chuckled amusingly as he watched the hunter fighting off with the vines in attempt to escape. "what's wrong X? I thought you would have a little more spunk to kill Kurama already."

"Not funny Vile!" X growled, ripping some of the vines off him yet they keep continueing to grow and doubled everytime he ripped a branch. X then realized something else about the vines, they were actual plants and nothing mechanical was noted from the plants nor Kurama himself, why was that??

X winced when the vines tightened around him then, he bit his bottem lip sharply. I can't shoot him! something is stopping me from attacking! Why?! X glared at Kurama then. The fox now stood still with his gold eyes gazing down at the hunter.

It's a trap! he's much part of it as you are!!

The same voice echoed, X gasped lightly when upon hearing. Can it be true? both of us are being thrown off by the same enemy? X thought quickly, keeping his eyes on Kurama and watched his every move.

"Zero's not going to like this..." X muttered and continued to fight with the vines, not knowing what else to do.

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"I'm a research commander and was plainly put in the position to test and enhance the weapons and armor, Not to be used as some damn cheese to lure the rat to the end of the maze! Why am I given stuff that always end up ruining me and my work anyways? Does Ragnarok hate me and won't tell me? why did he put me in the position of Commander if he did hate me?? And WHAT THE HELL IS THE CODE TO THE BUNKER?!?"

Flair took a deep breath and turned around to rest back against the massive bunker door, groaning after then and wondered what is she supposed to do now? She didn't know the security codes to the bunker doorway and she didn't have to know cause she wasn't part of the infintry like Vile was. Another thing too was that she wasn't entirely built for battle either which sucked to her entirely.

"Gawd, if I'm so friggen useless why build me in the first place?" Flair twisted her lips in a angry scowl and stared at the hallway in front of her. "What's taking that hunter so friggen damn long to get here anyways? he was right behind me and Was chasing me for a reason! you'd think he would be on time like most hunters are."

Above the doorway to the bunker sat in the rafters was the crimson hunter who snorted silently at what Flair snapped about. Yes, he was chasing her but he realized that he would learn more of what was going with her babbling, an odd trick he learned once in a dance club from a human female. If the damn mavericks only knew...

He sighed as Flair went on and on about how much of a hard time Ragnarok and Vile had given her and how oddly enough everything seemed to change when the fox appeared, he stopped right there and looked down at Flair.

"...Kurama is such a wonder...I wish he wasn't put in battle like that, it's so unfair!" Flair sighed heavily, and looked down at her hands. "if only he would let me help him."

"Kurama?" Zero whispered softly. "they keep bringing him up yet..."

A sudden crash was heard and Zero turned to see where it came from, peering through the glass windows that showed a one way in to the bunker. Zero checked to see what was going on, He noticed Vile standing silent with his metallic arms folded and he seemed to be watching something that caught his interest fully.

Zero looked to Vile's direction to see what...


The Azure hunter was tied down by the vines and looked as if he managed to break free from one half by blasting the vines off his plasma cannon, yet he still struggled from more that kept growing from underneath him.

Unknowningly frightened for his partners life, Zero quickly grabbed his Z-saber and activated it withen no time and used the illumining blade to slice at the glass by creating an opening for himself to the bunker.

Below Flair heard the sound of an activated lightsaber and looked around from whence it came from, she got up quickly and activated her own metallic claws for defense and continued to look around the halls for Zero. It was then a loud screech of glass crushed against plasma was heard and she looked up to find the hunter slicing the opening to the bunker for himself.


The glass fell down near Flair in a loud echoing crash, the feline reploid hopped out of the way then and covered her face to avoid the sharp clear shrapnel, she then noticed the growling crimson hunter disappear to the other side of the glass and into the bunker...

"Oh god! KURAMA!!!!!!"

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"I really hate to do this..!"

X threw another shot towards the silver fox who moved out of the way quickly, angering Vile by refusing to use the sheild yet avoided the plasma blasts enough to not get burned again. moving down to place his palm on the floor once more and controlled the vines to attack X, no longer using the tamed vines he was using earlier but more sharper thorn vines that seem to be coated with a certain poisen. He wondered if it would have any effect on the reploid though?

"Agh!" X yelped, feeling a certain pain burning against his right arm. Trying his best to ignore it as he tried to rip the vines off him as best as he could.

Vile chuckled evilly at the sight, allowing X to be swallowed by the plants that would of ate a human earlier yet is slowly putting X through a slow death. Something told him that Kurama should just end it there and why?

A loud crash was heard nearby and Vile turned to see what made the crash.

"Geh!?! It can't be!!"

Vile then looked to Kurama who almost has X completely engulfed withen the poisenious vines. "I can't stop Kurama now!"

Looking back to the rafters of the bunker where Zero ran along the beams quickly and knowingly was moving fast to save X in time. Vile hissed withen his mask and aimed his shoulder cannon at the crimson hunter.

"And I'm not allowing you to stop him either!"

Letting the charged up plasma go towards Zero who noticed it withen time and moved off the beams in order to escape the blast and hitting the rafters instead. Charging up for a second hit at Zero then another one echoed before his and didn't give enough warning for the dark maverick who felt a clean hit against his back and causing him to fall forward with a heavy slam to the floor.


He got up slowly and shook his head a few times before turning to Kurama and X's direction. "No!"

Kurama had fallen forward to his knees and held his chest, panting heavily as his silver hair had slipped past his shoulders and darkened his face as to hide the pain he was in. X who was moving the dying vines off him and kept his smoking cannon on Vile and held up an angry glare towards the dark maverick then.

"No!!!" Vile growled heavily. "You were so close how could you let him slip like that!!"

"Shut up Vile! when did you ever soften up by using a human against us?" X growled back.

Zero stood surprised at what X said and looked to the different creature. "A human?"

"I'm...not.." Kurama breathed in painfully and slowly lifted his golden gaze to the azure hunter. "I'm not...Human!!!"

Kurama lunged forward at X then and knocked the blue hunter down, X yelped in shock and pain for the poisen seemed to have stunned his right arm and his left leg. Pinning the blue hunter down with more different vines that emerged from the ground and slipped around X to keep him down.

Zero ran forward to help X yet he heard a blast being thrown and he ducked to avoid it, hitting the wall instead with a loud crash and leaving it scarred, Zero got up once more and growled as he realized that Vile moved in the way so the hunter wouldn't reach X nor the fox.

"You shall be busy with me..."

"Not interested!" Zero thrusted forward anyhow with his Z-saber ahead of him and attempted to slash the dark maverick. Vile who expected it hopped back to avoid the slash and reached for three metallic blades that rested on his side and threw the blades at Zero. Zero moved out of way then but fell forward suddenly to the floor with a surprised yelp, he then moved quickly and checked to see what tripped him only to find another vine that grabbed his left foot.

"What the hell!?"

"Noticed that did you? We had seeds of many kinds planted around here for Kurama's advantage which unfortunately has become you and dear hunter X's Disadvantage..."

Vile grinned evilly under his mask after. "Another saying that you and X shall be busy pushing daisies in your afterlife."

Kurama kept his palm to the cold floor and panted heavily, using enough energy to trip Zero but he wasn't sure if he had enough to kill him. He looked to the fallen crimson hunter who didn't bother to fight against the vine but only glared at Vile which showed a deep hatred.

"I can't..." Kurama whispered, as he took in another deep painful breath. "I can't kill him.."

"Then don't!" X winced slightly. "It's a trap! their just lying to you! using you! They never keep their promises unless it's good enough for their own deeds!"

"You think I don't know that!" Kurama growled, turning his gaze back to X as he stared back but no longer had the angry glare that he carried for the fox before. Kurama hissed slightly and grabbed a long piece of vine using more of his ki to form it into a large blade that wrapped around his hand once more.

"They will never take me back unless my world is good enough for them to own...my worlds...my homes..."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I crave for death and they are the only ones who would give it to me...." Kurama whispered once more, cringing slightly as the ki withen him fell more quickly. "I can't go back....Not to him...Not as a failure.."

I'm losing it! why am I telling him all this?! I have to kill him and have to kill him Now!!

"forgive me..." Kurama gripped onto the blade tightly and was about to lift it til a hot sharp tip of some blade was felt near his shoulder. He froze in place when he realized that someone was behind him. X gasped surprised when he noticed who it was.

"No...Forgive me!"

"Shadow! No!!! Don't hurt him!" X commanded. Kurama hissed at the azure hunter yet still attempted not to move.

"Argh!!!" Vile screeched as he thrusted away from Zero who was free from the vine that gripped his leg and thrusted after him, both heading towards the others. "Get Away From Him Now!" Vile growled angrily as he threw a huge plasma blast at Shadow who moved out of the way and forcing Kurama to hop away to avoid being burned by the blast, leaving X unharmed though.

Kurama stepped away from the hunters and was tempted to fall forward but forced himself to stay standing as he noticed Vile was heading towards him, is he finally going to answer his wish? Letting all of his ki to drop causing the vines around X to die once more and the hunter stood up quickly then but winced and fell to his knees.

"This has screwed up Royally but it's not over yet!!" Vile growled, then grabbed Kurama and held the fainting fox tightly against him, looking back to Zero who stood a few feet away from Shadow and X. "...it may or may not be over..that is if you three would survive this.."

"Let's see if it works first!" Shadow replied back with an arrogent smirk.

"Let Kurama go!" X moved slowly to his feet once more and slightly narrowed his gaze at Vile. Vile blinked at the response and wondered then, he looked to Zero who seemed to hold a confused gaze but he wasn't staring at Vile yet his eyes were on the different creature in his arms? Vile noted the look on Zero's face and looked back to X.

Kurama said nothing and laid limp against Vile for he wasted more energy then he really should have, yet he found it odd that it left him so quickly when he was attacking the hunters and they didn't do anything to attack him, why was that? paying attention to Vile's threat to the hunters and hearing X and Shadow growl, Kurama opened his eyes slowly and looked to see the first hunter in sight.

Zero kept his confused gaze on Kurama.

The red hunter in his dreams, the one who stood silent in the warmth of the wind, this hunter who seemed more gentle in nature then he did in battle. "I can't kill him.." Kurama whispered softly and closed his eyes again. His head rested on Vile's shoulder and allowed the darkness to take him in but not without hearing the mumbled words that burned into his mind.

"Master Ragnarok had this planned for all of you for quite a long time now..."

"Let Kurama Go,Vile!!!"

"Let Him Go!!!!"


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"Damn it!!! Open up already!!"

Flair kicked the bunker doors over and over, trying to find a way in. She paused a couple of times when she heard X calling out Kurama's name, and Zero?

The red hunter wasn't going to hurt the fox after all?

She still couldn't be certain and attempted to try and open the doors once more, not knowing any way else then to kick them. She growled heavily and looked up to the rafters where Zero ran through to get to the bunker. She could try going through there, but she has this little fear of heights Plus she doesn't have any jets on her boots like most of the infintry do.

"He's going to hate me for this...but.."


Hearing her name being called, Flair turned to see who else would be in this part of the base?

Storm Eagle ran through the corrider as quick as he could and slowed his pace to a stop near flair and paused for a moment to catch his breath as he eyed the feline before him.

"Flair you alright?"

"I'm fine! Stormy, help me open these damn doors! we have to get Kurama out of there!"

"No can do, Ragnarok ordered me to get You out of here, Vile is taking care of him right now. They probably left the bunker already by teleport." Storm informed quickly, looking to the huge bunker doors and tapped the side of his head thoughtfully.

Flair looked to Storm Eagle with wide eyes.

"Teleport?? I didn't think it was possible using that on Humans!"

"No, no! it is possible to use it on them but not on Kurama. Vile is using the spirit void to get out of here with Kurama and we should get out of here as well Now!" Storm grabbed Flair's arm and started to drag her out of there. "Kurama will be okay! if we don't get out of here, we won't be okay!"

"But why?? why are we just leaving the hunters there when we should kill them now while their trapped!" Flair followed him then, looking back to the doors a couple of times.

"It's Not that easy! those three together can finish off an army if we did That! and you know how Ragnarok doesn't like to waste any soldiers that he needs right now." Storm rushed to one of the nearest hidden elevators that were used for this sort of emergencies.

"Another thing too...Don't question my authority on this cause you haven't fought them before."

"Well....since you put it that way..." Flair twisted her lips in a slight scowl while the elevator hummed mechanically as they made their way out. Flair then wondered to herself about the hunters, surely they know by now that Kurama wasn't a reploid but something else that resembles a human. "..Are they determined to save him..?"

"What?" Storm looked to Flair who overheard her mumble, She looked up to Storm then and sighed sadly.

"The hunters...Do you think their determined now to save Kurama?"

"What?? Do they know what he is Already!?" Storm asked slightly shocked. Flair nodded slowly to answer his question. "Geesh, I didn't think Ragnarok would allow the fox to give himself away like that so soon!"

"Originally he wasn't supposed too, I think something went wrong in there knowing Commander Vile having other ideas for Kurama and probably disobeying Ragnarok." Flair bit her tongue then, she dared to lie about Vile like that? Who is she kidding?? She knew how Vile is willing to take Kurama under his wing now and saw the way he was always looking at the Fox like as if something twisted has appeared in that bucket head of his.

"You think the Commander is up to something?" Storm asked, breaking Flair from her thoughts.

"If he is up to something that is, whatever it may be I already don't like it..."

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"Took you awhile to open up the void!" Vile hissed at Flame Stag who stood back a bit from his angry commander, Vile held Kurama up against him and checked to see if the fox was still alive yet? "Good..their is use for you still.." Vile mumbled as he picked the fox up in his arms and carried him out of the different transportation room.

Easily recognizing the new HQ corriders, he had to confine Kurama in a room so the fox would heal itself after, he seen the few abilities this fox contained and seen even more with his small battle against X yet Vile felt a bit disappointed that X figured it out quickly that Kurama didn't seem 'Normal' among the rest of the mavericks. Still any of the hunters probably would of figured it out if they were all niave as X.

"It would of been more interesting if he fought Zero first." Vile mumbled to himself once more. "A blood thirsty hunter and he probably would of answered your wish without thinking twice. My dear Kurama...you do not know how glad I am that our master Ragnarok is an idiot."

Kurama shifted slightly in Vile's arms, surprising the maverick for showing signs of life so quickly. "Yet you amaze me further...I can see how important you mean to Ragnarok now..."

"And how important do you think?"

The low tone hit Vile sharply as he paused in his tracks then. A tone so dark and more sullen then his the only one who would make Vile chill in place like that and he Hated it! He slowly turned to see the Master of mavericks right behind him and had his arms folded, a disappointed look was seen very well through the dark shades of Vile's mask. Ragnarok then looked down to the wounded fox in Vile's arms and reached then to gently brush some of the silver hair away from Kurama's face.

"Still alive...though he doesn't seem too badly wounded."

"He just underestiminated the power of the plasma cannon." Vile growled lowly, looking to Kurama's arm which slightly dripped with blood and he realized then that he was leaving a bloody trail. Vile groaned. "I warned him! augh!"

Ragnarok chuckled as he lifted Kurama's wounded arm and took a look at it as well. "He still is new and trying to get accustomed to our world yet, give him some time and he'll soon feel rather...comfortable here.."

"Eh...could you run that by me again?" Vile looked to Ragnarok questioningly, wondering what he meant by That? Ragnarok reached for a red cloth that was wrapped around his wrist and slipped it off, taking Kurama's wounded arm then and wrapped the cloth around his wound carefully to stop the bleeding. Vile only watched silently as Ragnarok did this.

"There is an important yet personal matter I must discuss with you alone, Vile." Ragnarok spoke low as he could now not wanting the other reploids nearby to hear. "Take Kurama to one of the infintry rooms where he could rest in for now and..."

"Uhh...I would rather that he rested in my quarters.."

It was Ragnarok's turn to look at Vile questioningly then. "repeat that??"

Vile growled lowly. "I would rather that he rested in MY quarters, I don't want him anywhere near Flair for she seems to have a bad influence on him."

"Yes...so I've noticed that from before, well if you want His blood on your bed it's fine with me." Ragnarok lightly brushed the cloth on Kurama's arm and took a step back then. "Take him to your room and join me in the Library later, there is something I want to show you."

"Yes sir.." Vile said calmly and finally continued his way through the corriders, Ragnarok watched him disappear around the corner before he started making his way through the opposite direction, he noticed that Vile seemed to carry some damage around himself and his shoulder cannon was missing...Again. Ragnarok sighed and made note to himself to give Vile a close range weapon in case but didn't he carry some before? His thoughts came to a pause then when he heard Flair's and Storm's voices appearing out of the transportation room.

"Did Vile and Kurama make it??" Flair asked Flame Stag right away who only shrugged slightly and lifted his thumb to point to the doorway behind himself.

"Yeah, the fox guy was in pretty bad shape though, Vile had to carry him out of here."

"Carry him!? oh god.."

"Hey!! Who's leaving blood on the floor! I just had this place mopped up!" Another voice snapped annoyed. Soon a smack was followed. "Ow!!"

"Who else has red blood around here Moron! just clean it up again!" Storm Eagle snapped back. The reploid who was smacked only whined then grumbled after as he walked out but not after 'accidently' bumping into Ragnarok.

"Hey watch-..! M-Master Ragnarok!! I'm so sorry!!" The orange plated reploid bowed slightly to show his apology further, Ragnarok snorted at the reploid and walked past him, stepping in the trans room and looked over to the three reploids who stood quiet.

Flair chewed her bottom lip, nothing else was in her mind but to ask if Kurama was alright yet if she dared to ask that from Ragnarok he doesn't seem like he would answer it anyhow.

"Storm have you set the system to self destruct as I asked?" Ragnarok folded his arms as he kept his eyes on Storm who nodded slowly.

"I did sir...but..." Storm looked down for a moment and took in a deep breath then turned his gaze back to Ragnarok. "It failed to respond to my command."


"A hunter was in the control room before I and had set off some different codes." Storm placed one hand behind his head and wondered for a moment on how he was going to tell Ragnarok this? Ragnarok stood patiently waiting for Storm to finish.

"Eh...odd as this may sound sir...but remember the building was already set up to be taken down before we took over it?"

"Hmm...yes the humans were planning to rebuild that city."

"Well it seems the hunter had used Those codes to self destruct the building instead of using our own.." Storm brushed the back of his head a bit nervous and confused. Ragnarok raised a confused brow. "meaning they had attended to destroy that building in the first place but giving theirselves more time to get away from it."


Flair covered her mouth slightly, pretending to look shock when really she was holding back a smile. It seemed that whatever Ragnarok had plan to use on the hunters failed, Kurama was known to them, the hunters had once again left without much harm, and managed to keep the construction work ahead of time.

However Ragnarok didn't look disappointed at all, he mumbled something to Storm who nodded after and glanced back to Flair.

Something was definiatly up and of course she couldn't get into it. Flair sighed to herself and wondered if she would just continue on a research before Kurama or work on another after Kurama?

BK and AK how ironic. She thought to herself while waiting for the two to finish, she then realized something that she somehow failed to miss. When waiting for the hunter Zero to show up to the bunker doors and finding him up on the rafters instead, was he listening to her talk outloud?? she blushed lightly at the thought, a horrible habit she had picked up from a couple of other reploids but she never gave any thought that the hunter would actually Listen to her.

And if he caught at what she said about Kurama....


She snapped out of her thoughts then when she heard her name called, a stern expression on her face was shown to replace the embarressed one, looking to Ragnarok then.

"About the hydrolics on the Chimera system, I need you to finish what our last droid was working on."

Flair blinked at the command. "Me, sir? What happened to the last droid?"


"I see..." she frowned slightly, why did it have to be her to finish the system? "I'll get on it right away then."

"See to it that you do. Storm eagle..I need you to help assist me in the Library." Ragnarok then made his way out of the trans room with Storm following. Flair watched them leave before she too made her way out.

"I wonder what he's really up too?" She mumbled silently to herself, pausing then as she realized the bloody trail on the floor and the trail ended halfway through the hallway. "Oh Kurama....if only you had allowed me to help you, they wouldn't be doing this..."

She knelt down carefully and touched the small puddle on the floor with her fingers, letting the crimson coat her fingers and lifted her hand up to study the blood. "What was hurting you so bad that you wished death? Vile seems to know but won't tell me, would Ragnarok know as well?"

Getting up slowly and silently stared at the blood on her fingers in wonder to herself. She then couldn't stop wondering if anything else was missing? Something they shouldn't have left behind?

"Whatever it is....I hope it's not that important..."

Wiping the blood off her fingers then, Flair finally made her way out of the corrider as she noticed the orange plated reploid returning to remove the blood from the floor, grumbling to himself.

Flair sighed heavily and headed for the research lab....

To Be Continued.......